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Half-metallic ferromagnetism: Example of (invited)

J. M. D. Coey, and M. Venkatesan

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 91, 8345 (2002); doi: 10.1063/1.1447879

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Half-metallic ferromagnetism: Example of CrO2 „invited…

J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan
Physics Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
A broad classification scheme is proposed for half-metallic ferromagnets which embraces the
possibilities of itinerant and localized electrons, as well as semimetallic and semiconducting
electronic structure. Examples of each type are given. The problems of defining and measuring spin
polarization are discussed and some characteristics of half-metals are reviewed with reference to
chromium dioxide. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1447879兴

I. HALF METALS wise, the states in band tails may be localized by the pres-
ence of disorder; there is then a mobility edge, and conduc-
A half metal is a solid with an unusual electronic struc- tion involves excitation to that edge. In either case, there is
ture. For electrons of one spin it is a metal with a Fermi activated conduction ␳ ⬇ ␳ ⬁ exp(Ea /kT) with E a ⬇0.1 eV.
surface, but for the opposite spin there is a gap in the spin- Magnetite, the best-known example,6 is a type IIB half metal
polarized density of states, like a semiconductor or insulator. where ↓ electrons of Fe(t 2g ) character hop among B sites in
This definition presupposes a magnetically ordered state to the spinel structure.
define the spin quantization axis. The responses of a half A third class of half metals, known as the transport half
metal to electric and magnetic field at zero temperature are metals,7 have localized ↑ carriers and delocalized ↓ carriers
quite different. There is electric conductivity, but no high- or vice versa. A density of states exists for both sub-bands at
field magnetic susceptibility.1 E F , but the carriers in one band have a much larger effective
Normal ferromagnets, even strong ferromagnets, are not mass than those in the other. So far as electronic transport
half metals. Cobalt and nickel have fully spin-polarized properties are concerned, only one sort of carriers contributes
d-bands with a filled ↑ 3d band and only ↓ d electrons at the significantly to the conduction. A schematic band structure of
Fermi level E F . However, the Fermi level also crosses the type IIIA is shown in Fig. 2共a兲. The heavy carriers give an
unpolarized 4s band, so there is a density of both ↑ and ↓ activated conduction but they are short circuited by the light
electrons there. In order to obtain only ↑ or ↓ electrons at carriers which are metallic, with resistivity given by Mat-
E F , it is necessary to reorder the 3d and 4s bands by hy- thiessen’s rule ␳ ⬇ ␳ 0 ⫹ ␳ (T). An example of type IIIA is the
bridization, pushing the bottom of the 4s band up above E F optimally doped manganite (La0.7Sr0.3)MnO3 , with mobile
or depressing the Fermi level in the d-band below the bottom Mn(e g ) ↑ electrons and immobile Mn(t 2g ) ↓ electrons at
of the 4s band. Otherwise a hybridization gap might be in- EF .7
troduced at E F for one spin orientation. In any case, it is There is a big difference between a half metal and a
necessary to pass from a pure element to an alloy or com- semimetal. A semimetal, of which bismuth is the textbook
pound; all half metals contain more than one element. Most example, is usually nonmagnetic with small and equal num-
known examples are oxides, sulfides or Heusler alloys. Some bers of electrons and holes 共⬇0.01 per atom兲 due to a fortu-
are stoichiometric compounds, others are solid solutions. itously small overlap between valence and conduction bands
Two situations where there is a single spin orientation at 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. However, if a semimetal is magnetically ordered
E F are illustrated in Fig. 1. In either case there is a spin gap with a great disparity in effective mass between electrons
⌬ ↓ or ⌬ ↑ and a smaller gap ⌬ sf for spin–flip excitations from
the Fermi level. Half-metallic oxides where the 4s states are
pushed above E F by hybridization with the O(2p) states are
type IA when there are less than five d electrons, but of type
IB when there are more than five. Otherwise, half-metallic
Heusler alloys with heavy p elements like Sb tend to have
the 3d levels depressed below the 4s band edge by p – d
hybridization. CrO2 is a type IA half metal with ↑ electrons
of mainly Cr(t 2g ) character at E F . 2 Another well-known ex-
ample is the half Heusler alloy NiMnSb3 which has ↑ elec-
trons of Ni(e g ) character at E F . A type IB half-metallic oxide
is Sr2 FeMoO6 , 4 where the ↓ conduction electrons are mainly
of Mo(t 2g ) character. The Heusler alloy Mn2 VAl5 which has
Mn(t 2g ) ↓ electrons at E F is another type IB.
Electrons in the second class, type II half metals, lie in a
band that is sufficiently narrow for them to be localized. The FIG. 1. Schematic density of states for a half metal, 共a兲 Type IA with only ↑
heavy carriers may form polarons and conduction is then by electrons at E F and 共b兲 Type IB with only ↓ electrons at E F . In narrow d
hopping from one site to another with the same spin. Other- bands, the states at E F may be localized 共type II兲.

