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Dear Pro-Life Partners, September 1, 2022

The following is a verbatim transcript from a YouTube video in which a young woman has set up an “abortion
altar” and is coaching the viewer on how to prepare for a self-guided abortion.
“Building an altar for your abortion can be a really cathartic procedure, can be a really cathartic process
because it just creates a space for your sacred container where you can return to whenever you want to
meditate, whenever you want to think deeply, or contemplate any aspect of your abortion. It’s a really
beautiful way to just give reverence to the experience and hold the experience in a really sacred way.
Really just clean the space. Clean myself. I like to always have a candle going on my altar. I’m also going to
be adding an empress Tarot card today and she really just symbolizes feminine fertility and feminine
energy. I also really like to add the abortion pills themselves to the altar to really bless the pills that we’re
going to be taking into our bodies during this process. And before having your abortion I would even just
recommend giving them a nice sage or a nice palo santo or an incense or another smoke to really cleanse
the energy and really bless them and really put your intention for healing into the pills before you take
them. And place the container of which you plan to put the the products of conception or the fetal remains
within to catch that after you’ve passed it and save it for later when we when you find a way to to bury or
otherwise um to where we find a way to properly dispose of the fetal remains in a way that gives reverence
and respect and support to this to this sacred abortion experience.
After you finish building your altar, go ahead and just give it one more cleanse to really bring this space into
in as your own. And once your altar is complete, go ahead and just sit in front of it and the start of the
sacred container” (video ends) (LifeNews, 8/4/22)
(I’ll just wait a minute while to return from your trip to hell.)
Man oh man, the world has gone insane and this poor, misguided, woke of wokes woman is leading the way.
The irony of having a “sacred” experience at an ALTAR for abortion is deafening; the inconsistency dizzying;
the self-delusion sickening. If the child residing in this young woman’s womb is not a human being to be
respected and protected, why on earth is there a need for reverence? For contemplation, meditation, and
healing after the fact? And why have a burial …would not the trash can or toilet suffice? Color me confused.
My dear, just eliminate it and move on with your oh-so-important business of self-fulfillment sans child. Yet,
no. Even those doing a deep dive of denial cannot shake the essence of what (nay whom) they are carrying.
(I’m really glad there was a shout out to the Empress, though. I mean what’s an abortion ritual without paying
homage to female fertility?)

Although it would appear that the creator of this video makes abortion-altar building a regular practice, I am
not angry with her. I’m not even judging her; rather, I’m calling out the astounding ignorance and blindness of
a culture that worships death as a rite and embraces it as a right. She is but an example of how clever lies can
be, of how righteous they can sound, and how those in need of justification will cling to those lies like a life
raft. I hurt for her. If she were to come to my door for true healing I would embrace her. Whew! I think I need
to go to my sacred space and cleanse my energy.
Partnering with You for Life,

Linda Verhulst, MRL-WR *Feel free to copy and distribute.

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