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A PATRISTIC GREEK LEXICON EDITED BY ELY PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY AT THE CLARENDON PRESS Oxford University Press, Amen House, London EC.4 © Oxford University Press 1964 PREFACE I Tux project for a Lexicon of Patristic Greek was originally suggested by the Central Society for Sacred Study in the year 1906, when its Warden was Dr. H. B, Swete, then Regis Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. Within three years some eighty clergymen and others interested in patristic study, led by Canon Herbert Moore, then Rector of Acton, Cheshire, had been invited to read the appropriate volumes of Migne’s Patrologia Graeca and certain other texts and to assemble material for the work. Canon Moore himself continued, until his death in 1942, to devote his leisure to the collection and transcription of great quantities of slips, and there can be little doubt that but for his energy and perseverance the idea conceived by Dr. Swete would never have been carried out. At about the same time a ‘Committee of Direction’ was formed, consisting of Dr. Swete himself with Dr. A. J. Mason and Dr. J. H. Srawley at Cambridge, and Dr. T. B. Strong, Dr. William Sanday, and Dr. C, H. Turner at Oxford. It was not, however, until 1915 that the Committee found it possible to appoint an editor, Dr. Darwell Stone, Princi- pal of Pusey House, Oxford, who continued to direct the work until his death in 1941 In the meantime plans for a new edition of Liddell and Scott had begun to take shape, and its editor, Sir Henry Stuart Jones, had decided to exchide all post-biblical Christian writers from the scope of the work. It thus became clear that, although the aim and methods of the Patristic Lexicon had not yet been precisely determined, it would certainly have to form a supplement, or companion, to the ninth edition of Liddell and Scott, and on that basis the interest of the Delegates of the Oxford University Press was attracted to the project. Thus in the year 1925 Sir Henry Stuart Jones in his Preface explained the relation between the two works: Liddell and Scott... admitted a number of words from Ecelesiastieal and Byzantine writers, for many of which no reference was given except the symbols ‘Eccl.’ and ‘Byz.’. After due consideration it has been decided to exclude both Patristic and Byzantine literature from the purview of the present edition. It would have manifestly been impossible to include more than a small and haphazard sclec= tion of words and quotations irom these literatures, which would therefore have had to be treated quite differently from the remains of Classical Greek. . . . There is, moreover, in preparation a Lexicon of Patristic Greek (including Christian poetry and inscriptions) under the editotship of Dr. Darwell Stone, which will, itis hoped, be printed when the publication of the present work is concluded, ‘The fulfilment of this hope has been long delayed. For many years Dr. Darwell Stone worked almost single-handed (though assisted for a time by the Rev. G. L. Marriott and the Rev. F. P. Long as successive sub-editors) at the task of reading texts, receiving and sorting slips sent by Canon Moore and other readers, and writing preliminary drafts of articles on the basis of such material as had by that time been collected. Progress could not, therefore, but be slow. More- over, since the scope of the work had not been finally determined, it was not clear whether the main concern of the Lexicon was to be linguistic on the one hand, ot theological and ecclesiastical on the other, with the natural consequence that whereas most of the readers had been careful mon theological to take note of rare words and usages, some of them had omitted to excerpt « terms in passages of great importance for the history of patristic thought. This difficulty had not been fully resolved when, after Dr. Stone's death, the Committee, then under the chairmanship of Dr. N. P. W appointed as Editor Dr. F. L. Cross, then Librarian of Pusey House and subsequently the successor of Dr. Williams in the Lady Margaret Chair of Divinity at Oxford. It had become clear that the primary value of the material so far assembled lay in its interest to students of the development of Christian theological vocabulary and of the ideas which it expressed. A number of published studies, based upon the Lexicon slips, afforded positive evidence that this was the case.’ The Committee accordingly decided 2 These include studies by Dr. G. L. Prestige, who spent xaiv (1923), pp._ 486-96; “Hades in the Greck Fathers several years in making a special study of certain doctrinal ibid.,pp.476-8s;"eepeqapée and zeprqcipnowsin the Fathers words for the Lexicon: “iyé)yror and yedi)yrde and JTS" xxix (a528), pp. 24252; ‘Clement of Alexandria, Kindred wouds, in Eusebius and the early Arians', JTS Siyomaia 2.8, nd the meaning of “llypostasis”', JS xxx vi PREFACE that the work should be more than a mere supplement to Liddell and Scott. It was, however, plainly impossible to consider the production of an encyclopedic theological dictionary, on the lines of Kittel’s Theologisches Worterbuch sum Neuen Testament, to cover the vast range of patristic literature. The object of the work was therefore defined as the provision of as full treatment as possible of all words of special theological or ecclesiastical significance, and, at the same time, the listing of all words occurring in the Fathers which were either not contained in Liddell Scott-Jones or but poorly attested there (such as those cited only from glossaries) ‘With this object in view, new readers were recruited for the study of those texts, particularly the more recently published critical editions, which had not yet been excerpted, a provisional word-list was prepared by Miss H. C. Graef, and a preliminary draft of the list of authors was compiled by the Rey. B. J. Wigan, who had been appointed to assist Dr. Cross. In 1946 the writing of articles was begun by Miss Graef, Miss M. Grosvenor, and the present Editor who succeeded Dr. Cross in 1948. Dr. R. H. Lightfoot had become Chairman of an enlarged Committee on the death of Dr. Williams in 1943, and he now devoted much labour to the raising of funds, including many increased contributions from those academic and ecclesiastical bodies and private friends who had supported the work since its early days, in order to make possible the engagement of a larger staff of whole-time assistants. The authorities of the Bodleian Library gave much help to the project in several ways, including the provision of accommodation for the work itself and for the working library which had been built up with the aid of many friends of the Lexicon who lent texts for this purpose. Much reading remained to be done, and the existing material had to be extensively supplemented even when the work of putting it into shape was well advanced. The Editor and his staff have thus found themselves compelled, paradoxically, to work against time in the actual writing of a book whose