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Player’s Guide to the The mighty xoth net

World of Xoth
Xoth ur ia fthagn natamis yuralla

Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum,

Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers!
Enter the City of Stone and slay the high priest of Jul-Juggah! Plunder the ancient
gold of Namthu! Seek the fabled jewel of Khadim Bey, but beware the nameless horrors
of the Al-Khazi desert! Fight the dread adepts of the ape-god, or succumb to the pleasures
of the Moon-Juice of Yaatana! Or perhaps you will perish by the curses of Ur-Kharra,
the long-dead sorcerer-king of Elder Kuth?

The mighty xoth net

Xoth Publishing Xoth ur ia fthagn
Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth
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Table of Contents
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Introduction _______________________________________________ ____ 4

Chapter 1: Races of Xoth __________________________________ _________ 9
Chapter 2: Cultures of Xoth _________________________________________ 20
Chapter 3: Classes of Xoth __________________________________________ 24
Chapter 4: Swords of Xoth __________________________________________ 30
Chapter 5: Sorcery of Xoth __________________________________________ 34
Chapter 6: Cults of Xoth ___________________________________________ 40
Chapter 7: Lands of Xoth ___________________________________________ 46
Chapter 8: Legends of Xoth __________________________________________ 52
Appendix A: Miscellanea of Xoth ______________________________________ 56
Appendix B: License _______________________________________________ 58

Credits & Disclaimers

Author: Mo r ten B r aten (a.k.a. Thu lsa) Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing,
LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Layout and Typesetting: Mo r ten B r aten
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Front Cover Art: K ent B u rles trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See
Interior Art: Mar k Allen , K en t B u r les, Sto r n Cook, for more
Tommaso Galmacci, Steve Lines
information on the compatibility license.
Cartography: Adam Schm idt
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Rules Lawyer/Guru: Hen nin g Rege trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in
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Special Thanks: Than ks to ever ybo dy w ho have Legal Appendix. The mention of or reference to any company
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Xoth, by providing feedback, reviews, conversions and or copyright concerned.
expansions. And maximum respect to the Forus Massive
worldwide! This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters
and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are
Copyright © 2015 Morten Braten and Xoth.Net fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader
Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the discretion is advised.
written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All
characters, names, places, items, non-public domain art and
text herein are copyrighted by Morten Braten and Xoth.Net
Check out Xoth.Net Publishing online at
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
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Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth

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Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth
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Welcome to a world where men are Sword and Sorcery

mighty, women are voluptuous, kings
The worlds of sword and sorcery adventures are quite
are cruel, and hidden terror lurks in different from the «high fantasy» environment assumed by the
every brooding ruin! It is an age of core rules. In sword and sorcery, the world is dominated by
human races; other races (usually degenerate survivors of an
splendorous but decadent kingdoms, earlier age) and supernatural monsters exist only in hidden or
where armies clash at the whims of lost enclaves far from human civilization. Combat is bloody
and brutal, and magical healing does not exist or is very
depraved nobles, and the bloody sword limited. The use of real magic or sorcery is uncommon, and
of an adventurer can topple empires. when used its effects tend to be subtle. Sorcerers are almost
always villains, tainted by cosmic evil. Permanent magical
The World of Xoth is a campaign setting inspired by the items are extremely rare, and never for sale.
exciting pulp fiction of such great authors as Robert E.
To establish the proper atmosphere for the adventures in
Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Fritz Leiber, Michael Moorcock,
the World of Xoth, the following adjustments to the core rules
and Charles R. Saunders.
are in effect. Ask your Game Master for campaign specifics.
Read on, and prepare for high adventure, as your player
characters cut a crimson swath through savage jungle

Out With Alignment

kingdoms and thronged desert cities. From the forbidden
catacombs of Belthaar to the sunken temples of Namthu, a
world of adventure awaits you!
«Torches flared murkily on the revels in the Maul, where
the thieves of the east held carnival by night. In the Maul they
could carouse and roar as they liked, for honest people
shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained
coins, did not interfere with their sports. (...) In one of these
dens merriment thundered to the low smoke-stained roof,
where rascals gathered in every stage of rags and tatters --
furtive cut-purses, leering kidnappers, quick-fingered thieves,
swaggering bravoes with their wenches, strident-voiced
women clad in tawdry finery. Native rogues were the
dominant element -- dark-skinned, dark-eyed Zamorians,
with daggers at their girdles and guile in their hearts.»
— Robert E. Howard: The Tower of the Elephant
A common high fantasy concept, that of inherently evil
races (such as orcs and drow) doesn’t make much sense in the
mainly humanocentric World of Xoth.
While the sword and sorcery genre certainly has its own set
of clichés, it differs from high fantasy in that there is no
delicate balance between good and evil, with fair and noble
elves valiantly fighting against stupid, evil orcs. Rather, it is a
grim world where might makes right; a world of cruel kings,
barbarous fighters, beautiful but seductive women, and
ambitious sorcerers and foul demons lurking in the shadows.
Individuals within this world are defined by their
motivation, culture, and personal ambitions and ethics. Having
characters act according to their own motivation creates much
more interesting plots and storylines than simply «I’m good,
you’re evil» plotlines.
As a consequence, characters and creatures have no listed
alignment value (to retain compatibility with the standard d20
statblocks, the alignment entry is included, but all characters
are simply listed as Neutral). As a player character, you will
have to judge for yourself whether an NPC is «evil» based on
his or her actions!
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That said, there are certain supernatural creatures and Good sword and sorcery tales include a certain element of
monsters, such as demonic outsiders and most undead, whose brooding horror. The monsters encountered by the
alignments can be labeled as «cosmic evil» (CE). A protection protagonists are often unique or exist in isolation. Many
from evil spell works against these kinds of monsters. monsters are simply giant or prehistoric versions of natural
animals such as snakes, apes, and bats.
Note that while cosmic evil may exist, there is no such
thing as «cosmic good». This is one of the major differences Game Masters are advised to avoid designing dungeons
between high fantasy, where some sort of balance of power stocked with different monsters in each room, since it quickly
between good and evil usually exists, and sword and sorcery breaks atmosphere and strains credibility.
worlds, where the outlook is bleak and the heroes usually fight
Whenever a monster or unusual animal is encountered, it
against overwhelming odds, every man for himself.
is treated as having the Frightful Presence extraordinary
Frightful Presence (Ex): This special qu ality m akes
Monsters Are Monstrous a creature’s very presence unsettling to foes. It takes effect
automatically when the creature performs some sort of
«Only a sudden (...) premonition of danger saved Imaro dramatic action (such as charging, attacking, or snarling).
from the talons of the beast that sprang down from the trees. Opponents within 30 feet who witness the action may become
Despite Imaro’s lightning-swift leap to the side, those claws shaken for 1 minute (10 rounds). This ability affects only
raked across one naked shoulder, adding to the scarlet opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the creature has.
wounds decorating his dark skin. Thrown off-balance by the An affected opponent can resist the effect with a successful
glancing blow, Imaro stumbled to the ground. Quickly he Will save (DC 10 + ½ frightful creature’s racial HD + frightful
leaped to his feet and whirled to meet his attacker. His eyes creature’s Cha modifier).
widened in surprise then, for the beast facing him was like
none he had seen before, on the Tamburure or elsewhere. It If multiple creatures of the same type appear
was a great cat, leanly built, halfway between a leopard and simultaneously in the same encounter, opponents only have to
a lioness in size. Its fur was scarlet in hue, spotted like a make a single saving throw against the fear effect. An opponent
leopard’s with rosettes of a deeper crimson shade. Its that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the frightful
glittering claws were fearsome weapons, but more dangerous presence of monsters of the same type for 24 hours. For
still were the dagger-like fangs that curved an inch below the example, if the PCs are attacked by a pack of five ghouls, each
cat’s tufted chin. The long tail lashed in frustration. Not often player character makes a single saving throw. Those who make
did the red panther miss its prey.» the save do not need to save again if more ghouls are
— Charles R. Saunders: The City of Madness encountered within 24 hours.

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Magic Is Mysterious Combat Is Deadly

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«My name is Pharpetron, among those who have known «Jehungir did not try again. That was his last arrow. He
me in Poseidonis; but even I, the last and most forward pupil drew his scimitar and advanced, confident in his spired
of the wise Avyctes, know not the name of that which I am helmet and close−meshed mail. Conan met him halfway in a
fated to become ere tomorrow. Therefore, by the ebbing silver blinding whirl of swords. The curved blades ground together,
lamps, in my master’s marble house above the loud, ever- sprang apart, circled in glittering arcs that blurred the sight
ravening sea, I write this tale with a hasty hand, scrawling which tried to follow them. Octavia, watching, did not see the
an ink of wizard virtue on the grey, priceless, antique stroke, but she heard its chopping impact and saw Jehungir
parchment of dragons. And having written, I shall enclose the fall, blood spurting from his side where the Cimmerian's steel
pages in a sealed cylinder of orichalchum, and shall cast the had sundered his mail and bitten to his spine.»
cylinder from a high window into the sea, lest that which I am — Robert E. Howard: The Devil In Iron
doomed to become should haply destroy the writing. And it
may be that mariners from Lephara, passing to Umb and In sword and sorcery stories, the protagonists regularly kill
Pneor in their tall triremes, will find the cylinder; or fishers their foes with a single well-placed hit. Altering the massive
will draw it from the wave in their seines of byssus; and damage rule makes it possible to simulate such scenes. But it
having read my story, men will learn the truth and take also makes combat much more deadly for the player
warning; and no man’s feet, henceforward, will approach the characters! GMs should discuss with their players before
pale and demon-haunted house of Avyctes.» adding this rule, to agree on the specifics.
— Clark Ashton Smith: The Double Shadow Massive Damage: Sever al var iation s on m assive
While almost every sword and sorcery tale seems to include damage thresholds and results are possible. The default
a foul demon, an ancient wizard risen from the dead, or a cult assumed in this book is that a character’s massive damage
of snake-worshipping priests, these settings are usually threshold is equal to his current Constitution score plus half
referred to as «low magic», at least when compared to the his character level or Hit Dice (rounded down). Whenever he
typical high fantasy, quasi-medieval settings so common in takes damage from a single hit that equals or exceeds his
roleplaying games. threshold, he must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or suffer
the effects of massive damage. For every 10 points of damage
The major difference is that in sword and sorcery stories, dealt by an attack in excess of a character’s massive damage
magic is not used as a replacement for technology. Spells and threshold, increase the Fortitude save DC by 2.
magic items are not used to perform every little task and to
make life more convenient for the caster. Rather, magic is a For example, a 6th-level character with a Constitution of 13
corrupting force that can be dangerous to both health and would have to make a DC 15 Fortitude save when taking 16 to
sanity; it is only used when the sorcerer deems it absolutely 25 points of damage from a single attack, DC 17 for 26 to 35
necessary. points, DC 19 for 36 to 45 points, and so on.

Common people working their shops or fields, and the Since there are no raise dead or resurrection spells,
majority of soldiers, thieves and merchants, have likely never massive damage drops characters to –1 hp and in immediate
seen a true magician or seen a spell cast or held a magical item. danger of bleeding to death instead of killing them outright.
Magic is generally feared, and most magicians (but not all) are Such characters can recover in the normal ways from negative
associated with dark curses, evil gods and unbearable secrets hit points, but they are usually unable to act for the rest of the
which «Man Was Not Meant To Know». Even priests are current encounter.
usually feared and held in awe by the common man.
In savage areas, magic is widely feared and misunderstood,
the province of tribal witchdoctors and shamans, who claim to
protect the rest of the tribe from the vengeful spirits and
demons that surround them.
The select few who are able to use magic and cast spells
guard their secrets jealously and attempt to use it to their
advantage, often to the detriment of others, and sometimes
also to themselves.
Magical items are rare and are almost never for sale,
though on rare events one will turn up in a market,
unrecognized for its true value. Spellcasters might be willing to
cast some spells for pay, depending on the individual’s
motivation or greed.
See the Sorcery chapter for more information about
recommended changes to the magic system in the World of

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Wounds Heal Quickly Treasure Should Be Spent

«The ax cut through, the cross reeled on its splintered base «Undreamable wealth lay before the eyes of the gaping
and toppled backward. Conan made his whole body a solid pirates; diamonds, rubies, bloodstones, sapphires, turquoises,
knot of iron-hard muscle, jammed his head back hard against moonstones, opals, emeralds, amethysts, unknown gems that
the wood and held it rigid there. The beam struck the ground shone like the eyes of evil women.»
heavily and rebounded slightly. The impact tore his wounds — Robert E. Howard: The Queen of the Black Coast
and dazed him for an instant. He fought the rushing tide of
blackness, sick and dizzy, but realized that the iron muscles Player characters will inevitably find and accumulate
that sheathed his vitals had saved him from permanent treasure during their course of their adventures. In a world
injury.» without magic items for sale, they need something else to
spend their gold on.
— Robert E. Howard: A Witch Shall Be Born
The following «training rules» allow the PCs to spend time
To make up for the scarcity of healing spells and and money to gain permanent bonuses to ability scores, saving
restorative magic, the natural healing rate should be throws, and armor class. Training must be supervised by an
accelerated in a sword and sorcery setting. appropriate NPC mentor (as determined by the GM) and takes
at least 1 week per +1 bonus gained.
Natural Healing: W ith a fu ll n ight’s rest (8 hours of
sleep or more), a character recovers hit points equal to 3 + The cost of training is as follows:
character level + Constitution bonus. Any significant
interruption during the character’s rest prevents the character  Ability score increase: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4),
from healing that night. If the character undergoes complete 36,000 gp (+6)
bed rest for an entire day and night, he recovers twice the
normal amount.
 Bonus to Armor Class: 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2),
18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)
With a Heal skill check (DC 15) that takes 1d6 minutes to
perform, a character may provide short-term care for a  Bonus to all saving throws: 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp
wounded creature, restoring a number of hit points equal to 3 (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5)
+ character level + Constitution bonus. A creature can only If the PC continues training in the same field later, he pays
benefit from such care once per day. only the difference between his current training bonus and the
Ability Damage: Ability dam age is healed at a r ate new training bonus.
of 1 point per hour of rest for each damaged ability score, Note: Training bonuses do not stack with enhancement
except when the ability damage is suffered through a disease, bonuses.
in which case the lost ability points return only after the
character has recovered from the disease. The GM should also encourage the players to buy land, hire
mercenaries, bribe corrupt officials, or even just waste money
through gambling and feasting. These are all fine ways to
spend treasure, any of which could lead to further adventures.

The Tale Is Its Own Reward

To focus on a good story rather than mindless monster-
slaying, consider giving XP awards for objectives the player
characters achieved during a session. This XP replaces the
experience points gained from killing monsters. The DM
should consider setting up specific story goals that the PCs can
achieve, with an associated XP reward.
Alternatively, the DM could just hand out a suitable
amount of experience points for each completed session,
making sure the player characters advance in levels at an
enjoyable rate.

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Summary of
Character Creation
Step 1—Determine Ability Scores: Star t by gen er ating you r char acter ’s ability
scores. These six scores determine your character’s most basic attributes and are used to
decide a wide variety of details and statistics. Some class selections require you to have
better than average scores for some of your abilities.
Step 2—Pick Your Race: Next, pick you r character 's r ace, n otin g an y m odifier s
to your ability scores and any other racial traits (see the Races of Xoth chapter). There are
20 races to choose from, although your GM might have others to add to the list. Each race
lists the languages your character automatically knows, as well as a number of bonus
languages. A character knows a number of additional bonus languages equal to his or her
Intelligence modifier.
Step 3—Pick Your Culture: Next, pick you r character ’s culture, taking note of the
cultural traits associated with your selection (see the Cultures of Xoth chapter).
Step 4—Pick Your Class: A char acter ’s class represents a profession, such as fighter or
rogue. If this is a new character, he starts at 1st level in his chosen class. As he gains
experience points (XP) for defeating monsters, he goes up in level, granting him new
powers and abilities. There are a number of special rules for existing classes, as well as
many new class variants, described in the Classes of Xoth chapter.
If you intend to play a spellcaster, you should familiarize yourself with the Sorcery of Xoth
chapter. If playing a character with an allegiance to a temple, read the Cults of Xoth
Step 5—Pick Skills and Select Feats: Deter m in e the nu m ber of skill r an ks
possessed by your character, based on his class and Intelligence modifier (and any other
bonuses, such as the bonus received by the Civilized cultural trait). Then spend these ranks
on skills, but remember that you cannot have more ranks than your level in any one skill
(for a starting character, this is usually one). After skills, determine how many feats your
character receives, based on his class and level, and select them from those presented in
Step 6—Buy Equipment: Each n ew char acter begin s the gam e w ith an am ou nt
of gold, based on his class, that can be spent on a wide range of equipment and gear, from
chainmail armor to leather backpacks. This gear helps your character survive while
adventuring. You cannot use starting money to buy magic items, since true magic items are
unique and never for sale in the World of Xoth. You can buy certain alchemical items,
though, as described in the Swords of Xoth chapter.
Step 7—Finishing Details: Fin ally, you n eed to determ in e all of a char acter ’s
details, including his starting hit points (hp), Armor Class (AC), saving throws, initiative
modifier, and attack values. All of these numbers are determined by the decisions made in
previous steps. Aside from these, you need to decide on your character’s name and physical
appearance. It is best to jot down a few personality traits as well, to help you play the
character during the game. The Miscellanea of Xoth chapter provides some inspiration in
this regard.

