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Питання на іспит 2 курс

1. Constitution of Ukraine (Unit1)

2. Elections (Unit 3)
3. The System of Government. The legislative branch (Unit 4)
4. The System of Government. The executive branch The Cabinet of Ministers
( Unit 5)
5. The System of Government. The executive branch. The President of Ukraine
(Unit 5)
6. The System of Government. The Judicial branch (Unit 6)
7. Ukraine’s Court System . Constitutional Court. ( Unit 7)
8. Overview of National, State, and Local Governments in the USA( Unit 1
Part II)
9. The role of the US Constitution (Unit 2 Part II)
10.The Federal Government. The Legislative branch (Unit 4 Part II)
11.The Federal Government. The Executive branch (Unit 5 Part II)
12.The Federal Government. The Judicial branch (Unit 6 Part II)
13.The Supreme Court and Civil Rights (Unit 7 Part II)
14.Elections and The Electoral Process (Unit 10 Part II)
15.Constitution and Government of UK (Unit 2 Part III)
16.State organs: Monarchy and Legislature (Unit 3-4 Part III)
17.State organs: Executive (Unit 6 Part III)
18.Judicial System of Great Britain (Unit 7 Part III)

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