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The Universe

Task 1
Discuss your views on the following idea:
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying”
(sci-fi writer Arthur C Clarke, author of the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey.)

Task 2
1. What’s the Universe?
2. How many “models of the universe” do you know?

Task 3
Watch the video and answer:
1. How can we define Geocentrism?
2. How can we define Heliocentrism?

Task 4
In your own words, explain the meaning of the following concepts:
1. Axis.
2. Celestial object.
3. Apparent daily motion.
4. Spin (verb).
5. Orbit (verb/noun).
6. Inner planet.
7. Epicycle.
8. Revolve (verb).
9. Rotate (verb).
10. Ellipsis.

Task 5

What do you think is the mistake made by both geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe?

What’s a better way of calling these so-called geocentric and heliocentric “models of the universe”?

The Universe in the language

Task 6

Read the following cartoon and answer: which statement should the cartoon characters use to
accurately describe the Earth’s turning motion?
a. Earth rotates in the heliocentric model.
b. Earth rotates in the geocentric model.
c. Earth revolves in the geocentric model.
d. Earth revolves in the heliocentric model.

Task 7
In 2010, astronomer Phil Plait stated: “Geocentrism is a perfectly valid frame of reference (…)
thinking geocentrically makes sense.”
In which ways can you connect this idea with the comic strip?

Task 8
Comment on the following statements:
“You are the centre of my Universe.”
“The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“You appreciate the sunrise when you see the sunset.”

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