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Races of Xoth
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This chapter describes the various races found in the World of Xoth. The races are all human; there
are no elves, dwarves, halflings or other demi-human races in this world. Survivors of older, pre-human
races, such as the sons of the giant-kings of Kuth and the Yalothan snake-men, exist only in small
numbers and are primarily intended as non-player characters and villains.

As humans, all races have the following common traits: Of the languages of the desert lands, Khazrajite and
Medium size, base speed of 30 feet, automatically speak their Khazistani are virtually identical, and Jairani and Zadjite at
own language and gain 1 additional bonus language (in least similar enough to allow for some degree of
addition to any bonus languages due to high Intelligence), and understanding between its speakers. The language of Yar-
may select any class as a favored class, without suffering any Ammon is distinct from all neighbouring lands.
XP penalties for multiclassing.
The dead languages used by sorcerers and some sages are
Languages: Ther e is n o Com m o n lan gu age in the first and foremost the dead tongue of the giant-kings, Elder
World of Xoth. Each race speaks its own language, and most Kuthan. Ptahaanan is another ancient language, but known to
people know at least one or two additional languages (usually only very few scholars. Even more rare is knowledge of
the languages of neighbouring countries), based on their Yalothan, the reptilian sounds of which are largely
Intelligence score as usual. unpronounceable by humans.
Many merchants and sailors speak a mix of Susrahnite and
Taraamite, as trade has spread these languages far and wide.

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Azimban Bhangari
Also known as the «dwellers in the cities of stone» by their The mysterious eastern realms of Laksha, Ghoma and
tribal neighbours, the Azimbans have an old culture centered Azjan are inhabited by a multitudinous people known for their
around their stone fortresses and bird-worship. fierce warrior castes, master craftsmen, skilled herbalists, and
ranks of ascetic priests. The Bhangari live in great walled cities
Appearance: The black w ar r io r s o f Azim ba ar e tall,
and build temples that soar to the sky.
strong and proud, known for their discipline in formations
with shield and spear. The men are usually shaven-headed, Appearance: Of m ediu m height, w ith golden skin
and the wearing of brightly colored robes and feathered and delicate features. The men keep their black hair cropped
plumes is common. short and dress in simple cotton garments, while the women
wear colorful silken gowns and weave their hair in long braids.
Religion: The god of the Azim bans is Ju l-Juggah, a
The armies of Laksha, Ghoma and Azjan wear medium armor
reptilian bird-god that must be propitiated with human
decorated with silver and gold; the officers have turbans set
sacrifice. His feather-cloaked priests know the secret spells to
with feathers or gems to denote their station.
summon lesser winged lizards, survivors of a lost age.
Religion: Not m u ch is kn ow n abou t the cu lts of the
Culture: Azim ban s ar e alm o st in variably Civilized,
east. The cult of the ape-god Simatala originated in the land of
with only some of the more jaded or depraved members of
Laksha, and there are several cults that worship aspects of the
their upper class qualifying as Decadent.
Language: Azim ban , plu s Sho m a as a bo n u s
Culture: The B han gari ar e a m ix of Civilized an d
Decadent. Some mystics among them are Enlightened.
Language: B han gar i, plu s Taikan gian as a bon u s

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Djaka Ghazorite
The Djaka are the pygmies inhabiting the Silver Isles of the The Ghazorites are a sub-race of the Susrahnites, who
Eastern Ocean. They live in jungle caves and know the secrets dwell in and around the great port-city of Ghazor on the coast
of the rare lotus herbs that grow only on their islands. of the eastern ocean. The Ghazorites are known both as
avaricious merchants, ruthless warriors, and excellent sailors.
Apperance: Sho rt o f statur e (even adu lts ar e r ar ely
5 feet tall) with curly black hair and dark, wrinkled skin; Appearance: Slightly sm aller of statu r e than their
dressed in loincloths and jewelry of feather and bones, and plains-dwelling brethren, Ghazorite men and women often
armed with hunting bows and blowpipes. have some foreign blood, the result of intermingling of races.
Such crossbreeding usually manifests as a flat nose, blond hair,
Religion: The Djaka w o r ship as go ds the green eyes, swarthy skin, or some other unusual feature.
monstrous slugs of colossal size that inhabit the marshes and
swamps of the Silver Isles. Religion: The Ghazor ites w or ship the gods of
Susrah, in addition to many strange gods brought to the city by
Culture: All kn ow n Djaka ar e Savages, bu t ther e foreign sailors, mercenaries and merchants.
might be the remote possibility that their swamps harbour
small communities of Degenerates. Culture: Like their cou sins the Su sr ahn ites, the
Ghazorites are a people both Civilized and Decadent. While
Language: Djaka, plu s a sm atter in g o f Zadjite as a Decadents are more commonly found among the upper
bonus language. classes, they are in no way confined to it, nor are they
Special: All Djaka ar e size Sm all (+1 size bo n u s to composed uniformly of them.
their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Language: Su sr ahnite, plus Nabastissean an d
Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and Zadjite as bonus languages.
a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks).

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Ikuna Jairanian
The cannibalistic tribes of the Ikuna lands are a constant Dwellers in the desert-cities of the west, the Jairanians are
plague upon the neighbouring nations. From their homeland renowned as master craftsmen, breeders of fine horses, and
south of the Hills of the Dead, the Ikunas wage a war of terror cunning thieves. Mercenaries from the cities of Jairan are
upon the Zadjites, Azimbans, and anyone venturing into the employed across the continent.
southern waters. Few dare go into these lands; likewise, an
Appearance: Light br ow n skin , deep br ow n eyes,
Ikuna raiding party on the warpath is something best avoided.
wearing loose pants and short vests.
Appearance: Black-skinned with wavy hair and slightly
Religion: Variou s gr im gods ar e w or shipped
green-tinted eyes that give them a preternatural, fearsome
among the Jairanians, including Yadar, Othabbhon, and even
appearance. The Ikuna warriors are heavily muscled and move
with pantherish grace, clad only in loincloths. The women, who
are often shamans and tribal priestesses, adorn themselves Culture: Jair anian s fr om the deser t can either be
with necklaces of bone and teeth. Nomads, or, more rarely, Civilized. City-dwelling Jairanians
are Civilized, with part of their upper class being Decadent.
Religion: The Iku n as w o r ship sever al tr ibal gods,
some of which are simply deified serpents, giant bats and great Language: Jair anian , plu s K hazistan i as a bon u s
lizards from the nearby jungles of Yalotha. But also on the language.
blood-stained altars in the witch-houses of the Ikuna are
grotesque idols of older demon-gods and grinning, inhuman
skulls of unnatural proportions.
Culture: Character s o f Iku n a an cestr y can be
portrayed as either Degenerates or Savages.
Language: Iku n a, plu s Azim ban as a bo n u s

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Khazistani Khazrajite
Conquering horsemen of the northwestern steppes, the The nomadic tribes of the northwestern desert are
Khazis or Khazistanis are a proud people, and justly so. From descended from Khazistani stock. Calling themselves the
humble nomadic roots, they have established an empire with Khazraj, they are a free-willed, fierce and stubborn lot; a
glittering cities stretching from the Eastern Sea to the deserts constant menace to caravans and travelers.
of Jairan, with caravans bringing tribute and loot to the proud Appearance: The K hazr ajites ar e physically
nobles of Khazabad. The ruling warrior caste consists of identical to the people of Khazistan, but of a slightly darker tan
mounted archers riding magnificent purebred horses. due to their exposure to the desert sun. Adult men usually
Appearance: Tan-skinned, brown-eyed and black- grow thick, black beards, and wear white khaftan robes and
haired. The Khazis are generally lithe of build, although large silver-hilted scimitars.
individuals certainly exist. The men sometimes wear turbans Religion: Chief am ong the gods of the deser t is Al-
and grow long moustaches or beards. The women usually wear Tawir, the Ancient One, although his name is more often used
veils and robes. in curses than in prayer. Still, the nomads fear the Lord of the
Religion: The K hazis pr im ar ily w o r ship Y adar an d Empty Wastes and make small offerings to avoid getting lost or
Nhakhramat, neither of which are native Khazistani gods, but suffering from hunger and thirst.
whose cults have replaced former elemental and ancestor Culture: These fier ce deser t tr ibesm en , the m or e
worship. rustic brothers of the Khazistanis, are invariably Nomads.
Culture: Alm o st all K hazistan is ar e Civilized, w ith Language: K hazistani, plus Y ar -Ammonite as a bonus
the small portion clinging to a more traditional, ancestral language. Khazrajites and Khazistanis speak almost identical
lifestyle still being Nomads. As a still vigorous, only recently dialects.
conquering people, almost none of their upper class are as of
yet Decadent.
Language: K hazistani, plus Y ar -Ammonite as a bonus
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Khoran Lamuran
The Isles of the Sea Reavers are inhabited by dangerous The men of Lamu are regarded as a degenerate and evil
men and cunning women from many nations, and their people by other nations, a belief that mainly springs from
couplings have brought forth many who are born as natives of ignorance, but is strengthened by the fact that some Lamurans
the isles, in the fortified pirate-city of Khora. Such children have unnaturally keen eyesight in the dark, and that they
usually inherit the worst traits of both parents. worship many weird and loathsome gods in the isolation of
their remote hill kingdom.
Appearance: The skin-tone of Khorans range from the
icy white of Tharag Thulans to the night-black of Ikunas, but is Appearance: Gau nt of bu ild an d pale -skinned, with
usually somewhere in-between. They dress in gaudy long flowing hair, although the priests are often shaven-
pantaloons and adorn themselves with gold earrings and ivory- headed. Decadent Lamurans dress in flowing robes and wear
hilted knives pilfered from burning merchant-vessels. distinctive tall caps, often wound around with turbans, while
the more wholesome Civilized men prefer simpler clothing and
Religion: The go ds ar e m or e fear ed than
sturdy armor.
worshipped in the lawless port of Khora, but even the Sea
Reavers occasionally offer sacrifice to the gods of the sea and Religion: The cult of Y ot-Kamoth is best-known, but a
the sky. Akhlathu, the god of twisted fate, is also a popular multitude of other deities is worshipped.
patron of many pirate crews.
Culture: The Lam u r an s, cor r u pted by their
Culture: The m o n gr el K hor an s ar e m o stly Civilized worship of sinister Yot-Kamoth, are mostly Decadent, but
or Decadent, but encompass a small stratum of Nomads and retain both a significant Civilized stratum in and around their
an even smaller one of Degenerate throwbacks. cities and of Degenerates in the more remote parts of their
Language: K ho r an s don ’t speak a proper language of
their own, but a dialect of Susrahnian, with a few words from Language: Lam u r an, plu s Su sr ahn ite as a bon u s
various languages thrown in for good measure. Roll randomly language.
for bonus language.

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Mazanian Nabastissean
Deep in the southern jungles rise the moss-grown palisade The sun-drenched land of Nabastis consists of a collection
walls of the Mazanians, a matriarchal society whose female of city-states ruled by petty kings with their own armies of
warriors raid into the surrounding lands for male slaves. The bronze-armored pikemen. While the interior terrain is
jungle kingdom is ruled by the black sorcerer-queen of Boma- dominated by rolling hills and forest-covered mountains, the
Ya, the forbidden city of the amazons. coast has sandy coves nestled amid jagged cliffs. The trade
cities along the coast are protected by fleets of trireme galleys.
Appearance: Fem ale Mazan ian s ar e all stu n nin gly The great city of Khargamum is well-known for the temple of
beautiful, since all girls with the slightest physical flaw are Apsis, with its vast library-halls.
quickly abandoned in the jungle. These copper-skinned
warriors are not shy about using their charms to distract male Apperance: B r on ze-skinned, with gleaming white teeth
opponents. and curly black hair, and short of stature. The Nabastisseans
dress in brightly colored robes, and don breastplates and full
Religion: The go ds o f the Mazan ian s ar e n o t w ell- helmets when going to war.
known. Some say they worship female snake-beings, others
that their queen is the thrall of a male demon-god. Religion: The Nabastissean s have few gods of their
own, but tolerate the temples of foreign gods to be built in
Culture: Mazanian s ar e invar iably Savages, bu t their cities. The coastal peoples usually make small offerings to
some Civilized individuals might exist among their upper the gods of the sea before setting out on voyages of trade or
classes. war.
Language: Mazanian, plu s Sho m a as a bo n u s Culture: Nabastissean s are u su ally Civilized, bu t a
language. sizeable and increasing proportion of their upper classes has
become Decadent.
Language: Nabastissean , plu s Tar aam ite as a
bonus language.

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Shoma Susrahnite
The kingdom of Shoma is rich in gold, to the extent that The fertile plains of Susrah are home to a race renowned
even the king’s great herds of cattle wear golden ornaments. for their skill in war and their religious devotion.
There are many skilled artisans and goldsmiths among the
Appearance: B road-shouldered, with hooked noses and
Shoma. Outside of the capital city of Katanga, the land is
black, curly hair, the Susrahnites are dressed in flowing robes.
peopled by semi-nomadic tribes.
The men braid their long beards. The women are lithe, wearing
Appearance: Dar k br o w n skin , w ith clo se -cropped golden armbands and necklaces of pearl; they are prized as
curly black hair. The tribal Shoma dress in simple loincloths. slaves in Taraamite seraglios.
City-dwellers wear more elaborate clothing, such as brightly
Religion: Now her e, except per haps in Y ar -Ammon,
colored robes and cloaks; even commoners are often adorned
can there be found as many gods as in the city-states of Susrah.
with golden jewelry.
Above the hundreds of lesser gods arise the names of greater
Religion: Nataka, the ivo ry w o m an , is w o r shipped deities such as Baal-Khardah, Belet-Lil, Maggash, and
among the nobles and upper class, while various tribal gods Yammosh.
are revered by commoners.
Culture: Su sr ahnites ar e a people both Civilized
Culture: City-dwelling Shomas are a mix of Civilized and and Decadent, although Decadents are more commonly found
Savage people, while most of the tribal pastoralists are among the upper classes. Some men and women of Susrah are
Nomads. Enlightened.
Language: Sho m a, plu s Azim ban as a bo n u s Language: Su sr ahnite, plus Tar aam ite as a bon u s
language. language.

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Taikangian Taraamite
The realm of Taikang is near-mythical, a land of teeming The plains and highlands of Taraam are inhabited by a
yellow masses, bamboo towers, and serpentine dragons. Few people known both for the sophistication of their culture and
westerners have ventured here, but merchants who brave the their talent for intrigue. A caste of mounted warriors is the
unknown can make a fortune when they return with caravans backbone of their army, which threatens the lesser cities of
of silks, lotus flowers and painted ceramics. Susrah and Nabastis with destruction unless tribute continues
to flow into the thousand-columned palace of Achad. Taraam’s
Appearance: Lithe an d yello w -skinned, with slanted
royal palace is a also a place of thousand intrigues, filled with
eyes and long, black hair. Both men and women dress in silk if
eunuchs and astrologer-priests of the court.
they can afford it, although the commoners often wear little
more than a loincloth. Appearance: Male Tar aam ites u su ally favor shor t,
trimmed beards. Warriors carry straight short swords and
Religion: The chief go d o f the Taikan gian s is W a -
lances, and dress in robes decorated according to their status,
Ying, the so-called «Emperor of Hell».
with the king’s personal guard wearing gold-trimmed robes
Culture: Taikan g is a legendar y lan d, bu t ju dgin g and circlets of gold, in the fashion of princes.
by what legends are told of it in the west and by what
Religion: Ahyada, the «High God», is the chief god
Taikangians have ventured forth from their homeland, they
of the Taraamites, served by an influential priesthood of
seem to be a wicked and almost uniformly Decadent people.
astrologers and omen-readers.
But who knows? Maybe they still retain a few more
wholesome, Civilized individuals – or some utterly Degenerate Culture: Tar aam ite com m on er s ar e alm ost
ones... invariably Civilized, just as the upper classes of this people are
almost invariably Decadent. Exceptions to this generalisation
Language: Taikan gian, plus B han gar i as a bon u s
do exist, but are very rare.
Language: Tar aam ite, plus Su sr ahn ite as a bon u s

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Tharag Thulan Yar-Ammonite

Also known as Tharagians, these northern tribesmen Also known as the «kingdom of tombs», Yar-Ammon is a
inhabit the cold wastes at the edge of the world. In each land covered with desert and haunted by ancient sorceries. The
generation, there are always some northerners who leave their silent streets and broad ceremonial avenues of black-templed
ancestral lands to escape the ancient blood-feuds of their clans Amenti is an awesome sight to behold. The papyrus used by
and explore the decadent empires of the south. the scribes and sorcerers of Yar-Ammon is harvested from the
inland marshes of Fakhuum.
Appearance: Dr essed in w o lf-skin cloaks and tall boots
of wolverine-fur, these barbarians of the north have long, Appearance: Tall an d slender , w ith br on ze skin ,
yellow beards, white skin, and piercing blue eyes. dark hair and black eyes. The nobles and priests wear golden
pectorals and masks carved with beastly visages, while
Religion: The Thar ag Thu lans r ever e the Moon -
commoners dress in simple garments of white linen.
God, the Wolf-God, and the Skull-God.
Religion: Y ar-Ammon is well known for its large
Culture: These r em o te n o rther n bar bar ian s ar e
pantheon of beast-headed were-gods. The land is littered with
mostly Savages. Some clans and individuals are Nomads, and
giant statues and weathered sphinxes carved in their image.
as well as rare Civilized half-breeds.
But the ancient practices of the beast-cults were outlawed a
Language: Thar ag Thu lan, plu s Lam u r an as a generation ago, when the royal house of Amenti established
bonus language. the cult of Zothur, the First One. Yet, there are many among
the common folk who still follow the old ways.
Culture: Childr en of an old cu ltu r e steeped deeply
in sorcerous mysteries, Yar-Ammonites are a mixture of
Civilized, Decadent and Enlightened people.
Language: Y ar-Ammonite, plus Khazistani as a bonus