0021-8979/2002/91(10)/8345/6/$19.00 8345 © 2002 American Institute of Physics

8346 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, 15 May 2002 J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan

TABLE I. Summary of the classification of half-metals.

Density ↑ electrons ↓ electrons

Type of states Conductivity at E F at E F

IA Half-metal Metallic Itinerant None

IB Half-metal Metallic None Itinerant
IIA Half-metal Nonmetallic Localized None
IIB Half-metal Nonmetallic None Localized
IIIA Metal Metallic Itinerant Localized
IIIB Metal Metallic Localized Itinerant
IVA Semimetal Metallic Itinerant Localized
IVB Semimetal Metallic Localized Itinerant
VA Semiconductor Semiconducting Few, itinerant None
VB Semiconductor Semiconducting None Few, itinerant

units of the Bohr magneton. The integer spin moment crite-

rion, or an extension of it to cover solid solutions, is a nec-
essary but not a sufficient condition for half metallicity.
Spin–orbit coupling is neglected; it may destroy half
FIG. 2. Schematic density of states for 共a兲 a type IIIA half metal, where metallicity.1
electrons of one spin direction are itinerant and the others are localized, 共b兲
a semimetal, 共c兲 a type IVA half metal, and 共d兲, 共e兲 two types of ferromag-
Measuring the spin polarization is a key problem. Meth-
netic semiconductor. ods summarized in Fig. 3 are spin-polarized photoemission,
and transport measurements in point contacts and tunnel
junctions, either with two ferromagnetic electrodes, or with
one ferromagnetic and one superconducting electrode.
and holes, it may be a type IV half metal. An example is The straightforward definition of spin polarization is
Tl2 Mn2 O7 , 8 关Fig. 2共c兲兴, where a few heavy ↑ Mn holes lie at
the top of the Mn(e g ) band, while there is an equal number P 0 ⫽ 共 N ↑ ⫺N ↓ 兲 / 共 N ↑ ⫹N ↓ 兲 , 共1兲
of light ↓ electrons of mainly Tl(6s) character. where N ↑,↓ are the densities of states at the Fermi level, but
Finally, we consider the electronic structure of ferromag- this is not necessarily what is measured. In experiments in-
netic semiconductors. These can become half metallic in one volving ballistic or diffusive transport, the densities of states
of two ways: In one case, localized ion cores may polarize must be weighted by v the Fermi velocity of the electrons, or
the conduction or valence band by s"S exchange, producing a its square, respectively,12
spin splitting which is greater than the Fermi energy. Ex-
amples are EuO and EuS doped with R 3⫹ , where the 4 f 7 P n ⫽ 共 具 N ↑ v ↑n 典 ⫺ 具 N ↓ v ↓n 典 兲 / 共 具 N ↑ v ↑n 典 ⫹ 具 N ↓ v ↓n 典 兲 . 共2兲
