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=RiB PT: AUEA JAVA ReReASA CHECK LIST PEMERIKSAAN BARANG PERUSAHAAN : sar EMOTIA, 2: eleletr ECE no] oararetenowaran — [SPER ETERANGAN 1 |konreax/ro lcory v . [suraTsatan /sunaT las OITANOATANGANI DAN OI STERPEL PIHAK PeNcaNTAR v secur Pos mux cenriricaTe oF 3 TwanurAcTuRe (com) eo cexriecare oF conroRMITY 4 Ty compuance (coc) teeee 5 Jcernicate oF oni (coo) lasuycory cennicare OF ANALYSIS clan v lasuycory 7 Jeerniicare na lasuycory MATERIAL SAFETY DATA ® I sneer nsos) v Sut SURAT KETERANGAN ASA a lasurcory 10|suraTGaRanst Asti DAN BERMETERAL 1, [eeencarerau. oan IManurActure 1p [cemmncate oF wansany DARI MANUFACTURE 2 a 15 s PT PEMBANGKITAN JAWA BALI PT PJB UNIT BISNIS JASA O&M REMBANG BON PENERIMAAN BARANG Nomor: 0714.BPB.E.07.M Pada hari ini, Selasa tanggal 05 bulan Juli telah dilakukan penerimaan sejumlah barang sesuai SP/SPK/Surat Perjanjian Nomor: M0714 Tanggal 22 JUN 22 Dari : AUFA JAYA PERI IKode Penyedia |Nama Penyedia Barang / Jasa|Nomo: [Barang/Jasa_— | vos215 JAUFA JAYA PERKASA, ' No. |Nama Barang/Spesifikasi/Manufaktur/ Ttm|No. Part/Stock Code/Purch Req No OP |Dipesan 001| LUBRICATING OIL |FOR TRANSFORMATOR; 177 KG; IEG Cz 153 DEG C; 9.6 AT 40 IAT -30 DEG C; < 20 MG/KG | REFERENCNYNAS: iStock Code : 00013198) Diterima | suToYo Nomor PO Tanggal PO BMO714 22 JUN 22 IJumlah — |Gudang Iditerima |No. Bin 10 |RB01 PT PEMBANGKITAN JAWA BALI PT PUB UNIT BISNIS JASA OM REMBANG BERITA ACARA PEMERIKSAAN BARANG 0714.8A.6.07.4 Pada hari ini, Selasa tanggal 05 bulan Juli aluhy 2022 telah dilakukan pemeriksaan sejumlah barang sesuai SP/SPK/Surat Perjanjian Nomor: EMO714 &s ‘Tanggal 22 JUN 22 Dari AUFA JAYA 20S IKode Penyedia |Nama Penyedia Barang / Jasa[No% at Jalan | Nomor PO IBarang/Jasa_ | rimaan Barang| Tanggal PO vos215, JAUFA JAYA PERKASA, 1/RIP-PIB/VI/202| EMO714 I 22 JUN 22 Io. [Nama Barang / Spesifikasi /Manu! |uman | Jumlah| [Ttem|No. Part /Stock Code /Purch Re (UOP)| Dipesan |dterima|dtolak| 1001 {LUBRICATING OIL [FOR TRANSFORMATOR; 177 KG; IBG Cz 153 DEG C; 9.6 Ar 4 IAT -30 DEG cr |REFERENCNYNAS Istock Code : i i PT PEMBANGKITAN JAWA BALI PT PUB UNIT BISNIS JASA OSM REMBANG Sekretaris Anggota ILHAM AGUSTOMO Anggota Anggota PT. AUFA JAYA PERKASA Be Mechanteat Workshup 1G eae ee " SURAT JALAN NOMOR: 035.S/AIP-PIB/VI/ 2022 Tuban, 29 Juni 2022 KEPADA YTH: NomorPR/PO —: EMO714,SP/UJRBG/2022 PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali Unit Bisnis Jasa O&M PLTU Rembang ‘Tanggal SP 22 Juni 2022 JL Raya Semarang-Surabaya Km 130,Kec. Sluke, Kab. Rembang 59272 ‘Telp. 0295 - 4552701 / 4552779 / 0811 - 2705 556 Kami kitimkan barang - barang tersebut dibawah ini dengan rincian sbb: Uraian Barang PENGADAAN MINYAK TRAFO MOH#20 _ LUBRICATING OIL FOR TRANSFORMATOR; 177 KG; 0,875 AT 20 DEG C; 153 DEG C; 9.6 AT 40 DEG C/ 1100 AT- 30 DEG C; 20 MG/KG) Hormat kami Diterima Oleh PT, AUFA JAYA PERKASA PT. PgB UBJOM PLTU Rembang Ce x a dihize. ) eee ‘Bon smeueazoss ‘yak KEDUA haus meray sama pertra yarg barat PT PAB UBL OMM PLTU Rambang meio Heselamatn din Kesehatan Here 0) ‘cguigan nc. mabe inghsngan Sater Maranon Perganan (SMP). 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OS PLTU eran dn Bon Penernaan Garg arg Guba seh Phas Cosang ‘Atta barang yang detathan oh PAK KEDUA tak seal dengan Netra maka PAK XESATU bath MENOLAK trang trcbut dan PIMAK ‘EDU nara saga nagar acgan brag br yang een nga tones yng inh aap ura Ca PARA PAK ofa daa oye 8 URL CAM PLTU Reman. apa ‘Setup tegatana tarang ah manic iow nt PLTU Rembang mk PLMAK KEDUA wo mamas pertran can memantspareartn ‘seat angie otra be PT P8 UB) GAMA TU Rembang ‘Daum ra aa aterartatan penyrtan brag bers dckunan perertan sacra gia ses! wat yng tah dtectaan (ever) maka PAK |SEOUA Quenhan nde heerastan ss iets per Gt Pa fale’ dan besesutan rn Sark Pah Kp in Gagun bats rater ‘ena ekrnmbston saber 5% (ira pre's) chat Surat Perrah Harp tect hetlanttan serena baone Sevan moose Deheen chaos detatran asaya Foca Map stu alasan yang berhsbangan nog esas PAK KESATO Pemeayaran len PIMAK KESATU tepa PIHAK HEDUA Sencha hue sebogs Berka ‘Burl Peenonan Pebayan dat PINAR WEGUA ota hepa PT PIB UR) Ol PLTU Rebang cq Gera Manager tant taghan Sam 3) rnghap (erm ip 1 000) ‘sh Geta ara Piven brag cn Hon Ponetnaa arg, langhap terion mi han btecabaan fe 90) enya Berta one (Sopy EOWA, Horo Pangan PAP aan NEWP i i i { i é i ‘Josbla wand gests panaat stu rang paren Sure Praha PARA PAK spat sax menjeweatan cangan maya‘, spe scat ipl Secatnan dengan ruayamoh san deteaahan Tesh Gasin Means haseel stent (OUUNa en vena sek Rosa na are pryiuan persnatan Yong bei Oa (Bot Maran Mara cress, 5 Agmota Pika KEDUA er bk remerfheletan scapamons as dtm Pas in mala PYHAK KESATU bettas memuun Perna 2 ‘tt sera, sea PAK HEDUA Ghanaian sar Baca ara mmm 3 ue pa en) Soar oes et nea ethan pamaan St Peet ooh ta PAK KEDUA anaan sak nk dpetbokon tk menghpengian onang)p sen ‘pn beta yang PT Ponty ow ba = PT. AUFA JAYA PERKASA PAL ELECTRICAL > GENERAL. CONTRACTOR, ME SURAT PERNYATAAN GARANSI Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : Nama M. Agus Purwanto Jabatan : Direktur Bertindak untuk atasnama _: PT. AUFA SAYA PERKASA Alamat : Desa Remen Kecamatan Jenu Kabupaten Tuban Telp + 082240371686 Email + ‘Menyatakan dengan sebenamya bahwa untuk PENGADAAN MINYAK TRAFO MOH#20No.SPK : EMO714.SP/UJRBG/2022 BERGARANSI (Garansi Barang) Garansi Selama 6 (Enam) Bulan Sejak Barang diterima oleh pihak Gudang Demikian pernyataan ini kami buat dengan penuh kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab, Hormat Kami, PT. AUFA JAYA PERKASA Direktur, M. AGUS PURWANTO NYNAS ~ Certificate of analysis PRODUCT : NYTRO LIBRA. DELIVERED FROM : Tank 1607 BATCH NO 45-T1607-210614 DATE BATCH : 14 Juni 2021 Terminal: PT. Dover Chemical Merak Analysis on representative sample from shore tank: Analysis Method ms Unit | Results Density at 20°C EN ISO 12185/ASTM D4052 Kgl 0,869 Density at 15°C Calculated from density at 15° Kg/l 0,870 ‘ Viscosity at 40°C EN ISO] 3104/ASTM D445, Mm 7s 7,50 [Flashpoint PM_ EN ISO1 2719/ASTM D03 TC 14 [Colour ‘ASTM D1500 0S Tees Netralisation value TEC 60296/ASTM D97- —__[mgKOH/g <0,01 Nynas AB, respective Product Data Sheer spicify that PCB compounds shall be none detectable, in accordance with methods ASTM D 4059 or IEC 61619 for the latest edition, please visit or contact your local sales contact. lll test result in this CoA comply with spicific limits in the corresponding Nynas AB Product Data Shett (PDS). For the latest PDS Edition or for complete Nynas AB specifications regarding specific products, please visit or contact your local sales contact, RECE) PT. Sukma Scientific Abadi DELIVER! Compartmenis filed ALL. Number oférams — : 30 Drums @! BATCH NO 607-21 LOADING DATE ne 14, 202: ODUS TRO LI HORE TANK — : 1607 Customer Order No : 072/9SA/¥; Nynas Order No. : DO-2021/SSA/015 QUANTITY 25310 kg REMARKS : PT. Sukma Scientific Abadi Results obtained ona representative sample from localed carrier/filled drums: [Analysis { __ Method I [Breakdown Voltage TEC 60156 [Tan Delta at 90° C/S0Hz | TEC 60247 | Water (Karl Fischer) ad Lab & Blanding Plant a PRODUCT DATA SHEET NYNAS ~wA NYTRO® LIBRA Viscosity, 40°C mm/s (St) 1803104 2 93 Viscosity, 30°C mm/s (St) 1803104 13800 1050 Pour point a3 10 3016 40 st ‘Water content melee 4c 60818 30 <20 Breakdown voltage w 1c 50156 = Before treatment Ww fecoo1ss 30 40-60 After treatment Ww tec60295 70, >70 Density, 20°C ke/ém? 15012185 089s 0875 DoFatg0"C tec 60247 000s <0.001 ERS een aa RSs | Colour 150 2049 15 <05 Appearance at 15°C 1EC60295 Clea, Free from Clear, Free from Sediment Sediment Acidity meKoH/e — 1€¢ 62021 0.01 <0.01 Interfacial tension at 25°C mN/m lece2s1 40, a7 Corrosive sulphur DINS1353.