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President Rodrigo Duterte

Malacañang Palace Compound

J. P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila
The Philippines

Re: Concerns on Mandatory Drug Education in the Philippines

Dear President Rodrigo Duterte,

Good Day!

We, Shakira D. Ranchez and Princess Jandel C. Cabildo, students of Western

Mindanao State University would like to address our concerns regarding your mandate
to educate children regarding drugs and quote on “evil drugs” specifically.
While this is a good effort to educate impressionable individuals about the
dangers of drug use, we believe that focusing on villainizing drugs would have
repercussions. Now, it is worth noting that not all drugs are evil and can be beneficial
when properly regulated since drugs such as marijuana have been proven medical
benefits in particular formulations. It has been legalized in countries like Australia, for
medical purposes. Scientists from all around the world had proven a few drugs that
have significant medicinal use and are widely researched.
With all of these said, we call to have alternative actions. One, being legalizing
and regulating the use of drugs in general and educating students of the positives and
negative effects of these drugs once consumed without medical supervision. And lastly
to recognize these so-called “evil drugs” as an extension of what we know of “good
We hope you take this personal letter a great deal, as we only hope for better
education for the future assets of the Philippines.


Shakira Ranchez & Jandel Cabildo

1st-Year Student
Western Mindanao State University

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