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Zadjite Zorabi
The turbaned fire-worshippers of Zadj are an offshoot of These tribesmen inhabit the Zorab mountains that jut up
the Jairanian race in the west. They have exploited the riches between Lamu and Khazistan. The southernmost tribes have
of their new homeland well, and grown rich as spice merchants accepted the overlordship of the Khazistanis, at least in name,
and slave-traders. Having brought with them a high level of while the rest are opportunistic raiders who feud incessantly
culture from Jairan, the Zadjites are skilled artisans and Iraab, among themselves.
the marble capital by the sea, is a center of learning as well as Appearance: These m ou n tain w olves w ear w hite
rich trade and exquisite craftmanship. The interior plains and turbans and heavy cloaks, and are armed with scimitars and
forests of Zadj are dominated by the fortress-city of Al-Qazir, shortbows. They have long black beards, and their brown skin
also known as the City of Slave Sultans, for it is held by a is wrinkled by the sun and mountain winds.
council of slavelords who only pay lip service to the emir of
Iraab. Religion: Ther e ar e few priests am on g the Zor abi,
but worship of certain Lamuran gods is probable.
Appearance: Sw ar thy, tu rban ed, w ear in g color fu l
robes and gold-hilted curved daggers. The raven-haired Zadjite Culture: Zorabi ar e in var iably Nom ads.
women are famed for their sensual beauty; they are often
Language: Su sr ahnite, plus Lam u r an as a bon u s
scantily clad and adorned with glittering jewelry.
Religion: The Zadjites ho ld «the Sacr ed Flam e», a
nameless elemental god, above all others.
Culture: This w ealthy an d callo u s peo ple o f
tradesmen is mostly Decadent, with only a smattering of
Civilized individuals remaining, virtually none of them among
the upper classes.
Language: Zadjite, plu s Old Jairan ian as a bon u s
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Cultures of Xoth
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In a typical sword and sorcery campaign such as the World of Xoth, the traditional demihumans do
not exist, and the majority of player characters and non-player characters are human. The following
broad cultural archetypes can be used to further distinguish between characters who would otherwise
have the same racial abilities.

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Savage Nomadic
Savages include warriors from the frozen north and witch- Nomads roam the empty wastes beyond the civilized cities;
doctors from the snake-infested jungles of the south. Savages quick to strike and bound by no laws. Nomads live with their
tend to have a close connection with nature, but remain animals and usually ride into battle with them; they feel ill at
ignorant of many developments that more civilized people take ease without them.
for granted.
Nomads have the following cultural traits:
Savages have the following cultural traits:
Ability Adjustment:+2 to Dexter ity
Ability Adjustment: +2 to Str en gth
Proud: Ir on W ill as bon u s feat.
Sturdy: Per m an en t ben efit as per the e n du re
Unpredictable: The character gain s a «w ild car d»
elements spell (select either cold or heat, as appropriate based
feat. As a standard action, the character can select any feat for
on the origin of the savage), and a +1 natural bonus to Armor
which he meets the prerequisites. The selected feat remains
active for the rest of the day. After the character rests for eight
Feral: Savages gain a +2 racial bon u s to Per ception hours, the wild card feat slot resets to empty.
Bowlegged: B ase lan d speed 20 ft.
Superstitious: Savages su ffer a –4 penalty on saving
throws against creatures with the frightful presence ability.
Exception: If the character has more levels in spellcasting
classes than non-spellcasting classes, the character instead
casts spells with a +1 bonus to effective caster level.

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Civilized Enlightened
Savages and nomads eventually gather together to cultivate A few great civilizations rise above others and gain half-
the land, build great cities, develop trade, and study medicine, mythical status. Learned beyond normal men, people of
mathematics and languages. In the civilized lands dwell noble enlightened cultures are builders of cyclopean pyramids and
knights, wise kings, and learned sages — as well as greedy towers that pierce the skies. Their magnificent buildings can
merchants and cunning thieves. last forever, and likewise the flesh of the enlightened ones can
withstand the passage of time like no other mortals.
Civilized people have the following cultural traits:
Enlightened people have the following cultural traits:
Ability Adjustment:+2 to on e ability sco r e:
Civilized characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their Ability Adjustment:+2 to W isdom
choice at creation to represent their versatile nature.
Uncanny: On ce per day, the en lightened can re -roll
Educated: Gain 1 extr a feat an d 4 extra skill points any dice roll, but must keep the second result, regardless of the
at 1st level, and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. outcome. Also, enlightened characters who reach at least 2nd
level before the normal human Middle Age (35 years) gain
Frail: Civilized peo ple have a -2 penalty to saving
longevity and use the following age categories instead: Middle
throws against poison and disease.
Age (100 years), Old (200 years), Venerable (300 years),
Maximum Age (300 + 3d100 years).
Expert Builder: En lightened on es r eceive a +2
bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual
stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone
walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features
whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they
are actively looking.
Conceited: Too con fiden t in their ow n abilities,
enlightened ones often underestimate their enemies. They
suffer a -4 penalty to Initiative checks.

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Decadent Degenerate
Great civilizations reach their peak and eventually start to The last survivors of decadent civilizations start to feud
decline. Such fallen empires are ruled by jaded nobles, corrupt over dwindling resources, or are driven away by stronger
priests and wicked slave-traders. Demon-worship, human cultures. Fleeing into the wilderness, or deep underground
sacrifice and drug abuse is all too common in these cultures. beneath their ruins, they start to inbreed and devolve into
something no longer entirely human. Degenerates may
Decadent people have the following cultural traits:
outwardly resemble savages, but they carry the evil taint of
Ability Adjustment:+2 to Char ism a fallen empires.

Insidious: +2 bo nu s to B luff, K n o w ledge an d Degenerates have the following cultural traits:

Stealth checks, and an additional +1d6 of sneak attack damage
Ability Adjustment:+2 to Con stitu tion
if the character has the sneak attack class ability.
Nocturnal: Degen er ates can see tw ice as far as
Arcane Adept: Add +1 to the DC o f an y savin g
normal humans in conditions of dim light.
throw when casting spells.
Ferocious: On ce per day, w hen a degen erate is
Corrupt: -2 penalty to Will saving throws.
brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for
one more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn,
unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls
unconscious and begins dying.
Unwholesome: Degener ates alw ays have a physical
deformity or a mental illness, caused by inbreeding, that sets
them apart from other humans. This unwholesomeness can
never be fully concealed. Degenerates suffer a -4 penalty on
Bluff and Diplomacy checks (except when interacting with
other degenerates), and the initial reaction of other cultural
archetypes will never be better than Unfriendly.

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Classes of Xoth
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This chapter provides an overview of available classes in the World of Xoth, including both core
classes as well as new alternative classes and archetypes.

The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for

Core Classes bards of Xoth: Archivist, Court Bard, Magician, Sandman,
Savage Skald, Sea Singer, and Street Performer. In addition,
The core classes have the following characteristics in the this book includes the Temptress/Tempter and Spymaster
World of Xoth: archetypes.

Barbarian: Savage w ar r ior s ar e fo u n d in all w ild Cleric: The cler ic class does n ot exist in the W or ld
lands, from the fur-cloaked clans of Tharag Thule, to the tribal of Xoth. The cultist class, included in this book, fills the cleric’s
spearmen of the Jungle Kingdoms and the pygmies of the role as servant of the gods.
Silver Lotus Isles. Many hillmen of Lamu are barbarians, and Druid: Am on g savage tr ibes, fr om the fr ozen
the piratical Sea Reavers include a few wandering barbarians wastes of Tharag Thule to the steaming jungles of Yalotha in
and other outcasts. the south, the druid is a shaman or witch-doctor, who speaks
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for with ancestor spirits and spirits of the mountains and lakes,
barbarians of Xoth: Breaker, Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute, commands animals and the souls of the dead, and curses his
Elemental Kin, Hurler, Invulnerable Rager, Mounted Fury, enemies with powerful juju. He declares taboos and crafts
Savage Barbarian, Superstitious, and Totem Warrior. masks and drums to terrify his enemies; he beseeches the
powerful beast-gods of the wilderness for aid; and he knows
Bard: Fo r get w hat yo u kno w abo u t har p -wielding the secrets of strange herbs and deadly poisons.
minstrels. The «bards» of Xoth should be played as decadent
courtiers, shadowy spymasters, sullen temptresses, and Special Rules: Druids of Xoth do not have the Wild Shape
scheming eunuchs. Their mix of social skills, powers of ability. The character gets a bonus feat per daily use of Wild
suggestion, knowledge of secret lore, and dabbling in sorcery, Shape instead (for example, a 10th-level druid with wild shape
makes them formidable opponents or valuable allies. They are 4/day would have a total of 4 bonus feats). They gain another
found in the cities and courts of most nations, particularly in bonus feat at 13th level instead of A Thousand Faces.
Zadj, Yar-Ammon, Khazistan, Susrah and Taraam. Legends speak of the Primal Druids (or Ur-Druids),
servants of the ancient nature-goddess Xu-Neb-Ur-Hat, who
were able to shapeshift, but this ability has now been lost.

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The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for Ranger: Ran ger s of X oth ar e m en an d w om en w ho
druids of Xoth: Aquatic Druid, Arctic Druid, Blight Druid, thrive in the savage wildernesses, from the dark jungles of
Cave Druid, Desert Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Yalotha and Mazania to the scorching deserts of Yar-Ammon
Plains Druid, Swamp Druid, and animal shamans, such as and Khazistan. Many are nomads who can quickly travel vast
Bear Shaman, Eagle Shaman, Lion Shaman, Serpent Shaman, distances on their horses and camels. The ranger class is also
or Wolf Shaman. In addition, this book includes the suitable for lone hunters, assassins and slayers.
Witchdoctor archetype.
Special Rules: When selecting «Humanoid (human)» as a
Fighter: Fighter s fill the r an ks o f ar m ies an d favored enemy, rangers of Xoth must also specify a culture
mercenary companies in the lands of Susrah, Khazistan, Yar- (see the Cultures of Xoth chapter). The favored enemy
Ammon, Zadj, Taraam, Nabastis, and elsewhere. They are bonuses apply only to members of that culture. Rangers can
expertly trained in the art of war and include swordsmen, have multiple cultures as favored enemies.
archers, pikemen, and cavalry. Nobles are often of the fighter
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for
class. Occasionally, fighters and mercenaries abandon the
rangers of Xoth: Beast Master, Guide, Horse Lord, Infiltrator,
army and turn to a life of banditry along with rogues.
Skirmisher, Spirit Ranger, and Urban Ranger. In addition, this
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for book includes the Amazon and Slaver archetypes.
fighters of Xoth: Archer, Free Hand Fighter, Mobile Fighter,
Rogue: Ever y city or tow n of som e size, fr om the
Phalanx Soldier, Polearm Master, Roughrider, Savage Warrior,
slaver-fortress of Al-Qazir to thousand-columned Achad of the
Shielded Fighter, Two-Handed Fighter, Two-Weapon Warrior,
Taraamites, is filled with thieves and assassins, gamblers,
and Weapon Master.
kidnappers, and lotus-traders. Plains and mountains are
Monk: W hile m o n ks ar e qu ite r ar e in the W est, plagued by bandits, slavers and highwaymen, and pirates and
they are common in the mysterious lands of the East, such as reavers are the scourge of the seas; the latter even have their
Laksha, Ghoma, Azjan and Taikang. Some travel across the own «kingdom» centered on the impregnable sea-citadel of
ocean or overland to the West, either as lone seekers of Khora.
wisdom, or as agents on a secret mission from their monastic
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for
order. Some cities in the West even have secret underground
rogues of Xoth: Acrobat, Burglar, Cutpurse, Poisoner, Rake,
temples dedicated to the strange Eastern philosophies.
Scout, Sniper, Spy, Swashbuckler, Thug, and Trapsmith. In
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for addition, this book includes the Torturer archetype.
monks of Xoth: Drunken Master, Hungry Ghost Monk, Ki
Sorcerer: The sor cer er class does n ot exist in the
Mystic, Monk of the Empty Hand, Monk of the Four Winds,
World of Xoth, at least not for the human races. There may be
Monk of the Healing Hand, Monk of the Lotus, Monk of the
some prehuman races or unique creatures that have innate
Sacred Mountain, Weapon Adept, Zen Archer.
sorcerous abilities similar to sorcerers.
Paladin: Paladin s do n ot exist in the W o r ld of
Wizard: The w izar d class does n ot exist in the
Xoth. The cavalier class from the APG fills the paladin’s role as
World of Xoth. The witch class from the APG fills the wizard’s
valiant, mounted knight.
role as arcane spellcaster.
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Additional Classes Cultist

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The base classes from the APG have the following «Mordiggian is old and omnipotent as death. He was
characteristics in the World of Xoth: worshipped in former continents, before the lifting of
Zothique from out the sea. Through him, we are saved from
Alchemist: In ever y city in the W o r ld o f X o th, ther e
corruption and the worm. Even as the people of other places
are individuals who dabble in alchemy, creating potions,
devote their dead to the consuming flame, so we of Zul-Bha-
powders, and explosives. But the real masters of this art are
Sair deliver ours to the god. Awful is the fane, a place of
those that supply the raw materials; the Biramites, a sub-tribe
terror and obscure shadow untrod by the sun, into which the
of the Khazrajites, roam the lands west of Jairan and harvest
dead are borne by his priests and are laid on a vast table of
resins from rare plants, mine the pits of Naphat for its black
stone to await his coming from the nether vault in which he
viscous liquid, and extract various salts from dry river beds in
dwells. No living men, other than the priests, have ever
the desert.
beheld him; and the faces of the priests are hidden behind
The Biramites are traders of myrrh (the Yar-Amonites masks of silver, and even their hands are shrouded, that men
purchase it for use in mummification), frankincense (used in may not gaze on them that have seen Mordiggian.»
the rituals of all cults), bitumen (used for waterproofing — Clark Ashton Smith: The Charnel God
seagoing vessels anywhere from Zadj to Nabastis), and
The Cultist class is a variant character class, based on the
naphtha (the main component of alchemists’ hurled bombs).
Oracle class from the Advanced Player’s Guide (APG).
The myrrh and frankincense provided by the Biramites is also
used in healing potions and medicine. A Cultist is a member of a religious organisation devoted
to the worship of a powerful entity, such as a god or demon.
Special Rules: Alchemists of the Biramite nomad tribe
The Cultist starts out as an acolyte, whose duties include
gain the Infusion discovery as a bonus discovery, representing
studies of the cult’s secret texts, as well as guarding the cult’s
their use of herbs, plants and incense to create balms and
temple and protecting its interests. As he rises in the ranks of
powders that others can use.
the cult, the Cultist becomes a teacher of acolytes, standing at
Cavalier: Mo un ted knights in heavy ar m o r ar e the center of rituals of worship and sacrifice. Eventually, he
found in particular in the lands of Lamu, Taraam and may become high priest of the cult, with full and undisputed
Khazistan, where they are commonly used as shock troops and control over its temples, treasures, relics and priests.
imperial bodyguards.
Inquisitor: The In quisito r class do es n o t exist in
the World of Xoth. Class Features
Oracle: The Or acle class do es n o t exist in the The Cultist class is identical to the Oracle class, except for
World of Xoth, but the mechanics of the class are used in the the differences described below.
new Cultist class, detailed in this book.
Cult Membership (Ex): At 1st level, you m u st select
Summoner: The Su m m o ner class do es n o t exist in a cult. Assuming that you pass the Initiation Rite (see below),
the World of Xoth. It is possible that there are lost tomes of you become an acolyte of the cult. As an acolyte, you receive
forbidden knowledge waiting to be rediscovered that would free food and shelter in the cult’s local temple, and receive a
open this path of sorcery for humans; such summoners must +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks in
use the Star-Spawn Prophet archetype (not included in this
areas where your cult holds power, as long as it is apparent
book). that you belong to the cult.
Witch: W itches and w ar locks ar e the m o st
At 7th level, you become a cult priest. You gain Leadership
powerful arcane spellcasters of the World of Xoth. The men as a bonus feat, with followers drawn from the cult’s acolytes.
and women who take this path are few indeed, for it means You can stay as long as you want in any temple belonging to
making a pact with an unknown entity. your cult, and you can also bring up to one guest per Cultist
The witch’s familiar, an animal far more intelligent than level, who will receive basic food and shelter for free. Your
normal beasts, is the bond between the witch and this circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate rises to +4.
nameless patron. Without the familiar, the witch is powerless If you leave the cult, you lose all cult-specific benefits,
and unable to learn or memorize spells. Some sages even including Cult Spells and Cult Secrets. If you try to join
speculate that the familiar is some sort of parasite that uses the another cult, you are declared anathema and no member of
witch to grow more powerful and intelligent... your old cult will rest before you are dead.
Special Rules: The witches of Xoth do not know the real This class feature replaces Mystery.
identity of their patrons. Instead of selecting a bonus patron
spell from a theme-based list, the witch can choose any level- Initiation Rite: B efor e you can becom e a pr oper
appropriate spell (chosen from the cleric, druid or wizard spell Cultist, you must undergo the cult’s initiation rite. This is
lists, and subject to the game master’s approval) whenever she different for every cult; see the cult’s description for details.
is due to gain a new patron spell. Until the rite has been successfully completed, you cannot use
any Cultist class features, except the hit dice, base attack
bonus, saving throw bonuses, weapon and armor
proficiencies, and class skills that are not cult-specific.

