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EVALUATOR’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: ___________________________________

After doing the Output for PT, rate your co-members according to the evaluation sheet
below. Write the names of your co-members in a piece of paper and give the rating per
criterion indicated. At the bottom of the paper, write your name and affix your signature.
Send a copy in the Assignments tab made by your teacher.

For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left,
using a scale of 1-4 (4 = strongly agree; 3= agree; 2=disagree; 1=strongly disagree). Total
the scores in each column.

Evaluation Criteria



Attends group meetings

Contributes meaningfully to group discussions.

Completes assigned tasks on time.

Prepares work in a quality manner.

Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude.

Contributes significantly to the success of the task

TOTAL (24pts)

Note: Do not evaluate yourself since this is peer evaluation.

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