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Advantages and Disadvantages of owning a car.

The cars appear as a necessity to transport a lot of things, long ago the cars were pushed by
horses, donkeys but now the cars have four tires and it works with gasoline so they stopped
using animals and started to use motor vehicles.

One of the advantages of the cars is that you don’t need to use a public transport and you
can save time, for example if you are late for something that you need to do and that day is
raining, you won’t wait for a bus or taxi and get wet but you are going to drive your car,
another advantage is that if you have a family you can go out with them also you can travel
without an schedule.

Now one of the disadvantages is that you have to pay for a parking lot when you go out for
do something and if you have a lot of thing to do would be a lot of money, another
disadvantage is that the cars devalues quickly so if you want to sell your car your will
received less money that you paid for it, another disadvantage is that it make a lot of
contamination and now we need to take care about our environment and the main
disadvantage is that have a car generates many expenses like fuel, maintenance, car
insurance and a lot of things more.

In my opinion if you want a car, you should find a car that helps the ecosystem also that
doesn’t consume a lot of fuel and if you can that car isn’t so expensive because you never
will get back the money that you invested in the car.

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