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Training Program Framework

1000 words
Your response in Part 2 provides your evaluation of the improvement to your identified aspect of physical
activity, and the effectiveness of the strategies that you implemented.

Criterion: AC1&3 will be marked throughout the assignment

Introduction: explaining the purpose what you are trying to find out through creating and documenting your
journey through your training program: 100 words
Paragraph 1:
Exploration and analysis of your training program: 250 words
Criterion: EAR1-3
- What did your fitness tests indicate and how did you use these to inform the training program
- How did your fitness tests link with fitness factors and then the training methods and principles
implemented through your training program?
- How did you consider the appropriate energy systems relevant for your training goals?
Paragraph 2:
Reflection on and evaluation of the overall success of your training program (strategy) you implement for
improvement (progressive overload): 150 Words
Criterion: EAR1-3
- How did you ensure that the strategies (training methods and training principles applied) you
implemented were successful? RESEARCH INFORMED
- What evidence and feedback did you use to inform you that your program was working?
Paragraph 3:
Evidence to justify your evaluation: 400 Words
Criterion: EAR1-3
What evidence do you have that suggests your training program and strategies implement were successful?
- Explain connection between your training program (fitness factors, training methods and principles)
- Working appropriate energy systems during your work out
- Link with acute and chronic adaptions to show progression of chosen fitness goal
- Evidence informed: Fitness tests, program results, HR
- Knowledge and understanding marks to be gained here: O2 debt, O2 deficit, Steady State, Lactate
Threshold, anaerobic, aerobic, etc.

Conclusion: Sum up your experience of participating in the training program and conclude as to whether you
have reached your training goals (evidence informed). 100 Words

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