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Safety Management System Based On the Indonesia Regulation

Law No. 1 Year 1970 about Work Safety

Labour Ministry Regulation No. 4 Year 1980 about Fire Extinguisher
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 4 Year 1987 about Health & Safety Committee
Law No. 23 Year 1992 about Healthy
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 2 Year 1992 about General Safety Officer
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 5 Year 1996 about Safety Management System
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 189 Year 1999 about Fire Safety
Law No. 13 Year 2003 about Labour
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 15 Year 2008 about First Aid
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 8 Year 2010 about Personal Protective Equipment
Goverment Regulation No. 50 Year 2012 about Safety Management System
Labour Ministry Regulation No. 5 Year 2018 about Safety Work Environment
Law No. 11 Year 2022 about Work

Occupational Health and Safety General Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Plan
Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Performance
Review and Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Performance

Occupational Health and Safety General Policy

Occupational Health and Safety General Policy is the the company's commitment to ensure
the safety and health of all employees and parties related to company activities

Occupational Health and Safety General Policy need to be consulted with employee
representatives and/or labour unions before finalized

After finalized, Occupational Health and Safety General Policy must be signed by the
company director and then socialized to all employees, contractors and the public

Every year, the Occupational Health and Safety Policy shall be reviewed

The Occupational Health and Safety General Policy has to be elaborated in for specific
policy that essentially able to eliminate risk in the work place or contain spesific issue e.g
alcohol consumption, drug used etc

The Occupational Health and Safety Spesific Policy must be signed by the highest leader in
the work area

Regal Springs Indonesia is commited to the Health and Safety Management System that
protects all of our employees, contractors and the public

Employees at all level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety
Active participation by everyone, at all times, and in every job is necessary for the health
and safety excellence this company expects

Occupational Health and Safety Plan

Health and Safety Management System Manual

Health and Safety Management System Procedure
Health and Safety Management System Working Instruction
Health and Safety Management System Form or/and Checklist Form

Hazard Identification, Risk Assesment and Risk Control (HIRARC)

Hazard Identification, Risk Assesment and Determining Control (HIRADC)

Objective, Target and Programme Health and Safety Management System

Objective Health and Safety Management System :

Target Health and Safety Management System : SMART

Spesific, Measureable, Achieveable, Reasonable and Timeline

Spesific Risk in Work Area

Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Plan

The company need to provide qualified men power

The company need to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure

Qualified men power : Skill, knowledge, attitute (SKA)

Health & Safety Committee must be legalized by the local goverment

Chairman : highest leader in the work area

Secretary : certified safety officer
Members : Representative from each division

Certified safety technical personnels especially First Aid Officer and Fire Safety Officer

Adequate facilities and infrastructure :

Fire Extinguisher
First Aid

Evacuation Route
Assembly Point
Safety Sign
Monitoring and Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Performance

Inspection, testing and measurement :

Medical Check Up
Safety Inspection
Equipment testing anually (e.g electrical installation, generator, etc)

work environment measurement (Physic, chemistry, biology, ergonomic, psychology)

Health and Safety Management System Internal Audit (Advanced Category)

Review and Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Performance

Safety Management Review Meeting :

Internal Audit (anually or semesterly)

Minutes of Meeting :
Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Policies
Objective, Target and Programme Health and Safety Management System
Health and Safety Management System Internal Audit Findings
Evaluation of the Occupational Health and Safety effectiveness for safety improvement
Law and Regulation
Product changes
Organization structures
Newest knowledge and technology
How to anticipate work-related injuries
How to anticipate work-related illnesses
Recommendation from workers

Attendance : Management Representative + Employee Representative + Chairman of

Health and Safety Committee

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