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Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology

Nig. J. Anim. Sci. Tech. Vol. 4 (1):43 - 52

Available @
© Department of Animal Science, University of Maiduguri
Chemical composition, anti-nutritive substances, amino acid profile and mineral
composition of Moringa oleifera seeds subjected to different boiling duration
Musa, J. and 2*Njidda, A. A.
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kaduna State University, Kafanchan campus, Kaduna
State, Nigeria
Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, National Open University of Nigeria, KM4, Kaduna-Zaria road,
Rigachukun, Kaduna State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author’s

This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical and mineral compositions, anti-nutritive
substances and amino acid profile of Moringa oleifera seeds. Samples were collected from
five Moringa oleifera trees and analyzed for chemical and mineral compositions, anti-
nutritive substances and amino acid profile using standard methods. The results indicated
that the seeds of Moringa oleifera contained significantly (p<0.05) higher (322.00 and
136.40 g kg-1 DM) crude protein (CP) and fat values. The highest CP (322 g kg-1 DM) was
obtained at 60 minutes boiling point of M. oleifera while the lowest CP (225.00 g kg-1 DM)
was obtained from M. oleifera seeds boiled at 0 minutes (no heat treatment). M. oleifera
seeds was observed to contain significantly (p<0.05) higher crude fiber (94.00 g kg-1 DM),
neutral detergent fiber (518.00 g kg-1 DM) and cellulose (338.00 g kg-1 DM) at 60 minutes
boiling duration than the other parameters studied. Boiling duration shows significant effect
(p<0.05) on Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium values which decrease with
increase in boiling duration while the phosphorus shows some inconsistency in the values
with variation in boiling time. Similarly the values for the micro minerals tend to decrease
with increase in boiling time but the changes was so insignificant (figuratively). The tannin,
phenolics, saponins and phytate content was observed to decrease with increase in boiling
time. In conclusion, the seeds of both Moringa oleifera could be used as alternative protein
supplement sources for feeding ruminant and monogastric animals during dry periods of the
year and apparently boiling duration (60 minutes boiling duration) reduces the level of anti-
nutrtive substances and macro minerals, as such mineral supplement should be added when
using heat treated M. oleifera seeds does not cause adverse effects on the nutrient
composition of the seeds.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera seeds, mineral, anti-nutritive substances

Introduction lotion. People in the Indian subcontinent

Moringa is considered to be one of the most have long used Moringa pods for food. The
nutrient-rich plant on earth. Moringa leaves leaves are consumed throughout West
have been consumed by Asians for Africa and some parts of Asia. Moringa
millennia as a healthy food product. Studies leaves are of high nutritive value (Moyo et
from other countries indicate that the leaves al., 2011). Moringa oleifera belongs to the
have immense nutritional value such as family Moringaceae and it is an effective
phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and remedy for malnutrition. Moringa is rich in
amino acids (Busani et al., 2011). As such, nutrition owing to the presence of a variety
the leaves have been used to combat of essential phytochemicals present in its
malnutrition, especially among infants and leaves, pods and seeds. In fact, Moringa is
nursing mothers. The Romans, Greeks, and said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than
Egyptians extracted edible oil from the oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than
seeds and used it for perfume and skin carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9
Musa and Njidda 2021

