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3-2-1 Activity

3 Things I Learned…

1. I learned how to use the quadratic formula properly in an actual situation.

In the problem of launching a rocket, I learned what the vertex and y-
intercept mean.

2. I learned how to solve the highest point and lowest point of the equation.
I didn't know that -b/2a could help us find the graph's vertex.

3. I learned three ways to solve the graph: factoring, completing the square,
and the quadratic formula.

2 “Aha” Moments I Had…

1. I was amazed when I noticed that the - b/2a formula helped us find the
graph's highest and lowest points. -b/2a is the x-coordinate of the vertex, so
after I solved the x-coordinate of the vertex, I put the x value and solved the
y-coordinate of the vertex.

2. I was surprised when I learned the quadratic formula of the graph. By the
quadratic formula, I didn't have to waste much time thinking of the factoring.
Instead, I just put the values into the equation and solved the graph.

1 Question I Still Have…

1. When I graph the relationship between the height and time of shooting a
rocket and reaching the ground again, I wonder what the acceleration will do
in the actual experiment. And I wonder if there is a way that I can
immediately know which method is the most appropriate when solving the

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