publication must scem to the general public to have been long delayed. They would have preferred to spend much more time in remedying the deficiencies and imperfections of the Lexicon as it now stands. On the other hand, it seemed their duty rather to bring it forward for publication with the least possible delay, remembering that it is a pioneer work in its particular field (its nearest predecessor is J.C. Suicer’s Thesaurus Eeclestasticus, second edition, 1728), and that there is good hope that, like the rude beginnings of other large dictionaries, this Lexicon may be supplemented and cor- rected by the expert hands of future revisers and editors. Many helpers have contributed to the writing of articles, Among those who have spent a con- siderable amount of time on the work have been Mrs. S. Argyle, Dom G. Bainbridge, 0.S.B., Dr. J. E. Bickersteth, Mr. J, Bowman, Miss B, Burns, Miss N. Butler-Wright, Miss M. J. Cunningham, Mr. D. Grensted, Miss T. A. Hart, Miss J. M. Hawkins, the Rev. (now Bishop) Basil Krivocheine, Mr. W. Mitchell, Mr, (now Professor) A. Paap, the Rev. (now Professor) K. J. Woollcombe, together with the Editor's original colleagues Miss Graef and Miss Grosvenor. It is impossible, for reasons of space, for the Editor to express his thanks to all those individuals who have contributed to the work. There have been very many valuable helpers at every stage. those who read texts and sent in slips, particularly the late Mr. E. A. Parker, who devoted most of his time to this work during the last years of his life, those who lent books to the working library, in particular the authorities of Cuddesdon Theological College and Pusey House, the sorters of slips, especially parties of theological students from Wyeliffe Hall led by Mr. (now Professor) N. Q. King, and the Editor’s helpers in the final stages of the revision of the manuscript and the reading of proofs, particularly Miss Janet Rosceveare, Special gratitude i G92), pp. 270-2; "éyderos and cognate wordsin Athana- and cognate words’, J7S xxii (193), pp. 135s ‘Bsa Sas, JTS. seiv (log pp. 298-055 andthe detailed and cognate words, TS xxii (192), pp 132-508 feed, accobit of the theological language of the Fathers em- grin and allied words', JTS xx (1050); DP: 58-75) died in his bok, God ond Parse Thought (Heinemann, "Emoto. sbi, p. 56-00 "alsw and enn, [7S xxx Other articles of the mime kind were published by (aos, pp. g-83 amd sgo~do4. The present Editor sub Aad’, JTS xxiv (1923), pp. 473-53 Dr.C. H. sequently publisied"Baocela 728 Gos, Bootle Xpiorat in Tamer: “paporonta, xupodeta, dnidas yep’, ibid, pp. the Gresk Fathers’, JTS slix (99%), pp. s8-73, and em agingo4 the Rev. .'C. , Owens 'St. Gregory of Nyssa? bodied mucho the material for Burrcy odpm, and ( Votsbutary; 0) Style, JTS xxi (099) pp. 94-713 ated words in The Sea ofthe Spirit ong “Grorgurantay kc!, JTS 29% (19a), ppe 259-65; Bal PREFACE vit due to Miss Grosvenor for her devoted work, first as a writer and reviser of articles and sub- sequently as a Press reader. Although no ‘Sub-Editor’ has been officially appointed since the early years of the Lexicon, she has in fact done as much as, or more than, an editor could reasonably expect of a colleague with that title. The Editor records his grateful appreciation of the kindness and encouragement which he has received, sometimes in circumstances of much difficulty, from the successive Chairmen of the Committee with whom he has had the good fortune to work, Dr. R. H. Lightfoot, Dr. Leonard Hodgson, and Dr. E, R. Dodds, and the members of the Committee themselves. It is, of course, due to the interest shown in this project, and the wise guidance given to it, by the Secretary to the Delegates and other authorities of the Clarendon Press that it has been ‘brought successfully to the point of publication. The manuseript of the Lexicon has presented the compositors and readers with quite exceptional difficulties: a very large work consisting in the main of Greek citations and written in longhand by different hands of various nationalities, repeatedly revised and corrected by yet other hands, confronted the printer with what might seem to be an almost impossible task. The skill and care with which these difficulties have been overcome has been matched by the extraordinary vigilance and accuracy of the Press reader of the page proofs, who has eliminated a great number of minor errors and inconsistencies. It is not possible to enumerate the many benefactors who have financed this project, or to thank them individually, From the outset regular subscriptions and single donations have been generously given by Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, Cathedral Chapters, and private in- dividuals. During the years 1948 to 1935, when a relatively large paid staff had to be maintained, annual grants to the Lexicon were made by Oxford University. Since that time the completion of the work has been made possible by generous help from the British Academy. Much assis- tance has been given at various stages by the trustees of the Denyer and Johnson Fund, the Revision Surplus Fund, the Pringle Stewart Fund, and the Hort Memorial Fund, the Jowett Copyright Trustees, the Eric Vincent Educational Trust, and the Committee of Hymns Ancient and Modern, to all of whom, as to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press for undertaking the expenses of publication, the Committee of the Lexicon and the Editor are deeply grateful. 1 The object of this work is primarily to interpret the theological and ecclesiastical vocabulary of the Greek Christian authors from Clement of Rome to Theodore of Studium, ‘These limits are necessarily somewhat arbitrary. They have been drawn with the object of confining the Lexicon, as far as possible, to the formative period of the history of Christian thought and institutions, beginning in the sub-apostolic age (but excluding any works of that period which are contained in the canon of the New Testament) and embracing the whole era of the Creeds, the Councils down to the Second Council of Nicaea, and the great doctrinal disputes down to the Iconoclastic Controversy. The limits are not absolutely rigid. Some works of uncertain date which may be substantially pre-Christian are included, such as the Confession of Asenath and the Testaments of the XIZ Patriarchs, and also the Psalms of Solomon which admittedly belong to the Judaism of the first century B.c., but which, having been read, it, seemed undesirable to exclude, especially since no existing Greek lexicon treats them fully. At the other end of the period some spurious works attributed to such authors as John of Damascus and Theodore of Studium have been included although they are strictly too Jate in date, as has also the medieval Christus patiens traditionally included among the poems of Gregory of Nazianzus. All words illustrating the development of Christian thought and institutions have been treated as fully as possible, with extensive citations of the more important relevant passages. Thus the articles on