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WELCOME TO THE NEW CLEAR ZONE The residential sector for the future! Rejoice, citizen! For your continued hard labours, the People’s Office of Housing and Disposal of Containers Previously Used for Hazardous Materials have granted you Hab Unit 1 - a spacious one-room domicile in the New Clear Zone. The POHDCPUHM asserts that you will find Hab Unit 1 to your liking! Citizens will note that wasteful expenditure of wood glue when assembling Hab Unit 1 will lead to Category 14 infractions. More prudent citizens will find that loyalty is the glue that binds both communities and building materials together. Likewise, frivolous use of the People’s Painting ‘Supplies is discouraged. Accessories provided by the POHDCUHM include: + 3 signs for approved capitalist ventures + illumination modules + ventilation unit + small overhang + morally uplifting slogan

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