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Lesson Plan for ARTS

Assignment no : 6
Day/Date: Week No: 6
Topic : Line pattern Landscape

Students will gain a deeper understanding of different types of lines and how lines can
make up landscapes. Students will develop an appreciation for the use of lines within their
own lives.


The Learner Will:

 Describe what a landscape is.
 Describe what line is.
 Give examples of various kinds of lines.
 Demonstrate how line is used within a landscape.
 Develop ideas from imagination, everyday lives, and other visual inspiration
discussed in class.
 Compare and contrast their own landscape with real landscapes.
 Identify and explain how their color choices influence mood or feelings.
 Identify and explain foreground, middle ground, and background.
 We examined various lines, how to create them, and I created a simple handout
for the students to refer to:
 Line is a long, narrow mark or band.
 Landscape is a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery.
 Foreground is what is closest to you (show on my landscape).
 Background is the sky and whatever is furthest away (show on my landscape).
 Middle ground is everything that is in between (show on my landscape).

Material Needed:

 Art pad
 Marker colors/Pencil colors
 Black marker
 Construction paper
 Drawing board
Starter (5 min):
Have the word "line" written on the white board and examples of the project pasted on the
 Ask for a few volunteers to share what they think "line" means.
 Ask students to give examples of line and draw them on the white board under the
word "line" as they say them.
 Ask for a volunteer to share what a "landscape" is.
 Ask for a volunteer to find a landscape within the room (Starry Night by Vincent Van
Gogh). Make sure all of the students agree that it is a landscape.
 Show students my example of a landscape made up of lines. Ask questions:
o What kinds of lines did I use in my landscapes? How can you tell what it is that
I drew?
 Explain to students that they are going to use line, like the lines we drew on the
board, to create a landscape.

Lesson developer/ Activities:

 Pass out paper to each student.

 Instruct them to begin drawing their landscapes using pencil.
 Remind them to use lines to create their landscape.
 Leave the lines you drew on the board as a reference.
 After a majority of the class has finished drawing with pencil, allow them to use
sharpie markers to go over their lines.
 Remind them to think about color and the mood or feeling it creates.
 After 10 minutes or so, ask students to put the sharpie markers away.
 Allow students to begin filling in areas with pencil colors or marker colors, but
remind them to keep some areas open.
Formative Assessments:

 Observe whether or not students are drawing.

 Watch closely as they work independently.
 Ask questions to each student as they do the activity.
 Check to see if they can correctly draw pattern after they do the activity a few times.

Reinforcement Activity (R.A):


Ask for a few volunteers to share with the class how they used line in their landscape.
 Ask for a few different volunteers to share how they used color to create a mood or
feeling in their landscape.
 Have my finished example hanging in the front of the room.
 Ask for 3 volunteers to come to the front of the room.
 Have "Contestant One" find the foreground in the painting. Make sure the class
 Have "Contestant Two" find the middle ground in the painting. Make sure the class
 Have "Contestant Three" find the background in the painting. Make sure the class
 Have students put their finished paintings on the dry rack when done.

Teacher’s Name: Teacher’s Signature:

Academic Coordinator Comments:


Branch Head Comments:


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