Eu2⫹ ion cores split the bottom of the 5d/6s conduction P 1 or P 2 may be large for transport half metals 共types III and
band by about 0.2 eV,9 and 共GaMn兲As where d 5 Mn2⫹ cores IV兲, but P 0 can be small for the same materials 共Table II兲.
split the top of the valence band, producing ↓ holes.10 An- The densities of states in tunnelling experiments should be
other possibility is that the dopant impurity atoms lie suffi- weighted by the appropriate spin-dependent tunnelling ma-
ciently close to each other to form a narrow band which is trix element to give P T , which is equal to P 2 for a specular
unstable with respect to spin splitting. None of the atoms barrier with low transparency.12 There is mounting evidence
need then be magnetic. It is possible that (La0.005Ca0.995)B6 that the spin polarization in a tunnel junction is critically
and ferromagnetic carbon belong to this category. dependent on the interface with the barrier, and can even
Our classification is summarized in Table I. Prospects for change sign for a given ferromagnetic electrode according to
discovering new half-metallic compounds are quite limited, the nature of the barrier.13 If so, it makes little sense to talk
but the prospects are better for finding new solid solutions about spin polarization as an intrinsic property of a material,
with robust half metallicity.11 unless P⫽100%.
Half metallicity is not easy to detect experimentally. Un- Another difficulty arises when transport through the bar-
like superconductors, metals, semiconductors or insulators, rier does not occur in one step. Co-tunneling processes in-
there is no clear electrical signature. It is impractical to mea-
sure the intrinsic high-field susceptibility of a ferromagnet at
low temperature sufficiently accurately to assert that it is
zero. The best indication of a type I or type II half metal is
metallic conduction in a solid with a spin moment at T⫽0
which is precisely an integral number of Bohr magnetons per
unit cell. In a stoichiometric compound, the number of elec-
trons per unit cell n⫽n ↑ ⫹n ↓ is an integer. On account of the
gap in one of the spin-polarized bands, n ↑ or n ↓ is also an
integer. It follows that both n ↑ and n ↓ are integers, and so FIG. 3. Comparison of five methods of measuring P: Photoemission, tunnel
then is the difference n ↑ ⫺n ↓ which is the spin moment in junction, point contact, Tedrow–Meservey experiment, Andreev reflection.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, 15 May 2002 J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan 8347

FIG. 5. Spin polarization of the density of states of CrO2 共Ref. 2兲.

