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English Cuestionary

2do Bachillerato
1.- Choose the correct Option
What is the correct Sentence
a) If you had driven more carefully, you would not had had an accident.
b) If you have driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.
c) If you had drive more carefully, you would not have had an accident.
d) If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.

2.-True or False
a) We use the third conditiona for to express the past consequence of an unrealistic
action or situation in the past. ( True)

b) We use the Second Conditiona for to express the present, pasta and future with
adjectives (False)

c) The future Will is used for to talk about in present and past ( )

3.- Complete
We use going to for to talk about the future and use the versb in present

4.- Choose the correct option the structure of the WILL

a) Subject+ Will+ verb in past Participle +Complement
b) Subject+ Will+ verb in past+Complement
c) Subject+ Will+ verb in present and past +Complement
d) Subject+ Will+ verb in present+Complement

5.- Join With Line

Going To expresses a distant future
Will expresses a near future
Third Conditional expresses a obligation
Should-Shouldn`t expresses the past consequence
6.- Match the correct Option
a) What do yo do Today? In Cuenca
b) Where do you live? I Play Soccer
c) What does She do in the free time? Ecuadorian
d) What are you Nationalitie? She listens to music

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