such words as gots or mpdaumoy are intended to explain the history of the terminology of Trinitarian doctrine and Christology ; the organization of the Church and its Ministry is illustrated by the articles on such words as dadaroos, émioxonos, and mpeoftrepos ; patristi ‘spirituality’ by those on @ewpia or ei}; worship by the entries dealing with liturgical terms; a2 i and so on. Many common words, of no theological importance in themselves, have been in- cluded because they occur in typological or allegorical interpretations of biblical texts and so may serve to illustrate patristic methods of biblical exegesis; among many others are such commonplace words as frnos, zorajds, and soils. A few proper names have been included because of their importance in theology (e.g. Mddu) or exegesis (e.g. BaBoden). This method of treatment has the obvious disadvantage that the history of the use of words (lexicography in the proper sensc) has to be combined with the history of theological ideas, liturgy, institutions, canon law, and other matters. Tt should, however, be borne in mind that this method has been deliberately adopted in order to make the project feasible. ‘The ideal policy would probably involve the production of two entirely distinct works, a lexicon of the language used by the Greck Christian writers on the one hand, and a very large encyclopedic dictionary of patristic theology on the other. Not only would the latter probably require many volumes, but it is the history of Christian doctrine, worship, and institutions which alone justifies the grouping of the authors with whom the Lexicon is concerned into a single class labelled ‘patristic’. ‘The authors did not use one peculiar form of the Greek language, and it might well be argued that their exclusion from Liddell Scott-Jones was somewhat illogical, since the ground for it was their religion rather than their vocabulary. Thus Synesius failed to find a place in Liddell Scott~Jones alongside the other Neoplatonist writers of the period because he ended his career as a Christian bishop. The Christian authors, judged by the kind of Greek that they wrote, do not form a single homogeneous group. The ‘classical’ language of the Cappa~ docian Fathers is very different from the vocabulary and style of Malalas or the popular Greek of much of the monastic literature. There is too great a difference between the Didache or Clement of Rome, with their strongly ‘biblical’ language, and such an author as Cyril of Alexandria, to warrant their classification under a single literary label. It is their place in Christian history which holds them together, and consequently this Lexicon, which studies their vocabulary in order to interpret their theology and its broad social and ethical implica tions, is primarily a theological dictionary of the Greek Fathers. It is in that sense that the original title given to this work by Dr. Swete, ‘A Lexicon of Patristic Greek’ should, in the first instance, be understood. It is, perhaps, a first step towards the ultimate goal of a full-scale theological dictionary of the Fathers in the manner of Kittel's Theologisches Worterbuclt zum Neuen Testament. ‘This is to look far ahead. So far as the present work is concerned it must be made clear to the reader that he must not expect to find a thesaurus of patristic language or concordance to the Greck Fathers. The size of this Lexicon was determined by agreement between the Com- mittee and the Clarendon Press at an early stage in its history. The Press has subsequently, allowed those limits to be considerably exceeded ; but considerations of space have always had to determine editorial policy, and there could be no question of trying to produce a work in which a reader could expect to find every instance of the use by a particular author of an important theological term, or information about the use in patristic exegesis of every important scriptural text, All that can here be offered is samples of patristic thought and specimens of the ‘way in which biblical words and phrases were interpreted in the homilies and commentaries of the period. ‘A secondary object of the Lexicon is to give information about all words, whether of any ‘theological importance or not, which are used by these writers but not included in Liddell Seott— Jones. A very large number of such words are listed here, distinguished in cach case by an asterisk. Words that are only poorly attested in Liddell Scott—Jones or which are used by the Fathers with different meanings, or with differences of grammatical usage, also appear, whether or not they are relevant to patristic theology. The dual object of the Lexicon necessitated the adoption of a format similar to that of Liddell and Scott, to which it is in part a companion. This is not ideally suited to a dictionary whose primary interest is theological, for it usually involves separate treatment for cognate words which, in a purely theological dictionary, would normally be discussed under one heading. ‘The reader must therefore be warned that if, for example, he wishes to study the thought of the PREFACE ix Fathers about the subject of apostleship he will have to tum to the separate articles on daoorMe, éxooroh}, doarodueés, and dndoroos. The disadvantages of this method have been mitigated as far as possible by the provision of cross-references between the various articles concerned with a single main subject, and occasionally, where no difference in the actual meaning of two associated words occurs, they are treated together in one article (e.g. ey and mpooeuy. ‘Those articles which trace the history of an idea or an institution are arranged according to the logic of their subject-matter rather than strictly lexicographicaily. Thus the divisions of such an article correspond to the use of the word in Trinitarian doctrine, Christology, ecclesio- logy, anthropology, and so on, rather than to the use of the word (if a verb) in the active, middle, and passive voices, transitively or intransitively, &c. Grammatical usage, especially if it is markedly different from that of classical Greek, is illustrated in such articles by the citations rather than by section headings. In the case of ‘non-theological’ entries the arrangement is, more often determined by Tinguistic considerations. The relation of this work to Liddell Scott-Jones demands special attention. No word which is well attested in the latter and has no particular interest for the reader of the Fathers is included in this book. The absence of a word must on no account be understood as an indication that itis not used by the patristic authors. In order, too, to make more space available for articles of major interest, the common meanings of any word, already noted by Liddell Scott-Jones, are not repeated here unless they are of significance for patristic study. Thus a common word to which Liddell Scott—Jones devote a long article may appear in this Lexicon with only one, and that an unusual, meaning. It must again on no account be supposed that the ordinary senses of such a word