FIG. 4. The rutile structure of CrO2 . The local axis frame for the t 2g
with Cr in 2a sites 0,0,0; 21, 21, 12 and oxygen in 4 f sites ⫾x,
orbitals is shown.
⫾x, 0; 21 ⫾x, 12 ⫿x, 12, where x⫽0.302. Lattice parameters
are a⫽0.4422 nm and c⫽0.2917 nm. Each oxygen has three
volving intermediate states in the barrier are possible, and if chromium neighbors, and each chromium is octahedrally co-
the state involves a magnetic impurity, depolarization may ordinated by oxygen with two short apical bonds 共0.189 nm兲
occur.14 Otherwise the polarization in a tunnel junction may and four longer equatorial bonds 共0.191 nm兲. Octahedra shar-
be enhanced by multiple reflection in the barrier, or by transit ing a common edge form ribbons parallel to c. Local axes are
via an intermediate state where there is Coulomb blockade.15 defined with x and y towards the edge-sharing oxygens, and
One would like to have a way of identifying a material z towards the apical oxygens. The Cr d orbitals are split by
as a half metal without the need to remove electrons. One the crystal field 共⬃2.5 eV兲 into a t 2g triplet and an e g dou-
possibility is to map the Fermi surface by measuring angular blet; the t 2g orbitals are split further into a nonbonding d xy
correlations of photons emitted following spin-polarized pos- orbit which lies in the equatorial plane of the octahedron, and
itron annihilation.16 Otherwise, it might be possible to ex- a d yz , d zx doublet, which form and antibonding d yz ⫾d zx
ploit the small shift in chemical potential g ␮ B sB ( ␲ * ) combinations with respect to the oxygen p-orbital per-
⬇60 ␮ V T⫺1 , that arises in an applied magnetic field. The pendicular to the Cr3O triangles.23,24
authors are unaware of reports of any such measurements. 共b兲 Electronic structure: The formal electronic configu-
ration is (t 2g 2 ) ↑ for Cr4⫹ , and 2p 6 for O2⫺ although there is
some O2⫺ →Cr4⫹ charge transfer and strong mixing of oxy-
II. CHROMIUM DIOXIDE gen hole and chromium electron states at E F . 25 The Cr d
Chromium dioxide is the only stoichiometric binary ox- levels lie close to the top of the O 2p band. The Fermi level
ide that is a ferromagnetic metal. It is the simplest and best- lies in the half-full d yz ⫾d zx band. A dozen LSDA, LSDA
studied half metal.17 Although metastable under ambient ⫹U, and GCA calculations, beginning with that of
conditions, there is a narrow stability range near 300 °C Schwarz26 have refined the picture. There is a large peak in
which extends to high oxygen pressure. It has proved pos- the paramagnetic density of states at E F , but almost every
sible to grow small crystals and good-quality films, and pro- calculation confirms that the spin–split band structure is that
duce powder which is sufficiently stable for industrial of a type IA half metal, with a spin gap ⌬ ↓ ⬎1 eV, and a
applications.18 Acicular powder, typically 100⫻30⫻30 nm, spin–flip gap ⌬ sf of a few tenths of an eV 共Table III兲. The
is still used for video tapes. Thermal decomposition of CrO3 calculations generally show a t 2g bandwidth of 2.5 eV, with a
under natural oxygen pressure in a sealed vessel in the pres- trident structure including a narrow peak in the density of
ence of a TiO2 substrate yields oriented thin films. Single-
crystal films can be produced by chemical vapor transport of
TABLE II. Calculated spin polarization in ferromagnetic oxides.
CrO3 , CrO2 Cl2 , or Cr8 O21 , 19,20 Photodecomposition of
Cr(CO) 6 is another route.21 The materials prepared in differ- CrO2 (La0.67Ca0.33)MnO3 Tl2 Mn2 O7
ent ways do not necessarily have identical composition or 共Ref. 2兲 共Ref. 7兲 共Ref. 8兲
properties. Substrate-induced strain in thin epitaxial films in- N ↑ (eV⫺1 f.u⫺1 ) 0.69 0.58 1.25
fluences their physical properties.22 Furthermore, the oxygen N ↓ (eV⫺1 f.u⫺1 ) 0.27 0.24
stoichiometry of thin films is usually undetermined. Early V F ↑ (106 ms⫺1 ) 0.25 0.76 0.06
work on CrO2 is summarized in Chamberland’s 1977 V F ↓ (106 ms⫺1 ) 0.22 0.33
P0 % 100 36 66
P1 % 100 76 ⫺5
共a兲 Structure and bonding: CrO2 has the tetragonal rutile P2 % 100 92 ⫺71
structure illustrated in Fig. 4. The space group is P4 2 /mnm
8348 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, 15 May 2002 J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan