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At the end of the initiation rite, a sufficiently high-level
cult leader has the option of casting a mark of justice spell Amazon (Ranger archetype)
upon you, to ensure your loyalty to the cult.
«As she stood before me without moving, she might have
This class feature replaces Oracle’s Curse. been a woman of Rome or Pompeii, sculptured in black
Cult Secret: As yo u advan ce in levels as a Cu ltist, marble by a statuary of the Latin decadence. She wore a look
you learn new secrets that grant you powers and abilities. At that was both demure and sensual, an expression full of
1st level, 3rd level, and every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, cryptic poise allied with great sweetness.»
and so on), you select a new secret from the list of cult secrets — Clark Ashton Smith: The Venus of Azombeii
listed in the cult’s description. Unless otherwise noted,
activating the power of a cult secret is a standard action.
Amazons are female warriors hailing from a matriarchal
This class feature replaces Revelation. society. Famed for their beauty, they keep men as servants and
Cult Spells: At 2n d level, an d ever y tw o levels slaves. In the World of Xoth, the jungle kingdom of Mazania is
thereafter, you learn an additional spell taught by your cult. a well-known home of such amazons.
These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Manslayer (Ex): An am azon can (an d m u st) choose
the Spells Known table. They cannot be exchanged for «(Human) Males» as her first favored enemy.
different spells at higher levels.
Terrible Charge (Su): W hen m ou n ted an d w ear in g
This class feature is similar to the Bonus Spells feature of a dress of peacock feathers, the amazon can scare her
the Oracle’s Mystery. opponents' horses during a charge. This works as a scare spell,
Cult Hierarch (Ex): At 20th level, yo u beco m e the usable once per day (affects a minimum of 1 target). This
leader of your cult, with full control of the cult’s temples, ability replaces Wild Empathy.
treasures and relics, and you can command the lesser cult Distracting Beauty (Ex): W hen u n ar m or ed an d
members as you desire. As a cult hierarch, the social unencumbered, the amazon adds her Charisma bonus (if any)
circumstance bonuses you receive on Diplomacy and to her AC and her CMD. These bonuses to AC apply even
Intimidate checks increase to +8. against touch attacks or when the amazon is flat-footed. She
If there is already a 20th-level Cultist in your cult, you loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when
must defeat him to gain your title and privileges. Likewise, she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she
you must be prepared to defend your position against those carries a medium or heavy load. This ability replaces Hunter's
that rise in the ranks below you. Bond.

This class feature replaces Final Revelation.

Slaver (Ranger archetype)

Cults «The rest marched beside the staggering slaves, urging
Each cultist must choose a cult. For examples of cults, and them along with shouts and curses and with long, cruel whips
their initiation rites and secrets, see the Cults of Xoth chapter. which brought spurts of blood at almost every blow. These
slavers were fools as well as rogues, reflected Kane -- not
more than half of them would survive the hardships of the
trek to the coast.»
— Robert E. Howard: The Footfalls Within

Slavers are vile men and women who make a profit on the
suffering of others. The infamous Slave Sultans of Al-Qazir rule
an entire city-state and control the southern slave trade
through vast armies of slavers, mercenaries and other minions.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Add pr oficien cy

with bolas, lasso, mancatcher, net, and whip. Remove
proficiency with martial two-handed melee weapons.
Skills: Replace Han dle Anim al w ith Disgu ise, an d
Knowledge (Nature) with Knowledge (Local).
Intimidating Presence (Ex): The slaver adds half
his slaver level (minimum 1) to all Intimidate skill rolls. This
ability replaces Wild Empathy.
Whip Mastery (Ex): At 2nd level, the slaver deals
lethal damage and can affect any AC with a normal whip. At
6th level, the slaver does not provoke attacks of opportunity
when he uses a whip. At 10th level, the slaver threatens 5 feet
with a whip. At 14th level, the slaver threatens 10 feet with a
whip. At 18th level, the slaver threatens 15 feet with a whip.
This ability replaces Combat Style Feats.

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Spells: The slaver u ses the fo llo w in g spell list, The temptress (or tempter) uses the power of sensuality to
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which replaces the normal ranger spell list.
1st - alarm, animal messenger, cause fear, command,
attact and control others. Her charm is used to get men and
women to do her bidding; her seduction techniques are her
weapons, as keen and deadly as any blade.
disguise self, entangle, keen senses, longstrider, tireless
pursuit Veiled Wickedness (Ex): The tem ptr ess gain s
Improved Feint as a bonus feat at 1st level. This ability replaces
2nd - bloodhound, darkness, daze monster, hold person,
Bardic Knowledge.
hunter’s eye, scare, snare, spike growth, whispering wind
Secret Scents (Su): The tem ptr ess em ploys su btle
3rd - crushing despair, dispel magic, fear, lesser geas,
perfumes that dull the minds of all nearby. All creatures within
glibness, scrying, slow, tireless pursuers
30 feet of the temptress suffer a -2 penalty on saves against
4th - dominate person, hold monster, locate creature, mind-affecting effects. Close associates of the temptress
modify memory, nondetection, sleepwalk become immune to this effect through long-term exposure.
This ability replaces Countersong.
Ecstatic Embrace (Ex): W hen pr ovidin g lon g-term
Spymaster (Bard archetype) care via the Heal skill, the temptress doubles the normal
recovery rate of hit points and ability scores. The temptress
can also provide long-term care to herself. This ability replaces
«'Wei Chung-hsien', he explained, 'is an honored eunuch
Versatile Performance.
and advisor of the munificent Wan Li. All unworthy, I speak
the names of such great men. The home of Wei Chung-hsien is Distracting Beauty (Ex): W hen u n ar m or ed an d
in the province here, and it is said he is head of the spies of the unencumbered, the temptress adds her Charisma bonus (if
Dragon Throne, besides being one of the clouds of Heaven. He any) to her AC and her CMD. These bonuses to AC apply even
has the trust of Wan Li -- a mighty eunuch.'» against touch attacks or when the temptress is flat-footed. She
— Harold Lamb: The Star of Evil Omen loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when
she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she
carries a medium or heavy load. This ability replaces Well-
Found in the cities and courts of every civilized and Versed.
decadent land, the spies and spymasters are masters of
Delicate Flower (Ex): Attackin g the tem ptr ess w ith
diplomacy as well as deceit.
a melee or ranged attack provokes an Attack of Opportunity
Web of Intrigue (Ex): The spym aster has a vast from all allies of the temptress who threaten the attacker. This
network of contacts, spies and informants that he can call upon ability replaces Lore Master.
for information as well as favors. The benefits he can gain are
similar to NPC Boons (see the Game Mastery Guide). The
spymaster can attempt to gain a boon up to once per month
per bard class level. The GM sets a DC (typically between 10 Torturer (Rogue archetype)
and 30, depending on the situation and the attitude of the
NPC) against which the spymaster rolls a Charisma check and «Of that which was done to Fulbra for the wicked pleasure
adds his class level. Success means that the boon is granted, of King Ildrac and his people, it were not well to speak fully.
and the spymaster must work out the exact details with the For the islanders of Uccastrog had designed innumerable
Game Master. This ability replaces Bardic Performance. torments, curious and subtle, wherewith to harry and
excruciate the five senses; and they could harry the brain
Bearer of the Scorpion Chalice (Ex): The
itself, driving it to extremes more terrible than madness; and
spymaster has a bonus on saving throws against poison equal
could take away the dearest treasures of memory and leave
to half his bard class level. Spymasters never accidentally
unutterable foulness in their place.»
poison themselves when using or applying poison. This ability
— Clark Ashton Smith: The Isle of Torturers
replaces Versatile Performance.
Keen Mind (Ex): The spym aster gain s a +4 bon u s
on saving throws made against enchantment effects. This While mercenaries, rogues and reavers know how to rape
ability replaces Well-Versed. and kill, the torturer has made it his profession to keep his
opponents alive and harass them with subtle torments, so
terrible that most of his victims would wish for an easy death
Temptress (Bard archetype) False Friend (Su): The tortu r er kn ow s how to
break the mind and the body, but also to temporarily repair it
«Her features were regular as a white woman's, and her
if need be. Once per day per four class levels (minimum once
speech was not that of a common wench. Yet she was
per day), the torturer may provide benefits equal to an aid spell
barbaric, in the open lure of her smile, in the gleam of her
to a target creature. This ability replaces Trapfinding.
eyes, in the shameless posturing of her voluptuous body.
Every gesture, every motion she made set her apart from the Appraise Agony (Su): The tor tu r er can ju dge the
ordinary run of women; her beauty was untamed and health condition of any creature, as per a deathwatch spell,
lawless, meant to madden rather than to soothe, to make a usable at will. This ability replaces Evasion.
man blind and dizzy, to rouse in him all the unreined passions
that are his heritage from his ape ancestors.» Wicked Pleasure (Ex): Once per day, by spen din g
— Robert E. Howard: Black Caanan 10 minutes to torture a helpless creature with an Intelligence
score of 3 or higher, the torturer gains a +1 bonus to damage

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rolls for 10 minutes per Hit Dice of the victim. The bonus rises
to +2 when the torturer reaches 6th level, to +3 when he
reaches 9th level, to +4 when he reaches 12th level, to +5 at
15th, and to +6 at 18th level. This ability replaces Trap Sense.
Torment of Oblivion (Su): B y to r tu r in g a helpless
target for 1 hour per Hit Dice of the creature, the torturer can
attempt to alter the victim’s memories, as per the modify
memory spell (with caster level equal to torturer class level).
In addition to any other effect inflicted, the torturer can also
choose to eliminate the victim’s memory of being tortured, if
so desired. This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge.
Torment of Madness (Su): B y to r tu r in g a helpless
target for 1 day per Hit Dice of the creature, the torturer can
attempt to inflict madness upon the victim, as per the insanity
spell (with caster level equal to torturer class level). This ability
replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Witchdoctor (Druid archetype)

«My brother had not painted a skull black for you and
hurled it into the fire that burns for ever on Gullah's black
altar. He had not whispered your name to the black ghosts
that haunt the uplands of the Dark Land. But a bat has flown
over the Mountains of the Dead and drawn your image in
blood on the white tiger's hide that hangs before the long hut
where sleep the Four Brothers of the Night. The great
serpents coil about their feet and the stars burn like fire-flies
in their hair.»
— Robert E. Howard: Beyond the Black River

Among savage tribes, from the frozen wastes of the north

to the steaming jungles of the south, the witch-doctor speaks
with ancestor spirits and spirits of the mountains, commands
animals and the souls of the dead, and curses his enemies with
powerful juju. He declares taboos and crafts masks and drums
to terrify his enemies; he beseeches the powerful beast-gods of
the wilderness for aid; and he knows the secrets of strange
herbs and deadly poisons.
Protection from Spirits (Su): Th e w itch do cto r adds
hide from undead to his spell list. This ability replaces Wild
Will of the Ancestors (Su): The w itchdocto r adds
speak with dead, bestow curse and remove curse to his spell
list as 3rd level spells. This ability replaces Resist Nature’s
Shamanism (Su): The w itchdo cto r adds o n e spell
from the necromancy school (chosen from the cleric, wizard or
witch spell lists) to his spell list for each spell level the
witchdoctor is able to cast spells from. This ability replaces
Wild Shape.
Fetish Mask (Su): B y cr aftin g an d w ear in g a hor r id
mask, the witchdoctor can perform songs, dances or speeches
in front of large crowds and affect them as per the enthrall
spell, usable at will. This ability replaces A Thousand Faces.

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Swords of Xoth
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This chapter contains details of regional weapons and armor,

as well as a selection of new herbal and alchemical items.

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Money and Wealth New Weapons

The economy of the World of Xoth is based on copper, The following weapons are new and particular to the World
silver, and gold coins. Each country has its own names and of Xoth. Some are regional items, produced in one region but
shapes for these coins. due to their excellent craftmanship or unique properties are
often purchased or stolen by foreigners, finding their way into
Money-changers do a brisk business, but coins from
far-away lands. Outside of their native region, the asking price
neighbouring realms are usually accepted at least in the cities.
might be considerably higher than the listed cost.
In uncivilized areas, bartering with livestock, slaves, ivory,
gems, and similar items is more common than using coins. Axe, Elephant: Tw o-handed exotic weapon (melee); cost
50 gp; damage 1d12 (M); critical 20/x3; weight 25 lbs.; type:
Iron weapons are the campaign standard, and are used by
slashing. This is a huge axe with a crescent-shaped blade, used
most cultural groups. The exceptions are the Zadjites, who
by the warriors of Azimba to hamstring elephants. It can also
craft superior steel weapons; the ancient Yar-Ammonites, who
be used with devastating effect against lesser foes, of course.
wield archaic weapons of bronze; and the people of the jungle
Some ivory-hunters among the Zadjites also carry these
kingdoms, who fashion weapons primarily from wood, bone,
weapons. The elephant axe has reach; the wielder can strike
or flint.
opponents 10 feet away with it, but cannot use it against an
Swords of Xoth tend not to be straight, but curved – every adjacent foe.
blade longer than a short sword is always bent; the weapons of
Dagger, Curved: Light sim ple w eapon (m elee); cost
the barbarian Tharag Thulans being the only exception to this
4 gp; damage 1d4 (M); critical 18-20/x2; range increment —;
rule. It is possible to wield some of the swords of Xoth with
weight 1 lbs.; type: piercing or slashing. Also known as the
both hands, but they are mainly intended to be used with just
jambiya or khanjar, this weapon is favored by nomads and
one, and no swords exist intending mainly two-handed use.
cultists alike. It usually comes with a curved scabbard,
The most common types of armor are chain, lamellar, and
sometimes inlaid with silver, gold, or ivory. The curved dagger
scale; brigandine and plate exist but are fairly rare. With the
is produced primarily in Jairan and Khazistan. It cannot be
possible exception of distant Taikang, crossbows are unknown,
used as a ranged weapon.
but all other types of bows see widespread use.

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New Armors
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Dagger, Stabbing: Light sim ple w eapo n (m elee);
cost 4 gp; damage 1d4 (M); critical 20/x3; range increment 15
ft.; weight 1 lbs.; type: piercing. This slightly curved dagger,
also known as the pesh kabz, has a massive handle but ends in The following armors are new. As for the new weapons
a sharp point. With its good solid grip and perfect balance, listed above, many of these armors are regional variants, but
warriors of Susrah and elsewhere value this dagger for its are less often found in foreign lands than regional weapons.
ability to pierce armor and its increased range when thrown. The asking price outside the native region may still be much
The karud is a straight-bladed variation of the pesh kabz, with higher than the listed cost, due to the trophy value of such
similar statistics. items.

