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Name: Hoang Thi Xuan Man

ID: 25202112740

Class: MGO 301 O

Question1: Three ways that technology has had an impact on location decision:

1.Readily comprehend information demands, and crowded client areas to provide a good business
location: Google Maps, Foursquare, Yelp and Facebook Places are among the more popular services.
Location-based services use a smartphone's GPS technology to track a person's location, if that
person has opted in to allow it.

2.Social Media Data: Corporate leaders are also using Social Media Data to gather information to
help them make location choices.

Companies are obtaining a better knowledge of labor prices, quality of life, employment
competitiveness and saturation, traffic patterns, and many other critical data points discovered
within the troves of information available by successfully utilizing social media data.

3.Social media helps linking individuals all over the world. Face-to-face communication systems are
used by corporate leaders to interact with clients and advisers all around the world. It allows
businesses to have more options when it comes to choosing a site.


1.Accessibility and developing infrastructure: Da Nang’s strategic coastal location between Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City makes it a significant hub in Central Vietnam.

The third largest international airport and seaport of Vietnam are both located in Da Nang, and the
city is also an important station along the North-South Railway, Vietnam’s main railroad.

Several national highways run through Da Nang as well. Road 1A provides connections with Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City.

2. Increasing number of tourists in Da Nang

Lack of pollution, sandy beaches and several tourist attractions close by are the main enticements
contributing to the increasing number of tourists in Da Nang.

More tourists also mean more opportunities for investors. Therefore, it is an excellent time to enter
the local hospitality business and, for example, open a hotel in Da Nang.

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