are absent from these authors and have been replaced by another. In all such articles the corresponding entry in Liddell and Scott is, as it were, taken as read and this Lexicon merely adds certain new information to it. The user of this work is, in fact, assumed to have Liddell and Scott by its side, Limitations of time and space have prevented this Lexicon from taking account of biblical words or usage, except in so far as the writers of the patristic period may illuminate them by their own comments, A word treated here may have already had an interesting history in the Septuagint and the New Testament, but this cannot be described here and the reader must refer to a biblical dictionary for the scriptural antecedents of our subject-matter. Nor can this, Lexicon find room for the contribution which contemporary pagan authors, especially in the feld of philosophy, would sometimes make to the study of Christian thought, or for reference to the writings of Philo, of which the Fathers, particularly at Alexandria, made so much use. Tt has had to leave many such studies, and the light which they can throw upon the thought of the Fathers, to other existing and projected dictionaries and encyclopedias, and to confine itself strictly to the field of the Greck Fathers themselves, together with such material from Christian papyri and inscriptions as can help to illustrate their language and ideas. Those writings of the Greek Christian authors which survive only in non-Greck languages have been, for the most part, exchided, although when an article on the use of an important theological term would be seriously incomplete without reference to some work or works of a Greek author which exist only in translation, citations are given from these, preceded by ‘ef.’. Such writings include those works of Origen that have come down to us only in the Latin of Rufinus or Jerome, the Latin or other versions of the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus (cited either in Latin or in English translation from the oriental versions), and Nestorius’ Book of Heraclides (cited from P, Nau's French translation of the Syriac text) ‘The List of Authors and Works is not intended as a patrology, but as an indication of those works to which reference is actually made in the Lexicon, and the editions which have been used. Migne's Patrologia Graeca has been used in all cases where there is no critical text available, except in the case of certain authors, such as Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, and Theodoret, where older editions, used by Migne, furnish a more accurate text and their book, chapter, and section numbers (where they exist), together with their page numbers, are re~ produced by Migne, so that the reader who uses Migne has no difficulty in finding the references. x PREFACE Many critical editions are scarce even among good libraries; for the convenience of the ordinary reader of the Fathers, therefore, Migne references have been given in addition to those to modern editions, In some cases, where the Migne enumeration of chapters or sections differs from that of the critical text, the Migne number has been given within the bracket that contains the page and line of the edition and the Migne volume and column : e.g. Or. Jo. 1. 38 (42; p- 49. 8; M. 14. roo), where 42 is the chapter number in Migne, p. 49. 8 indicates the page and line of the critical edition (in which the same chapter is numbered 38) and the volume and column of Migne follow. Works are usually cited by books, chapters or sections, where these exist, according to the critical text, if any, rather than Migne, unless the contrary is expressly stated. Critical texts are usually cited by page and line of the edition, except in the ease of verse or where the sections of the work are very short. In a few cases, where the sections are short and very easily found either in a moder edition or in Migne, no reference at all is given in addition to the book (if any), chapter and section (e.g. 1Clem. 42. 4). Sometimes, as in the case of Irenacus or Cosmas Indicopleustes, the Migne reference suffices for finding a passage in the critical edition. In all such cases the Migne reference alone appears, though the critical text is, of course, always followed. Where numbers are attached to works, such as homilies with identical titles by the same author, which are not numbered in the editions, these numbers have no bearing on chrono- logical order but are introduced merely for convenience of reference. If chapters and sections are numbered concurrently in the editions, the sections alone are cited, The exegetical works of each author are listed in biblical order under the heading ‘Exegetica’. They are normally cited by the enumeration of the edition, but if this is lacking they are cited by biblical chapter and verse. All biblical references are given with a colon between chapter and verse. Alternative forms of a key-word are combined in one entry if they are not materially different and would be adjacent in alphabetical order. In any quotation or reference the form of the key-word first printed is to be assumed unless otherwise specified ; but common variants such as -eia -a, wv w, and -ow -rrw are not separately noted. Lower-case is the rule for nouns generally but a capital has been substituted in particular instances: resurrection (general) but Resurrection (of Christ) ; the gospel but, in the liturgy, the Gospel; and in licu of the addition of ‘the’ in such cases as apostle (generally) but Apostle (=S. Paul); creation (created world or any act of creation) but Creation (of the world); Cross for the cross of Christ and as denoting the Christian religion ; church (building) but Church (universal) ; and so for Fall, Law, Temple, Incarnation, ete It is the misfortune of the Editor of such a work as this at the present time that critical editions of the Fathers are appearing in large numbers and with great frequency. Since the manuscript was completed several important works which had to be cited from old editions reproduced by Migne have been edited, too late for the purposes of this book. It has been no part of the duty of the writers of this Lexicon to edit the texts which they used, although some particularly dubious readings have been prefaced by ‘s.v.1. (si vera lectio) or in a few cases an obvious correction has been indicated. There can be no doubt, however, that the progress of the work of critically editing the Fathers will necessitate many corrections to this Lexicon and the deletion of certain entries. The opinions of patristic scholars about the authorship and dating of texts are also liable to rapid change. Tn the List of Authors and Works the findings of B. Altaner in his Patrology (Freiburg i. Br., 1950) and of O. Bardenhewer in his Geschichte der althirchlichen Literatur (Freiburg i. Br., 1962-32) have guided the attribution of works to authors and the marking of works as dubiotis or spurious. I, AUTHORS Amencius Hicrororstanes sce. it “abere) a. rpilaphe ebitaphinn Aberié, W. Ladtko and T. ‘Nissen Tend. 1910, Mrt5.1245 ABeanan Exausives save. ¥i (Abr. Eph) sami ovation, avmuntiationem deiparae, M. ‘Jule PO 16 (1022) p- 442 oration occursume dovinn ib, p. 448 ‘ob. 438 Acacr’s BERonExsis| (acae, 5) ep tie. Pistula ad Atexandeum Hierapelitanwn, ACO 1.1.9 p. 140 op. Cy. epistida ad Cirilturs Alesandvinuns, ACO Br p. 09, 77-100 ep. Maxm, pisada” a” Mansons Constantino- ‘olitanion, ACO 12-7 pe X61 Acacrus CaEsaRnensis 0b, 366 (cae, Cees} Jr Marcel, Jragmena contra Marcelon, ap- Epiph. iu 72.010 fr. Rom. Fragmenta in Kom., Staab p. 53 Acacies Consrawnoront7anvs ob. 489 (eae CP) ye. istulaad Perum Fullonem, ACO 39-18, Hae cactus ex Pacts saee. iv (hese. o€ Pas} om e epistata ad Epiphanivon, K. Hell Epi- ‘Blaser 1, GCS aos 353, Meant Aqgetvs Metres mee (exe Mel} fom omitia Eptesina, ACO 1.3.2 p. 99, 3.77. 