Knife, Ikuna: On e-handed martial weapon (melee); cost Fur Armor: Light ar m or ; cost 3 gp; ar m or bon u s 1;
6 gp; damage 1d6 (M); critical 20/x4; range increment 10 ft.; maximum Dex bonus 8; armor check penalty 0; arcane spell
weight 6 lbs.; type: slashing. The name of this heavy sword- failure chance 5%; speed 30 ft./30 ft.; weight 5 lbs. This armor,
knife is something of a misnomer, since they are in fact iron while no more than a heavy fur cloak, still provides some
blades from an unknown civilization that predates the Ikunas measure of protection against blows. It is a very common item,
by several centuries. The weapons are highly prized among the worn by northern barbarians, Khazistani horsemen, Zorabi
savage Ikunas, who have not yet mastered the art of forging hillmen and Ikuna savages, and others.
metal weapons, but who occasionally find these knives in Crocodile Hide Armor: Light ar m or ; cost 35 gp;
ancient ruins in the Hills of the Dead. armor bonus 4; maximum Dex bonus 4; armor check penalty -
Longbow, Susrahnite: Tw o -handed exotic weapon 3; arcane spell failure chance 20%; speed 30 ft./30 ft.; weight
(ranged); cost 125 gp; damage 1d10 (M); critical 20/x3; range 25 lbs. This armor, common only in Yar-Ammon, provides
increment 120 ft.; weight 4 lbs.; type: piercing. The archers of medium protection yet is light and flexible.
Susrah are famed for their mighty composite longbows, which
can kill a man from great range. All Susrahnite longbows have
Strength ratings.
Alchemical and Herbal Items
Scimitar, Great: Tw o-handed exotic weapon (melee);
cost 75 gp; damage 2d6 (M); critical 19-20/x2; weight 8 lbs.; Characters with the appropriate Craft skills can create
type: slashing. Also known as the tulwar or kilij, this mighty quasi-magical alchemical items such as alchemical powders
curved sword is frequently used by palace guards, eunuchs, and herbal drugs. Such items require time, money, rare
and officers of Khazistan and Zadj. The great scimitar grants ingredients, and a properly-equipped laboratory to craft.
an additional +2 bonus to opposed rolls when attempting to
sunder an opponent’s weapon or shield.
Shortbow, Khazistani: Tw o -handed exotic weapon Powders
(ranged); cost 100 gp; damage 1d6 (M); critical 18-20/x2;
range increment 70 ft.; weight 2 lbs.; type: piercing. This small The following powders can be created in an alchemical
but powerful weapon is wielded by the horsemen of Khazistan, laboratory. Powders can be thrown up to 20 feet from the
as well as the nomads of the Khazraj clans. All Khazistani wielder. The dust spreads in a 20-feet radius cloud, affecting
shortbows have Strength ratings. all creatures within the area.
Staff, Long: Tw o-handed simple weapon (melee); cost — Berserking-Powder: This blu e-white powder causes
; damage 1d6 (M); critical 20/x2; weight 4 lbs.; type: madness. Creatures who fail a Fortitude save (DC 15) enter a
bludgeoning. The long staff has reach; the wielder can strike rage (as per the barbarian class ability) and attack the nearest
opponents 10 feet away with it, but cannot use it against an creature for 1d6 rounds. Craft (alchemy) DC: 25. Market Price:
adjacent foe. 400 gp.
Sword, Sickle: On e-handed martial weapon (melee); Blinding-Powder: This thick black du st cau ses
cost 20 gp; damage 1d8 (M); critical 19-20/x2; weight 7 lbs.; temporary blindness. Creatures who fail a Fortitude save (DC
type: slashing. A shallow-curved blade, the sickle sword or 15) are blinded for 3d6 rounds. Craft (alchemy) DC: 15. Market
khopesh is an ancient weapon used first and foremost in Yar- Price: 500 gp.
Ammon, as well as certain parts of Susrah. The hooked shape
Dreaming-Powder: This pale yellow pow der cau ses
of a sickle sword provides the wielder with a +2 bonus on
hallucinations and strange visions. Creatures who fail a
opposed attack rolls when attempting to disarm an opponent
Fortitude save (DC 15) are affected as per a confusion spell for
(including the roll to keep the user from being disarmed if he
1d8 rounds. Craft (alchemy) DC: 20. Market Price: 350 gp.
fails to disarm his opponent).
Fire-Powder: This deep r ed pow der ignites u pon
contact with air, and is therefore always kept in some kind of
container, made from glass, ivory or clay. The explosion causes
5d4 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 for half) to all affected
creatures. Craft (alchemy) DC: 15. Market Price: 300 gp.
Smoke-Powder: A sooty, gr ey pow der that
obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A
creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss
chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50%
miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the
target). The cloud dissipates in 2d4 rounds. Craft (alchemy)
DC: 15. Market Price: 100 gp.

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Herbal Drugs Other Alchemical and Herbal Items

The following herbal drugs can be prepared from natural Barafa-Grape: Foun d only in the deep jun gles of
plants using the Craft (herbalism) skill. Herbal drugs are the south, the bright yellow berries of the barafa-tree can be
treated as a special form of poison that have beneficial effects used to coat blades and arrow-tips. Anyone struck by such
but require saving throws against the harmful side effects. weapons must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or be slowed for
Ability damage caused by such herbs does not begin to heal 1 minute. Like other poisons, a new dose must be re-applied to
naturally until after the (beneficial) effects of the drug wear off. the weapon whether the saving throw fails or not. Craft
At the DM’s option, repeated use of any of these drugs may (herbalism) DC: 20. Market Price: 200 gp.
cause addiction.
Green Fire-Resin: This sticky r esin is pr epar ed
Grey Desert Lotus: The pow der ed leaves o f the from several plants and mixed with secret alchemical
Grey Lotus is a popular drug among the Khazraj nomads of the ingredients first discovered by the priests of Yar-Ammon. Any
al-Khazi Desert. A creature that drinks a concoction of water torch soaked with the resin burns three times longer than a
mixed with the powdered leaves gains a +2 alchemical bonus normal torch, but gives off a weird green light. One dose is
to Strength for 1d3 hours, but must make a Fortitude save (DC enough to treat 10 torches. Craft (alchemy) DC: 15. Market
15) or suffer 2 points of Wisdom damage. Another save must Price: 2 sp.
be made 1 minute later, and if failed the creature becomes
Khanquah-Fungi: Picked fr om the sheer cliff w alls
nervous and skittish (treat as shaken). Craft (herbalism) DC:
of the Zorab mountains, this fungus is the bane of sorcerers
20. Market Price: 75 gp.
when dried and mixed with blood to produce a thin, clear soup.
Red Lotus of Ghoma (Ghoma-Weed): This her b, Spellcasters who imbibe this concoction must make a
with its characteristic red leaves, is calming both for the body Fortitude save (DC 22) or be unable to concentrate properly
and the mind. It is harvested by ascetic priests in the tropical for 2d8+8 hours, which effectively prevents the affected
realm of Ghoma. A creature that chews on the red leaves gains creature from casting spells. This herbal brew is often force-fed
the benefits of the Diehard feat as well as a +4 alchemical to captured sorcerers, or served to master wizards by
bonus to saving throws against fear for 1d4 hours, but must ambitious apprentices. Craft (herbalism) DC: 25. Market Price:
make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or suffer 2 points of Dexterity 500 gp.
damage. Another save must be made 1 minute later, and if
Purple Leaves of Uthjar: The u tility of this r ar e
failed the creature becomes nervous and skittish (treat as
plant is well-known far outside its native realm, but has never
shaken). Craft (herbalism) DC: 25. Market Price: 75 gp.
been successfully cultivated elsewhere. A creature that chews
Silver Lotus: Fo u nd o n ly in the dar k depths of on the purple leaf gains a +4 alchemical bonus to saving
certain caves on the Silver Lotus Isles in the Eastern Ocean, throws against mind-affecting magic for 3d10 minutes. Craft
guarded by hostile pygmies, the fragile leaves of this lotus are (herbalism) DC: 25. Market Price: 150 gp.
destroyed by direct exposure to sunlight. This potent herb
induces sleep, grants pleasurable dreams (but sometimes
strange visions and nightmares), and for magic-users, it boosts
and restores magical power. A creature that inhales the smoke
produced by burning the dried and crushed silver leaves must
make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or suffer 2 points of Wisdom
damage. Another save must be made 1 minute later, and if
failed the creature falls unconscious for 1d6 hours. Craft
(herbalism) DC: 30. Market Price: 100 gp.

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Sorcery of Xoth
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This chapter contains rules concerning spellcasters, as well as new and modified spells.

Introduction Restricting Spell Lists

Magic in the World of Xoth is darker and more subtle than First of all, certain spells from the core rules simply do not
in typical high fantasy novels and game worlds of recent fit well in a sword and sorcery world. Any class with access to
decades. The core magic rules of the Pathfinder system are spells must have a spell list customized for the proper
based on the assumption that magic pervades the world and is atmosphere. The following general categories are excluded:
used almost as a substitute for technology. But, ironically,
Artillery Spells: Spells that tu r n the spellcaster
having too much magic takes away much of the wonder and
into a walking piece of artillery, able to wipe out a small army
awe of magic.
of opponents with a single spell. Fireball and its derivatives
At the same time, taking away too much magic or making (delayed blast fireball, meteor swarm, flame strike, etc.) fall
the magic rules overly restrictive and harsh tends to alienate into this category, as do magic missile, lightning bolt and
players, who might consider it unfair that only non-player disintegrate.
character should have access to powerful magic. Plus,
Convenience Spells: Rope trick is only a 2nd-level
tampering with the magic rules puts an additional burden on
spell, yet it creates an extradimensional space where an entire
the players, who have to learn the new rules.
party can hide from the rest of the world; hardly a staple of
Thus, the philosophy of this book is to change as little as sword and sorcery. The spell create water is certainly
possible of the actual magic rules. The sword and sorcery feel convenient, but the wilderness becomes a more dangerous
can be achieved in a campaign by restricting or changing a few (and interesting) place without such spells. Similarly,
key elements of the core rules which interfere with the low- characters should rely on their swimming skills and their
magic paradigm, without totally abandoning the fantasy that Constitution scores instead of depending on water breathing.
players expect and enjoy. And so on.
Instant Transportation: Teleport and its varieties
make a mockery of long wilderness treks and quests into

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Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth
uncharted waters. Neither should dimension door and other In the World of Xoth, most permanent magical items are
short-range teleportation spells be allowed, because they make unique, many being left-overs from earlier ages when
it too easy to circumvent defenses and penetrate castle and city spellcasters were presumably more powerful. All such items
walls. In a low-magic world, there are simply no adequate should have evocative names and detailed background stories.
countermeasures against such spells. For example, a gem of brightness might be called the Jewel of
Lar-Karakshat; it will probably be the only gem of its kind in
Life-Restoring Magic: Death is fin al, an d
the campaign world and finding it will be an adventure in itself.
characters cannot count on being raised or resurrected. In the
In short, treat permanent magic items as if they were artifacts or
extremely rare cases where someone is brought back from the
relics in high fantasy campaigns. Such items will never be for
dead, it will always be through black magic (probably requiring
blood sacrifice), and always as some hideous mockery of their
former selves, whether a soulless zombie, wizened mummy, or As a consequence, item creation feats are not available to
restless, mad spirit. characters. The only exception is Craft Potion and Scribe Scroll.
Powerful Low-Level Divinations: Detect magic might
seem innocent enough, but in the hands of power-gamers it
tends to be used as a “radar” to scan areas for anything
interesting (such as magical items or traps). The game plays
Summoning Spells
better if there is no such clear distinction of what is magical Summoning spells are modified as follows in the World of
and what is not. Detect evil does not apply to a world without Xoth:
alignments. Comprehend languages is a mere 1st-level spell,
but allows you to understand all written languages. That might The only creature types that can be summoned with summon
not seem very important when dungeon-crawling, but if such a monster or summon nature’s ally are animals, vermin, and
spell exists, there is little point in learning ancient and elementals.
forgotten languages, and the role-playing aspects of trying to
Summoned animals must always be appropriate to the
decipher ancient grimoires are lost.
current environment and climate (for example, summoning a
Shapeshifting: No spellcaster s ar e able to chan ge tiger in an arctic climate is not possible), and no animals can be
shape (via alter self, polymorph, elemental body, beast shape, summoned inside a wholly «artificial» (man-made) structure.
shapechange, enlarge person, etc.) in the World of Xoth.
Vermin can be summoned anywhere.
It is said that the Ur-Druids, priests of the ancient goddess
Summoning elementals requires the presence of a certain
Xu-Neb-Ur-Hat, were able to take on a variety of shapes, but
amount of elemental material: For air elementals, there must be
modern druids do not have the wild shape ability.
at least a Moderate wind force in the area. For earth elementals,
“Superhero” Spells: Flying (thr o u gh the levitate, fly there must be natural soil, sand or dust, not rocks or worked
or wind walk spells) and turning invisible (through invisibility stone or metal. For fire elementals, there must be a fire larger
and improved invisibility) or gaseous (via gaseous form) are than a torch, such as a brazier or a bonfire. For water elementals,
examples of powers rarely seen in sword and sorcery stories. there must be a pool, river or lake.
These abilities are especially powerful (and therefore
Outsiders can be summoned via the planar ally and planar
unbalancing) in low-magic settings, where there are few
binding spells. In the World of Xoth, outsiders are not demons
countermeasures available.
and devils as described in the core rules, but abominations from
the black gulfs of the cosmos.

Magical items that duplicate these types of spells should

also be removed from the game, of course.
Note that skills become more important for characters The Sign of Xoth
when magic spells are restricted. Skills such as Climb, Heal,
Sense Motive, Swim, Survival, and the various Knowledge Since there is no alignment system in the World of Xoth,
skills are good substitutes for many of the spells listed above. protection from evil is called protection from witchcraft, and is
also known as the sign of Xoth.
The spell is identical to the description in the rulebook,

Restricting Magical Items except replace all instances of «evil creatures» with «magic-
using creatures and supernatural creatures». Note that any
spellcaster is a «magic-using creature» under this definition. A
Characters should rely on their abilities, not their «supernatural creature» is a creature that has one or more
equipment, which could be destroyed, lost or stolen at any supernatural (Su) or spell-like (Sp) abilities.
time. In stark contrast to a high fantasy campaign, magical
weapons, armor and wondrous items in a sword and sorcery Magic circle against evil is called magic circle against
setting should be extremely rare. The very concept that these witchcraft (or simply magic circle or circle of Xoth).
items can be created through a mechanistically simple process
seriously undermines the wondrousness of magic. In a typical
campaign using the core rules, the rulebook is nothing more
than a shopping catalogue of items, since everything has a
price and can be bought or manufactured by the player

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New Spells Curse of Double Death

This is an invo
Xoth ue ia ula Necromancy
Level: Witch 5
Altar-Fire Components: V, S
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Cultist 4 Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M Target: Living creature touched
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Permanent
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Saving Throw: Will negates
Area: All allies and foes within a 60-ft.-radius burst Spell Resistance: Yes
centered on the altar-fire
Duration: 2 rounds/level
When cast, this spell creates a permanent necromantic
Saving Throw: None bond between the caster and the target. When the caster dies,
Spell Resistance: Yes whether from old age, disease or violence or by any other
means, the target immediately also dies, apparently from the
same cause as the caster. The reverse is not true, so if the
This spell brings into being a small pillar of green or purple target creature dies, the caster is unaffected.
flame that burns without consuming the surface it emits from. This spell can only affect a single target. If the caster
As long as they stay within the fire’s 60-feet radius, the caster attempts to casts the spell on another creature, the spell no
and his allies gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon longer affects the previous target.
damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of his foes in
the same area takes a -2 penalty on such rolls.
The altar-fire cannot be distinguished by normal means, Curse of Green Decay
but can be negated with a dispel magic spell.
Material Component: A pinch of flammable herbs.
Level: Witch 4
Components: V, S
Black Fist of Ptahaana Casting Time: 1 standard action
Transmutation Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Level: Cultist 3 Target: One living humanoid creature
Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: Concentration (see text) This loathsome spell slowly turns the victim’s body into a
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text quivering mass of green slime. If the target fails the saving
throw, he begins to suffer 1d4 points of Constitution damage
Spell Resistance: Yes per round while his flesh is devoured. If the victim’s
Constitution score reaches zero, he dies. The decay can be
stopped by a dispel magic or remove curse spell.
This spell, originally invented for the sacrificial blood-rites
of sunken Ptahaana, uses weak telekinetic force to slowly rip
the victim’s heart out of his chest.
Drums of Panic
While the caster concentrates, the target suffers a heart
attack, becoming paralyzed and freezing in place. It is aware Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even
Level: Druid 4
speech. The target suffers 1d4 points of damage per round of
excruciating pain. Components: V, S, F
Each round on its turn, the target may attempt a new Casting Time: 1 round
saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that
Range: Personal
does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
Area: All enemies in a 30-ft. radius burst, centered on the
If the target is slain by the spell, the victim’s still-beating
heart is transported to the caster’s outstretched hand.
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Duration: Concentration (maximum 1 round/level) By simply touching the covers of a closed book or a rolled-
up scroll, the caster of this spell can read the contents
Saving Throw: See text
normally. The caster must still know the language used on the
Spell Resistance: Yes written material, and he reads the contents with the same
speed as if reading from a normal book. The spell triggers any
spells or traps placed on a book or scroll, just as if the book had
To cast drums of panic, the caster must have at least one been opened.
rank in the Perform (drums) skill. All applicable targets within
30 feet of the caster must make a Will save with a DC equal to
the result of a Perform (drums) check or become panicked for
1d4 rounds.
Incantation of the Broken Limb
If a target successfully saves, the caster can continue to play Necromancy
the drums for a maximum of 1 round per level, re-rolling the Level: Witch 2
Perform (drums) check and requiring a new Will save from
those within the area each round. Components: V, S, M

Focus: A set of masterwork drums. Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Living creature with an internal skeleton and limbs
Fertility Charm
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Level: Druid 1
Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
The target of the spell suffers 1d4 points of damage per
Range: Touch level of the caster (maximum 5d4), and suffers from an arm or
leg injury (caster’s choice). If an arm injury, the target has a -2
Target: Adult creature touched
penalty to all rolls that involve use of the arm (attack rolls,
Duration: 1 hour/level Swim checks, etc.). If a leg injury, the target has a -2 penalty to
all rolls that involve use of the leg (Jump checks, Reflex saves,
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
etc.). The penalties remain until all the damage caused by the
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) spell is fully healed through either magical or mundane means.
A target who makes a successful Fortitude save takes only
half damage, and does not suffer a limb injury.
For the duration of the spell, fertility charm allows any
adult subject to father children (if male) or become pregnant Material Component: The arm or leg bone of a small
(if female), regardless of physical condition, old age, or disease. animal.
The spell works on any creature capable of sexual
reproduction, be it humanoid, animal, or other. Though the
spell makes conception possible, it does not guarantee it or a
live birth.
As a side effect, the subject also gains the free use of the Necromancy
Endurance feat for the duration of the spell. Level: Cultist 5, Witch 5
Focus: A small, anatomically correct carving representing Components: V, S, XP
the subject’s species and gender.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Hand of Revelations Target: Creature touched
Divination Duration: Instantaneous
Level: Cultist 1 Saving Throw: No
Components: S Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch This spell is frequently used by evil sorcerers and death
priests to achieve a limited form of immortality. Casting the
Targets: One touched object
spell requires the sacrifice of a sentient creature of the same
Duration: Instantaneous race as the spellcaster. The creature to be sacrificed must be
helpless and/or bound while the spell is being cast.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

