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a) State the problem you wish to investigate with the data set you have.
b) Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses. Use 0.05 level of significance.
c) State and check the assumptions.
d) Present the results and interpretation.
e) Include your data set as appendix
More than 85% of school children in the Philippines or about 140-141 in every 165
students can’t read simple texts in large part due to the longest school’s closure of more
than 18 months as of the middle of March caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The school
head wishes to investigate if the proportion of their students in Grade 9 who can read is
greater than the proportion in the entire Philippines.

⮚ p=value is less than 0.05 level of significance for nonreader and reader.
⮚ The reader of Grade 9 which is more than 52% is significantly greater than known
Proportion of 15% of reader students in Philippines.

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