1468 AEST oe dnd MK James Apocrypha Anecdote, (a3) and 5° (2807). LB ROA. Lipsius and M. Bonnet cia “Apostotorion Apocrypha 8, 2 Leipatg Fs Acta Aposrotoxom 903 Ada Andreae, LB 21 p. 46, p53 Cee cade aee es tec Commnaa caretns e een attest econ porate Gee acne ence c eee W gtertoelG Sat ba tut ey age sng A. Paul, cb Thecl, Acid Pasi et Thecae, LB xp. 235 Aig oe deat ene aes ee Beret sealers e AB dan Pain 2 a co 4 Heal fee Thelen ABD Se Ae ee ee co ee Pore ey ee a SEER pete frames 82 oa mpat niall prapps 75. pve ee 7 eee 4 (i908) pe 526 oo — Ce ee Leipaig 1876 p. 210 AND WORKS Acta Xammmppar er PoLyxexan saee. it A, Xanthipp. "MR. James 7S 2° (1893) p. 58 Abawaxnius saec. iv (Adam) ah Ahatogus de yeta im dewm fide, W. WL. van. Sane Bakhuyzen GCS 1yot, Mant713 Annas Gazanus ob. 518 en) ae Theophrastus sve datogus, M5872 ene eputtiae, BG pg Aunes Asiocumaus ob. 366 fase) i ragmenta, ap, Doct. Ptr. 42 pp. 311-12; Beate Sl menophs SLBA 3 Spin ge ye. synuagmation ap, Epiph, hae. 76. 11-12 Armcavos, Sextus Juntos ‘ob. post 240 ‘alee ron erosion, N.10.04 eps. ‘Pleated dvtsiden, W. Reichardt TU 3e (ton p53, 0.32 p.0r spittula 2d OPgenin de hstria Susannac, To sap oe Meat Pes nanais' ribus Poets, Mor; ee "Bars Aaaperus Constanrinonouiranus, Discowes ——saee, vi ‘hea ome capita admonitoria, M86.2964 Acarmr0s Para ov. 536 igen. Paps) oe ‘pista synotica, ACO 3 po 152 MPL ‘oy Acatuaxortas sec. ¥ heath) oer. ‘iia Gregor Iiuminatoris, V.A. do ‘Lagarde 4GW 35 (185) p. 4 Aearuo Diacowus face. (gach, Dine) fe plage, 30833 AcatHo Para ob, 681 “agath. Papa) oping pistuta ad inperatres, MPL87.2168 obo Shistuta Solon, th 85 Ackamia “Agraph A. Reath, TU 30%, 1906 Ausxasoee AuxanDianes 0. 328 “tex: AL) Sapos de Avi depositione, Opite 5 p 6, M838 oe deat Sragmenta epictdatadSephem, N18-384 pate Cplsata ad. aterancrin Constantinypoe ‘num, Opite 3p. 15, M8548 ep. eng pista neji, Opite 3 pO, MA8.572 Aumcanone Hisnosonvarases ‘ob. 250 (alee Ht) : fe fragmenta epitotarum, ap. us, hes 0, Brow, Arpsanoes Lvcovoutranes sate. iv “alex Lye) ‘Man, oe de placitis Maxickarorum, A. Brinkmann Feub, 1895, 018.413 Aupxanoun Satateiwws see. ‘hice Sal) far laudatio in apostoum Barnadam, ASS OE oon de Yasouloke ete Bsr gone ere. Spllome anton tutie M87-40775, 00 ‘Al. Sal: ruc gone40049 at 40800 ~ fore Atzxanogn Tanssazomennsts sec. “hice Thess) ote epiaute ad Athanasium, ap. Ath. apol eee ep. Dion. epletala ed Dionysiwm comitem, i, 8 xii AUTHORS AND WORKS Armies CoNSTANTINOFOLITANS ace. ‘isp 2 pista ad Cyrilum Alexandrina, iat opp crop an acO ts wp skT7 Ee Aupxoatvs MuDtoraxznsis ob. 397 (amb) I ragmenta, sara, ay, Ts ea, 2.4 ony tog Beqeaa): ap. Det, Pate ap etme hota. Bisocesas: $3 1p. 360; ap. Cpl (431) acts, ACO 1 Pap. 42 Htqosi ape Chale, aet 2, CO pp aaas, Ha. s0r 43 ap. Later ach 13 744085 ib 5, 13.857 60, 865, 8773 ap COP (83) eet 8 HS. sibyeg? eto, 33204 Annwoxss sec ed nae, F. Naw PO 14 (1916) PAS? feat agnenia, ib. p48 pases ‘pseu ipo a3 ‘Asttonids Azayris| save. te (Ammon. Ace) e epistule ad Theophitum de Bachontio et ‘Pheodons, Ws. Htatkia SH ¢9 (£932) 9-97 Anguostus ALEXANDRINES pes Ammon.) Sougmenta in Pass, M85.1364 Gragoenta in Dan 385-5364, 1824 Gragmenta tu Mt, 91-85°1381 Spagmenta im Joo, MB3.1302 Ae Jragmenta 4 Ae, MSS 1524 Bote. grag-20 Romiiia ty atu, His ql in carcere erant, ‘M5.1608 Anpmiocstes Teoxinnsts ob, post 394 (amph.} yore, homilia in circumcisionem, F, Combets “Amphidochts, Beuhouih, et Andreae Crotensis opera Basis 1544 P. 10 tear eplatule synottica, M.39.93 ceogetioun oman Me, 26¢ homilia i id, Pater, si possibile, . Holl 9 Uophilockiue vo Thontin Tobingen 904 pot, partly in MOE 751 excre, adic feta ohem Jaan, 0 iekor “Amphitockiana x Leipzig 1906 P. 23 fre fongmenta varia, G. Picker 0p. cit. Be 4, KC Hall op. p55, M3997: ap Doct hom. 3-5 omeliac, M3938 suesopont. ‘ratio in mesopentecosten, M.39,120 om des Remit’ de nom desporado, b. Possinus Thesunras dhcetie Paris 1684 p25 (ete po. 25554 spon pt tone) poent, omnia pocttentia, E Comite. et, "ot (eee note above) : Seto. amis sf Seietcum, ind. opp. Gr Nae. a 2.3 poem) 8, MP t377 ge Bas. sila Basie Casares, Be Combet op. ce pass Ancenntocares SIDENSIS| see. v “mph. St) g patie fragment, 77-2536 Anaruoa Piatt sce LvanGmia APoCRYPHA ‘AugsTastana incertae onginis sae. vis ‘anast he onciea et perspioua fdei nosbae watt, "iton-2 B27 tag. ae tigi ie quatragesino die pro dex stl, Mom pat? : mort canton i mot ora exseqis, AS 242 (partly in ldon. 9p. 280) var, nail hora te Romana papa Crgorio, e282 pon a. pocnit canon pro Posittntbus, Mon. 2 p28 ‘emp. Gttbide ud lomportins, Mo 2. 278 Anjotastes ANnIocHENCS ob. 599 (Anant Aut) op sag. pitas Serguon fragmento, 89.1403 opiate brevis oehodowae, MLB91400 jr Fthemenia tari M.SQ abt, 1283, 12853 ‘ip Dect Pat rit smn derdita, Mon. 2. 251 mn Fragment tesa, 389.2405 sae. te sacerdotio, Mon. 2 p. 276 sori 1-3 fermones, M'89.1308 jeer Sermo de iribus quadragesinis, M.89.0389 ie exe Sermo de iis qt tttacxcedut, SUC 1 (1835) Pe 37 ANASTASIUS APOCRISIARIUS, wb. 066 Anast- Ap) Geer ir2 acta Maximd Confessoris, M.g0.t0u, 136 Jrogmenta, 3p. Doct. Paty. Axaszasius Stvatsa ob, post 700 mes . 3 lasphumia, AS + p. 400 denn. Some fn djeits, BeNb ot Dee ratio in Ps, 6, two recensions, M.89.1077, be reqonenta, M.S02383, 1285, 1287 Maen Soha: Mon. 35h ee ‘Tuaggicran coniomBlaokom ie hexa- ‘Seon her dain, Motos a. f. rages hesavmeron, MSH 337 Os onc 903,09, 908, de. adopts ote de, N.S0.36 tnt. resect ca fora #0 2 obsereeter, ona pars yt a itn ih tg at 9.203 Ld ap titres Putas thpttones 989.1204 Hut pore Sohcrou Judas stags pare, ALA Spas (Note ‘te aioe three wrk, es ttl, Sean hse Bia Chote faa monoph conn iene testo, B89 180 Joe uastioner iia, S¥E-1 Wes) p-373 Fedtvesp soasy fates fasponaionn: Motes hia 55°" Flatts ae sb Stes, EN ea. ter Oe sists) psoas ile 42-99 OC bossy pourrait, 32 4a a i ASetnPo erm, imag. —_ sermon hatin iain de faction Bboy. (Now: M89.11 44-89 —3Gr, Noss inva, Mq4-13208-13926, 19338 Bon aes MSgattgsir ve a= BB, Toxe“ai erm, img. 3 sera th Romine in agin: det facta, BE sp.1352 syvax. ratio de sacra syuani, M89 825 te tor. evita trina, SUC a LaBe5| D309 AMATOLIUS ConstAntixoPorTANUS lees (Anat. CP) oer epictuta ad Leonom Papa, int, opp. Leo Mag. ep. 33, ACO 24D. siv, MPI 34858 epee epietula