—_Non-Corrosive Non-Corrosive Potentially corresve sulphur 1EC62535—_Non-Corrosive Non-Corrosive Corrosive sulphur ASTM D175 Non-Corrasve Non-Corrosive aps elke 1EC62697-1 Not Detectable Not Detectable Antioxidants we 1EC60666 Not Detectable Not Detectable ‘Metal passivator additives elke IEC60665 Not Detectable Not Detectable Other additives * None None 2-Furfural and related compounds mg/kg tec 61198 <00s —<005 content ‘Aromatic content % 1c60590 8 (Ra a a oa LS ‘Oxidation stability at 120°C, 164 vec 61125, Total acidity meKOH/e IEC 61125 12 07 - Sludge we tec e115, os oa7 -DDF at 90°C tec 61125 0500 0.081 _-4--Health, safety and environment (HSE) Flash Point, PM *c so27i9 135, 150 PCA wx 1346 <30 <30 PCB elke TEC61619 Not Detectable Not Detectable “this product contains no undeclared adtives Severely hydrotreated insulating ll NNYTRO LIBRA isan uninhibited insulating oll meeting IEC 60296 Ed. 5 (2020), Type 8, TVBL and suing dat: 18-05-2021 itis 100% recyclable. Breakdown voltage after treatment as per definition in EC 60296, section 64 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex, as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/830 NYTRO® LIBRA SAFETY DATA SHEET Date of printing 2021-05-28 Date of issue/ Date of revision 2021-05-28 Date of previous issue 2021-06-28 Version 6.01 1.4 Product identifier Product name NYTRO® LIBRA UF! ‘A280-50J0-NO0Q-TMSW Product description Insulating oil Product type Liquid. 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures - Industrial ‘Use in functional fluids - Industrial Use in functional fluids - Professional Uses advised against Reason "This product must not be used in applications other than those |- recommended in Section 1, without first seeking the advice of the supplier. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet ‘Supplier/Manufacturer Head office: Nynas AB P.O. Box 10700 ‘SE-121 29 Stockhoim ‘SWEDEN +46 8 602 12 00 (Office hours 8 am - 4.30 pm (CET)) e-mail address of person responsible for this SDS 1.4 Emergency telephone number Telephone number ++44 (0) 1236 239 670 Hours of operation 24 hour service National advisory body/Poison Centre Telephone number 020 - 99 60 00 (Kemiakuten, 24h service) 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture Product definition Moure ‘Classification according to Regulation (EC) No, 1272/2008 [CLP/GHS] ‘Asp. Tox. 1, H304 ‘The product Is classified as hazardous according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 as amended. ‘See Section 16 for the full text of the H statements dectared above. ‘See Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms. 2.2 Label elements [Date of lssuePDate of revision $202%-05-20 Date of previous lesue 72021-0628 Version 607 1720 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex Il NYTRO® LIBRA Hazard pictograms Signal word Danger Hazard statements Precautionary statements Prevention Response Storage Disposal Hazardous ingredients ‘Supplemental label elements Annex XVII - Restrictions on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles 2.3 Other hazards Product meets the criteria for PBT or vPvB according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex Xl Other hazards which do not resultin classification 11304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Not applicable. 301 + P310, P331 - IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. Not applicable. 501 - Dispose of contents and container in accordance with all local, regional, national and international regulations. Distillate (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic Distilates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic Lubricating oils (petroleum), C15-30, hydrotreated neutral oil-based Not applicable. Not applicable. This miture does not contain any substances that are assessed to be a PBT or a vB. Prolonged or repeated contact may dry skin and cause irritation. 3.2 Mitures. Mixture Productlingredient name Identifiers, % Regulation (EC) No. | Type 127212008 [CLP] Distillate (petroleum), hydrotreated |REACH #: 50-70 Asp. Tox. 1, 4308 | light naphthenic: 01-2119480375-34 : 265-156-6 CAS: 64742-53-6 Index 649-466-00-2 Distilate (petroleum), hydrotreated | REACH #: Jo-50 Asp.Tox.1,H304 [I light paraffinic 01-2119487077-28, EC: 265-158-7 CAS: 64742-55-8 [Lubricating oils (petroleum), REACH #: 0-50 Asp. Tox.1,H304 ttl 1C15-30, hydrotreated neutral oll- | 01-2119474878-16 based EC: 276-737-9 CAS: 72623-86-0 Index 649-482-00- /See Section 16 for {the full text of the H ‘statements declared above. Date offssue/Date of revision $20240528 Date of previous lssue 72027-0520 Version 7607 220) Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex Il NYTRO® LIBRA Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLF] Annex VI Nota L applies to the base oils) inthis product. Nota L- The classification as a carcinogen need not apply it can be shown that the substance contains less than 3 % DMSO extract as measured by IP 346. ‘There are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowedge of the supplier and In the concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment, are PBTS, vPvBs or Substances of equivalent concern, or have been assigned a workplace exposure limit and hence require reporting in this section. Te {1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard {2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit [3] Substance meets the criteria for PBT according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex Xll [4] Substance meets the criteria for VPvB according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex Xill [6] Substance of equivalent concern [6] Additional disclosure due to company policy ‘Occupational exposure limits, if available, ae listed in Section 8. 4.1 Description of fist aid measures Eye contact Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If iritation, blurred vision or swelling occurs and persists, obtain medical advice from a specialist. Inhalation If breathing is dificult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in @ position comfortable for breathing. f casualty is unconscious and: If not breathing, if breathing is irregular or if respiratory arrest occurs, provide erifcial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel. Get medical attention i adverse health effects persist or are severe. Maintain an open airway. Skin contact Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use recognised skin cleanser. Remove ‘contaminated clothing and shoes. Handle with care and dispose of ina safe manner. ‘Seek medical attention if skin initation, swelling or redness develops and persists. ‘Accidental high pressure injection through the skin requires immediate medical tention. Do not wait for symptoms to develop. Ingestion ‘Always assume that aspiration has occurred. Do not induce vomiting. Can enter lungs and cause damage. if vomiting occurs, the head should be kept low so that ‘vomit does not enter the lungs. Seek professional medical attention or send the casualty to @ hospital. Do not wait for symptoms to develop. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If unconscious, place in recovery position and get medical attention immediately. Maintain an open airway. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband, Protection of frst-aiders No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without sultable training. it may bbe dangerous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Before attempting to rescue casualties, isolate area from all potential sources of ignition including disconnecting electrical supply. Ensure adequate ventilation and check that a safe, breathable atmosphere is present before entry into confined spaces. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed ‘Qver-exposure sians/symptoms Eye contact Slight iritant Inhalation Inhalation of oll mist or vapours at elevated temperatures may cause respiratory irritation. Skin contact ‘Adverse symptoms may include the following: imitation dryness cracking Date ofissuePDate of revision $20210528 Date of previous Issue 7 2021.05-26 Version 2601 320 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex I NYTRO® LIBRA Ingestion ‘Adverse symptoms may include the following: Nausea or voriting diarrhoea 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Notes to physician Specific treatments Due to low viscosity there isa risk of aspiration ifthe product enters the lungs. Treat symptomatcall. Always assume that aspiration has occurred. 5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media Unsuitable extinguishing media Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray (fog) or foam. ‘Do not use direct water jets on the buming product; they could cause splattering and spread the fire. Simultaneous use of foam and water on the same surface is to be avoided as water destroys the foam. 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazards from the substance ‘or mixture Hazardous combustion products 5.3 Advice for firefighters. ‘Special precautions for fre fighters ‘Special protective equipment for fire-fighters, Ina fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst. This ‘substance will float and can be reignited on surface water. Incomplete combustion is likely to give rise to a complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid particulates, gases, including carbon monoxide, H2S, SOx (sulfur oxides) or sulfuric acid and unidentified organic and inorganic compounds. Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing apperatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode. Clothing for fire-ighters (including helmets, protective boots and gloves) conforming to European standard EN 469 will provide a basic level of protection for chemical incidents, 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures For non-emergency personnel ‘Avoid breathing vapour or mist. Keep non-involved personnel away from the area of spillage. Alert emergency personnel. Except in case of small splages, the feasibly of any actions should always be assessed and advised, if possible, by a trained, ‘competent person in charge of managing the emergency. Stop leak if safe to do so. ‘Avoid direct contact with the product. Stay upwindlkeep distance from source. In case of large spllages, alert occupants in downwind areas. Eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so. Spillages of limited amounts of product, especially in the open air when vapours will be usually quickly dispersed, are dynamic situations, which will presumably limit the exposure to dangerous concentrations. Note : recommended measures are based on the most lkely spillage scenarios for this material; however, local conditions (wind, air temperature, wave/current direction and speed) may significantly influence the choice of appropriate actions. For this reason, local experts should be consulted when necessary. Local regulations may also prescribe or limit actions to be taken. (Date of issue/Date of revision $202%-05:20 Date of previous Issue 2021-05-28 Version 607 420 ‘Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex It NYTRO® LIBRA For emergency responders Small spllages: normal antistatic working clothes are usually adequate. Large spillages: full body suit of chemically resistant and thermal resistant material should be used. Work gloves providing adequate chemical resistance, specifically to ‘aromatic hydrocarbons. Note : gloves made of PVA are not water-resistant, and are not suitable for emergency use. Safety helmet, antistatic non-skid safety shoes or boots. Goggles and /or face shield, if splashes or contact with eyes is possible or anticipated. Respiratory protection : A half or full-face respirator wit fiter(s) for organic vapours {and when applicable for H2S) a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) can be Used according to the extent of spill and predictable amount of exposure. Ifthe situation cannot be completely assessed, or if an oxygen deficiency is possible, only ‘SCBA’s should be used. 6.2 Environmental precautions Prevent product from entering sewers, rivers or other bodies of water. If necessary dike the product with dry earth, sand or similar non-combustible materials. In case of soll contamination, remove contaminated soil and treat in accordance with local regulations. In case of small spillages in closed waters (ie. ports), contain product with floating barriers or other equipment. Collect spilled product by absorbing with specific floating absorbents. If possible, large spillages in open waters should be contained with floating barriers, ‘or other mechanical means. If this is not possible, control the spreading of the spillage, and collect the product by skimming or other suitable mechanical means. ‘The use of dispersants should be advised by an expert, and, if required, approved by local authorities. 6.3 Methads and material for containment and cleaning up ‘Small spill ‘Stop leak if without risk. Absorb spilled product with suitable non-combustible materials. Large spill Large spillages may be cautiously covered with foam, if available, to limit vapour cloud formation. Do not use water jet. When inside buildings or confined spaces, ensure adequate ventilation. Transfer collected product and other contaminated materials to suitable containers for recovery or safe disposal. Approach the release from upwind. Contaminated absorbent material may pose the same hazard as the spilt product. 6.4 Reference to other See Section 1 for emergency contact information. sections ‘See Section 8 for information on appropriate personal protective equipment. See Section 13 for additional waste treatment information. ‘The information in this section contains generic advice and guidance. The list of Identified Uses in Section 1 should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s).. General information Obtain special instructions before use. Keep away from heal/sparks/open flamesihot surfaces. No smoking. Use and store only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Hazard of slipping on spit product. Avoid release to the environment. 