states due to the d xy electrons 共Fig. 5兲. The Fermi level lies TABLE III. Some electronic structure calculation on CrO2 .
in a pseudogap between the d yz ⫾d zx bands, but its position Author ⌬ ↓ 共eV兲 ⌬ sf 共eV兲 N ↑ eV⫺1 f.u⫺1
relative to the minimum is rather sensitive to details of the
calculation. The half-metallic character is maintained up to Schwarz Ref. 26 LSDA–ASW 1.3 0.3 0.8
Lewis et al. Ref. 2 LSDA–PWPP 1.4 0.3 0.69
the surface.27 There is controversy about the screening of the Korotin et al. Ref. 27 LSDA⫹U(3 eV) 2.4 1.7 0.4
on-site Coulomb correlations U, with magneto-optic spectra Mazin et al. Ref. 31 LSDA/GGA 1.3 0.2–0.7 0.95
suggesting effective screening28 while core level spectros- Brener et al. Ref. 32 LSDA–LCGO 1.3 0.2 1.16
copy and photoemission suggest the opposite.29,30 All the cal- Kuneš et al. Ref. 28 GGA 1.8 0.7 0.3
culations yield a moment very close to 2 ␮ B /formula. Both
Cr electrons and Cr/O holes are present at E F . The Fermi from the low temperature heat capacity is 593 K. The See-
surface presents two main features;31,32 an electron beck coefficient is ⬇⫺10 ␮V K⫺1.18
pseudocube centered at the ⌫ point which contains 0.12 elec- 共e兲 Spectroscopic properties: Optical reflectivity data are
trons f.u⫺1, and a compensating hole surface centered near Z, available as a function of temperature.41 In the optical con-
whose shape is extremely sensitive to the position of the ductivity, there is a strong temperature-dependent Drude
Fermi level. There may be small extra electron and hole peak at low frequency and features at 2.0 and 3.0 eV which
pockets.32 are assigned to intraband transitions across the pseudogap,
共c兲 Magnetic properties: The Curie temperature of CrO2 and interband transitions across the spin gap ⌬ ↓ , respec-
is usually reported to lie in the range 392共6兲 K. The critical tively. Spin–flip excitations occur in the range 0.06 –0.25 eV
behavior of an epitaxial film with T C ⫽386.5 K is that of a where there is a rapid decrease in relaxation rate at low
normal Heisenberg ferromagnet with ␤ ⫽0.371 and ␥ temperature.41 Using a calculated plasma frequency ␻ p
⫽1.43.33 The low temperature ferromagnetic moment ␴ ⫽17 000 cm⫺1 and Fermi velocity v F ⫽0.25⫻106 ms⫺1 , 2
⫽133 Am2 /kg (J⫽0.824 T) corresponds to an integral mo- the relaxation rate at 10 K and zero frequency, 13 cm⫺1,
ment of 2.0 ␮ B /f.u, 18 as expected for a half metal. Never- corresponds to a mean free path of 115 nm. The low-
theless, there is evidence that the Cr moment is actually frequency scattering rate increases by more than a factor 100
closer to 2.1 ␮ B /f.u with a compensating moment of ⫺0.1 between 10 K and 300 K. Off-diagonal optical conductivity,
␮ B /f.u on the oxygen, reflecting the covalent mixing of Cr deduced from the frequency dependence of the Faraday and
t 2g ↑ and O 2p states.17,34,35 Kerr effect agrees well with GGA calculations by Kuneš.28
The temperature dependence of the magnetization well Broadening of Raman modes near T C is associated with scat-
below T C follows a Bloch T 3/2 law36 with spin wave stiffness tering from collective spin fluctuations.42 The energy of the
D⬇1.8⫻10⫺40 J m2 , indicating that normal ferromagnetic A lg mode agrees well with the LSDA calculation.2 Photo-
spin waves are excited. They are detected by ferromagnetic emission studies show a small density of states at E F . 29