times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times were then sub-sampled to obtain three
more potassium than bananas and 25 times samples and used for the laboratory
more iron than spinach (Rockwood et al., analysis.
2013). Moringa seeds have long been used
by the public as a tasty vegetable and water All Moringa oliefera seeds were harvested
purifier because of its coagulant properties from Kafanchan, Jema’a local Government
(Ayotunde et al., 2011). Moringa oleifera is area of Kaduna state, Nigeria. It is located
a promising plants with organic properties within latitude 90 34’N and longitude 80
which could contribute to increased intake 17’E. The vegetation of the area is the
of some essential nutrients and health- Guinea Savannah type and the area is
promoting phytochemicals (Balbir, 2006). It designated as koppen’s Aw climate with two
contains active substances that can improve distinct seasons, a wet season in summer
digestion and metabolism and possess and a dry season in winter. Rainfall occurs
antibacterial and immuno stimulant between the months of April to October
activities (Ghazalah and Ali, 2008). It also with a peak in August. The mean annual
contains bioceutical agents that could rainfall is about 1800 mm and the mean
substitute synthetic growth enhancers and monthly temperature is 250C, while the
supplements in poultry birds (Lannaon, relative humidity is about 630C, (Ishaya and
2007). Other Moringa plant parts like Abaje, 2008).
flowers, roots, and bark also have good
nutritional and therapeutic value (Olushola, Chemical Analysis:
2006). Seed extract exerts its protective Samples of Moringa oleifera seeds were
effect by decreasing liver lipid peroxides, analyzed for dry matter (DM), crude protein
antihypertensive compounds thiocarbamate (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF)
and isothiocyanate glycosids have been and ash according to AOAC (2002). The
isolated from the acetate phase of the mineral composition (calcium and
ethanolic extract of Moringa pods. magnesium) of the forages were analyzed
However, there is a paucity of information using atomic absorption spectrophotometry
on the effect of boiling duration on seeds of (Zohary, 1973). Phosphorus was determined
M. oleifera cultivated in Nigeria for its according to the Vanadomolybdophosphoric
inclusion in livestock feed formulation. Acid Method (Shiou, 1996) using a
Therefore, this study was conducted to spectrophotometer (Jenway 6100, UK). The
analyze the chemical composition, anti- seed were analyzed for neutral detergent
nutritive substances, amino acid profile and fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF),
mineral composition of M. oleifera seeds acid detergent lignin (ADL) and cellulose
meal with an objective of addressing according to Van Soest et al. (1991).
food/feed availability for livestock in Percentage hemi-cellulose content was
Nigeria obtained by finding the difference between
NDF and ADF values. Anti nutritional
Materials and Methods constituents: Phytate in the plant seeds was
Forage samples collection and estimated as phytic acid using the method of
experimental site: Maga (1982), while saponins and total
The seeds of Moringa oliefera were condensed tannin were determined as
harvested from at least 10 different Moringa reported by Babayemi et al., (2004) and
oleifera stands selected at random in four Polshettiwar et al., (2007), phenolics was
locations within the study area at the end of determine using Folin Ciocalteu as
the rainy season. The harvested sample were described by Makkar (2000).
then pooled and then oven dried at 1050C
for 24h to constant weight and ground to Statistical analysis
pass through a 1.0 mm, sieve. The samples

Musa and Njidda 2021

The data were analyzed using SPSS (2009). ether extract (EE) and crude fibre (CF)
The mean and standard error of means while the values for all the fibre fractions
(SEM) of the triplicate analyses of the neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent
samples were calculated. Analysis of fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL)
variance was performed to determine and Cellulose, decrease with increase in
significant differences between the means, boiling duration. Ash and hemicellulose
while the means were separated using the were inconsistent (as shown in Table 1).
new Duncan multiple range test and P <
0.05 was applied to establish significant Macro minerals concentration in M.
differences. Determination of oleifera seed
The result of the macro mineral
concentration is shown in Table 2. It was
Determination of amino acid profile observed that the values for all the macro
Moringa seed flour sample hydrolysates minerals tends to decrease with increase in
were prepared following the method of boiling duration. There was significant
Spackman et al. (1958). 200 mg of samples difference (P<0.05) for all the parameters
was weighed into a glass ampoule, 5 mL of studied. The decrease in values of the
6 mol/L HCl was added to this, and the mineral elements occur mostly at 40 minutes
contents were hydrolyzed in an oven preset boiling duration.
at 105±5°C for 22 h. Oxygen was expelled
in the ampoule by passing nitrogen gas into Micro minerals concentration in M.
it. Amino acid analysis was done by ion- oleifera seed
exchange chromatography (Spackman et al. Table 2 presented the composition of micro
1958) using a Technicon Sequential minerals in the M. oleifera seeds in this
Multisample Amino Acid Analyzer study. The iron content of the seeds ranged
(Technicon Instruments Corporation, New between 183.00 and 185.00 mg/100g DM.
York, NY). The period of analysis was 76 Boiling duration had significant effect
min, with a gas flow rate of 0.50 mL/min at (P<0.05) on most micro minerals except for
60°C, and the reproducibility was ±3%. The Manganese (P>0.05). The concentration of
amino acid composition was calculated from copper in the M. oleifera seeds was
the areas of standards obtained from the generally low and non-significant for all the
integrator and expressed as percentages of boiling duration (7.42 to 7.60 mg/100g)
the total protein.
Results Amino Acid profile
Chemical composition of test sample The result of the amino acid profile is shown
The result of the chemical composition of in Table 3. Threonine valine, isolencine,
the test sample is presented in Table 1. M. lysine, histidine, phenylalamine and
oleifera seeds contained significantly Tyrosine were observed to increase with
(p<0.05) higher values for all the parameters increase in boiling durations. There was
observed except for crude fibre and significant difference (P>0.05) between the
hemicellulose which tends to be low for all boiling duration for all the amino acids. The
the treatments. Significant differences non-essential amino acids also differed
(P<0.05) were observed between the boiling significantly (P>0.05) with boiling duration.
duration for all the parameters studied. The The values tend to increase with increase in
results also reveal an increase in values with boiling duration.
increase in boiling duration for all the
parameters studied. The results also revealed Anti-nutritive Substances
an increase in values with increase in All anti-nutritive substances (Table 4) were
boiling duration for dry matter (DM), significantly (p>0.05) affected by boiling
organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), duration with 60 minutes boiling time

