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Indonesia and America have pretty striking differences in education systems.

The difference between

the two is that in America, they emphasise direct practice in the field, in contrast to Indonesia, which
uses more material in each lesson. If we remember back from elementary school (SD) to high school
(SMA), we are always taught to use more fabric. The material also sometimes exceeds the capacity of
our brains to digest it.

Unlike America, why do they use learning by practising techniques? Because education by direct practice
makes it easier for us to remember, it is more effective than memorizing theory alone. In Indonesia, they
still distinguish between science and social studies majors, which makes students only choose one of the
two. Still, in America, they are free to choose whatever subjects they are interested in. The method used
by the United States can make a student recognize where his skills are.

In Indonesia, we often encounter students who are reluctant to ask their teachers during class hours
because they do not want to be labelled stupid, stupid or slow by their other friends who already
understand. They prefer to ask the teacher what he doesn't understand outside of class hours. Unlike
the case with America, in that country, always hold a question and answer session at training hours after
all the material is explained to make students more active, increase communication between students
and teachers and train students' self-confidence. The students there are also involved in asking what
they don't know because they have great curiosity.

In America, we don't stick to the value in the report card to see how smart it is. To see their intelligence,
they look more at the child's way of explaining and exploring things. They all focus on the process
because if the process is messy, the results will also be confused.

In Indonesia, we also see the value of the report card as a benchmark of whether the child is intelligent
or not, which includes students who are stressed and depressed because they have to achieve a
minimum score equivalent to the standard that the government determines.

In addition to the final results, the number of hours of lessons followed makes a student unable to
properly digest the subject matter presented or all the information given because the brain is already
hot, and it is difficult to remember it in detail. Meanwhile, in America, the materials provided are only
essential points and will focus on theory.

In America, teachers who come are more disciplined than their students. The teacher arrives early. If the
teacher cannot teach, then the school has already looked for a replacement to guide. So there is no
term open hours in learning. It is different from Indonesia, where sometimes the teacher is not present
and the school/teacher concerned does not prepare a substitute teacher to teach. That's why there are
the term open hours in Indonesia.

It is undeniable that education in America is much better than in Indonesia. In Indonesia, we know that
elementary and junior high school education is compulsory. In America, the opportunity to obtain
education for all citizens has long been enforced. Compulsory education in the US from elementary to
high school. But the government frees up school fees from kindergarten to high school for state schools.
For private schools, the central to local government does not provide any budget and vice versa, and
schools do not require to follow all government policies in education.

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