resonance in thin films, where the Gilbert damping parameter 共f兲 Transport properties (intrinsic): The electrical con-
is very small.37 The localized S⫽ 21 , d xy core is exchange ductivity determined on single crystals or high quality films
coupled to the (d yz ⫹d zx ) conduction electrons by an on-site shows residual resistivity ␳ 0 of a few 10⫺8 ⍀m 17,18,43,44 and
Hund’s rule interaction J H ⬃1 eV to form S⫽1 atomic spins, a resistivity ratio ␳ (300 K)/ ␳ 0 that can be as high as 140.22
which then interact by double-exchange and ferromagnetic Below 50 K, CrO2 is a rather good metal, with a resistivity
superexchange interactions. The intrinsic magnetocrystalline that is practically independent of temperature 共Fig. 6兲. The
mean free path corresponding to ␳ 0 ⫽4⫻10⫺8 ⍀m is ⬇90
anisotropy of epitaxial CrO2 films on 共100兲 TiO2 is K 1
nm.2 The resistivity continues to increase at high tempera-
⫽27 kJ/m3 at room temperature, with an easy c axis.38 In
tures, with a change of slope of d ␳ /dT at T C , reaching 6
powders, the easy axis is reported to lie at about 20° to c.34
␮⍀m or more. Based on the area of the paramagnetic Fermi
Shape anisotropy for acicular particles used in magnetic re-
surface,2 this implies a mean free path of 0.1 nm, making
cording may be as high as ␮ 0 M S 2 /4, giving K S ⬇50 kJ/m3 at
CrO2 a bad metal in the sense that d ␳ /dT⬎0. However, if
room temperature. Magnetostriction is ␭ S ⫽5⫻10⫺6 . 39
the spin splitting persists above T C , the mean free path there
The paramagnetic moment deduced from the Curie–
is then ⬇0.5 nm, which is a bit more than the interatomic
Weiss susceptibility above T C slightly exceeds that expected
spacing. The sign of d ␳ /dT above T C becomes negative at
for S⫽1.17,18 There is no evidence that it is much less than
high frequency.45 The scattering of magnetic origin, esti-
g 冑关 S(S⫹1) 兴 ␮ B , as had been predicted for a half metal.40 mated by extrapolating the high field slope to zero is 2.8
共d兲 Thermal properties: The low temperature heat capac- ␮⍀m.17
ity of sintered29 and powdered CrO2 36 has been fitted to yield Suppression of the normal ferromagnetic T 2 scattering at
values of the electronic term ␥ ⫽2.5 mJ/mol K2 and 5.1 low temperature, together with intense magnetic scattering at
mJ/mol K2, respectively, which are typical of d-band ferro- higher temperatures leads to a resistivity varying as ␳ ⫽ ␳ 0
magnets. The corresponding densities of states, N ↑ ⫽1.1 and ⫹AT 2 e ⫺⌬/T where A⬇33 ⍀m/K2 and ⌬⬇80 K. Data have
2.2 eV⫺1 f.u⫺1, are enhanced relative to the calculated values also been fitted to a simple power law ␳ ⬀T n , where n⫽3.2,44
given in Table III. The enhancement may be explained by ⌬ is much less than ⌬ sf 共Table III兲. Spin-wave scattering
electron–phonon2 and correlation effects.40 The spin-wave appears only to be effective for magnon wavelengths shorter
specific heat, varying as T 3/2, is enhanced with respect to the than a threshold corresponding to this energy 共3 nm兲.36
value deduced from the Bloch law, which corresponds to D The change in conduction regime at low temperature is
⬇1.1⫻10⫺40 J m2 . 17,29 The Debye temperature deduced evident in the magnetoresistance.43,44,46 The intrinsic proper-
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, 15 May 2002 J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan 8349