ad Leonem Papas, int opp. Les Mage cp. 401, ACO 200i P38 LPL 54970 Amarotius Laopicenes see. i Anat. Laod) arith. “Pragntenta ex ibvis avtioncticorans, Mae 232 can. pase. “Jragmenteon ex canone paschali, M.x0.3025 “ap. Bus. he-7-42-14-19 deena. neg Bendbos, J. Helburg dnnates inter- Trationaies' dhisioive (Compras de Paris {Ty00) sth section Paris 1g0t Ampazas Capsartpnsis CarPapoctar, ‘sce. viv ‘Ande, Caes) pec comsmeutarius in Apo, Meiod.as0 thera. fr. titre therapettes secwhell praginenta, AU? ibs Awpavas Crerexsis (aivo Htezosotymitancs) ob. 740 (Ande. Ce) Agath. ambi in Agathonem, A. Heisonburs Bi To (too!) p08 (eho ines are contused in Mo7.r437) cam, ds. cancn on Animas conceptionsyy, M97.4305 fan. BM amon in BAIT natiottatesy, Me97-4300. fae, Las ‘on asain, MLI7-1385 fam mg. amon magna, BLgz.t3oy, pany in AGC 17 cam, mesopent. canon th medium pontecasten, Mgy.t424 eon, Per Canon $n eatnte Pens, AGC p93 Nek de elo soar et tanari Nua 329 ‘Geo. aida ou Ceorginon SS Abe 2} pe = Sdiomet Veometa Saree, Mvt433, pacly ta GC p97 AUTHORS AND WORKS jmsag. do _sanctarum dsnaginum vencratione, Mor1301 Jace, omitiat Jacobum frat domini, AHS Tp. or. tx, 19-21 oratlones, M.07.805 tor 18 oration Nicolaem Byronem, C. Anvich Hagios Nikolaus « Leipzig 1913 p. 419, : Map.ts92, tried, triodia majoris hebdomadae, ML.97.1400 Awonas Sanosarewus sae. v ‘ands. Sam) fe Sragynenta varia, ap. Cyt. ape. orient; ap. “Anast.'S. hod. 22 (359 292¢) AnrroN ARsmorssis see. Reta S tito Pram Paton, 160996, Wag ne 1, raga conire Justinian wp. CCP eae gear Awraraes Sieouepnevace oh. en (Anth.) - Ey de sve cca agnenton, G. Mees ST 5 (2001) p. 95; attributed to Mar- bull, by: Richard Mévangee ds Seine ‘Retigieuse 1949 pp. 54 Axsrocius Erancnes see. ¥ Yast Ep) p eplatuta ad Netoviwm, ACO 6.1 p. 78 Axtiockus Moxacuus ‘ob, post 639) ‘confessing M.89.1849 ‘epistuta ad Eustachive, M80.1420 Pasedecta soripiurae sacra, N89.1428 Provmasaixus save, fv (ant. Plat) Adan Komitia in Adam, Savile 5 p. O48, partly fm M86.2049 fn Sragmenta ‘ania, ap. Gyr. Arcad, ACO TiL5 p- 66, 92, AgH3}-4g1 ap” Phot cod. aro, Mtox 04303 ap. Leont. B. Neuer But. 1 (i Bo.a3t34) at. omit de atc, ©. Mata Mas. 54 ‘ octane? i sraeavai, Rostnensts obs, pont 458 (Antip. Bost.) oe seet Amita in aientaion deiparas, MBs. 776 he Sragenta cava, M85.17904 AS 5 9. 3: “ip Econ ct Yo ace 3M detogS 4b, Jor D. paral go, 38, 308 Jo. Rast. omh in Jeane Bop, 4 Axtinaven Cappapox waco. Tanip Cap) 2 chisata a2 Basi, tat. opp. Bas, ep. ip Wega Anonius Aunas ob. a56 ‘Bnton) oF pista, C. Gastte Mut. 55 (1942) P99 Axtoxius Huctoonapiens ee ‘hnton Hag) 5 Syme So? eta Someonis Sits, HE Letanaan 70 32° (0908) p20 AvocaLvesks Avoca ata "Ta. Tischendort, Apocolypoes apacr Phos, Leipeigse68 nt POR Pe jamen Spooypks Anccdot, TS 2 (os) and 58 (807) Apocy pi Aa ragmemta, TS 2 39 slypats Ttaruch, FS 9) ps 84 Hine Aportiypsie Babul, Rood ‘Hasna Fhe Best ofthe Words of Baruch Tendon 3880 9-47 pte for er ot Apo. BMV Apocalypse Marian’ TS 2 p. 115 (late ‘eersion, Vassliew p, 124) Abec. Dan. A,B, Apacalypsis Danitis , Vasiliev p. 33, c 1s, Vacaiiey 38, Klosterman ‘Hoa ar Gptggint, nape wd haath eg RRaiehacker CCS igo xiii Apoc'Bd —apocdlyplis'Betae, 7. 24 seen” pace iets TORRE ERE FR Seo nun werd; peste dem we Teo TBE TBs gate Apoe,Setr.—ABotalypas Setrach- Tas pty Akcons sa AXconstd Teale, Re HL Chaties London ass ee ae ae ee 28 878) p. 34 Arouusnantos Laontonses ob. 6.390 Goat} oe ‘nays Ltamann p24, a corp. et div, date corporis ot dvtntats in Chat fotemant p18, nt opp. Ja. Pa Mipine anh ona Pans ep. Bas. 1-2 ephfulad ad! Basti, int. opp. Das. 6a, 34, Megattot, 1103 ep. Diseats, opt tt Dhorarsnsinst, 1 1.295, 4p. Feont. Be pu “pio. colin ad ionystum: Letarionn p. 250, ‘ne opp, Jute tpas, MPL eo oP. Jo. plita' ai Jovian Mss exegotin eon Sragmenta in Gon., R, Devrcese RI 45, ‘ost'p tae tet Bs, mctoplrates th Pe, A. Ladwich Te, gee, Megas, i t fragmcita i BP, BB 7, n fragmenta in 19, NEP 7. Fas Bich, fposmenta in Ecos ehD pep be eon Fesgmenta in Romer Staab psy fi tne 3-7 delideet inraratione fragmento, Licks ‘mann poison, int opp. Tal Papas, mene fis. ph fidence forte, Vitomann p. 147, ‘nt opp. Gr thaum, M.Lo.tt04 focin Sraghcnta,Lictzmann p. 1 the Te trcaviations ase "rb Lictemann ea 89 guod wn. Chr. quad dst Chas, Litemann p. 298, Masse som dons spnidals, Lietemann p. 268, ap. TLeont. 8, Apoll, M80.2952 Arociiwagios Laopicexys SyKUs save iv (pall. 3) fap Soe hee 2 17 AvoLuomius. sate: it {Apotion fragmenta adversus Cataphrygas, aa Aromnemreusta “apaphth as apopin, Pat Apophihegneta Mucars Acgyti, M34 Appltiogmate Patrum, 3465.72; the f rie fpassiges are in F Row PO TE {aot} be fons Akos.Sycs a20-4 070s a33e1 3158 Ajpphinegmate Patrxm aia, V. Vosinas Thesarus dsvetgts Patty 084 pps 208 54D B57 in Me 34232-40) th, Pat ‘al Ancanius ConsTANTIENSIS see. vil tare. C} Sm fragmenta cs vita Simeonis Stylitisjuionis, ‘A. Papadopoalos-Keramews Bevarrisa Apowoad € (894) Dp. 145-8, 603 -f, Ool= Tv ML. Detehaye SH 1y (in23) p38 ap. JouD. diag. 3. Mivg.rgigz ap. € (7827) act 4, Hg 207 ; ie lt Smee a nt as ie pe Gong 3 a8 tb 2B, J, 26-27 (passages not in Goodspeed cited from J.-A. Robinson Tt (802) p. 100): fr in Pond. 2480, ed, H. JM Busine /7'S (rosa) P73 Anrsro Puitasvs saee. i tarist) fragnentam, a9. Bus. he. 4. 6.3 Ans ob. 336 (ar) ep. Ales epistida ad Alesandrum Alexandrinum, ‘Opite Sp. 13, ap- Ath. su. 16 i ep. Const epistula ad Constantin, OBit2 3 p. 64, fap. Sor. he 2.27. 6 ep. Bus, epistile al Eubiuon Nicomedionsom, ‘Oplite 3p. 1, ap. Bpiph. huer. 69. 0 Thal frow-iy da Thalia fragmenta ex Athanasio, Ge andy 5. Lucien @Antiochs Pats 1936 2} cited "according 10. Bardy's Bhueration from the text ia whieh ‘tho Iragenonts eccur Ansesave Exesirss 0b. 445 (arsen,) oct. doctrina et exhortati, M.66.26r7 tent. fe om fontatoren, M60.1024 Angratus HYPSprsTEs sace. iv Yareen, Hyps) o epistula ad Athanasinm, ap. At. ap 350.69 Ascansio Isarar see APOCALV?SES ArocRYPuAL Ascursiapes TRALLENSIS sae. v Tasclep | ve epistida ad Petru Fullonem, ACO 3 p. 0. 2.852 Aspxar#, Coxressio Aeon. Confessio Asenath, M. James in. P. "Patil Studia Pairs » Paris 1800 p39 | Astmuus Auasenus 0b. 410 (Ast. Am) dose. 134 domilae, B.40.264 [fhom. igs homiliae, 940.389 = Ast. Soph. hom. 1-5 me Pas $; Ps.63 Ps. 7) phar. ontitia de phariear of Pbicono, A. Brote TW 40! (3934) p. £1 prod. omit ftom Drodiguom, i. p. x07 Astenius Sornists 0b, post 342 “ast. Soph.) cexegetics Pet homiia ta Ps, 4 Bss.559 hon! 2-5 im omtleae im Ps, top. Ast, Am. M.go. Pes 359 Bab homilla in Ps, 6, 2. Megounsy Pep omilia ta Pe. 7, tb. B40.400 WB fragmenta in Pos, G. Barly S. Lucien Pantioche Paris 1936 9. 