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प्रोफे शन चिकित्सक: भृगु नंदी नाड़ी

Sun: Heart, Eye, Stomach, epilepsy, skin diseases, leucorrhea and

leprosy( Rahu is also involved)

Moon: Epilepsy, Hidden ulcers in the stomach, Heart, Lungs, TB, Acidity,
Shoulder problem, ailments related to blood circulation, anaemia,
cough and cold, menstrual trouble, problem of breast and mammary
glands, dysentery, typhoid, mental problems and sleeping problems

Mars: Wounds, painful urinantion, coagulation of blood, bone marrow ,

high BP, Menstrual disorders, abortion, surgery

Mercury: Itching, skin diseases, impotency, vertigo and ENT

Jupiter: Jaundice, Obesity, Diabetic, Paralysisi, Digestion problem,

Female egg, liver, kness, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas and fat in the

Venus: Veneral diseases, weak eyesight, loss of body lusture, cataract,

sexual in competency, genetial reproductive system, stone in kidney,
urinary tract, leuokderma,
Saturn: Lameness, stomach pains, bone fracture or damage to limbs,
rheumatic pain, paralysis, insanity, cancer, depression, hysteria,
deafness, legs, sense of touch of skin, joints and limbs and hair

Rahu: Lungs trouble, difficult in breatheing, dental pains, phobias,

ulcers and boils, epilepsy, poisoning, hydrocile, fallopian tube. Controls
breathing and lower abdomen

Ketu: Painful ulcers, painful fever, disease of stomach and eye, ulcers,
small pox and piles, surgery, infectious disease, worms or ulcers in

Private practinoar

Retro Saturn+ exalted Jupiter+ Mars+ Sun+ Ketu+ Retro mercury+

Moon+ Venus

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