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Limited liability partnership 

- Partners have limited legal liability
- Flexible roles for partners – each partner has the right to manage the LLP and choose
management how they want.
- Relative ease of formation
- Legal independence

- Not much privacy - public disclosure – financial accounts have to be submitted to
- Profit cannot be retain in the same way as a company limited by shares – all earned
profit is distributed
- LLP must have at least two members and if one leaves partnership LLP might have to

Private limited company

- Tax efficiency – lower corporation tax on profits
- Limited liability to business owner – financial security
- Separate legal entity – director will have no attachment to company’s actions apart
from their share
- Professional status – easier to get loans from bank as seen as a secure business.
- Company pension

- Complicated to set up – register with CH and pay a fee
- Complex accounts – may need help from accountants which incurs costs.
- Ownership – will have shareholders who can say how business is run.
- Public records, limited privacy – CH has access to company accounts and records.

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