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Betty work out 5 days

Before walking:

Side band walk x5mts x 6 sets

Mounster walk x5 mts fwd and 5mts back x 6 sets

Side mounstes walk x5 mts

Day 1

Strength and resistance

Cardio machine x 5min

Mcguill big3 1-1 x 10 secs


Back squat (tempo 2sec- 2 sec) x16 reps.

Chain it with: lunge push press x16 reps.

Start with 4 sets first week, increase 1 set more every week for 3 weeks.


Deadlift x10

Chained with:

Chest press with dumbells x12

Bicep curl x12

Start with 4 sets first week, increase 1 set more every week for 3 weeks.


Farmer carries x 15mts

+ bearcrawl x15 mts

+bear leg extensions x15

X4 sets

Cardio 5 min

Day 2 (or walkings days)

Band walks (day 1)

10 min easy pace walk then: 10 min walk : 40 secs @ easy pace (30% of BPM) + 20 secs @50-60%
of BPM, then:
20 more minutes @30% of bpm.

Try to increase the 40/20 secs 1 more min every 2 days, till you reach 40 min.

Finish with: stretch.

World greatest stretch x6 each side

90/90 stretch x12 each side

Quad stretch x4 each side

Day 3 auto carries or TRX or cycling clases.

Insanity type warm up:

30 secs x3 times of:

Jog in place


Butt kicks

1,2,3 heisman

Touch the floor



Squat x45 secs

Wall sit x15 secs

High knees x30 secs

Push ups x30 secs

No rest x4 sets


Bear push ups

Bear shoulder taps

Floor dips

Crab walk

30 secs each x4 sets rest 30 secs

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