7.1 Precautions for safe handling Protective measures Do not ingest. Do not breathe dustifume/gas/mistvapours/spray. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Keep in the original container or an approved alternative made from a compatible material, kept tightly closed when not in use. Prevent the risk of slipping. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Avoid splash filing of bulk volumes when handling hot liquid product. Empty containers retain product residue and can be hazardous. Date of esueDate of revision £202105-28 Date of previous issue 2021-05-28 Version 601 520 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II NYTRO® LIBRA Nota : See Section & for information on appropriate personal protective equipment. See section 13 for waste disposal information. ‘Advice on general Ensure that proper housekeeping measures are in place. Contaminated materials ‘occupational hygiene should not be allowed to accumulate in the workplaces and should never be kept inside the pockets. Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled, stored and processed. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Change contaminated clothes at the end of working shit. See also ‘Section 8 for additional information on hygiene measures. 7.2 Conditions for safe ‘Storage area layout, tank design, equipment and operating procedures must comply storage, including any with the relevant regional, national or local legislation. Storage installations should be incompatiilties designed with adequate bunds jn case of leaks or spilis. Cleaning, inspection and ‘maintenance of internal structure of storage tanks must be done only by properly ‘equipped and qualified personnel as defined by national, local or company regulations. Store separately from oxidising agents. Recommended materials for containers, or container linings use mild steel, stainless steel. Not suitable : Some synthetic materials may be unsuitable for containers or container linings depending on the material specication and intended use. ‘Compatibility should be checked with the manufacturer. Keep only in the original container or in a suitable container for this kind of product. Keep container tightly closed and sealed unti ready for use. Do not store in unlabelled containers. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage. Empty containers may contain harmful, flammableicombustible or explosive residue or vapours. Do not cut, grind, dril, weld, reuse or dispose of containers unless adequate precautions are taken against these hazards. Store locked up. Protect from sunlight. 7.3 Specific end use(s) Recommendations Not available Industial sector specific Not available. solutions The information in this section contains generic advice and guidance. The list of Identified Uses in Section 1 should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s).. 8.1 Control parameters Qccupational exposure limits Product/ingredient name Exposure limit values Distillate (petroleum), hydrotreated light 'Work environment authority Regulation 2041 naphthenic '2/2018). TWA: 1 mgim* 8 hours. Form: mist and fume STEL: 3 mg/m? 15 minutes. Form: mist and fume Distillate (petroleum), hydrotreated light |Work environment authority Regulation 2018:1 (Swe paraffinic '2/2018). TWA: 1 mgim? 8 hours. Form: mist and fume STEL: 3 mg/m? 15 minutes. Form: mist and fume Lubricating oils (petroleum), C15-30, |Work environment authority Regulation 2018:1 (Swe hydrotreated neutral oil-based j2/2018). TWA: 1 mgim? 8 hours. Form: mist and fume STEL: 3 mg/m? 15 minutes. Form: mist and fume [Ol mist |(Air contaminant] [Work environment authority Regulation 2018:1 (Swe 12/2018). ‘TWA: 1 mgim? 8 hours. Form: mist and fume Date of isueDate of revision 72021-05-28 Date of previous issue 2021-05-28 Version 7601 620 ‘Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex It NYTRO® LIBRA [ STEL: 3 mgim? 15 minutes. Form: mist and fume Recommended monitoring If this product contains ingredients with exposure limits, personel, workplace procedures ztmosphere or biological monitoring may be required to determine the effectiveness of the ventilation or other control measures and/or the necessity to use respiratory protective equipment. Reference should be made to monitoring standards, such as the following: European Standard EN 689 (Workplace atmospheres - Guidance for the assessment of exposure by inhalation to chemical agents for comparison with limit values and measurement strategy) European Standard EN 14042 (Workplace ‘atmospheres - Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of exposure to chemical and biological agents) European Standard EN 482 (Workplace atmospheres - General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents) Reference to national guidance ‘documents for methods for the determination of hazardous substances will also be required. DNELS/DMELs Productiingredient name ‘Type | Exposure [Value [Population Effects Distilate (petroleum), hydrotreated | DNEL |Long term 5,68 mgim’| Workers Local light naphthenic Inhalation Distilate (petroleum), hydrotreated | DNEL |Long term 5,58 mglm*| Workers, light paraffinic, Inhalation Lubricating cils (petroleum), 15-30, | DNEL |Long term 5,58 mgim*| Workers hydrotreated neutral oil-based Inhalation ‘PNECs No PNECs available PNEC Summary Hydrocarbon Block Method (Petrorisk) 8.2 Exposure controls ‘Appropriate engineering Mechanical ventiation and local exhaust will reduce exposure via the air. Use oil controls resistant material in construction of handling equipment, Store under recommended conditions and if heated, temperature control equipment should be used to avoid overheating. Individual protection measures Hygiene measures Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before ‘eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Eyelface protection Recommended: Safety glasses with side shields. ‘Skin protection Hand protection Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn at ll mes when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. 4 -8 hours (breakthrough time): nitrile rubber Body protection ‘Wear protective clothing if there is a tisk of skin contact. Change contaminated clothes at the end of working shift Other skin protection Appropriate footwear and any additional skin protection measures should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product. Respiratory protection Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working limits of the selected respirator. Use a properly fitted, particulate filter respirator complying with an approved standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Environmental exposure Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure controls they comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases, fume scrubbers, filers or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary to reduce emissions to acceptable levels. Date of isueDate of revision 12021-0628 Date of previous lesve 2027-0528 Version #607 720 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex Il [NYTRO® LIBRA The conditions of measurement ofall properties are at standard temperature and pressure unless otherwise indicated. 