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Comprehensive Land Use Planning

Nancy J. Kukay Community Development Agent OSU Extension - Crawford County

What Is Planning?
It is a structured decision making process that tries to answer three primary questions:
Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How will we get there?

Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Comprehensive Land Use Planning

Is specialized planning that deals with how land is used in the planning area Land use planning focuses on the arrangement of buildings, roads, water and sewer lines This type of planning also tries to answer the question:
What will we look like in the future?
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

How we arrange our built environment affects:

Land values Public services Emergency services Location of manufacturing facilities and businesses Where we play Taxes
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Points To Remember
The comp plan process be the foundation for discussions about land use in a planning area A comp plan serves as a blueprint or guide for community land use decision making Ohio does not mandate comp planning It does not have the force of law locally It should be regularly updated to reflect changing conditions It should reflect the wishes of all residents in a planning area
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Why Do A Comp Plan?

Provides legal justification for zoning laws Helps a community define itself In the face of growth, it can help a community maintain the character or quality of life desired by residents In the face of population decline, it can help a community inventory its assets and serve as a springboard for economic development strategy Gives a community the power to chart their own future A comp plan can help leverage federal grant dollars
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Elements Of A Comp Plan

Vision and mission statement Resident engagement strategy Profile of the community Planning topics
Transportation Water and sewer Education Community services Agriculture
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Elements Of A Comp Plan, contd

Housing Health care Recreation Water shed Communications Information infrastructure

Goals/Action Strategy Implementation Strategy Update Plan

Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Citizen Engagement Model

Rationale for broad based input in the planning process: Ensures ownership in the process Diversity of viewpoints and perspectives brings wisdom to the process Helps to ensure accountability on the part of elected and appointed officials Legitimizes the process A division of labor ensures completion of the process
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Dark-side Of Engaging Residents

Time consuming Potential to increase costs Provides an opportunity for process hostage takers to slow the process down Land use planning can become controversial The planning process leader can become the target of frustration and anger over the process or the goals resulting from the process
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Techniques For Engaging Residents In The Planning Process

Ensure media support Form a task force of community opinion leaders Publicize meetings Gain support of public officials, civic leaders, community opinion leaders, school officials, nonprofit personnel Hold regular, well publicized community meetings Display documents in prominent places such as city hall, libraries

Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Benefits Of Engaging In Comp Planning

Network with local officials civic leaders Local opinion leaders Gain experience in a broad based community decision making process Learn about the planning area Cost recovery opportunity

Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

Role of Extension Agent

Process Facilitator:
Help select task force Provide education about comp planning Bring in outside experts if needed Help structure the process Ensure implementation of the citizen engagement model
Nancy J. Kukay, CD Agent, OSU Extension

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