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Navamasha Technique

 To analyze any result the Navamsha need to worked on

 Check the planet in D1 in house and the same thing in Navanmsha rashi not house.
The planet will give result according to these two houses
 Suppose any planet like ketu is situated in second house of D1 and cancer sign in
Navamsha. Check the house hold by cancer in D1. Now the planet will give bad or
good result in his according to this placement.
 If any planet in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in D9, there is no profession change in
profession. Don’t promise any significant rise in career. It is good for saving and save
you from unnecessary trouble and provide good health.
 2,6 and 10…if the planet in such sign in D9..they don’t support marriage and any
coordinal relationship with opposite partner. But the same point save from
unnecessary fight and trouble. Long longtivity. No surprising bad event related to
planet situated in D9. Not good for spiritual growth.
 3,7 and 11…they don’t support of happiness related to planet and house in D1. Don’t
support comfort and also they disturb the sleep. Not good for education and child.
Good for competition and brave
 4,8 and 12…they don’t support the good health. Create health related problem. 4
house planet in 4, 8, 12…problem related to health. Not good for wealth…Away from
family and don’t have support from family. Bad relationship with sibling and
friend..laziness and timid related to significance..Suppose ascendant lord in moksha
sign..Problem in health…9 lord in moksha trikon, the bad relationship of father with
his sibling…

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