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After six years of high school, finally the time has come for me to realize that I’m about
to graduate. So many years of hard work and struggle in achieving good grades and
learning many things made me become a deserving student to graduate. It is through
learning that we can become a good person. The knowledge that I have gained from
this school can be very useful in the future especially when I enter higher education.

I deserve to graduate because I want my family to be proud of me. My family has been
very supportive in all my activities on school. I need to graduate to be able for me to go
to a higher level and achieve my goals and dreams in life. I also want to feel and
experience how it is like to be called up on the stage as one of the graduates. Lastly, I
think being one of the graduates’ only shows that you have reached the criteria of the
school based on the performance that you did during those six years of elementary

Therefore, I firmly believe that I deserve to graduate and finally be ready to enter
college with more enthusiasm and positive character. I should prepare myself to face
more big challenges and complications in the field of academics. Finally, I want to say
that I`m very much happy to graduate.

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