Musa and Njidda 2021

having the least value and 0 minutes having works have been done, reporting the levels
the highest. Thus boiling reduces the anti- of nutrients, including minerals in M.
nutritive substances in the seeds. oleifera, with emphasis on variations in the
levels as a function of geographical
Discussion locations where the plant is grown; and the
Chemical composition Moringa oleifera results showed that there could be variations
seeds in the levels of macro and micro mineral
Moringa oleifera tree contains high crude elements in the plant, depending on the soil
protein (CP) in the leaves (251 g/kg DM) properties of the geographical locations
and negligible content of tannins and other where it grows (Anjorin et al., 2010) and
anti-nutritive compounds and offers an Njidda, (2012). Generally, the results
alternative source of protein to ruminants showed significant effect (p<0.05) of boiling
(Nouala et al., 2006; Raji and Njidda, 2014) duration on the macro minerals, the values
and non-ruminants. The seeds contain high of the macro minerals tend to decease with
amount of CP, suggesting that M. oleifera increase in the boiling duration which
can be used as a protein source for both suggest that adequate mineral
livestock and humans. The fact that the supplementation is required when feeding
seeds contain higher CP content than other heat treated M. oleifera seeds to livestock.
parts suggests that they can be used as a The vital minerals present in Moringa
valuable source of protein. Ojukwu (2012) include Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium,
stated that Moringa seed are periodically Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. The
harvested to make a sauce, locally known as contents of sodium (Na), potassium (K),
“mboum” or can be used to feed poultry, cacium (Ca), phosphorous (P) and
pigs and cattle. In a recent study, Mabruk et magnesium (Mg) and trace minerals iron
al. (2010) reported higher levels of DM, ash, Fe), copper (Cu), Manganese and zinc (Zn)
CP, EE and CF (950.00, 34.80, 391.70, were also higher.
388.00 and 48.00 g/Kg) while gross energy
was (14.790) (MJ/kg). These results Amino Acids Moringa oleifera seeds
indicated that nutrient composition of M. Amino acids are classified as essential and
oleifera seeds differed according to location non-essential, which vary according to
and possibly stage of harvesting of Moringa animal species and their production system
seeds. M. oleifera seed is a good source of (Swanepoel et al., 2010). Rumen microbes
protein since according to Pearson (1976), synthesize the essential amino acids from
any plant food that provides more than 12% other amino acids or from nitrogen
of its calorific value from protein is a good containing substances (Moyo et al., 2011).
source of protein. The seeds contain high The efficiency of rumen microbial growth
amount of proteins at higher level of boiling and activity in the rumen is enhanced by the
time which indicate that the boiling duration presence of adequate amino acids, peptides
has no negative effect on the CP content of and most macro and micro minerals
the M. oleifera seeds. M oleifera is also a (Swanepoel et al., 2010). Each amino acid
good source of lipid (33.78%), and has a specific function in the animal’s body.
carbohydrates (28.77%) with a calorific In general, amino acids are required for the
energy value of 531.18 Kcal/100g. production of enzymes, immunoglobins,
hormones, growth, repair of body tissues
and form the Amino acids also affect the
Minerals of Moringa oleifera seeds function of other nutrients in the animal’s
Moringa oleifera contains a considerable body such as presence of lysine, which
amount of various nutrients, and has been ensures adequate calcium absorption and
suggested as a good supplement for such aids in the antibody production (Brisibe et
nutrients as protein, fibre and minerals al., 2009). In addition, they contribute to the
(Jongrungruangchok et al., 2010). Several formation of glucose, acting as a buffer
Musa and Njidda 2021

