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In the last few years, the use of Internet has been growing and with it, the use of social media.
Although people use them daily, I strongly believe that they have more consequences than

In the first place, we are allowed to share images of us and of our day to day with everyone. As
a result, they can use our images for whatever they want. For example, we give people the
freedom to appropriate our photos and impersonate us.

Secondly, social media websites have increased the cyberbullying. Everyone can comment in
our posts or in our direct messages without any filter. For this reason, there can be a lot of
problems with the insults and offensive comments.

Thirdly, if we overuse social media websites, we can develop some mental illness. To illustrate,
people, especially teenagers, are prone to comparing themselves to others. Because of that,
they can get diseases like anorexia.

In conclusion, we must be careful with what we do on social media because there can be many
negative consequences.

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