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Name and surnames: Aracely Mejia Accostupa

Today, there are many professionals who focus on studying a profession by vocation and one
of them it's medicine, many of the people study this profession because he has a big salary and
they also have a great will to save lives, and the whole world is currently fighting COVID-19.

The effort that the students showed when studying this profession, especially because of the
duration and the effort that is transmitted, have made it worthwhile to study medicine.

And in these times of pandemic are extremely difficult, the economy of the country has
become very weak, but the professionals who sacrificed their lives the most were the doctors
and nurses, since they are more exposed to the virus. So currently they would come to have a
good salary - but the reality is different, since nurses and doctors do not receive an equal

So medical professionals have become a great support and help to combat this pandemic. So, I
believe that doctors and nurses should be very well paid by the state of the country.

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