when other precursors are in short supply 2003). On the contrary, when phytic acid,
(Swanepoel et al., 2010). lectins, and phenolic compounds and
saponins were used at low levels, they
exhibited hypoglycemic,
Anti-nutritional factors of Moringa hypocholesterolemic and anticancer
oleifera seeds properties (Jariwalla et al. 1990; Oakenfull
Some of the anti-nutritional factors present and Sidhu 1990). Flavonoids have also been
in the Moringa oleifera seed include reported to possess antioxidant, anti-
Tannins, Phytates and Oxalates, Saponins inflammatory, and antihypertensive
and Cyanogenic glycosides among others. properties (Ayinde et al. 2007; Li-Weber
Tannins (40 mg/100g) and oxalates (51.24 2009).
mg/100g) are very high in the seeds of
Moringa oleifera. The values for phenolics,
saponins and phytates are considerably In conclusion, this study established boiling
lower, 0.00 to 40.00 1.00 to 9.00 mg/100g moringa oleifera seed upto 60 minutes
and 0.00 to 70.00 mg/100g respectively. duration have significant effect in reducing
Tannins have antagonistic competition with the anti-nutritive substances and the macro
proteins, consequently lowering the bio- mineral contents of the seed, as such
availability of protein. Tannins can lower supplemental macro minerals should be
the available proteins by antagonistic taking into consideration when using heat
competition and can therefore elicit protein treated M. oleifera seed in formulating diet
deficiency. It can also prevent protein for livestock. Boiling duration (60 minutes)
digestion by inhibiting the activation of does not show any negative effect on the
pepsinogen and chymotrypsinogen to pepsin amino acids profile studied.
and chymotrypsin respectively (Njidda and
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Musa and Njidda 2021

Table 1: Effect of different boiling duration on the proximate composition of Moringa oliefera seeds (g kg-1 DM)
Boiling duration in minutes
Parameters 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
b b b a a
Dry matter 916.00±1.92 916.50±2.79 917.00±1.09 918.80±1.23 920.00±1.45 922.00±1.32a 926.00±1.65a
Ash 45.00±0.29a 44.00±0.52a 42.00±0.22a 40.00±0.32a 38.00±0.12ab 36.00±0.12b 34.00±0.02b
c c c c b
Organic matter 871.00±1.34 872.50±1.46 875.00±1.46 878.80±1.56 882.00±1.21 886.00±1.12b 892.00±1.33a
c c c b b
Crude protein 225.00±0.56 226.00±0.77 229.00±0.92 303.80±0.56 307.00±0.33 309.00±0.23b 322.00±0.72a
a a a a a
Ether extract 130.00±0.55 131.00±0.23 133.00±0.33 134.00±0.26 134.50±0.37 135.00±0.24a 136.40±0.23a
Crude fibre 86.00±0.56c 87.00±0.11b 88,00±0.21b 88.50±0.12b 89.00±0.43b 92.00±0.24a 94.00±0.27a
a b b c c
Carbohydrate 430.00±1.23 428.50±0.96 425.00±0.94 352.50±0.56 351.50±0.23 350.00±0.45c 339.60±0.34d
a b c c d
Neutral Detergent Fibre 544.00±1.56 540.00±1.34 538.00±1.21 530.00±0.46 527.00±0.76 521.00±0.66e 518.00±0.43f
a b c d e
Acid Detergent Fibre 500.00±1.33 490.00±1.23 487.00±1.23 482.00±1.67 478.00±1.28 475.00±1.23f 472.00±1.11g
a b c d e
Acid Detergent Lignin 152.00±0.56 150.00±0.27 146.00±0.57 142.00±0.55 139.00±0.09 137.00±0.57f 134.00±0.23g
Cellulose 348.00±1.56a 340.00±1.37c 341.00±1.27b 340.00±0.21c 339.00±0.56d 338.00±0.23e 338.00±0.22e
d a a c b
Hemicellulose 44.00±1.42 50.00±1.32 51.00±1.43 48.00±1.33 49.00±1.33 46.00±1.13c 46.00±1.23c
a, b, c, d= means within the same row bearing different superscript are significantly different (p<0.05)
Table 2: Effect of different boiling duration on mineral composition Moringa oliefera seeds
Boiling duration in minutes
Parameters 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Macro minerals (mg/100g)
Sodium 1470.00±1.26a 1468.00±1.12b 1466.00±1.34c 1460.00±1.32d 1455.00±1.54e 1450.00±1.55f 1448.00±1.23g
Potassium 1273.00±1.56a 1272.00±0.27b 1270.00±1.23c 1268.00±1.23d 1266.00±1.23e 1264.00±1.23f 1261.00±1.23g
Calcium 254.00±2.56a 254.00±1.23a 253.00±1.11b 253.80±1.09b 253.50±1.03b 253.30±1.03b 252.80±1.23c
a a ab bc
Phosphorus 738.00±2.33 738.00±2.13 737.00±1.23 736.00±1.44 736.00±1.62bc 736.00±1.26bc 730.00±1.92d
Magnesium 64.20±0.56a 64.18±0.27a 64.10±0.34a 64.00±0.78a 63.50±0.56b 63.20±0.96b 63.00±0.29b
Micro minerals (mg/100g)
Iron 185.20±1.33a 185.00±1.33a 184.60±1.24b 184.600±1.56b 184.50±1.11b 184.00±1.24b 183.000±1.24c
a a
Copper 7.60±0.56 7.60.65 7.54±0.12b 7.50±0.16b 7.47±0.12b 7.45±0.17c 7.42±0.12c
Manganese 91.60±2.23a 91.60±0.89a 91.60±0.56a 91.58±0.77a 91.50±0.23a 91.46±1.27a 91.40±0.12a
a a a a b
Zinc 57.30±1.33 57.30±1.56 57.20±1.10 57.00±1.126 56.80±0.56 56.50±1.61b 56.00±1.02b
a, b, c, d= means within the same row bearing different superscript are significantly different (p<0.05)

