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Here are some tips business owners can take to make sure their employees are

performing at their best — and safest.

Engage with both your remote workers and in-house employees. Regularly engage and
communicate with employees. This helps workers feel less isolated and more social
while on-the-job.

Highlight any programs, policies, or benefits your business offers their employees
for mental health support. This may include service such as: Wellness programs,
mental health PTO or discounted online resources.

Many smartphone apps have either low-cost or free memberships available. Here is a
list of some of the most popular in 2022 for well-being, mindfulness and more.

Try offering training for management on how to best discuss (or share) mental
health awareness with employees. Articles like this may help.

Remind employees whom to contact for access to resources your business may provide.

Additional Assistance
Business owners may also find these safety resources helpful:

Need help writing your State-required IIPP? Try using this checklist as a guide.
Avoid fines by being compliant with Cal/OSHA State Safety Orders. That list can be
found here.

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