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Doctor Strange

Ted ,Aidan ,Sahir and Tyjuan

The Five Foundations

Save up $500 for emergencies

Put aside $500 in case of an unexpected situation.
Having $500 dollars saved will minimize the financial danger of emergencies.
Without having money saved, emergencies will cause you to go into debt which can be
difficult and time consuming to pay off.
You can save $500 by setting aside $100 of a paycheck for 5 months.
Perhaps if Dr. Strange had more money saved for emergencies, he wouldn’t have so
much debt from trying to fix his hands.

Stay Out of Debt

Get out of debt so you don't owe money.
You need to get out of debt so you don't have trouble paying it back in the future
or a better idea don't get in debt in the first place.
A way to stay out of debt is to manage your money well so you don't have to ask for
It is very hard to manage money but you have to learn how to be disciplined you
should learn this skill before you get in debt but it still work when your in it
and when you get out of it.
If you start going into debt you will have to owe the bank a lot of money and this
can go on for years and maybe even centuries now ask yourself do you want that.

Pay cash for your car

Pay in cash then there will be no interest pay
Car becomes an asset once purchased
If it is not pay in cash then you will have no assets
Interest pay is included, which cause you to lose more money
So when you crash a car like Doctor Strange you don’t have to keep paying even
though the car is broken.

Pay cash for your college By:Sahir

Pay cash for college so u do t get into debt.
You can ask for payment plans and decide how much can i wanna pay upfront and how
much you wanna pay in a monthly manner.
That is how most banks make their money, by giving loans to everyone.
You should only take student loans if they are your very last option.
Also a way to achieve all this is to save money on a monthly basis in order to not
having to take a loan.

Become wealthy and be outrageously generous

Being generous to others is being kind both socially and financially
You can be generous in many ways, like paying for someone’s meal or donating to
Being generous is important to our society and to us individually. Generosity has
been proven to provide mental and physical health benefits.
Dr. Strange had been shown to be somewhat grouchy until he showed Spiderman
generosity in No Way Home.

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