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Physical state Colour Odour: Odour threshold pH Melting pointfreezing point Initial boling point and boiling range Flammability (soli, gas) Upperiiower flammability or explosive limits Flash point Auto-ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity Solubiltyies) Solubility in water Parton coefficient: water \Vapour pressure (Calculated) Evaporation rate Relative density Density Explosive properties, Oxicising properties DMSO extractable compounds for base oil substance(s) according to IP346 octanol! Liquia. Light yellow ‘OdourlessiLight petroleum. Not available. Not applicable. src Not available. Not available. Not available. Closed cup: >140°C (>284°F) [Pensky-Martens] >200°C (>392°F) >280°C Kinematic (40°C): 9,6 mm*is (9,6 cSt) Insoluble in water. Not available. Not applicable. <0,01 kPa (<0,075 mm Hg) Not available. Not available. 0,88 gfom? [15°C] Not available. Not available. <3% 10.1 Reactivity 10.2 Chemical stability 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions, 10.4 Conditions to avoid 10.5 Incompatible materials 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products No specific test data related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients. Stable under normal conditions. Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur. Keep away from extreme heat and oxidizing agents. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Oxidising agent. Incomplete combustion is likely to give rise to a complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid particulates, gases, including carbon monoxide, H2S, SOx (sulfur oxides) or sulfuric acid and unidentified organic and inorganic compounds. Date of lesueDate of revision $20210520 Date of previous lesue 72024-0628 Version 607 620 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex It NYTRO® LIBRA 14.1 Information on toxicological effects ‘Acute toxicity Productlingredient [Result ‘Species | Dose [Exposure [Remarks name Distilate (petroleum), |LC50 inhalation Dusts and | Rat >5,53mgl | 4hours |EMBS! 1988 hydrotreated light mists (similar material) naphthenic LDS0 Dermal Rabbit | >5000 mgikg | - API 1982 (similar ‘material) L050 Oral Rat >5000 malig | - |API 1982(similar material) Distilate (petroleum), _|LCS0 Inhalation Dusts and | Rat >5,63mgN | 4hours |EMBS! 1988 hydrotreated light mists (similar material) paraffinic LD50 Dermal Rabbit | >5000 mgikg | - API 1982 (similar LD50 Oral Rat >5000 matkg | - Lubricating oits LC50 Inhalation Dusts and | Rat-Male, | >5,63 mg! | 4 hours (petroleum), C15-30, | mists, Female (similar matertal) hydrotreated neutral oi- based LDS0 Dermal Rabbit | >5000 mgikg | - ‘API 1982 (similar material) L050 Oral Rat >5000 mg | - ‘API 1982(simitar material) Conclusion/Summary Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Acule toxicity estimates NIA en Product/ingredient [Result ‘Species [Score [Observation | Remarks name Distilate (petroleum), | Skin-Noriritantto skin. [Rabbit |0 to 1 241072 [API 1982(similar hydrotreated light hours |materialy naphthenic Eyes-Non-iitating to the [Rabbit |0to0,11 241072 |API1982(simllar eyes. hours |material) Distilate (petroleum), | Skin - Non-itant to ski Rabbit |oto1 241072 |API 1982(similar hydrotreated light hours material) paraffinic Eyes-Noniitating tothe Rabbit |0t00,11 241072 |API1982(similar eyes. hours |matetialy Lubricating oils ‘Skin -Non-iritantto skin. [Rabbit |0 to 1 24072 [API 1982 (similar (petroleum), C15-30, hours |material) hydrotreated neutral ol- based Eyes-Non-tritating tothe [Rabbit |0to.0,11 241072 |API1982(similar eyes. hours | material) ‘Skin Eyes Respiratory ‘Sensitisation Based on available data, the classification eriteria are not met, Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Date of iesuaDate of rovision 2027-05-29 Version 607 720 Conforms to Regulation (E {C) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex Il NYTRO® LIBRA Productingredient [Route of [Species Rosult [Remarks name Jexposure Disiilate (petroleum), [skin ‘Guinea pig Not sensitizing ‘API 1982(similar hydrotreated light material) naphthenic Distillate (petroleum), | skin ‘Guinea pig Not sensitizing API 1982(similar hydrotreated light material) paraffinic Lubricating oits skin Guinea pig Not sensitizing UBTL 1984), (Petroleum), 15-30, (similar material) hydrotreated neutral oll based ‘Skin Respiratory Mutagenicity Conclusion/Summary Carcinogenicity Conclusion/Summary Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. The base oils) in this product is based on an severely hydrotreated distilate, The product should not be regarded as a carcinogen. ‘Reproductive toxicity Conelusion/Summary Based on available data, the classiication criteria are not met. ‘Teratogenicty Conclusion/Summary Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. Aspiation hazard Product/ingredient name Result Distilite (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic ‘ASPIRATION HAZARD - Category 1 Distilate (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic ASPIRATION HAZARD - Category 1 Lubricating oils (petroleum), 15-30, hydrotreated neutral oi- | ASPIRATION HAZARD - Category 1 based aotential chronic health effects Produetfingredient name [Result Species Dose Exposure Distitate (petroleum), ‘Sub-chronic LOAEL Oral [Rat 125 mg/kg - hydrotreated light naphthenic ‘Sub-chronic NOAEL Dermal. |Rat >2000 mghkg | - ‘Sub-acute NOEL Inhalation [Rat 1220 mg/m? 6 hours; 5 days Dusts and mists per week Distiate (petroleum), ‘Sub-chronic LOAEL Oral [Rat 125 mg/kg : hydrotreated light paraffinic ‘Sub-chronic NOAEL Dermal. |Rat 1>2000 markg | - Sub-acute NOEL Inhalation [Rat 1220 maim? 6 hours; 5 days Dusts and mists per week [Lubricating ois (petroleum), | Sub-chronic LOAEL Oral [Rabbit 425 mg/kg : /C16-30, hydrotreated neutral jol-based Sub-chronic NOAEL Dermal |Rat }>2000 mgrkg—|- Sub-chronic NOEL Rat 1220 maim? 6 hours: 5 days Inhalation Dusts and mists per week ‘Specific hazard Aspiration hazard Aspiration means the entty of a liquid substance directly into the trachea and lower respiratory tract. Aspiration of hydrocarbon substances can result in in severe acute effects such as chemical pneumonitis, varying degree of pulmonary injury or death. This property relates to the potential for iow viscosity material to spread quickly into the deep lung and cause severe pulmonary tissue damage. Classification of a hydrocarbon substance for aspiration hazard is made on the basis Date of laswe/Date of revision $202%-06-28 Date of previous seve = 2021-05-28 Version 7601 10720 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex It INYTRO® LIBRA of reliable human evidence or on the basis of physical properties. 12.1 Toxicity Productingredient name Result Species Exposure late (petroleum), hydrotreated light [Acute ELS0 >10000 mgt Daphnia [48 hours aphthenic | {acute LL50>100 mgi Fish 96 hours {acute NOEL >100 mgh Agee 72 hours Chronic NOEL 10 mgf Fresh water [Daphnia 24 days Distilate (petroleum), hydrotreated light | Acute ELEO >10000 mgi Daphria [48 hours raffinc [Acute LL0 >100 mgi Fisn 96 hours ‘Acute NOEL >100 mg Algae 72 hours (Chronic NOEL 10 mgf Fresh water [Daphnia 24 days {Lubricating ois (petroleum), C18-30, {Acute ELSO >10000 mal Daphnia [4s hours wyarotreated neutral ol-based [Acute LL60 >100 mg Fish 06 hours [Acute NOEL >100 mgf Aigae r2hours [Chronic NOEL 10 mg/l Fresh water [Daphnia 24 days Conclusion/Summary Based on avalable data the claseication erleria are nat met 12.2 Persistence and degradabilty Productiingrediont name [Aquatic halflife Photolysis Blodegradability Bistilate (petroleum), I- inherent hydrotreated light naphthenic Ditilate (petroleum), | Inherent hydrotreated light paraffinic Lubricating os (petroleum), | Ready C15-30, hydrotreated neviral i-based Conciusion/Summeary Inherenty biodegradable. 