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Libra Ascendant

1 house Libra sign Means:

 Believes in enjoying the luxurious life and they get the best facilities in life
 Saturn is exalted in ascendant and lord of 4 and 5. So get good academics in life
 Aries shift in 7 house and Libra comes in ascendant. So they have many friends and relationship.
Very romantic and easily attracted towards opposite sex
 They are known in society for wearing high quality dressing senses, rich perfumes, diplomatic
languages etc
 Try to balance the life but take more time in decision making. Very vigilance towards karma
 Sun debilitated in ascendant. So average relationship with father. Losses on account of father

2 House

 Serious, sudden and problems of secretive nature to families of libra ascendant. Money will be
in form of property, bonds etc which cant be recovered fast
 They fail to understand the reasons of problems and fight it with no outcome
 They are advised to be careful while communication if there is malefic effect on 2 house
 No planets exalted in 2 house. So there is no support from parents, family and friends in life.
 Have to spend good earned money on mother as moon is debilitated in second house.
 Moon owns 10 house and it is getting debilitated in 2 house. So you will have to compromise
your profession due to family

3 house

 They believe in self effort rather than destiny

4 House

 They involve in emotional decisions.

 They want to make sweet home at best corner of city. Mars is exalted in 4 house.
 They believe in taking loans as ascendant is exalted in 6 house.
 Some dispute on matter of taking loans as Jupiter being the house of 6 is debilitated in 4 house.
Due to involvement of 3 house. Papers related problems in loans and property may be involved
 Some dispute with mother on account of idealism and spirtuality

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