Raven's Rules 1.2 For OGL Conan

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Revised Spell

Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere

Power Point Cost: 1

Components: V,S
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Short [Twenty five feet plus five feet per effective level of caster]
Target: One non-native Outsider
Duration: One round per effective level of caster
Saving Throw: Will
Prerequisites: Sign of the Voor, five ranks of Knowledge [arcana] or two ranks of Knowledge
[outsider]; Magic Attack Bonus of +1 or higher
Magic Success Roll: Set’s target’s DC

A common spell for those sorcerers whose work causes them to come into contact with
creatures summoned from different reality, forbiddance is a quick and dirty spell designed to
give the caster a little breathing room in order to deal with angry alien entities. Upon casting
this spell, the caster designates an non-native Outsider within range of the spell. If the target
fails their saving throw, the Outsider may not approach closer to the caster or target them
with weapons, spell or spell like effects for the spell’s duration. They are however free to find
ways to get around this restriction such as dropping a wall on them…..;>

Modifiers: Characters combining this spell with sign of the Voor gain a +1 enhancement
bonus to their Magic Success Roll. Casting the truename spell in conjunction with this spell
gains the caster a +4 supernatural bonus to their Magic Success Roll for the entity the
truename refers to. A character with the Faith Special ability and using the appropriate holy
symbol of their faith may apply +2 morale bonus to their Magic Success Roll. The caster
suffers a -1 supernatural penalty for each point of Corruption they possess.

Basic Spell of the Blessings and Protection Sphere

Power Point Cost: 1

Components: V,S,F
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Touch
Target: One object or creature
Duration: Ten minutes per effective level of caster
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: One rank of Knowledge [religion]; Faith Special ability; No Corruption Score
Magic Success Check: DC 5

Purify is the most basic spell of protection and purification in the Hyborian world. Known to
every lay priest, acolyte and faithful worshipper of civilized deities, this spell infuses a object
or living creature with positive energy. Objects or people under the effect of this spell gain a
+4 supernatural bonus against saving throws from magical attacks from a malign supernatural
entities [e.g. vampires, ghosts, demons, etc] for the duration of the spell. Any such creature
that touches a purified object or person must make a Willpower save opposed by the caster’s
Magic Success Roll. Failure to do so means that the creature suffers 1d6 Holy damage and is
stunned for one round. If the creature passes the saving throw, the spell immediately ends,
overwhelmed by its foul aura of power.

The focus for this spell is a holy symbol appropriate for the caster.

Revised Spell
Bless Blade
Advanced Spell of the Blessings and Protection Sphere

Power Point Cost: 2

Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon
Duration: Ten minutes per effective level of caster
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: Four ranks of Knowledge [religion]; Faith Special ability; No Corruption Score
Magic Success Roll: DC 8

Bless blade is a spell common to all those who seek to defend themselves from evil- or
destroy it outright. The weapon subtype become Holy for the duration of the spell, capable of
affecting malign supernatural entities such as ghosts and demons normally immune to
physical attacks. It also gives an additional point of damage to such creatures for every two
effective levels of the caster. The spell gives no benefit to the weapon when it is being used to
attack any other type of creature.

The focus for this spell is a holy symbol appropriate to the caster.

Word of Torment
Advanced Spell of the Blights and Curses Sphere

Power Point Cost: 2

Component: V
Casting Time: One move action
Range: Short [Twenty-five feet plus five feet per effective level]
Target: One living creature
Duration: One round per effective level of caster
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Prerequisites: Three ranks of Heal; No Code of Honour; Magic Attack Bonus of +2 or higher.
Magic Success Check: Sets DC for saving throw

When casting word of torment a sorcerer utters a harsh, guttural word from a lost tongue, one
rumored to be in the many dialects of demons. The target of the spell is wracked with pain as
his body rebels against the unnatural power of the word. If the target fails their saving throw,
they are stunned with agony for the spells duration. Even the target makes their saving throw,
the resulting agony still causes the target to suffer a -2 supernatural penalty to their attack
rolls, saving throws and skill checks.

Disquieting Visage
Advanced Spell of the Charm and Illusion Sphere

Power Points: 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Duration: One round per effective level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Prerequisites: One basic Charm and Illusion spell, two ranks of Disguise, Magic Attack Bonus
of +1 or higher
Magic Success Roll: Sets DC of saving throw

The caster of disquieting visage distorts the features of their face into hideous mockery of
their actual appearance. The spell is merely an illusion, no actual change is made to the face
itself. Anyone within Evil Eye range of the caster and is looking in their direction must make a
Will saving throw upon seeing the caster or suffer a -1 morale penalty to attack roll, skill
checks and saving throws due to the unnerving nature of the visage. If this save is made, they
remain unaffected by the spell for its full duration.