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At the culmination of the spell, the caster kills the victim, Material Component: The skull and at least 20% of the
This is an invo
Xoth ue ia ula
and the victim’s life force is transferred to the caster (or
another target within touch range of the caster). The target
does not age naturally for 1 month per Hit Dice or level of the
bones of a prehistoric creature.
XP Cost: 2,000 XP
creature sacrificed.
A creature slain by this spell can only be restored to life
through the successful casting of a resurrection, true
Snake Staff
resurrection, wish, or miracle spell. Raise dead has no effect Transmutation
on a creature slain by the lifeleech spell.
Level: Cultist 5, Druid 5
XP Cost: 10 XP per Hit Dice of the victim.
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Lover’s Curse Range: Touch
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] Target: Magical or non-magical quarterstaff
Level: Witch 5 Duration: 1 round/level
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Special (see text)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: No
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature This disturbing spell causes the caster’s staff to partially
animate, transforming the head into that of a poisonous
Duration: Permanent
snake. A staff enchanted by this spell cannot be used as a
Saving Throw: Will negates double weapon. However, a successful hit by the snake staff
inflicts 1d8 points of piercing damage and poisons the target.
Spell Resistance: Yes
This poison deals 1d6 Constitution damage per round for 4
rounds. Poisoned creatures can make a Fortitude save each
round to negate the damage and end the affliction.
This is a reverse charm spell, causing other individuals to
regard the target as a hated enemy. All Charisma checks and The snake staff does not run out of venom and can be used
Charisma-based skills used by the target suffer a -10 any number of times before the spell’s duration ends. Dispel
circumstance penalty while under the influence of this spell. In magic can transform the weapon back into a normal staff,
addition, no NPC can have a reaction better than Indifferent but the poison is non-magical and must be treated normally.
toward an indivdual so cursed. Individuals who have a Hostile It is not possible to “milk” the staff and extract the poison for
reaction usually attack the target on sight. later use.
Focus: A quarterstaff.

Raise the Ancient Lizard-Gods

Necromancy Sorcery of the Skull
Level: Druid 7 Necromancy
Components: V, S, M, XP Level: Druid 7
Casting Time: 1 day Components: V, S, M, XP
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 day
Target: One prehistoric, fossilized creature (up to 1HD per Effect: One skull
caster level)
Duration: See text
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Spell Resistance: No

By means of this grisly spell, the severed head of an

This mighty ritual animates the bones of a creature that has opponent is enchanted by peeling off the skin and sewing up
been in the earth for thousands or millions of years. The the lips and eyelids to trap and paralyze the deceased’s spirit
animated creature acquires the skeleton template. The within. The skull itself is discarded, while the head is
creature obeys the commands of the caster. simmered in an iron pot filled with juices extracted from
secret herbs until it is reduced to about half its natural size.
Creatures created by this spell do not count against the
number of undead you can create and control using animate The shrunken head is then placed on a shelf, or worn along
dead. with other trophies in the caster’s belt or necklace. Up to once
per day, the caster can interrogate the enchanted head as if

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using speak with dead. Furthermore, once per day, as a Int 5, Wis 18, Cha 4. Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +5.
standard action, the caster can temporarily release the Feats: Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse (claw, bite).
captured soul to do his bidding for up to 1 round per caster
Material Component: Powdered diamond dust (worth
level. Such souls are similar to wraiths, except that they do not
2,500 gp) mixed with earth from a tomb.
suffer from daylight powerlessness, and do not create spawn
when killing opponents.
The enchanted head has Hardness 2 and 15 hit points. If it
is destroyed, the victim’s wraith-spirit is released and
Sticks to Serpents
immediately seeks out and attacks the caster. However, a Necromancy
released spirit only has 10 rounds to exact its revenge before it
fades and disappears to whatever hell it has been denied while Level: Cultist 6, Druid 6
being the caster’s prisoner.
Components: V, S, M
The spell must be cast within 3 days of the victim’s death.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Material Component: The severed head of a captured
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 1 swarm per 4 caster levels
XP Cost: 1,000 XP
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Soul Vulture Spell Resistance: No
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Witch 7 This spell allows the caster to send the spirits of dead
Components: V, S, M snakes into pieces of wood, bringing them to life. The caster
can create 1 venomous snake swarm per 4 caster levels,
Casting Time: 1 standard action provided sufficient material components are available. The
caster can command the creatures as he wishes. The creatures
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
act normally on the last round of the spell, and disappear at
Effect: One summoned creature the end of their turn, leaving only a pile of twigs behind.
Duration: 1 day/level Material Component: One twig or small branch for each
snake swarm animated.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This evil spell summons an ethereal vulture that the caster Evocation
can send out to attack a humanoid target. On the physical
plane, the vulture attacks with its beak attack, which ignores Level: Witch 1
Armor Class except for deflection, sacred, luck, divine or ability Components: V, S
score-based AC bonuses. The attack does no damage, but
drains 1d6 Wisdom on a hit. When the target is brought down Casting Time: 1 action
to 0 Wisdom, the victim falls into a nightmare-filled sleep, and
Range: See text
the vulture has captured a portion of his essence.
Target: See text
It then returns to its master and spits the essence out in the
form of a worm. If the caster swallows the worm, the victim’s Duration: 10 minutes/level, or until discharged
lost Wisdom is instantly restored, however, the caster then has
Saving Throw: Reflex half
established a sensory link and complete control over the
individual, as if the victim were subject to a dominate person Spell Resistance: No
Outside of a wish or miracle spell, the only way to reverse
A small flame springs into life in one of the sorcerer’s
the control etablished by the spell is to remove the worm from
hands. It sheds a sickly green or purple light in a 20-foot
the belly of the caster (where it otherwise remains) to be fed to
radius, and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
the essence’s owner.
The sorcerer can use this light as a torch for the duration of
The vulture pursues the target for the duration of the spell.
the spell. Although the sorcerer is not burned by the flame, he
The vulture’s stats are as follows:
cannot carry weapons or items in the same hand as the witch-
Ethereal Vulture: SZ M Ou tsider ; HD 1d8+2; hp 7; fire.
Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average); AC 14 (+1 size,
The caster can end the spell by hurling the flame at an
+2 Dex, +1 natural); Atk +0 melee (bite, 1d4+2) and +4 melee
opponent within 15 feet. The sorcerer hits automatically,
(claws [x2], 1d3+2); SA drain 1d6 Wisdom with successful bite
causing 3d4 points of fire damage. The target is allowed a
attack, ignore material armor; SQ incorporeal, darkvision 60
Reflex save for half damage.
ft.; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15,

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This is an invo
Xoth ue ia ula

Cults of Xoth
Qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxxcvbnm qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm

Many are the cults of Xoth, strange are their rituals, and terrible are their secrets.
This chapter provides an overview of the major cults of Xoth; many lesser cults are certain to exist.

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Al-Tawir, the Ancient One,

the Sleeper Beneath the Sands

Some say that Al-Tawir dwells in the black gulfs between

the stars, others that he sleeps in a sealed and forbidden tomb
beneath the desert sand. Al-Tawir is one of the Old Gods. The
nomads hear his voice in the howling of the desert winds, and
they see his face in the rage of sandstorms. He is the
emptyness of the desert, associated with getting lost, with
thirst and hunger, with darkness, and with sandstorms.

Initiation Rite: Go u ge o u t yo u r o w n eyes, as a sign

of respect to Al-Tawir, whose true form it is forbidden to
Class Skills: A cu ltist of Al-Tawir adds Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) and Survival (Wis) to his list
of class skills.
Cult Spells: Unseen Servant (2nd), Whispering Wind
(4th), Deeper Darkness (6th), Crushing Despair (8th),
Nightmare (10th), Find the Path (12th), Control Weather
(14th), Whirlwind (16th), Antipathy (18th)
Cult Secrets: Air B ar r ier, W in d Sight, Dw eller in
Darkness, Guiding Star, Interstellar Void, Lore Keeper,
Nature’s Whispers, Lifesense

Belet-Lil, the Moon-Goddess

of Susrah

Voluptous mate of Baal-Khardah, and earth-mother, Belet-

Lil is a goddess of fertility, revelry, and beauty. She is very
popular among the Susrahnites, not least due to the large
numbers of temple prostitutes found in every city.

Initiation Rite: Offer you r vir ginity to a m em ber or

patron of the cult.
Class Skills: A cu ltist of B elet-Lil adds Acrobatics
(Dex), Handle Animal (Cha) and Knowledge (Local) (Int) to
his list of class skills.
Cult Spells: Charm Person (2nd), Delay Poison (4th),
Neutralize Poison (6th), Restoration (8th), Dominate Person
(10th), Antilife Shell (12th), Heal (14th), Sympathy (16th),
Dominate Monster (18th)
Cult Secrets: Com bat Healer , Man tle of Moon light,
Moonlight Bridge, Delay Affliction, Enhanced Cures, Healing
Hands, Life Link, Safe Curing, Spirit Boost

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The Living Flame, Nameless

This is an invo
Xoth ue ia ula God of Zadj

The Zadjites worship a nameless elemental god, the Living

Flame, above all other gods. The priests tend everburning fires
in their marble temples. Fire is considered pure; both the dead
and the unbelievers are cast into the flames to be purified. Fire
also imbues metal with a spark of the divine; the priests of the
Living Flame are skilled metal-workers and weaponsmiths.

Initiation Rite: Pu r ify your body an d sou l by

immolating yourself in the sacred temple fires of Iraab.
Class Skills: A cu ltist of the Livin g Flam e adds
Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha) and Sleight of Hand (Dex) to
his list of class skills.
Cult Spells: Produce Flame (2nd), Burning Hands (4th),
Quench (6th), Greater Magic Weapon (8th), Wall of Fire
(10th), Contagious Flame (12th), Fire Storm (14th), Incendiary
Cloud (16th), Mage’s Disjunction (18th)
Cult Secrets: Ir on Skin , W eapon Master y, Bu r n in g
Magic, Cinder Dance, Fire Breath, Firestorm, Gaze of Flames,
Molten Skin

Jul-Juggah, the Devil-Bird of


The sweltering plains of Azimba are dotted with hundreds

of monstrous statues of lizard-birds. Whether these grim
effigies were crafted by an older civilization, or placed there
more recently by the feather-cloaked shamans of Jul-Juggah,
is not known.

Initiation Rite: Fetch an egg fr o m a devil-bird’s nest

in the mountains of Azimba.
Class Skills: A cu ltist o f Jul-Juggah adds Knowledge
(Nature) (Int), Perception (Wis) and Ride (Dex) to his list of
class skills.
Cult Spells: Feather Fall (2nd), Scare (4th), Rage (6th),
Stoneskin (8th), Song of Discord (10th), Stone Tell (12th),
Wind Walk (14th), Earthquake (16th), Soul Bind (18th)
Cult Secrets: B attlecr y, Sur pr isin g Char ge, W ar
Sight, Armor of Bones, Bleeding Wounds, Bonded Mount
(pteranodon), Natural Divination, Rock Throwing

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Yammosh, the Sea-God of


The greatest temple of this Susrahnite sea-god is located in

the sinful port city of Ghazor, although sailors from many
nations offer sacrifice to him before setting out on long ocean

Initiation Rite: Su rvive r itu al dr ow n in g.

Class Skills: A cu ltist of Y am m osh adds Escape
Artist (Dex), Knowledge (Geography) (Int) and Swim (Str) to
his list of class skills.
Cult Spells: Touch of the Sea (2nd), Fog Cloud (4th),
Water Breathing (6th), Black Tentacles (8th), Suffocation
(10th), Control Water (12th), Control Weather (14th),
Seamantle (16th), World Wave (18th)
Cult Secrets: Guidin g Star, Star Chart, Lor e
Keeper, Friend to the Animals (aquatic creatures only), Speak
with Animals (aquatic creatures only), Fluid Nature, Water
Sight, Thunderburst

Yaathra Yok, the Wise One

This is an elephant-headed god of the east, revered for its

great strength and wisdom. Temples of the cult contain rich
treasures of ivory.

Initiation Rite: So lve the Sacr ed Riddle befo r e you r

head is crushed underfoot by an elephant.
Class Skills: A cu ltist o f Y aathr a Y o k adds Appr aise
(Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int) and Linguistics (Int)
to his list of class skills.
Cult Spells: True Strike (2nd), Calm Emotions (4th),
Explosive Runes (6th), Locate Creature (8th), Telepathic Bond
(10th), Legend Lore (12th), Vision (14th), Repel Metal or Stone
(16th), Foresight (18th)
Cult Secrets: Ir o n Skin , Resilien cy, Life Lin k,
Lifesense, Arcane Archivist, Brain Drain, Focused Trance,
Think On It

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Other Cults Nwanga Zhaal, the Lord of Beasts

This is an invo
Xoth ue ia ula Known and feared across the Jungle Kingdoms, this
bloodthirsty god is master of the beasts that howl at the moon.
His shamans are always served by flocks of bonded animals.
Ahyada, the High God of Taraam
Ahyada is the bringer of truth and protection to the people
of Taraam, and the patron of the royal house of Achad as well. Othabbhon, the Guardian of the Gates
He grants visions and omens to the king, which are interpreted
by astrologer-priests and soothsayers. Amulets of Ahyada are Depicted as a horse-headed humanoid clutching a bronze
said to be effective wards against demons. key, this mysterious god is a protector of homes and vaults, as
well as the guardian of secret and hidden places.

Aklathu, the God of Twisted Fate

Simatala, the Ape-God of Laksha
Figurines of this god, who has few temples and no priests,
depict Akhlathu as a deformed dwarf, whose facial features Turbaned priests strangle sacrificial victims on the white
even show a hint of retardation. Many Susrahnites swear “By jade altars of this grim ape-god of the east, whose cult has
Akhlathu’s Beard!” when in trouble. This is also a god of even begun to spread to the west.
thieves and gamblers.

Yadar, the Lord of Death and Secrets

Baal-Khardah, the Sun-God of Susrah
The mysterious high god of the Khazistanis, Yadar, is said
The lord of the sky, protector and judge of humankind, to live in the desert and to collect the souls of every living man
Baal-Khardah is a distant god, usually worshipped only by and woman when they give up their final breath.
nobility. The common people tend to favor the more earthly
Yadar is associated with scorpions and bats. Many carry
passions of his mate, Belet-Lil. His lavish temples are filled
charms and amulets in the image of Yadar, said to ward
with ram-headed statues, golden sun-discs, and sacred swords.
against disease and violent death.
Such worship is often personal and unorganized, since the
locations of Yadar’s temples are generally kept secret and
Ia-Azutlatl, the Blood-God of Sunken known only to the priests. The cult is suspected to have
Ptahaana subterranean shrines in cities, and temples in desert ruins.
The nomads stay well away from such ruins, since any who
The true form of Ia-Azutlatl is unknown, but he is one of stray too close disappear without a trace.
the Old Gods; some even claim that he is the greatest and
oldest of those ancient ones. It is known that the blood-druids
of now-sunken Ptahaana worshipped him with ceremonies of
mass slaughter atop their stepped pyramids of green stone.
Yibboth, the Sacred Toad of Fakhuum
Today, his name survives only in the rituals of primitive Despite having its cult-centre deep within the poisoned
savages and mad hierarchs. marshes of Fakhuum, whether Yibboth is part of the true Yar-
Ammonite pantheon is uncertain; some claim he is one of the
Old Gods. The priests of Yibboth are reputed to worship a
Maggash, the Brazen God of Zhaol golden «frog-thing», along with mummified crocodiles and all
manner of water lizards and giant toads.
Abominable are the brass idols of Maggash, the fire-god of
Zhaol, and even worse are the rites of the priesthood, which
include the burning of infants as sacrifice. The priests of Zhaol
accept no other god than their own, and worship of other gods
Yot-Kamoth, the Spider-God of Lamu
is strictly forbidden and punishable by death. The Lamurans bow before black idols of Yot-Kamoth, the
Maggash is sometimes depicted as a bull, or a bull-headed monstrous eight-legged god worshipped for centuries in the
humanoid. mountain fastness of Lamra, the capital city. In truth, the
priests of the spider-god are the royalty of Lamu, for they
wield considerable influence and for a common man to resist
their demands is a certain death sentence.
Nhakhramat, the Six-Armed Goddess
The ivory woman, said by some to be the mate of Yadar, is
worshipped largely by Khazistanis who disapprove of Belet-
Lil’s open sensuality, which is a source of conflict between the
Khazistanis and the Susrahnites.

