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Name: Leih Aldrin G.

Balbin Date: 16/08/22

Grade and Section: 12 - Prudence

Directions: Explain your understanding of inquiry and research by answering the

following questions.

1. Compare and contrast Inquiry and Research.

- While research is the methodical and formal investigation and study of materials and

sources in order to establish facts and draw novel conclusions, inquiry is the process

of seeking answers to questions.

2. Which is easier to carry out: Inquiry or Research? Give reasons for your answer.

- Since inquiry is merely the process of seeking answers to questions, it is easier for


3. How can a researcher be a scientist?

- They can be if their research is on a scientific topic and adheres to the scientific

method. However, not all scientists are researchers.

4. Could Inquiry and Research go together? Explain your point.

- Yes, the definition of an inquiry is a method of questioning, including an interview.

Additionally, research is a method of methodical information collecting, therefore

these two go together.

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