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Grade 12-HUMMS

Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________________ Score: ________________


General Direction: Read the INSTRUCTIONS in each part of the assessment carefully before you proceed with the
questions. Write your answers legibly and STRICTLY: NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and identify what is the correct answer. Write the answer before each
_______________1. Which of the following refers to the stellar death?
a) Evolution c) nucleosynthesis
b) Fusion d) supernova
_______________2. What do you call the fragments from different regions that are grouped to form the stellar core
when the molecular cloud collapses?
a) Proton c. star
b) Protostar d. stellar
_______________3. Which of the following best describes stellar evolution?
a) An event that changes a star during its lifetime from its evolutionary phase to its death.
b) The stars are formed by gravitational collapse of dense molecular cloud.
c) The star will continue converting hydrogen into helium.
d) All of the above
_______________4. Which of the following is true about stellar evolution?
a) The star will continue converting helium into hydrogen then it will become a main sequence star.
b) The bigger the star, the heavier the elements it can produce inside the core.
c) The stellar evolution produces elements except iron (Fe)
d) All of the above.
_______________5. How do shell fusion occur?
a) Layers are added up to the size of the star until it becomes a white dwarf star.
b) The layers are removed every time the star increases its temperature and pressure.
c) New layers are added up to the size of the star until it becomes multiple shell-red giant.
d) All of the above.
_______________6. Which of the following is not part of infrared radiation?
a) Energy c. Temperature
b) Pressure d. Chemical reaction

_______________7. What refers to the materials between the stars?

a) Abundant gases c. Interstellar matter
b) Interstellar grains d. Interstellar medium
_______________8. Which of the following is not true about the significant evidences that support the formation of
heavier elements during stellar evolution?
a) 99% of are in the form of gases.
b) 1% forms the frozen solid particles.
c) The most abundant gases are helium and oxygen.
d) The interstellar grains are made up of rock like materials.
_______________9. In the main sequence star, what happens if the fusion stops?
a) The energy in the core increases.
b) The pressure in the core is reduced.
c) The chemical reaction in the core stops.
d) The molecular cloud in the core explodes.
_______________10. Why astronomers use infrared radiation?
a) To estimate the fusion temperature in the star formation.
b) To estimate the temperature and energy in the evolutionary phase of star formation.
c) To estimate the pressure, temperature, and energy in the evolutionary phase of star formation.
d) All of the above.
_______________11. The atomic number is based from the number of__________. What is it?
a) Protons in the atom’s nucleus.
b) Electrons in the atom’s nucleus.
c) Protons and electrons in the atom’s nucleus.
d) Electrons and neutrons in the atom’s nucleus.
_______________12. What determines the mass number of an element?
a) The number of protons in the nucleus.
b) The number of electrons in the nucleus.
c) The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
d) The number of protons and electrons in the nucleus.
_______________13. What refers to the number in which the atomic number is equal to?
a) Protons and neutrons
b) Protons and electrons
c) Electrons and neutrons
d) Mass number and electrons

_______________14. The atomic number of lithium is 3, how many numbers of protons and electrons will the
lithium have?
a) 3 protons and 6 electrons
b) 1 proton and 2 electrons
c) 2 protons and 1 electrons
d) 3 protons and 3 electrons
_______________15. The mass number of magnesium is 24, therefore, magnesium atom has_________.
a) 12 electrons and 12 neutrons
b) 12 protons and 12 electrons
c) 12 protons and 12 neutrons
d) 24 protons and o neutrons
_______________16. What do you call the first man-made element?
a) Astatine c. Technetium
b) Molybdenum d. Uranium
_______________17. What is the element discovered by Edwin McMillan?
a) Neptunium c. Technetium
b) Plutonium d. Uranium
_______________18. Which of the following is true about the synthesis of the new elements?
a) All elements are produced in laboratories.
b) Uranium is the lightest element discovered in 1930.
c) Scientists used particle accelerator to synthesize new synthetic elements.
d) Both a and b.
_______________19. Why do elements with atomic number higher than 92 belong to the group of transuranium
a) These are unstable.
b) These elements are synthetic.
c) They are created using nuclear reactors.
d) All of the above.
_______________20. How do the element astatine being synthesized?
a) By bombarding the atoms of element bismuth with atomic number 83 using the fast moving alpha particles.
b) By using alpha particle accelerator to bombard uranium with neutrons.
c) By bombarding the uranium with deuterons in the cyclotron.
d) By bombarding the uranium with neutrons.

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