FIG. 7. Magnetoresistance of a CrO2 – Cr2 O3 pressed powder compact, with

temperature dependence shown in the inset 共Ref. 56兲.

FIG. 6. Resistivity of CrO2 thin films 共Ref. 43兲. films52 and powder compacts53–55 show larger effects.
Powder magnetoresistance is a simple and versatile
method for investigating magnetotransport in half metals.56
ties are best seen in unstrained films with little residual re- Ideally, the transmission T of electrons across a tunnel barrier
sistivity. Above 300 K, the magnetoresistance is negative, between two misaligned half-metallic particles whose mag-
linear, and isotropic with a value of order 1%/T. 47 Its origin netic axes are at an angle ␪ i j varies as cos2(␪ij/2), which is
is the reduction of spin-disorder scattering by the field- identical to (1⫹cos ␪ij)/2. If the directions of magnetization
induced magnetization. At low temperatures, large positive of the particles are random (r), 具 cos ␪ij典⫽0, and the maxi-
perpendicular 共field perpendicular to film兲 and transverse mum observable magnetoresistance,
共field parallel to film兲 magnetoresistance varies as B 2 MR⫽ 共 ␴ 储 ⫺ ␴ r 兲 / ␴ 储 ⫽ 共 ␳ r ⫺ ␳ 储 兲 / ␳ r 共3兲
reflecting43,44 high mobility and long mean free path of the
carriers. is 50%. Since 具 cos ␪ij典⫽具cos ␪i典2⫽m2, this reduces to m 2 /(1
The Hall effect in CrO2 is the sum of the ordinary and ⫹m 2 ) if the moments are incompletely aligned in the 储 state.
anomalous terms ␳ H ⫽R 0 B⫹R S ␮ 0 M . The anomalous term The pressed powders show hysteretic, butterfly-shaped mag-
dominates the Hall resistivity above 150 K; R S varies as T 4 netoresistance curves which do not saturate easily 共Fig. 7兲.
from 40–300 K, indicating a side-jump mechanism for Taking ␳ 储 as the extrapolated value for 1/H→0 and ␳ r as the
which R S ⬀ ␳ 2 . 43 The normal Hall effect is the predominant maximum gives MR⫽31% at 4.2 K.49,53 For imperfect po-
contribution below 80 K.43,48 Notable is the change of the larization, the transmission varies as P 2 cos2(␪ij/2), which
slope from positive to negative beyond a value of applied gives MR⫽ P 2 /(1⫹ P 2 ), hence P⫽67%. This is an under-
field which depends sensitively on sample preparation. Inter- estimate for two reasons 共i兲 the resistance is greater in the
preted in a simple two-band model, the positive slope at low virgin unmagnetized state than it is at the coercive field, so
fields reflects the presence of highly mobile holes, which that 具 cos ␪ij典⬎0 at coercivity, 共ii兲 there is a nonzero transmis-
pass over to the high field condition ␻ c ␶ ⫽ ␮ B⬎1 above the sion probability when the electrodes are antiparallel, associ-
turning field, where ␮ is the mobility. The Hall effect is then ated with spin-wave excitations. The magnetoresistance on
dominated by the more numerous electrons. The two-band an aligned powder is greater than 41%,55 but still far from
analysis gives ␮ n ⫽0.25 T⫺1 , and ␮ e ⫽0.01 T⫺1 . Both mo- 100% as might be expected if the acicular CrO2 powder
bilities have the same temperature dependence, ␮ (0)/ ␮ (T) particles all had antiparallel neighbors at the coercive field.
⫽1⫹AT 2 e ⫺⌬/T with ⌬⫽80 K. 43 The two band analysis is a However, the experimentally determined percolation fraction
simplification in view of the complex Fermi surface, but the for these particles is 0.23,53 so there will always be a perco-
essential feature is mobile holes, of O (2p) character and lation path through a 50–50 mixture of ↑ and ↓ particles.
heavy Cr(t 2g ) electrons 共and holes兲. Dilution of the CrO2 with Cr2 O3 particles 共Fig. 7兲 in-
共g兲 Transport properties (extrinsic): The extrinsic trans- creases the resistance and the magnetoresistance. Close to
port properties have been studied in tunnel junctions, poly- the percolation threshold, the magnetoresistance extrapolated
crystalline films, pressed powders and point contacts. The to T⫽0 and 1/H⫽0 rises to 40% which would correspond to
natural barrier oxide on CrO2 is 2–3 nm of Cr2 O3 , 49 an P⫽82%. However, there is a low temperature upturn in ␳ of
antiferromagnet with T N ⫽300 K. CrO2 /native oxide/Co the form ␳ ⬃exp(⌬⬘/T)1/2 共Refs. 44, 53, and 55兲 which is due
junctions exhibited disappointingly small magnetoresistance, to Coulomb blocade. The barrier ⌬ ⬘ is magnetization depen-
1% at 77 K and 8% at 4.2 K, of either sign.50,51 Granular dent and the magnetoresistance increases in this regime be-
8350 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, 15 May 2002 J. M. D. Coey and M. Venkatesan

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