12.3 Bioaccumulative potential Productingredient name |LogPe- ECF Potential [Bistlate(petroteur, até 500 iow hydrotreated light naphthenic Distilate (petroleum), 206 500 low hydrotreated light paraffinic Lubricating ofs (petroleum), [2106 500 ow C15-20, hydrotreated neutral l-based Conciusion/Summary The product hes @ potential to bioaccumulate 124 Mobiltyn soi Mobilty High mobiltyn soll predicted, based on log Kow> 3.0. 12.5 Results of PBT and vPVvB assessment ‘This mixture does not contain any substances that are assessed to be a PBT or a vPvB. 12.6 Other adverse effects Insoluble in water. Spills may form a film on water surfaces causing physical damage to organisms. Oxygen transfer could also be impaired. Date ofiseue/Date of revision $202%-05-28 Date of previous lesue 72024-0828 Version 7607 11720 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex i [NyTRO® LIBRA ‘The information in this section contains generic advice and guidance. The list of Identified Uses in Section 1 should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s). 13.1 Waste treatment methods Product Methods of disposal Where possible (e.g. in the absence of relevant contamination), recycling of used substance is feasible and recommended. This substance can be burned or incinerated, subject to national/iocal authorizations, relevant contamination limits, safety regulations and air quality legislation. Contaminated or waste substance (not directly recyclable): Disposal can be carried out directly, or by delivery to qualified waste handlers. National legislation may identify a specific organization, and/or prescribe composition limits and methods for recovery or disposal. Hazardous waste Yes. ‘European waste catalogue (EWC) [Waste code (Waste designation 73.0307" Tineral-based non-chiorinated insulating and heat transmission oils Packasing Methods of disposal The generation of waste should be avoided or minimised wherever possible. Waste packaging should be recycled. incineration or landfil should only be considered when recycling is not feasible. International transport regulations ‘ADRIRID ‘AON IMONMDG ICAONATA Classification Classification 414.1 UN number [Not reguiated. Not regulated. Not regulated Not regulated 142 UN proper |- - - - shipping name 14.3 Transport |- - - - hazard class(es) 4144 Packing group |- E E f 145 No. No. No. No. Environmental hazards 414.6 Special precautions for ‘Transport within user's premises: always transport in closed containers that are user upright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in the event of an accident or spillage. 147 Transport in bulk Not applicable. according to IMO instruments MARPOL Annex ois Date of ssueDate of revision 12021-0628 Date of previous esue 2021-05-28 Version 7601 12720 ‘Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex it NYTRO® LIBRA 416.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture EU Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) ‘Annex XIV - List of substances subject to authorisation ‘None of the components are listed. ‘Substances of very high concern None of the components are listed. ‘Annex XVII- Restrictions on Not applicable. the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mires and articles Other EU regulations Industrial emissions Not listed (integrated pollution prevention and contro!) - Air Industrial emissions Not listed (integrated pollution prevention and control) - ‘Water ‘Ozone depleting substances (1005/2009/EU) Not listed. Prior informed Consent (PIC) (649/2012/EU) Not listed. Persistent Organic Pollutants Not listed. rei This product is not controlled under the Seveso Directive. Intemational regulations Chemical Weapon Convention List Schedules |. & ill Chemicals Not listed. ‘Montreal Protocol Not listed. ‘Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Not listed. Rotterdam Convention on Prior informed Consent (PIC) Not listed. UNECE Aarhus Protocol on POPs and Heaw Metals Not listed. ‘National inventory ‘Australia All components are listed or exempted. Canada All components are listed or exempted. China All components are listed or exempted. Japan Japan inventory (CSCL): All components are listed or exempted. Japan inventory (ISHL): All components are listed or exempted. New Zealand All components are listed or exempted. Philippines All components are listed or exempted. Republic of Korea All components are listed or exempted. Taiwan All components are listed or exempted. Date of ssuePDate of revision 7202-05-28 Dele of previous Issue 72027-0628 Version 7607 18720 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex It NYTRO® LIBRA United States ‘All components are active or exempted. ‘Thailand ‘All components are listed or exempted, Turkey All components are listed or exempted. Viet Nam. All components are listed or exempted. 15.2 Chemical safety Complete. assessment Revision comments Not available. J Indicates information that has changed from previously issued version. ‘Abbreviations and acronyms ATE = Acute Toxicity Estimate CLP = Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008} DMEL = Derived Minimal Effect Level DNEL = Derived No Effect Level EUH statement = CLP-specific Hazard statement NA= Not available PBT = Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic PNEC = Predicted No Effect Concentration RRN = REACH Registration Number ‘SGG = Segregation Group \VPVB = Very Persistent and Very Bloaccumulative Classification Justification (Asp. Tox 1, H904 [Calculation method ‘Sweden Full text of abbreviated H H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. statements Full text of classifications [CLP/ Asp. Tox. 1 [ASPIRATION HAZARD - Category 1 GHS] Date of printing 2021-05-28, Date of issue/ Date of revision 2021-05-28 Date of previous issue 2021-05-28 Version 6.01 Notice to reader To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, nelther the above-named supplier, nor any of its subsidiaries, assumes any liabilty whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibilty of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist. ‘The information provided herein does not in any way constitute a product warranty, product specification, agreement on quality or similar. NYNAS®, NYFLEX®, NYTEX®, NYTRO®, NYBASE®, NYFROST™, NYFERT™, NYPAR™, NYPASS™, NYPRINT™, NYSPRAY™, NYHIB™, NYSWITCHO™, DISTRO™ and Nynas Logo are trademarks of Nynas. (Date offssueDDate of revision 2021-05-28 Date of previous issue 2021-05-28 Version 601 1420 NYTRO® LIBRA WYNAS Annexto the extended Safety Data Sheet (eSDS) ~~ ‘Short ttle of the exposure scenario List of use descriptors Environmental contributing scenarios Health Contributing scenarios Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures - Industrial Identified use name: Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures - Industrial Process Category: PROCO1, PROCO2, PROCO3, PROCO4, PROCDS, PROCOBa, PROCOBb, PROCS, PROC14, PROC15, PROC2B