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Empathy map

An “empathy map” is a technique for visualising what another person says, does, sees, and
hears in order to better grasp their point of view (Cairns et al. 2021). By putting ourself in their
situation, we will develop empathy for them. From the model, employees are more likely to
leave if they feel they are not competent at their jobs, or if they have high abilities but are unable
to grow in the organization. Because when an enterprise doesn’t perform well, it cannot provide
economic benefits to their workers such as increasing their salary or welfare (Zhang 2016).
Moreover, negative feedbacks from supervisors can challenge employees’ confidence and
motive to be high-performing, while also triggering negative feelings like discomfort, stress, and
sadness (Motro, Comer & Lenaghan 2020). Finally, job dissatisfaction is usually the
consequence of irrelevant and meaningless tasks being assigned to the employees to perform
(Half 2019).

(Nguyen, Bui & Nguyen 2021)

(Coldwell, Williamson & Talbot 2019)

Cairns, P, Pinker, I, Ward, A, Watson, E & Laidlaw, A 2021, 'Empathy maps in communication
skills training', The clinical teacher, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 142-146.

Coldwell, DAL, Williamson, M & Talbot, D 2019, 'Organizational socialization and ethical fit: a
conceptual development by serendipity', Personnel review, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 511-527.

Motro, D, Comer, DR & Lenaghan, JA 2020, 'Examining the effects of negative performance
feedback: the roles of sadness, feedback self-efficacy, and grit', Journal of business and
psychology, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 367-382.

Nguyen, TNT, Bui, THT & Nguyen, THH 2021, 'Improving employees' proactive behaviors at
workplace: The role of organizational socialization tactics and work engagement', Journal of
human behavior in the social environment, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 673-688.

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