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First when I met her, she became a very

lively and cheerful person, I never
thought that she would become such an
important person in my life.

At the time of meeting her, the

pandemic arrived but we never lost
contact, she used to tell me things and I
told her, we helped each other, despite
everything she has never left me alone.
In a pandemic we went out like twice,
in one of those we went to the park and
had a picnic, we laughed like never
before, all these things make all the
little moments with her memorable.

A year and a half later I saw her again

and it was as if the distance had never

Beside her I have lived many beautiful

things, she taught me the true power of
a true friendship, she taught me to
value and love myself, in short, with her
I could be me.

And well, this year we both joined a

soccer team. Although we have only
played one game, we were a perfect
duo, we had a lot of fun and everything
together as always, we are inseparable.

We prepare the
picnic food that I
We had a lot of fun together
mentioned above


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