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Dilip Kumar Pradhan

 It is a life saving first aid procedure that
combines chest compressions with rescue
breaths, supplying oxygen to the whole body
until normal body functions can resume.
Cardiac Arrest
 Causes :
 Heart Attack
 Asphyxiation
 Suffocation
 Allergic Reaction
 Shock
 Secondary to severe injury
 Unconsciousness

 No Pulse / Heart beat

 Absence of Breathing
 Remove the Danger

 Check Response

 Open Airway

 Check Breathing

 Give 30 Chest Compression

 2 Rescue Breath
 Kneel beside the causality , level with his chest.

 Place the heel of one hand on the centre of

causality’s chest (over the Sternum)
 Place the heel of your other hand on top of
the first hand & interlock your fingers
making sure the fingers are kept off the
casualty’s ribs.
 Leaning well over the casualty , with your
arm straight , press down vertically on the
breast bone & depress the chest by 4-5 cm.
release the pressure without removing your
hand from his chest. Allow the chest to
come back fully before giving the next
 Compress the chest 30 times @ 100
compression per minute .

 Tilt the head , lift the chin and give two

rescue breath.

 Repeat 30 chest compression followed

by two rescue breath.
 Ensure head tilt & chin lift.
 Pinch the soft part of his nose, index
finger and thumb of your hand on his
 Open his mouth a little.
 Take a deep breath to fill your lungs and
place your lips around his mouth with a
good seal.
 Maintaining head tilt and chin lift take
your mouth off the casualty’s mouth and
look to see the chest fall. Give two rescue
breaths then repeat 30 chest
compression without any delay.
 Give 5 rescue breaths

 30 chest compression
(with one hand only)

 2 rescue breaths

 30 chest compression : 2 rescue breaths

 Give 5 rescue breath

 30 chest compression
(with 2 fingers only)

 2 rescue breath

 30 chest compression : 2 rescue breath

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