Musa and Njidda 2021

Table 3: Effect of different boiling duration on amino acid profile of Moringa oliefera seeds
Boiling duration in minutes
Parameters 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Non-essential amino acids (mg/100g)
Threonine 920.00±2.23f 920.00±2.26f 922.00±2.11e 924.00±1.26d 926.00±3.26c 928.00±2.17b 930.00±2.44a
Valine 1440.00±2.26e 1440.00±2.11e 1443.00±2.01d 1447.00±2.17c 1450.00±2.26b 1452.00±2.26a 1452.00±1.22a
Isoleucine 1232.00±1.33e 1233.00±1.26d 1235.00±1.13c 1238.00±2.26d 1241.00±2.26c 1245.00±2.26b 1250.00±1.12a
Leucine 2080.00±2.22g 2081.00±2.05f 2083.00±2.18e 2085.00±2.43d 2088.00±2.11c 2090.00±2.13b 2100.00±3.24a
Lysine 610.00±3.26g 613.00±2.72f 616.00±3.11e 620.00±1.27d 623.00±2.33c 625.00±2.13b 626.00±1.22a
Histidine 950.00±1.05g 951.00±1.53f 953.00±2.26e 955.00±2.136d 957.00±0.12c 958.00±2.71b 960.00±2.11a
Phenylalanine 1660.00±2.09g 1660.00±2.06f 1662.00±3.71e 1664.00±3.21d 1667.00±2.81c 1669.00±2.82b 1680.00±1.54a
Tyrosine 820.00±2.82g 820.00±2.13f 822.00±2.02e 823.00±2.33d 826.00±3.82c 828.00±2.01b 830.00±3.25a
Non-essential amino acids (mg/100g)
Arginine 5200.00±0.26e 5200.00±2.02e 5200.00±2.20e 5216.00±2.61d 5218.00±2.42c 5220.00±3.12b 5224.00±2.82a
Alanine 1420.00±1.32f 1420.00±1.32f 1422.00±2.42e 1425.00±2.28d 1428.00±2.07c 1430.00±3.02b 1434.00±2.04a
Glutamic 7000.00±2.42g 7005.00±2.42f 7008.00±2.42e 7010.00±2.20d 7016.00±2.13c 7020.00±2.21b 7028.00±2.32a
Aspartic acid 1620.00±1.76e 1620.00±2.19f 1620.00±3.37e 1621.00±2.02d 1623.00±2.42c 1626.00±3.42b 1630.00±2.13a
a, b, c, d= means within the same row bearing different superscript are significantly different (p<0.05)

Table 4: Effect of different boiling duration on anti-nutritive substances of Moringa oliefera seeds
Boiling duration in minutes
Parameters (mg/100g) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Tannin 241.00±1.56a 240.00±0.16b 216.0±0.26c 160.00±0.56d 140.00±1.56e 100.00±0.56f 68.00±2.23g
Phenolics 40.00±0.26a 34.00±1.26b 30.00±0.53c 20.00±0.16d 12.00±0.57e 8.00±0.26f 0.00
a b c d
Saponins 9.00±0.15 8.00±0.11 7.50±0.14 5.00±0.26 4.00±0.22e 3.50±0.23f 1.00±0.21g
Phytate 70.00±1.26a 65.00±0.11b 40.00±0.14c 25.00±0.82d 5.00±0.19e 0.00 0.00
a, b, c, d= means within the same row bearing different superscript are significantly different (p<0.05)


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