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! ! ! ! Day
! ! ! Of
! ! !My
! ! Life”
!! !

As such I have not been able to think of the best day that has come on a day like this, but
similar or what could come closer to it would be a series of events with certain people that
are special. And these are one of my best days...

The day I was told I'd be a great aunt, and it's something I got as a gift from my 18, seven
months later that baby was born and it was a very nice thing to see that baby even though I
hardly saw him.

Cooking with my friends from the top was a nice thing as it was a little improvised what we
did and we were able to do it before all this happened, and it was like doing super ladies.

Meetings with my last high school group were fun to be with them despite being a small
group we had many very fun experiences, as well as trying to celebrate the birthdays of
those who served each month, and with less than $500 we planned a meal.

One for me of the most important is with my best friend, as far as we could we try to enjoy
the moments like going out to play, going to the movies, going out alone for a walk and
although we can't see each other we tried to do several things between them watching
movies or series via zoom and talking on the phone or video call. Even if so, we can live
with him and complain about the adult life we're entering, as well as make some crazy
plans like going on a ride.

Those have been more than anything that I consider what I like the most in these 19 years...

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