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1e3 Tasks 04/02/21

1. Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for
your country - JFK
→ What message was John F. Kennedy trying to get across when he spoke
these famous words?
2. Today you will find out more about people who did/ do way more for their
country than anyone would expect.
Read the texts and find out more about your individual who raised his/her
Sum up the most important facts about his/her achievements.
Prepare a good well-thought-of presentation for your classmates.

Mara, Anna, Lalit, Daniel,Tim, Diana: RaSia Khepra

Niklas, Magnus, Francesca, Romy, Florian: Malala Yousafzai
Moritz, David, Lea, Melissa, Marena, Marcel: Jack Andraka
Karen, Benedikt, Leonie, Selin, Gregor: Kelvin Doe

3. Apart from the issues the people you presented are fighting for: What are
pressing issues in our society/ our world people should raise their voices for?

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