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Zanthiss, the Great Serpent The Beast-Gods of Yar-Ammon

The ancient demon-serpent of Yalotha, in some worlds Until very recently, the Yar-Ammonites worshipped an
known as Satha or Hassith-Kaa, is the father of various ancient pantheon of beast-headed man-gods, disturbing
ophidian races and a master of sorcery. Zanthiss is currently fragments of a lost age. These gods, said to have brought
believed to be confined to an extradimensional prison, or knowledge and wisdom to the first civilization of Yar-Ammon,
perhaps banished to a remote star, after the downfall of the were usually depicted as humanoids with the heads of hyenas,
serpent-empire of Yalotha. rams, goats, vultures, and other animals. The priests of Yar-
Ammon often wore masks in imitation of their gods. The cult
However, cults of Zanthiss still lair in ancient temples, with
consisted of several sub-cults, each devoted to a particular
pits filled with writhing serpents, giant slithering temple
beast, although there was supposedly a secret grand hierarch
snakes, malachite altars stained with the blood of centuries of
controlling them all.
sacrifice, and demon-guarded vaults wherein lie hidden the
lost papyri of jungle-lost Yalotha. The ancient practices of the beast-cults were outlawed a
generation ago, when the royal house of Amenti established
the cult of Zothur, but there are many among the common folk
who still follow the old ways.
The Gods of Tharag Thule
Among the gods worshipped in the cold wastes of the north
are the Moon-God, the Wolf-God, and the Skull-God. Zothur, the First One, the Star-God of
The Moon-God is served only by female priestesses; old
hags and crones are respected omen-readers and oracles
among the Tharagians. Before his death two decades ago, the High King of Yar-
The Wolf-God is a god of strength, war, and bloodlust. Ammon instituted the worship of an (until then) unknown god,
Tribal chieftains are often also priests of the Wolf-God. called the First One, and known variously as Zothur, Zoth-Ur,
or Xoth-Ur. Taking the title of Kingpriest and Prophet of the
The Skull-God is the lord of the dead and the king of First One, the king sent his new priests from Amenti to all the
ghosts; this god has no priests or followers, but each village has lesser cities of the land, and demanded that the old ways of
a hut set up with a skull-adorned altar where he is placated beast-worship be abandoned.
with offerings.

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Lands of Xoth
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A short gazetteer of the known world...

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This wealthy trading post along the route from the city-
Lamu, the Mountain Fastness states of Susrah to Khazistan and Jairan in the west is noted
THE CITY OF LAMRA: In the city of Lam r a, in the for its sinful back alleys and nefarious inhabitants. It is a city of
land of Lamu, the dreaded priests of Yot-Kamoth have built a furtive sorcerers, strange and depraved cults, and a place
temple to house their terrible god, which is a colossal eight- where the most perverted desires can be fulfilled by the
legged spider-idol, carved from the black stone of a fallen star. arrangements of fat merchants eager to sell anything.
Great is the power of the spider-priests of Lamu, for they The city is old and surrounded by ancient clay walls faced
outnumber even the austere priestesses of Nhakhramat and with colourful glazed tiles. Tarnished golden domes and
the muffled priests of Yadar, and they ride as kings through the marble minarets are visible beyond the walls as one
shadowed streets of Lamra. approaches the city. The massive main gate is over 600 years
But though the iron-fisted rule of the priests is largely old and receives a constant stream of visitors entering and
uncontested, such ruthless men and women as worship Yot- leaving. With somewhat over 14,000 inhabitants, Yaatana has
Kamoth are often at war with each other, driven by ambition over hundred temples (and probably double that number of
and power-thirst. hidden or secret underground shrines), a dozen public bath-
houses, and almost 6,000 houses, most of which are several
The cunning rule of wily old Hamadara, High Priest of Yot- stories high, topped with flat roofs, and decorated with
Kamoth, is uncontested, but his priestly cohorts are in a elaborate friezes and intricately carved windows.
constant struggle for predominance. Utilizing a extensive
network of spies and informers, Hamadara keeps well abreast Yaatana is ruled by an elected governor, but the real power
of temple intrigue and fuels priestly rivalries; as long as his is said to be in a council of seven men drawn from the ranks of
minions are busy infighting, his position is unassailable. wealthy merchants, sorcerers, and high priests. The armed
forces of the city are mostly comprised of mercenaries; law is
enforced haphazardly and most laws are ignored as long as
money from trade keeps flowing into the city. The local
Susrah, Land of Warring City-States magistrates are notoriously corrupt and rule in favour of the
biggest bribe.
THE CITY OF YAATANA: Ther e ar e m an y depr aved
cities in the land of Susrah, such as red-walled Zhaol where In the central souk (market), a variety of goods, including
children are burned as sacrifice to Maggash the fire-god, and meat, spices, cotton, silverware, copper, and pottery can be
the cesspool of vice that is the harbour city of Ghazor. bargained for. There are a number of smaller, more specialized
souks dealing with slaves, weapons and drugs scattered
But Yaatana, at the headwaters of the Ophrat River, is said throughout the city.
to be the most wicked city of them all, and so all manner of
debased folk flock to it, like insects attracted to a greasy torch.

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THE CITY OF GHAZOR: The har bo u r city o f
The Zorab Mountains
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Ghazor is located strategically at the mouth of the Ophrat
River. It has a large navy of galleys, which is used to protect
the sea lanes from the raids of the sea reavers of Khora, as well
The foothills of the mighty Zorab Mountains separate the
plains of Susrah from the steppes and deserts of Khazistan.
as in occasional clashes with the Nabastissean fleet. As one of The feuding clans of the Zorabi inhabit impregnable stone
the Susrahnite city-states, Ghazor is ruled independently by towers carved into the mountain-sides. From here, they sally
the petty king Rahim-Dul, but is allied with the other cities of forth to raid each other and the neighboring people of Lamu
Susrah through treaties and intermarriage. The city has and Susrah, and also their nominal sovereign Khazistan. These
around 22,000 inhabitants. mountain-men wear cloaks of wolf fur, white turbans, and all
Much trade flows through Ghazor, arriving by boats from warriors have full beards bristling with curly black hair.
the south, and carried inland by river barges or donkey KHARJAH PASS, GATEWAY TO EMPIRE: The
caravans. The trade goods include Susrahnite wine, spices Kharjah Pass is the only crossing traversable other than on foot
from Laksha and Azjan, dried fruit, slaves, and pearls (although several secret passes, known only to the Zorabi
harvested off the coast of Zadj. mountain peoples, are rumoured to exist), and is guarded by
The main ziggurat of the city is dedicated to Baal-Khardah, mountain tribes loyal – at least in name — to the Padishah of
but the sea-god Yammosh is more popular among the many Khazistan.
sailors and merchant-captains. Offerings of gold and animals The tribesmen collect taxes from caravans passing through
are often made to the temple of Yammosh before any sea- the pass. They claim one-tenth of the value of trade goods
voyage. carried (the majority of this tax is in turn supposed to be
The southern quarters of the city, home to sailors, slavers, brought as tribute to Khazabad), as well as a fixed amount for
mercenaries and other foreigners, is well-known outside each man, horse or camel making the passage. However, the
Ghazor for its many depraved vices and lawless atmosphere. tribesmen are not above demanding much more if they think
The king and his nobles, busy with their own schemes and they can get away with it.
pleasures behind massive palace walls to the north, largely
ignore the unruly docks. Thus the southern seafront is rarely
patrolled by the city guard, but the naval docks to the
northeast are well-guarded.
The Al-Khazi Desert, the Howling
THE CITY OF BELTHAAR: This city, lo cated w est Waste
of the Ophrat river, is one of the smallest city-states of Susrah,
The wastelands of the al-Khazi Desert are harsh and
with a population of only 12,000 people, yet its foundations
inhospitable to city-dwellers, ignorant of the secrets of the
are ancient and rest on a maze of catacombs, and its gloomy,
nomads. The al-Khazi is very hot (the average daytime
serpentine streets wind their way between mighty monuments
temperature is around 40 degrees Celsius), and the majority of
and hoary towers. There are temples and ziggurats dedicated
this desert is covered with vast sand dunes, broken up here
to Belet-Lil, Baal-Khardah, Yadar, and a multitude of others.
and there by areas of stony desert with hills, jagged rocks and
Belthaar is currently ruled by the petty king Simashattar wind-worn cliffs.
III, whose army of pikemen and charioteers are involved in a
three-way war with its bigger neighbours, Zhaol and Ghezath.
fringes of the Khazistani Empire, the wild Khazraj nomads
Despite his small army, Simashattar has avoided defeat by
(themselves descended from the same racial stock as the
capturing a princeling of Ghezath and holding him hostage.
Khazistani peoples) are a constant menace to caravans and
THE CULT OF THE KEEPERS: It is the cu stom an d travellers; sometimes even outlying villages and towns of
the law that all who die within the walls of Belthaar, from Khazistan, Yar-Ammon and Jairan are subject to raids from
commoners to kings, are delivered into the hands of the silent these free-willed nomad clans.
priests of Yadar after their death. It is the sacred duty of these
These Khazraj raiders are lean, wolfish men dressed in
Keepers to remove the corpse, and to wash and purify the
gleaming white khalats and green turbans. Their skin is a
body. If the bereaved have left a well-filled purse for the
wrinkled bronze. The nomads sit easily atop their camels,
Keepers, the corpse is usually preserved and embalmed with
striking down foes with curved swords, but prefer to attack
utmost skill by the priests; otherwise the corpse is burned and
from a distance, using their bows from atop their war camels.
the ashes placed in urns of clay, bronze, or sometimes even
The Cult of the Keepers also maintains and guards the
extensive network of catacombs and crypts beneath the city,
Khazistan, the Golden Empire
where urns and mummies are placed after the funereal The Padishah of Khazistan is currently the most powerful
ceremonies. monarch of the western continent of Xoth. Showing little signs
No one except the priests are allowed to enter the of complacency, the power of Khazistan seems to be still
catacombs, but on certain days friends and family of the growing, and its shadow looms large over Jairan and Yar-
deceased may come to the Shrine of the Keepers and place Ammon and is felt also in Susrah. Khazabad, city of glittering
offerings on the altar of Yadar to ensure the well-being of lost domes, is the residence of the Padishah, and with easily more
ones. It is even said that when such offerings are plentiful, the than 150,000 inhabitants, the largest city of western Xoth.
priests may unlock the doors to the catacombs and allow brief THE CITY OF ZUL-BAZZIR: Zu l-Bazzir is the western
visits to private crypts. Others whisper that the mute, cowled metropolis of Khazistan and the largest city of the desert,
priests are actually ghouls, who carry away and eat the dead, located amidst lush palm trees in the sprawling oasis of Zul. It
and that they guard only empty urns and coffins in the was founded five centuries ago by Yar-Ammonite traders from
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the south and grew quickly into a major center of trade, a AZIMBA AND THE CITY OF ZIMBALLAH: The
stopover for all major caravan routes through the al-Khazi terrain of northern Azimba is dominated by savannah, while
desert. the southern regions are covered by jungle. Throughout the
land are hundreds of stone statues in the likeness of Jul-
In the last century, Zul-Bazzir was conquered by the
Juggah, a great lizard-bird carved with monstrous features and
Khazistani horsemen coming out of the western steppes.
outstretched, leathery wings. The statues range from three to
Sizeable populations of Yar-Ammonites remain, along with
ten meters in height. They are sacred and offerings, sometimes
people from Susrah, Jairan and elsewhere, and the city
including blood sacrifice, are regularly placed in front of the
remains a thriving place of commerce, housing a population
statues by the priests of Jul-Juggah. To touch the statues or
of maybe as much as 33,000 people.
steal the offerings is an offense punishable by death.
Located on the westernmost edge of Khazistani influence,
The main city, Zimballah, is situated to the west, in the
the city is often threatened by foreign invasion and raids.
foothills of the Shining Hills. Although there are dozens of
Despite this, Zul-Bazzir is unwalled, although the bey’s
lesser stone-walled settlements within Azimba’s borders,
sprawling palace-citadel is protected by a tall inner city wall.
concentrated mostly in the northern savannah lands, whoever
Khadim Bey, the governor of the city, depends heavily on holds Zimballah dominates the region and can claim to be king
mercenaries to defend against occasional Yar-Ammonite of Azimba.
intrigues, Jairanian ambitions, and the raids of wild Khazraj
However, the king must be on good terms with the
nomads. He maintains an army of about 5,000 men, two
influential cult of Jul-Juggah, whose high priest formally
thirds of which are foreign mercenaries, mostly from Yemar
appoints new kings and provides advice and auguries to the
in Jairan.
royal house.
Typical houses are two-story buildings with flat roofs.
Zimballah is sometimes simply called «the City of Stone»
Nobles and wealthy merchants live in walled mansions with
by virtue of its size and importance. Surrounded by hills, the
lush gardens and artificial pools. Between the outer districts
city has massive walls, towers, and multiple interior gates. No
where foreigners and slaves throng, and the golden minarets
one knows who reared Zimballah’s massive, concentric walls
and spires of the inner citadel, are bustling markets, souks
and circular towers. The outer walls are ten meters tall and
and bazaars. Lesser streets wind their way through the maze-
four meters thick, and are fitted seamlessly together without
like districts of the city, where beggars and thieves skulk and
the use of mortar.
revelers feast at night.
Close to 18,000 inhabitants throng Zimballah’s inner
districts, with several hundred merchants, animal-herders,
peasants, mercenaries and beggars living in semi-permanent
The Jungle Kingdoms of the South caravan camps outside the city walls. Foreigners are free to
KATANGA: K atan ga is the on ly to w n o f an y roam the market and residential districts, although all must
importance in the kingdom of Shoma; the lesser «towns» are return to the foreign district at night, when the gates are
merely crude villages scattered across the grassy plains. closed.
South and east of Katanga are the Shining Hills, jungle- At the top of the hillside in which Zimballah nestles is the
covered highlands that abound with gold. noble district, which houses the royal palace, the houses of the
Approaching the town, great herds of cattle can be seen; nobles, the barracks of the king’s guard and the city’s
these belong to the king himself and many of the animals granaries, and finally the temple of Jul-Juggah. It is a
wear ornaments of beaten gold. The cattle in each herd testament to the cult’s influence in Zimballah that the shrine of
number in the hundreds, but are guarded closely by scores of Jul-Juggah is more grand and imposing than the palace’s
spearmen. throne room.

Katanga itself is surrounded by a wooden palisade, inside The city is an important trading center in the jungle
which over 8,000 people huddle together in wretched huts. kingdoms region. Cattle and ornaments of beaten gold from
The average citizens of Katanga are poor, but free, for the Shoma, steel swords and cut gems from Zadj, jungle herbs and
rulers of the Shoma do not keep slaves. However, people animal-skins from Mazania, carpets and peacock feathers from
don’t live to be old, so almost two thirds of the population are Jairan, and even silks and ceramics from far-off Taikang finds
children and young adults. Most live in buildings of sun-dried its way here.
mud with roofs of straw along with their animals, mostly In a desolate valley north of the city walls are the «Caverns
goats and fowl. of Bone», ancient burial-places for the Azimban dead. The high
The spacious inner city, forbidden to commoners, is priest of Jul-Juggah has placed a taboo on the valley,
ringed by a great mud-brick wall. Its gates are adorned with preventing people from worshipping their ancestors, claiming
massive ivory tusks taken from the greatest specimens of the caverns are haunted by the restless and malign ghosts of
elephants. A guard of spearmen at each gate makes sure that the dead.
only nobles, royal guards, priests, merchants and foreign
dignitaries are allowed entry to the inner city, which houses
the royal palace and cattle pens, the temple of Nataka, and
the workshops of the goldsmiths.
The current king is Mashota, a middle-aged man with
many wives and several young heirs, all fighting for the king’s
attention and favours.

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From Khora, the various brotherhoods of the Reavers sail
Yar-Ammon, the Kingdom of Tombs
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The mysterious land of Yar-Ammon continues many
ancient traditions harkening back to Elder Kuth and other,
forth and raid those wealthy merchant vessels traversing the
ocean between the isles and the coast. When they flee back to
their sanctuary, no warship dares enter Khora in pursuit, for it
even more obscure prehuman roots. For its people, the afterlife is zealously guarded by four forts of immense size, giving this
seems to be more real than their mortal existence. High and den of murderers one of the best defended ports in the world,
low alike are buried as they can afford, making the country and the most feared.
rightfully known as the «Kingdom of Tombs». The grandest of Men of all races and cultures came to this port to trade
these are the pyramids, immemorially ancient man-made their treasures and booty, most looted on the high seas from
mountains of stone erected along the marshy banks of the ships flying the flags of Nabastis, Susrah, and Zadj.
Purple River.
THE CANNIBAL COAST: The coastal Iku n a tribes
AMENTI, CITY OF STAR-TEMPLES: Y ar-Ammon’s are known to their neighbors as «man-eaters». Those forms of
capital and only seaport is Amenti, located slightly inland in cannibalism include both resorting to human flesh during
the northern part of the Purple River’s delta. It is an old and times of need, and ritual cannibalism, the latter usually con-
alien city, as majestic as it is forbidding, dominated by the sisting of eating a portion of an enemy warrior.
High King’s palace, broad ceremonial avenues, and – most of
all – the pylon-flanked, black temples dedicated to Yar- When warriors from one tribe slew 1,000 enemies they
Ammon’s mysterious Star-Gods, whose chief priest is the High remained on the battlefield «eating the vanquished until they
King himself. were driven off by the smell of decaying bodies». It is said that
when a witch or shaman dies all members of the community
PI-FAKHUUM, CITY IN THE SWAMP: In the will eat a portion of the eldritch one’s heart.
marshy delta where the twin rivers run down from the Tomb
Hills, sits the city of Pi-Fakhuum with its great temple of Considered a great triumph, the Ikuna greatly enjoy eating
Yibboth, the golden toad-thing, and the lesser shrines their captives. They treat such captives with great cruelty and
dedicated to all the aquatic creatures that slither and croak in often break their legs to prevent them from attempting to
the night. Besides being an important cult-center, the city also escape before being eaten, while still keeping them alive so that
controls the supply of stone from quarries upriver, as well as they may brood over their impending fate. Female captives are
the production of papyrus from the marsh reeds. always in great demand.