396 fr36 ex dthanasio ef Marcello Ancyrano frag seta, ibe De 34E ATHANASIUS AEEXANDRINUS ob. 373 (Ath ‘pol, Const. apotogia ad Constantive, 25.596, chap- . EE RM OPEB Poon, one Pareerery anes erties ae advrsus Arianne, Ma ec: Gednovetis Nicasae synods, Opitz 2 Dt, Mas4i6 ee Dion. de senioniia Dionysii, Opite 2p. 40, Mrs ‘eo ep. Adelph eplstuda ad Adelphinm, M.26.1072 idee Lib, pietula ‘ad episcopes Argypis et Libyar, Mas.537 oh. Afr. epistula ad Afros episcopas, 926.1089 op du. bistuta ad Armenem, 926.1469 ep. Dras. pistula ad Dracontivm, M25.524 oh. emeyel relic, Opies P, 360, M25.221 ob. Bpict Bistata “ad Epictetus, 20.1049" 6. ‘Ladwig. Jess 1911 eb. fost epictularion Jestvatium fragmenta, ap. ‘Cosm. Tad. top. 30 atk, M26.1307, 2379, 1380, 1432 op. fest. 39 eplstiia festivals trecesima nowa, T- Zaha. ‘Grunavise der Geschichte des: Neves menlichen “Kanone and ed. Leipaig Tos p. 87, Mea6.a436 ad 2276 AUTHORS AND WORKS ep. Jacek Ant. ep. Jo ep. Mosca. Mae mont. Ar ep. O15, 3-2 Pai Rein op Sera chegetica fe Je tip Ps fit Pee comm 4 Cant Soon Ta yee ike exp fa Fy Sus. gent ira bh Arsep, fine the. Ar. arr fu: som er aiton vie pApoll. m2 tara (pascens asym, (eae. geompua fay ifdeser, BMV saab, tdi Pons Hane Ane aoc, mon. Jep. Cast 1-2 top cath iit i Po cexegetica tee Ps Yom. Me epistuia ad Joannem et Antiociam, M26, 05 epistula ad Jovianum, M.a6.8r3;ap. That. fhe. 4-3 epistala ad Marcellin, M2722 pista ad Masson, BL20,0085, pistuda ad momachos, N.30.1185 GPratula “ad Serapsoneyn da morte Ari, ‘Opitz 2p. 178, 25.085, epstalae at Orisier, M.26.977 Spistula ad Patladiwon, N26. (008 Epistle ad Ruintann, M.26.0180 pistulae ad Serapionem, M26.529 fragmenta im Job, M.27.1344; AS 5 Pe 22 Exponiio in Pas. L273 fragmenta tommontart in Psss, 927.5485 fragments Cant, M.a7-1348 pragmenta tm Cant, M.27-139 Repti sw lad, Orval tradita sont, Mas 208 fragoia in By M27. 1354 fragmenta in Ee, Mapisoz: NBP 2 G40) v.67, expose Fdb,8.25 200 fPrapmonta catia, M.20.0217, 1233. 125% 1203, 1320 apoingta de fuga sua, Opite 2 p. 68, Ms. Cr 24 ‘iatorig Avtanorua ad monachos, Opite = 383, Mars.cue ad hisiioiam’ drianorim a yrenachos cpistule, Opitz 2p. 181, M.2s.o02 sdebrearnaiione, WL. Cross London 1939, Mas5.06 de incarnation et contra Arianos, M.20.084 Snarvatio ad stmmomium epescopion de fuga ua, Mx6.980 epistuia de synedie Arimint o1 Seteuciae, ‘Opite 3p. 231, M.26.081 tomas ad Antaothene, M30 ita dato, Ma0.837 te virginitaie, 1c, von der Goltz TU 29% (1995) ps 35. Mea8.2 omitia in arnsentiationen deiparae, M28, 20 ncarnat ira Ap M.26.1003, ao eee oratia quar coming Ariaics, \. Stogmaan Tubingen 1947, M26-408 homitia am assermptionem domini, M28 Tops see Has. Se | de azymis, M.26.1528, partly = {Jo D. asymm, M9538 omit in Caséanm a natiitate,M.28.1001: ‘ee Tim, Ant de" comsnuont essentia. Patris et Filit et Spiritus sancti, M2829 confutatio guaran propositions, M28. i537; see Butter de coapore at antvta, M.28.1432 liber de demtiomibias, M.28-333 hhomiliade descr peione dexparar, MA2S.044: ‘ee Tim. Ant! homlia tm dhabolur, K.P. Casey JTS 30, Togs. Pt de Trintlate dialog, 28.0236 disputatio eum ri on synod, M.28.440 cinina a Antioch ducer, M28:536 idocrina ad momachoe, M-38.0420 epistulae ad Castoven, S-28.849 composed ‘ol extracts irom Cassans de insieas oenbioram epistula catholica, M.28.81 Cpiatula ad Faboriuns, M28.1443, Pistata ad episcopion’ Pevearum, M28, 1565 fragmenta in Pos, V- Jagle Dentschrifion J tine Abalone ter Wissen Schafton: phaiosphacenistertache Masse sa Viena 1900 also in Mea7.0s ft soma eit, Proteet ih pagum, Bias.s6y AUTHORS AND WORKS xv Aowitia in iltud, Te in castellum, ‘ea8.1024 Aomilia' in’ iliud, Eunte autem illo, ‘28.1083 fragmenta i iltud, Thad boom est, 337.1405 ‘ ragononten in illed, Novi hajus moat fominem, M.27.1404 ; ragnetin id) Daten st si serma trtatorins, M.28.2208 Smo cemira comes harass, M.28.50% Jragmentun sormonts de sacri ines, M709 : sermaimomaginem Derylensem, two xe tensions, Ma8.757, 805 tas mowasticastnetado, M.38.845 Inlepretatin symbol, ACO ETP. 66, Mitoays ad smnporiorem Jecianum, M28 532 Semeonta Lailaon Ha8 334 Sthtra"‘Mtacedomtancs dalngst M.28.1289 fnttoria de Metehcedech, M8. 525 homilia ve watevtate Chieti, SE 960 omit in maistate Brascrsords, N28. ‘903; see Tem. Ant ifm. Jo. ape ovat ota Novatianasfrageenta, 26.2316 Sreurs Tomilia ie ccourson Domini, M28-073. Noteby Corgis Necomrdensis a8. i according to the oldest NS pein. tania tn ramos palmarum, M20 1309 Spares. Sermo in passion down $e Pavasece, Ee assy ace fn Sel PO {thaich, 1-2 sermones so paseha, DMaS1073; see Bas. Set spas. oman do passione et eruce domint, M28 es joer surmio de paienia, 29.1207 Spoons. can antones poenicrtiates, SS 4p 457 Spon Spntagnit at quennda pubic, MB, 1300 prod. Jud hort in proditicnom Judes, M.28.1048; ee Bas. Se) ters ome tres et Prophetas, M.28.068 Erica. 1-20 quacstomes alias, M2873 Hou Smt tcasy metas ad Antsciit M.28.507 Epes ietanso— fuacatoncs fm coangale, M28 700 Iuaestiones im svifaras, Ma8-712 Hage 8 Tato aypocrae” Metal ef Buse, ahs renunt senna pre tis qui saeco. remuntionsat, Basra” ats de caoats fcrcwnetstone, M8133 Sontra Sabetinnon, M8 ‘mine semente, Baa Simo ad tntcwon dam St. 985 Sermo major de ide. Schwartz SBBAW a popu “ijctum, ersionss variae, ME38.135 CDT Eaapart Quellon tur Geschichte des Hasfmts ind Glateneg 9 Choe Aianta tbr jones ts care soripturas, M.a8.284 Pyare ‘Saga decir nae dd monacha, P. Batik “Studia Patriotic 2 Baris nig e131, Mi28.830 and 1039 ce Didase. pai. temps commientaine de tompls Athonar, 28 Tyas A. Delatte Aluate Belge 27 Liege des p. 407 later recension A. vom Premarstcin Bis pigey 2 digepon 1932 Wheopaceh. contra eopacchites, H.C. Opite Ute ‘changin sur Chorloerung der Schr fees Athanasius erin 1935 p. 201 Trin. ae Trantae, 28-1604 Fo. Shine. ‘Sia Syme, M28 488 ATHANASIUS ALEXANORINCS. PRESBYTER see. (ath, Prob) It libetus contra Diotcorum,ap.C Chale. at 5, ACO 212 p.20, 2332 Arwaxastus Seuonasricus (Ath. Scholast) al, collectio nonelarum constinaionum, C. B. “Heimbach Anccdota 1 Leipeig 1838 Dot Anunaconan Arent ob. eur (athena ‘i Cs ts legato sive suppiato sive deprcato pro ‘Ghristionts, Goodspeed p. 425,346.68 res, ecreunretione mrtucrum. 3. Sohwarta TH (88) p48. M073 Armsxopores: ob. 204 (hthenod) a fragmenta, K. Holl TU 20% (#890) Pe 164 ‘ap. Jo. D- parall, Arncus Consrawrinorotrians ob. 435 ‘aiie) pap. pleata epicopos Africas, wp. Cal. Ae Ha Ss cp. Call anit af? Paopin, op. Soe, he pee oy colts Brito, 8. Schvats ABAW - 7 (1927) P. 23, int. opp. Cyr. ep. 75, 7a cp Bups. pagel epiaae ad Bupryehinn, GCOsta p15, ap: thie, am Sa epiln Gt Peron ot Aiden, ¥. Schwaris ABA po Goan) pets, ap Nicephoram Callstom ht ty. 35, 3 Nerige ep. Peet Aides, Trin. fr fraguention in Trintoten, 39. Dect, Pat PP Augosrisus Hirrosexss ob. 430 a aa) fragmenta saria, ACO 24.4 p. 4%, ap. what, span. 2 (S.4.265)" ap. C hater act. 2, H3 748; ib 5, H.3.860, 805-9; Sp Leon A shop, 80 8390 Bansanse Fristoe see, i ‘Bare ikimeyer p10 oe sponsiones, ed. Nicodemos Venice 1816 _ iagments in M.86.803, 38.15 f Baxoconatos Bnssunes sce. vi iineth Bess) ou it Geer conftato Apareni, M.r04384 1am. onfatatto Meabaminedlsy M04. 