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The Canterville Ghost

On chapter I, the Mr Otis, bought Canterville Castle, although everyone told him not to
because, the place was haunted. But Mr Otis bought it anyway. A few weeks later, on a
lovely July evening, Mr Otis, his wife and their children, Washington, Virginia and the
twins, went down to their new home. When they entered the avenue of Canterville
Castle, things spooky started to happen in the sky and in the air.
Mrs Umney, the housekeeper, told them the reason for the bloodstain into the library of
the castle saying: It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on
that spot by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon disappeared
seven years later. His body has never been found, but his ghost still haunts the Castle.
The bloodstain is a tourist attraction now and it cannot be removed.
But that is all nonsense,' said Washington, the eldest son of the Otis family, 'stain
remover will clean it up in no time,' and he took a bottle of stain remover out of his
pocket and cleaned the spot. But as soon as the blood-stain had disappeared, a terrible
flash of lightning lit up the room and a fearful peal of thunder made the whole building

It say that nothing happened but a terrible storm. However The next morning, when the
family came down to breakfast, they found the terrible stain of blood once again on the
floor. Washington cleaned it a second time, but appeared again. The third morning it
was there, too. The following night, they were sure about the existence of the ghost . the
family went to bed at eleven o'clock and some time after, Mr Otis was awakened by a
strange noise in the corridor, outside his room, and it came nearer every moment. got up
and looked at the time. It was exactly one o'clock.
So went to the door and opened it. There, right in front of him, stood the ghost - his eyes
were as red as burning coals; long gray hair fell over his shoulders and from his wrists
and ankles hung heavy chains. He offered him bottle of lubricator telling him to grease
the chains because it was impossible to sleep with so much noise, laid the bottle down,
closed his door and went back to bed. Shocked, the Canterville ghost stood quite
motionless for a moment, but then he grewled angrily. Just at these moment, the twins
appeared on the corridor and threw a large pillow at him! The ghost hastily escaped to
him small secret chamber, through the wall, and the house became quiet again.
In Chapter III
it says that the ghost does not appear for a week and they only saw the blood stain on
the floor that changed color, but one Sunday night when the family was in bed they
heard a terrible noise in the hallway, it was the ghost that had tried to take the armor
with him, the twins saw him and began to throw peas at him, then the ghost went like
fog between them extinguishing the candles leaving them in darkness, because he was
very angry because also Mrs. Othis was kind With him giving him medicine, then he
only went out to renew the blood stain, but he scared the family again on August 17, but
the twins ended up scaring him by playing a joke with another ghost made by a sheet.
For five days, the ghost did not leave his room. He was very weak and tired and his
nerves were completely shattered. He also gave up the point of the blood-stain on the
library floor. Now, he was careful to have oiled his chains and not to make a sound.
However, the twins still played their tricks on him. This so annoyed the ghost, that he
decided to teach the twins a lesson and give them the fright of their lives, and crept
down the corridor. When he reached the twins' bedroom, he found the door slightly
In order to frighten the boys enormously, he flung the door wide open, when a heavy
jug of water fell right down on him, wetting him to the skin. The twins burst out in
shrieks of laughter and the ghost fled. He now gave up all hope frighten family and, as
he was very afraid of the twins, from now on he crept around the house as quietly as
possible. After this and the fright next to the bloodstain not seen again at night. His
feelings were so wounded that he just did not appear anymore.
Virginia was walking down the hall when she saw a person in one of the rooms and she
entered, it was the canterville ghost, they talked and she told him that if he behaved well
no one would bother him, but the ghost told him that he must rattle his chains , moan
through the eyes of the locks and walk at night. That was their only reason for existing.
Then Virginia asked him why he had killed his wife, The ghost admitted it, but said that
his wife was not very nice and that she did not know anything about cooking.
Virginia, hearing that, left the room and the ghost asked her not to leave, that she felt
sad and tired, that she had wanted to sleep for three hundred years, but that she could
not do it, so Virginia decided to help him and told her that in the Garden of Death the
Cemetery could rest.
The ghost accepted but asked Virginia to pray for him, for his soul and his sins, so that
the angel of death will have mercy. Virginia helped her out and gratefully took her hand
and kissed it, then the wall was slowly fading like a mist, and a cold and bitter wind
surrounded them. Then the wall closed behind them and the chamber was empty.
They realize that Virginia disappeared, they looked for her everywhere and she did not
appear, until Mr. Otis said they would continue looking for her the next day. But just
when everybody was about to leave the dining-room, the clock struck midnight, and
when the last stroke sounded, a secret door opened in the wall and in that door stood
Virginia with a little box in her hand. Everybody ran up to her.
Mr. Otis was very angry with her because he thought he was joking, then Virginia told
him that he had been with the ghost, that he was very sorry and she helped him to die
and that is why he gave him that box of jewels before he died, then Virginia He led the
family to the secret room in the hallway and they found the skeleton of Sir Simon who
had starved to death at the hands of his wife's brothers, then fulfilling what was
promised to the ghost, she prayed silently, suddenly one of the twins looks down
window the old almond tree had flowers and told them with emotion, then Virginia
standing up said: Then God has forgiven him.
finally in the CHAPTER VII
Four days later, a funeral started from Canterville Castle. In a quiet corner of the
churchyard, Sir Simon's skeleton was buried, Virginia laid a large cross made of white
and pink almond-blossoms on the coffin. Virginia was made to keep the valuable jewels
by Sir Simon's descendant, which were admired by all when she married Duke Cheshire
in 1890.
After their honeymoon, Virginia and her husband went down to Canterville Castle and
on the day after their arrival they walked over to the churchyard. Virginia had brought
some lovely roses, which she strewed upon the grave, and after they had stood by it for
some time, Virginia told him: the Sir Simon He made me see what Life is, and what
Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both.

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