Another important population centre is the oasis city of Khadis the pygmy Djaka, who dwell within the deep jungle caves that
to the far north. With some 8,000 permanent inhabitants, dot the islands. There the Djaka cultivate delicate Silver Lotus
Khadis is one of Yar-Ammon’s smaller cities, but important as for their hidden rituals. The islands are a warren of swamps,
the gateway to Khazistan, who grows ever more covetous of it marshes, quicksand, and predatory wildlife, chief of which are
as Khadis’ king, old Akhtesh, shows signs of slipping into the many enormous man-eating slugs long used to ritually feed
dementia. on those who would trespass against the Djaka.

As with all towns of Yar-Ammon, Khadis has one god who The swamps themselves are a perilous place for the
is its patron and revered above all others. In Khadis, this is the inexperienced or unwary. The few dry paths through these
hyena-god. Its idol, a colossal faceless sphinx, towers above the marshes are all kept privy by the Djaka. Dense clouds of
streets of Khadis. It is said to be older than humanity, and to swamp gas, marsh fog, and an endless tangle of drooping moss
guard soul-blasting secrets. Some also whisper about half-men tends to make everything look the same. Many become
slinking in from the desert during moonless nights and hopelessly lost, go crazy, or circle for days before the end
howling in worship of the Red Sphinx. comes… usually a grisly one.

Into the Eastern Ocean

Hopefully you will have entered of your own free will and not
as a slave, either to a person or to a vice. Regardless, few will
have little or no idea the scale of debauchery and villainy that
waits in these infamous dens of iniquity. The folk of the isles as
a whole are seducers and harlots, torturers and slavers,
assassins and kidnappers, zealots and thieves. The denizens of
Khora, however, are even worse…
Khora is the largest city of the isles, said to have over 5,000
residents; and is also the most lawless. Its strategic location
has made it an excellent hideout for its conglomeration of
merchants, thieves, bandits, soldiers, renegades, assassins,
mercenaries, outlaws, cut-throats and ne’er-do-wells. Bar
fights, riots, protests and general chaos are normal and
common. Because of this, Khora has earned the nickname «the
City of Blood».

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Legends of Xoth
Qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxxcvbnm qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm

The World of Xoth is old, and many are its mysteries.

The past is cloaked in the mists of forgetfulness ...

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Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth
In the far distant, mythic past, the World of Xoth is said to With the march of the centuries since the ruin of Elder
have been dominated by monstrous, primal beings with Kuth, realms rose and fell. In the current age, the most
godlike powers. Little is known about these Old Gods, but powerful realm is the recently risen desert empire of
some say that their dominion ended when great sheets of ice Khazistan, followed by warlike Taraam in the northeast.
enveloped their lands and buried them in frozen tombs Though already past the apogee of its greatness and wracked
beneath the Endless White Land. In warmer lands, lesser by intrigue, imperial Taraam receives tribute from Susrah and
servitor races survived, among them a number of foul Nabastis, two loose confederacies of city-states rent by
reptilians who worshipped the memory of the Old Gods and constant infighting and beset by their powerful northern
used primitive ape-men as food, slaves and sacrifice. neighbor. Isolated and protected by its mountain fastness,
spider-haunted Lamu keeps to itself.
The ancient empire of the reptilians was finally overthrown
when from among the ranks of early men rose a mysterious In the desert lands, Khazistan overshadows all other
group of giants, who taught their lesser brethren the arts of kingdoms and threatens both hoary Yar-Ammon with its
science, sorcery and war. Known as the Young Gods, they mystery-shrouded tombs, and far western Jairan. Only distant
defeated the abominations of old, banished the monstrous Zadj is free from the shadow of powerful Khazistan, its ships
races into the night, and after their victory became the and caravans bringing wealth from all corners of the World of
legendary first giant-kings of Kuth. Xoth to marble-pillared Iraab.
Though the largest kingdom by far and also the most In the deep south, Azimba, land of the cities of stone, is the
powerful and advanced one, Elder Kuth was not the only most advanced of the jungle kingdoms, and swamp-riddled
realm. There was also evil, blood-drenched Ptahaana that sunk Ikuna with its cannibal tribes the most primitive. Shoma,
beneath the waves, and doubtlessly other mythic empires in renowned for its mines and gold-adorned cattle herds, may be
the east. Decadence, civil strife, barbarian incursions, and, primitive, but is still far from savage.
some say, the secret machinations of surviving servants of the
The matriarchal jungle realm of Mazania is more myth
Old Gods, did, after a period of greatness, finally bring about
than reality, even more so than wolf-haunted Tharag Thule in
the downfall of Elder Kuth. The giant Kuthans passed into the
far frigid north. The realms of the distant east; Laksha, Ghoma,
realm of legend, but the decayed ruins of their cyclopean cities
Azjan, and most of all distant Taikang, are hidden behind an
can still be glimpsed in the western wastes.
even denser veil of legend and mystery.

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The Dwellers Below

The true name of this once-great race of reptile-men has
now been lost. Their empire spanned many lands, dotted with
great ziggurats, and they used primitive ape-men as slaves,
sacrifice and food. With the rise of man, they were gradually
driven underground, where they became stunted, pale and
Appearance: W hite-skinned albinos with grey scales on
their shoulders and flat heads. The warriors are adorned with
bone necklaces, while the sorcerer-priests wear grisly robes of
human skin.
Religion: The r eptilian Dw eller s B elo w are sw or n
servants of the Old Gods, and worship all manner of
abominations in their dark underground shrines. The Sons of the
The pureblooded giant-kings of Elder Kuth took human
concubines, and the result of these unions were halfbreeds,
exceptional humans who would usually (but not always)
serve as loyal agents of their powerful masters.
Appearance: In hu m an ly tall an d heavily
muscled, with booming voices. The warriors among them
wielded huge swords crafted by the giant-kings, though
some were also known to be sorcerers.
Religion: B elievin g them selves the son s of
demigods, the Kuthan halfbreeds often served as high
priests of their progenitors.

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The Children of the The Longskulls of

Great Serpent Sunken Ptahaana
Also known as the Yalothans, the serpent-men were former The bulk of the Isles of Ptahaana sunk beneath the waves in
masters of the jungles of the south. Many are sorcerers. ancient times, perhaps as a result of failed sorceries. Small
groups of Ptahaanans are believed to remain in the ruins of
Appearance: The tr u e fo rm o f the ser pen t-men is a this bloodstained empire, scattered across the archipelago.
tailed humanoid body topped with a snake head. But this race
has the sinister ability to change shape, blending into human Appearance: Reported sightin gs of su r vivin g
societies and manipulating them to further their own secret Ptahaanans describe them as short of build, with bronze skin,
goals. When killed, a serpent-man always reverts to his true and slightly slanted eyes. The Ptahaanans practice cranial
form. deformation, binding the heads of infants in honor and
imitation of their mysterious and godlike rulers. These rulers,
Religion: The lo rd and cr eato r o f the ser pen t-men is presumably destroyed along with the Isles, were tall, with
known by many names, including Zanthiss, Satha and Hassith- elongated skulls and fingers, and clad in voluminous robes that
Ka. concealed blasphemously mutated bodies.
Religion: The an cien t Ptahaan an s ar e said to have
worshipped Ia-Azutlatl, the «Blood-God» and «Opener of the
Void», atop their stepped pyramids. No doubt traces of such
eldritch sorcery can still be found in the primitive rituals of
their current tribal beliefs.

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Miscellanea of Xoth
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A collection of various random tables and tidbits related to the World of Xoth

24. maze of city streets 52. cannibal or head-hunter 81. raiders or brigands
Random Sword & 25. barren wildlands 53. tent city 82. steaming jungle
26. savage or neanderthal 54. masked nomad 83. forgotten tomb
Sorcery (Table I) 27. girdle of silk 55. winged demon 84. shipwreck
28. elaborate human sacrifce 56. slaver or kidnapper 85. scroll or book
1. curved dagger 29. double-crossing 57. arrogant noble 86. battle or battlefield
2. Dar-Khee 30. smuggler 58. tyrannical government 87. were-beast, she-wolf or half-
3. caravan or caravanserai 31. peacock feathers or ostrich 59. wealthy merchant human hybrid
4. jewelry or gem plumes 60. secret society or hidden 88. strange stone or metal
5. pirate ship 32. ancient chariot complex 89. pygmy or dwarf
6. corrupt advisor 33. spider or spiderweb 61. carnivorous ape 90. wine or drunkenness
7. sewer tunnel 34. escape under of cover of 62. king of thieves 91. cult or secret organization
8. temple guardian night 63. slave 92. revenge or blood feud
9. feat of desperate strength 35. well-guarded fortress 64. yellow 93. heresy or persecution
10. cursed artifact or weapon 36. oath or exclamation 65. grinning bronze or ivory idol 94. murder or slaying
11. burglary or kidnapping 37. human vice or addiction 66. inhuman skull 95. mystic from the East
12. treachery or betrayal 38. living for the day 67. Zhuul 96. perverted or degenerate
13. naked female captive 39. port 68. lotus flower entertainment
14. perverted aristocrat 40. concubine or temptress 69. two-handed sword 97. Urkhab
15. Amoth 41. black 70. fist-sized gem 98. T’ntaa
16. sorcerous trap 42. dungeon 71. blue and gold tapestry 99. cold iron
17. drunken orgy 43. high priest 72. prison 100. lost or degenerate
18. ancient law that demands a 44. pyramid or ziggurat 73. ambush civilization
life be taken 45. forbidden tower 74. sleeping giant snake
19. blood-red 46. local guide 75. Ykhanthra
20. gladiatorial pit 47. chance meeting 76. duel
21. mad magician or ancient 48. chieftain or prince 77. eunuch
mummy 49. ghoul 78. marketplace or bazaar
22. old god from the stars 50. pantherish grace 79. incense-burner
23. Pathar 51. poisoned weapon or drink 80. voluptous princess

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24. Iraab 36. soothsayer 8. exotic goods
Random Sword & 25. Al-Qazir 37. torturer 9. fine lumber
26. Khariya 38. thief 10. furs
Sorcery (Table II) 27. Zimballah 39. thug 11. gems (rubies, emeralds,
28. Katanga 40. trader pearls, etc)
1. oath or honor 29. Boma-Ya 12. gold
2. blood 30. Khora 13. grain
3. mammoth or elephant tusks Punishments 14. incense
4. legend or lie 15. ivory
5. dying or inherited curse Cults 1. drawn and quartered 16. leather
6. betrayal or deception 2. impaled or beheaded 17. lotus
7. temple prostitute or temple 1. Al-Tawir 3. hanged 18. lumber
virgin 2. Belet-Lil 4. tortured 19. oil or tar
8. plague 3. The Living Flame (Nameless 5. flayed 20. raw metal
9. servitude or captivity God of Zadj) 6. imprisoned 21. regional cloth
10. banishment or exile 4. Jul-Juggah 7. whipped 22. regional goods
11. king of kings 5. Yammosh 8. gauntlet 23. semi-precious stones (lapis
12. desert or wasteland 6. Yaathra Yok 9. enslaved lazuli, opals, topaz, etc)
13. corruption 7. Beast-Gods of Yar-Ammon 10. impressed to civil or 24. Susrahnite wine
14. dragon or giant reptile from a 8. Zothur (Zoth-Ur, Xoth-Ur) military service 25. silk
lost age 9. Ahyada 11. jailed 26. silver
15. moon or moonlight 10. Aklathu 12. humiliated 27. slaves
16. tentacled monstrosity 11. Baal-Khardah 13. stocks 28. spices
17. arcane or sacred ritual 12. Ia-Azutlatl 14. apprenticed 29. wine
18. snake-people 13. Maggash 15. fined 30. special
19. heir or chosen one 14. Nhakhramat 16. probation
20. childbirth 15. Nwanga Zhaal 17. court costs
16. Othabbhon 18. case dismissed Names (Table I)
17. Simatala 19. favorable judgment
Races 18. Yadar 20. beneficial judgment 1. Jahwar
19. Yibboth 2. Taziz
1. Azimban 20. Yot-Kamoth 3. Kamytzes
2. Bhangari 21. Zanthiss Hit Locations 4. Varazes
3. Djaka 22. Gods of Tharag Thule 5. Othbanes
4. Ghazorite (Moon-God, Skull-God, (Humanoids) 6. Ifuka
5. Ikuna Wolf-God) 7. Yetara
6. Jairanian 1. head/neck 8. Mwanza
7. Khazistani 2. chest 9. Gasparus
8. Khazrajite 3. abdomen
9. Khoran Occupations 4. groin
10. Ranuga
11. Zama
10. Lamuran 5. left hand 12. Serathu
11. Mazanian 1. artist 6. left leg
2. assassin 13. Jabdar
12. Nabastissean 7. lower left arm 14. Nofruset
13. Tharag Thulan 3. astrologer 8. lower right arm
4. bandit 15. Yatim
14. Yar-Ammonite 9. right hand 16. Rashat
15. Zadjite 5. beggar 10. right leg
6. city guard 17. Yasima
16. Zorabi 11. upper left arm/shoulder 18. Turim
7. commander 12. upper right arm/shoulder
8. concubine 19. Narun
9. courtesan 20. Azif
Cities 10. courtier

1. Mazad
11. craftsman Hit Locations Names (Table II)
12. cultist
2. Achad
3. Khargamum
13. doctor (Monsters) 1. Akhtesh
14. drunken reveler 2. Yog Sodhi
4. Khadar 15. entertainer 1. head/neck
5. Ghezath 3. Methras
16. eunuch 2. left appendage 4. Galan
5. Hamgatana 17. gambler 3. left leg
6. Lamra 5. Rimgur
18. healer 4. torso 6. Kadima
7. Onar 19. laborer 5. right appendage 7. Laugra
8. Ghezath 20. madman 6. right leg 8. Melphas
9. Belthaar 21. mercenary 7. tail
10. Zhaol 9. Hor-Tef
22. merchant 8. internal organ 10. Behruz
11. Ghazor 23. messenger 9. tentacle, tusk or proboscis
12. Yaatana 11. Fu Teng
24. noble 10. wing 12. Amkur
13. Dipur 25. nomad
14. Jhaddar 13. Yasna
26. palace guard
15. Khazabad 27. priest Trade Goods 14. Hasin
15. Farad
16. Zul-Bazzir 28. prostitute
1. ale 16. Arius
17. Yemar 29. sage
18. Ibar 2. arms 17. Mu-Ram
30. scribe 18. Yilak Mal
19. Shan-Addah 31. servant 3. armor
20. Khadis 4. dried fish 19. Phocas
32. slave 20. Kemthradates
21. Amenti 33. slaver 5. dried fruits
22. Akhet 34. smuggler 6. exotic cloth
23. Pi-Fakhuum 35. soldier 7. exotic feathers

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
The Spider-God’s Bride and Other Tales of Sword and
Sorcery, Copyright 2008, Xoth.Net Publishing; Author:
Morten Braten.
Song of the Beast-Gods, Copyright 2011, Xoth.Net
Publishing; Author: Morten Braten.
The Citadel beyond the North Wind, Copyright 2012,
Xoth.Net Publishing; Author: Morten Braten.
The Player’s Guide to the World of Xoth, Copyright 2015,
Xoth.Net Publishing; Author: Morten Braten.

Designation of Product Identity: The follow ing

items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance
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Designation of Open Content: Su bject to th e
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well as all material derived from the SRD or other open
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Adventure Awaits!
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Check out these great sword and sorcery adventure modules

set in the World of Xoth:

XP1: The Spider-God’s Bride

A critically acclaimed collection of ten blood-red sword and sorcery
adventures, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and
Clark Ashton Smith. Suitable for character levels 1-10.

XP2: Song of the Beast-Gods

Intrigue and dark sorcery in the deserts and catacombs of Yar-
Ammon, the Kingdom of Tombs. A mix of wilderness travel, palace
intrigue, and delving into forbidden underground vaults -- a chance
for every character class to shine! Suitable for character levels 2-3.

XP3: The Citadel beyond the North Wind

As a regional sandbox, the module details the never-before-seen
northern lands and races of the World of Xoth. Suitable for character
levels 8-10.

XP4: Land of the Silver Lotus

Narcotic plants, hostile pygmies, giant slugs, and ancient evils — face
them all in this mini-campaign! Suitable for character levels 4-6.

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