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My favorite sport moment

It was when I was in a high school. I participated in a runner race.

and I won it. It was a wonderful moment.

The coach used to try out some students for the school team. It was very
hard because there was a lot of people to participated. I remember My
best friend, Alicia enjoyed working out for two hours after school. She really
liked to compete. But a day before the casting she suffered and accident.
She crashed with another athlete and He knocked out her. A few minutes
later paramedics arrived. Alicia had broken her shoulder because she
didn´t wear a shoulder pad. I was shocked. There were no guards to
protect the vital organs. In athletics is not necessary special equipment as
helmet, shin guards, scarf and mouth guard. We only wear a jersey. She
didn´t participate and I went home feeling bad.

A Saturday morning the race started very early. I warmed up a few minutes
before the racing. At the beginning I was running very fast for 10 or 15
minutes but at the end of the competition I passed out due to exhaustion
and dehydration. There were a lot of people clapping and shouting do
not give up.

Finally, I arrived fist. It was something made me happy.

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