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Flor :Good afternoon my friend

Carlomán :Good afternoon flor. How are you?

flor : I am fine and you’
Carloman : I am well, who do you admire in your family?
Flor : I am admire my sister. And you?
Carloman : I am admire my father Jose.. what is your sister's name?
Flor : her name is saira
Carloman : What’s Saira like?
Flor : She is nice , funny, reserved and she is self confident
Carloman : What does Saira look like?
Flor : she has got long hair and her eyes are small and brown.
she is mediun-hegth. she has dark skin.
Carloman : your sister is beautiful. How old is your sister?
For : My sister is 23 years old. and your father?
Carloman : He is 60 years old,
Flor : What does your father do?
Carloman : he is a doctor.
Flor : What’s he like?
Carloman : He’s extroverted, honest, optimistic and very hard-working.
Flor : What does your father look like?
Carloman : he is very tall, bald, wears glasses and beart .
Flor : thanks for your time
Carloman : ok take care.

The person I admire is my sister.

 My younger sister is beautifu, she has long hair and her eyes are small and brown,she is mediun-hegth. she
has Lightly tanned. she is rosy cheeks, She is nice, funny, reserved and self-confident. She's 23 years old,
She studies economics at the Luis de Montoya University. she likes to wear a pink skirt and dark pants.
saira is my best sister, friend, i can always count on her and she can always count on me too.

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