Undying Vigour
Advanced Spell of the Death and Destruction Sphere

Power Point Cost: 6

Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Short [Twenty-five feet plus five feet per effective level of caster]
Target: One undead creature
Duration: One hour per effective level of caster
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: Raise corpse and two other Advanced Spells of the Death and Destruction
Sphere; sixteen ranks of Knowledge [arcana] or eight ranks of Knowledge [undead]; Base
Magic Attack of +4 of higher.
Magic Success Roll: DC 15
Warning: The learning of and each use of the spell provokes a Corruption check

Undying vigor infuses an undead creature with unholy power, making it a stronger specimen
of its kind for the spell’s duration. For every four effective levels of the caster, the target gets
a +1 supernatural bonus to attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks; + 1d8 temporary hit
points and +2 supernatural bonus to Damage Reduction. An undead creature may not be
under the effect of more than one casting of this spell at any time. Many necromancers use
the benefits of Rule of Inertia [or Success] and Ritual Sacrifices to empower entire hordes of
undead at once.

The material component for this spell is a few drops of a freshly killed sentient being.

Revised Spell

Basic Spell of the Elements and Forces Sphere

Power Point Cost: 1

Components: V, S
Casting Time: One move action
Range: 5 feet
Target: One small light
Duration: Ten minutes per effective level
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: None
Magic Success Check: DC 3

One of the first spell learned by most apprentices, witchlight creates a small mote of light that
hover around the caster. The light can be of any color the caster desires and produces as
much light as a candle. This light requires no oxygen or fuel and can burn without penalty
underwater. The light can move within the range of the spell as the caster directs, but can go
no farther than the spell’s range at any time. If it does, the spell is immediately ended.

Revised Spell

Advanced Spell of the Elements and Forces Sphere

Power Point Cost: 2

Components: V, S
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: 5 feet
Traget: One small ball of fire
Diration: Ten minutes per effective level
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: Witchlight, Magic Attack Bonus of +1 or greater
Magic Success Roll: DC 8

A more potent form of witchlight, this spell produces a ball of fire that hovers around the
caster. The fire can be of any color the caster designates and reduces light equal to a torch.
The fire does not require fuel or oxygen and can burn underwater. The flame can move within
the range of the spell as designated by the caster but cannot pass beyond it. If it does so the
spell is immediately ended.

The witchfire may be used as a weapon against target adjacent to the caster. The caster must
make a touch attack against the target. If successful, the target takes 2d6 Fire damage. The
target may make a Reflex Save against the caster’s Magic Success Roll for half damage. If the
witchfire hits its target, it is immediately extinguished and the spell ends.

Consume Mind
Advanced Spell of the Immortality Sphere

Power Point Cost: 3

Components: S,M, XP
Casting Time: Ten minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One brain
Duration: One hour per effective level of the caster
Saving Throw:
Perquisites: Eight ranks of Heal; eight ranks of Knowledge [arcana]; eight ranks of
Knowledge [nature]; Constitution 12+; Base Magic Attack bonus of +4 or higher
Magic Success Roll: DC 20
Warning: The learning of and use of the spell provokes a Corruption test

Consume mind is a hideous ritual that any sane individual would shy from. To cast this spell
the sorcerer must consume the specially prepared brain of a once living creature in it’s
entirely. The brain must be well preserved- if it has rotted or is damaged it is useless for the
purposes of this spell. By doing so, the caster hopes to consume the knowledge therein for his
own use. This spell not only requires a strong stomach but a debauched nature to utilize…

Upon completing this ritual, the caster is overwhelmed with the sensations of the memories of
the brain he has just eaten as the information is ‘digested’. The caster can then examine these
memories for information they desire, but retrieving it from the massive amount of ingested
information is an act of effort. The caster must make a Concentration skill check against a DC
based on the complexity and obscurity of this information. Simple information such as their
name, family, home, everyday routine can be gained automatically. Simple information such
as the location of their childhood village would require a DC 10, the contents of a book they
read a year ago would merit a 15, the exact layout of a fortress including sceret passages they
lived in years ago would be a 20 while the precise details of a complicated ritual in which each
intonation of the words must be correct or damn the caster forever rates a 30 or higher.

After the duration of this spell expires the stolen memories fade out of the caster’s mind
forever, though the caster may record this information normally while under the influence of
the spell.

The material component for this spell is a well-preserved brain. It has an experience point cost
of 250 XP.
Scales of the Beast
Advanced Spell of the Life and Nature Sphere

Power Point Cost: 2

Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Duration: One minute per effective level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: Six ranks of Knowledge [nature]; Magic Attack Bonus of +2 or greater
Magic Success Check: DC 12

Scales of the beast transforms the skin of the caster into thick scales. These scales grant 1
point of Damage Reduction for every four effective levels the caster has to a maximum of five.
This DR stacks with all other forms of Damage Reduction.

The material component of this spell is several reptilian scales.

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