Subsequent service life relevant for that use: No. Environmental Release Category: ERCO2, ESVOC SpERC 2.2.v1 Formulation into mixture - ERCO2 General exposures (open systems) - PROCO4 General exposures (closed systems) - PROCO1, PROCO2, PROCO3 Batch processes at elevated temperatures - PROCO3 Laboratory activities -PROC15 Bulk transfers - PROCO8b Mixing operations (open systems) - PROCOS Transfer from/pouring from containers - PROCO8a Drumibatch transfers - PROCOBb Tabletting, compression, extrusion or pelletisation - PROC14 Drum and small package filling - PROCOS ‘Storage - PROCO1, PROCO2 Process sampling - PROCO9 Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROCOBa, PROC28 Industry Association Processes and activities covered by the exposure seenario ‘Concawe - 2020 Formulation, packing and re-packing of the substance and its mbdures in batch or ccontinuous operations, including storage, materials transfers, mixing, tabletting, compression, pelletisation, extrusion, large and small scale packing, sampling, ‘maintenance and associated laboratory activites. 2.1 Control of environmental exposure Amounts used Frequency and duration of use Other conditions affecting ‘environmental exposure ‘Technical on-site conditions. and measures to reduce or limit. discharges. air emissions and. releases to soll Risk management measures - Water Organisational measures to preventlimit release from site Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year) 3900 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) 12800 Continuous release Emission days (days per year) 300 Release fraction to air from process (intial release prior to RMM) 0.0025 Release fraction to wastewater from process (intial release prior to RMM) 5.0E-6 Release fraction to soil from process (initial release prior to RMM) 0.0001 Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to or recover from onsite wastewater. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. ‘Treat on-site wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) 93.7. Do not apply industrial sludge to natural solls. Sewage sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed, Date of issue/Date of revision 2021-03-09 18720) NYTRO® LIBRA Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures - Industrial, Conditions and measures. Estimated substance removal from wastewater Via domestic sewage treatment (%): ‘elated to sewage treatment 95.0. plant Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic ‘treatment plant) RMMs (%): 95.0 Maximum allowable site tonnage (Maus) based on release following total wastewater treatment removal (ka/day): 62000 Assumed on-site sewage treatment plant flow (m*/d): 2000, Concentration of substance Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %. in misture or article Frequency and duration of Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours use Other conditions affecting ‘Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented Assumes workers exposure use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature. There are no routine anticipated exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance, “The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk management measures tailored to this specific risk. ‘Risk management measures (RMM) General exposures (closed systems) - PROC 1, PROC 2, PROC 3 ‘Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. Batch processes at elevated temperatures Use in contained systems - PROC 3 Handle substance within a closed system. Assumes process temperature up to 60.0 °C. Bulk transfers Dedicated facility - PROC 8b Handle substance within a closed system. ‘Manual Transfer from/pouring from containers Non-dedicated facility - PROC 8a Use drum pumps. Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROC 8a, PROC 28 Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. ‘Storage - PROC 1, PROC 2 ‘Store substance within a closed system. 3.1 Environment Exposure assessment ‘The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposure (environment): with the Petrorisk model. 3.2. Workers Exposure assessment ‘The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless (humany: otherwise indicated ‘Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use. Exposure estimation and ADNEL (derived no effect levels) cannot be derived. There are no routine antcipated reference tots source ‘exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance. The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk management measures tailored to this specific risk. Date of issue/Date ofrevision 2021-03-09 16/20| _ NYTRO® LIBRA Annexto the extended Safety Data WYN, ‘Sheet (eSDS) ‘Short title of the exposure scenario List of use descriptors Environmental contributing scenarios Health Contributing scenarios Industry Association Processes and activities ‘covered by the exposure scenario Use in functional fluids - Industral Identified use name: Use in functional fluids - Industrial Process Category: PROCO1, PROCO2, PROCO4, PROCDBa, PROCDBb, PROCOS, PROC28 ‘Subsequent service life relevant for that us Environmental Release Category: ERCO7, Use of functional fluid at industrial site -ERCO7 lo. Goneral exposures (closed systems) - PROCO2 Bulk transfers - PROCO1, PROCO2 ‘Storage - PROCO1, PROCOZ Drumibatch transfers - PROCO8b Filling of articles/equipment - PROCO9 Filling of equipment from drums or containers - PROCOBa General exposures (open systems) - PROCO4 Remanufacture of reject articles - PROCOS Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROCO8a, PROC28 ‘Concawe - 2020 Use as functional fluids e.g. cable oils, transfer oils, coolants, insulators, refrigerants, hydraulic fluids in industrial equipment including maintenance and related material transfers. 2.4 Control of environmental exposure ‘Amounts used Frequency and duration of use Other conditions affecting environmental exposure ea Technical on-site conditions. ‘discharges, ait emissions and. releases to soil Risk management measures - Water ‘Organisational measures to reventiimit release from site Conditions and measures. ‘plated to sewage treatment. plant 2.2 Control of worker exposure Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year) 10 ‘Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) 500 Continuous release Emission days (days per year) 20 Release fraction to air from process (nial release prior to RMM) 0.0005 Release fraction to wastewater from process (intial release prior to RMM) 1.0E-6 Release fraction to soll from process (intial release prior to RMM) 0.001 If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required, ‘Treat on-site wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal efficiency of >= (%) 62.3. Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Sewage sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 95.0 Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 95.0 Maximum allowable site tonnage (Mzas) based on release following total wastewater treatment removal (kg/day) 3600 Assumed on-site sewage treatment plant flow (m*/d) 2000 ‘General measures applicable to all actives Date of issue/Date of revision 2021-03-10 1720) Use in functional fuids - Industrial | Concentration of substance Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %. unless stated differently in mixture or article Frequency and duration of Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours use Other conditions affecting ‘Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented Assumes workers exposure Use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature. There are no routine anticipated exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance. ‘The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk management measures tallored to this speoific risk. Bisk management measures (RMM) Bulk transfers Closed system - PROC 1, PROC 2 Handle substance within a closed system. Filing of ariclesfequipment Closed system - PROC 9 Handle substance within a closed system. Filling of equipment from drums or containers Non-dedicated facility - PROC 8a Use drum pumps. General exposures (closed systems) - PROC 2 ‘Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. General exposures (open systems) Elevated temperature - PROC 4 Minimise exposure by partial enclosure of the operation or equipment and provide extract ventilation at openings. Assumes process temperature up to 80.0 °C. Remanufacture of reject articles - PROC 9 Drain or remove substance from equipment prior to break-in or maintenance. Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROC 82, PROC 28 Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Storage - PROC 1, PROC 2 Store substance within a closed system. 3.4 Environment Exposure assessment ‘The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposure (environment) with the Petrorisk model 3.2 Workers Exposure assessment ‘The ECETOC TRA too! has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless (human): otherwise indicated. Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use. Exposure estimation and ADNEL (derived no effect levels) cannot be derived. There are no routine anticipated reference to its source exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance. The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk ‘management measures tailored to this speci isk. Date ofissue/Date of revision 2021-03-10 19/20| NYTRO® LIBRA wyilis ‘Annox to the extended Safely Data Sheet (eSDS) ~w ‘Shor tile ofthe exposure Use in functional fuids - Professional scenario Listof use descriptors Identified use name: Use in functional fuids - Professional Process Category: PROCO1, PROCD2, PROCO3, PROCOBa, PROCO9, PROC20, PROC28 ‘Subsequent service life relevant for that use: No. Environmental Release Category: ERC09a, ERC09b, ESVOC SpERC 9.13b.v1 Environmental contributing Widespread use of functional fluid (outdoor) - ERCOSb scenarios Widespread use of functional fluid (Indoor) - ERCO9a Health Contributing scenarios Drumlbatch transfers - PROCO8a ‘Transfer from/pouring from containers - PROCOS Operation of equipment containing engine oils and similar - PROC20 Remanufacture of reject articles - PROCO9 Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROCOBa, PROC28 Storage - PROCO1, PROCO2 Filling of equipment from drums or containers - PROCOS General exposures (closed systems) - PROCO1, PROCO2, PROCS Industry Association Concawe - 2020 Processes and activities Use as functional fluids e.g. cable oils, transfer oils, coolants, insulators, refrigerants, covered by the exposure hydraulic fluids in industrial equipment including maintenance and related material scenario transfers. 2.4 Control of environmental exposure Amounts used Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year) 0.015 Maximum daily site tonnage (ka/day) 0.041 Frequency and duration of use Continuous release Emission days (days per year) 365 Other conditions affecting _-—_~Release fraction to ar from process (inital release prior to RMM) 0.05 environmental exposure Release fraction to wastewater from process (inal release prior to RMM) 0.025 Release fraction to sol from process (ital release prior to RMM) 0.025 Technical on tions If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment ‘and measures to reduce or mit. required discharges, ei emissions and. ‘teleases to soil Risk management measures- Treat on-site wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required Water removal efficiency of (%) 70.5. Conditions and measures Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Sewage sludge should be incinerated, ‘elated to sewage treatment. contained or reclaimed. plant Conditions and measures _Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): related to external treatment of 95.0. waste for disposal Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 95.0. ‘Maximum allowable site tonnage (Mais) based on release following total wastewater treatment removal (kg/day): 0.77 ‘Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d): 2000 2.2 Control of worker exposure cable to all Date of issue/Date of revision 2021-03-10 19/20| NYTRO® LIBRA Use in functional fluids - Professional Concentration of substance Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %. in mixture or article Frequency and duration of Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours use Other conditions affecting ‘Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented Assumes ‘workers exposure Use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature. There are no routine anticipated exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance. ‘The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk management measures tallored to this specific risk. ‘Risk management measures (RMM) Drum/batch transfers Non-dedicated facility - PROC 8a Use drum pumps. ‘Transfer from/pouring from containers - PROC 9 Use drum pumps. Filling of equipment from drums or containers - PROC © Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour). Goneral exposures (closed systems) - PROC1, PROC 2, PROC 3 ‘Sample via @ closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. Operation of equipment containing engine oils and similar Closed system - PROC 20 Handle substance within a closed system Operation of equipment containing engine oils and similar Closed system Elevated temperature - PROC 20 ‘Assumes process temperature up to 80.0 °C. Remanufacture of reject articles - PROC 9 Drain or remove substance from equipment prior to break-in or maintenance. Equipment cleaning and maintenance - PROC 8a, PROC 28 Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Storage - PROC 1, PROC 2 Store substance within a closed system. 3.4 Environment Exposure assessment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposure (environment): with the Petrorisk model. 3.2 Workers Exposure assessment ‘The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless (quman): otherwise indicated. Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use. Exposure estimation and ADNEL (derived no effect levels) cannot be derived. There are no routine anticipated reference to iis source ‘exposures by ingestion related to any supported uses of the substance. The risk arising from aspiration hazard is solely related to the physico-chemical properties of the substance. The risk can therefore be controlled by implementing risk ‘management measures tailored to this specific risk. Date of issue/Date of revision 2021-03-10 20720)

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