1448 Bistuiscus Turuuazoe sh. 476 eye BE. Sch Abaw Sion antonycice, B, Showatte ADAIW 38 (ioay pr ber ap. Evagr he. 37, Mae Sag) PS eng. enipcea, F. Schwarte ap. cit. 49, vag. jie. 3.4, M86,2600 ‘Busnaug ANevRaNUa ‘ob. post 303 te 18g ier de sna virginia, Int. opp. Da, i.e ustiug ANCYBANUS ALIS ste. vl ‘Das aac at) tei, lites, ap. Ni (787) at 1,114.40 agiuics Cansaninnste CarPanocta® 399 ‘ess Gm J. Gamer sau P, Maran, Bailit pets ‘ommin 13, Part 2nd ey roe tye fever. constitorie 2 ergot, Op. 1070, no iserbio seimo de bero atitvio, G.a.613 = Macs ‘hog home as ve) set 1-8 sormocs asain G 2.08, M31 860 SLES. De dessin “ueptgs Cran, Sn te pape ae lebiohn, G.a6a4, Msiasis WRlnm, Tin, Shun caomniaile Toate, 2.60, Stata {Che generat, in Chris fmerationen, 62.905, Me 137 teams contlaiones eueticae, 6.2533, Me steonts serra de contberalibus, M30 8t2 poo tule, Ory 30 30 athe ttep8 see Evage. Pont to See Bae open] xvi asitivs Cassaniasssrs CAPPADOCIAE (cont) then. 16 Ge, Nyse Eien. 10 (2226.14, Mas. eb ep 38 = Ge, Ns. aig ess. .¥] feat Gpistia ad. Jubiamon. 1. Bidex and F. ‘Cumont [iltant forperatrisepistudae ef liges Paris and London 1022 p. 284 fea episiia. ad Chilonom alan" attributed to "Pp. Carp, Cee. 47 Ge. Naw: ep. 43] Epesty see Firmiaus (feb toon Ger Nat. #p. 65,60) hep. 180 Ge. Nyaa From gov op.07 an sore {CCD (BH) cam. 1, 19> Iep. 320 = Gr. Naz. of. 57 gx] ep. 359 Vian e€ Basibus ep. 1-25, LS) ep. 342 Gr, Nyse. ep. 28 aw. ep. 348 GE Miss $6.27 du] $e 360 pista ad font TB. 36n 363 epistles ad Apolinarom Yep: 363 piseata ad Theodostum iam, Gpitimia tx camonieas, 62.520, Mgtage3 ho Ginette enon tibri es, C207, 31.29.497, adverse Fumomizon Giri duo, Go ‘Map.o721 see Diy.) Bim. 45 coxegetica Thom. J's, homifias in Ps. G.1.90 and 352-7, Mao, ‘thom. in Ps jomiliae in Pss.. 2.358, M3072 Fhom. iu Pr. omsfia or sffua, Ne dadesis somnumn, cn C2617, M.31-1397 tis. commontasius 20 Ts. 1-16, G.1.378, M30. Ty fesore, 2, ovadiones sive exorcism’, Mgn.t677 expositis fides Nvcaenae, Hahn p. 308 Top ha. ee. “ide (de fds, Coa.233, M32 676 jr Fracocrta, pr Bot Pat» 12,38 Be get Iori hgtiaegien, FE. Brigtran 15.0 (i008) pp. 237. 387 er. 9 suintiae sn hexatnon, Gt, M294 home. 1-2 Bits sone, G28, M.3L-tO4 few lee. Hb gon) Komahia de Spirit sancto, G.2.583, Bae 1429 tine ont de incarnations, D. Amand Reve Ihectne 38" Mezeisous Best ois p233 +inform songs fe formations excetica, 6.2023, Myerson | fn, we rasta tisaio asaica, Gas, Magn te tie, ae gun oratio tia, G.2.028, M-3t-1507 i fe fica de, Gus sn 635, yas oom dicts Laces, G2 987, Mk na? deg. Mb, gont, ad adtescntes deg Eo oulenger Paris 1935, G275, M3rso4 tons de pisitbendia et judiio, G2 p. 1067. Pons oe mribus 68 a sor 0-24 sormonss de orbs ¢¢ diversts opeibus Bass collec, G-3.469, M33-1110 nora norati, C30, Mj tperad. nate de paraiso, G-1347, M.g0.6t tbe ie poxeclone vitor” mosachoram,. Gat pisos =" ep. 22} pen, mor. pobiae tt ontachos dléxguentes, 6.2526, M3crse5 poet ds paritontia, 62.603, M341476 Ypocnts cam. estos poomtentiate, 9S 4 p. 460 Yorees 2 precio, Magi eg. Megas incu acalae, Gagtt, Mt reg, fe regia fuss aiatae, Gu2.327, M3889 rent Site newantianions saceull, G-220% Mebe5 ae, ina sera ob sacondotom ésrucionem, M3. ves fsehol. Gr. Nass schlia i Gregori Nasiansenionationes, 336.904 Liber de Spirit sancto, C. P. H. Johnston Spi. Oxtord tha, G.3.t, M.g2.68 AUTHORS AND WORKS struct hom, 1-2 homiliae de Rominis structura, G.r.324, Biss (ee 1G. Nya or tra én Gon Dasicivy SeLeveensis ob. post 458 ‘iss. Set} ent hernia in essuptionent domint, M28 teat eves in Ande, ncanion in Andream, MaB.110" Seige 4e— oratones, BES5a8 wor 38 Sitcom Fides attr ety, 5400 ther. 30 ratio deiparae snuntiatione, M85. “fog. Proek CP annua ae) toreas salts on Stephanuny, MAsa0i ie. Sermo tn passions tombe in paraseve, bo B28 dss a pach, serones th pacha, Mo8.t07 Pont Soma ‘tw pontcosten, Mss on, M6, uy Prod. Jud. amie feriem guintom ef proitiomem 2 "Puta, Mas-c09s . + Thee. sels mincudes Tela, M85-477 Bassranes Hrnesinus ‘ee. v Basen) ppt upplicaio,p- Chala 11, ACO 223 P45, Hass Cartesris Para. ob. 432 cast) : wore pital ad Comstentinopatitanos, ACO 8-1 puis. MPhag0-480 pera ephinit ai Conshontnnpulitanos, ACO 11-7 Pat on on, ephinis ad Cyrittun, ACO Let Be 75. int app. Coe. #be 12 M7789 op. epise pista! episcepos, COE? pe 125, Bie Gpietudes Ftestain, ACO akg page Bo jecking, sate eb fone ntiochename ACO Tat pug, MPL 50.466 op. Nest eplitidadat Shstoning NCO 8.02 po TT, MEL so.470 psy. episintatTyuodum Rptesinarn, ACO 13 poss, MPL so.sun ep. The. aplihde ud Phonon, CO 107 p. 429 Casanios Narzaxanns iste. tv) (Cavs. Nas) tial diate, M3B.852 post save Chive Roaanes wb 887 istas fragmenta, ap, os e229 and 3.28.38 Caucuses Mossems ‘0 ‘cail), : ; Hyp. sila Hiypais, Seminasit Mhilotogorum : ‘Buna Soon Veub. 1893 Canoxes AvasroLonus see. iv Can APD Sp Const pp. S47 Carneoet's Camraatniesis oh 937 (eavr) pp. pistila ad syodun bphesinam, ACO oid psa MP3 4 Carnenesis Fateh, Stud, catechesisehronive nomasterit Sta, it ‘opp. Thur Stud, Mgot093 Carina IN Sacras SexiPTinas "Note: womls wee cited from eatonae only if ey Stave mot bean traced to the works! in which they were oviginally ssritton at Gen-tieg. — Nivson! Galena i Octtohan Has ‘thn, alpen cat. Job cats Goede Riceta, ¥. Junias in op cat, Ps, HGS En Graccornn in Psaines, we Crass ntonsp toa cat, Jor Catena ta Jovenitag, M. Ghigler Lyons tons cat. Dam. att Danco, SC 8 8) 68 oe Catena pe tangle Matha 12 Atarct, “JOA. Cramer Osiomd 1840 p. 4 Sppubviarn is Mattar’ ts Catena “Grascoruss Patrum, P. Possiius Tou Touse 2040 ‘eat, (gym) Me AUTHORS AND WORKS at. Les, Jo. Catnae fu coangelia Lucas ot Joawnis, z "S cramer Oxiord signs vecsao Ti, at. fee tat. Ae. Calon Adis Apostolorum, J. A. Cramer ‘Oniord, 1838, cat, Rom. Catena Wi efisolam af Romanos, J. Ax Grote Onlord 184 cat. Cor Gatenae ta epistuas at Corinthios, J. A. Gener’ Oxford 1844 ah, Gal-Thess, Cotnae tn optstates af alates, Ephesioe, “Phipentos, Clessoseo, Fhesetont- dense TK Coamer Oxterd 1842 cat, Tim-Hlee, Cate i optstatas od Timatheom, Flu, “Phiieomotettebraoe, "Je “Cramet Sater 1843 at, Joc~Apoe. —Catenae tn epalas cathlias,acesterunt ‘emaenaha to apecagbiom, Ye he Gamer Oxtord rB0 census see. il "cay cit. ap. Or. Ces. Caunsius Prmapetenents sce. ee loa Wettus, ap. © Eph, (438) wt. 6, ACO 107 PG, Htt5t3 Camsrus Sacenpos ‘Ch. Sac. A,B quomodo Christus sacerdos facts sit, ‘Varsliew p. 38 Cugoxicox Pascnate sate. vit ‘Chron. Pasch. M.g2.69; L, Dindort CB 1832 Grmysieres Hrosowrarranes ob. 479 Se encomin in Mariam deiparam, M. Jugie PO 19 (1935) p. 330 one. tm Jo. Rapt, encomium in Joannem Baptista, A. galas Teste snd" Forchungen. sur Bosantinisen-Nenpiechsche Philloge Bo Athens 1957 B29 ‘one. im Mick, enconnion. se Machnclens archangels, A. ‘Sigalas "rere os fopeae Bogard ‘onovBav 3 Athens 1926 p. 58 This, encontiuyn “in Thoodorum, "A. Sigalas ithe eter Lapis ost pe Crass, Jost oe ane G. 1-13 = B, de Montfaucon, Joannis cEALZD, de Manone, Joey eine eas cad pags Acinber i central Suitnmn obieh 8: botanic Fe es Cyn ‘ont iouiae’ ‘ot sham, Cass Berg ha MEP, rsa, Joan, che Bum calor homint patria, 8.08, Me39.377 omitea mile, qua patestate, 6.6.47. Sies6.g14 see Sever omilia ‘in idkud, Pater, si possibile, Boo, M.or.73t party identical with ‘Amiph. hos iw Me 28:30 qx. oma in id, Bxit edicts, G.2.800, M5095, somalia ‘ov ilud, Exit gol seminat, G.10. 3n5 on 7 homalia in ita, Ignem veni, G.r1.812, 362.730 somal Ix itud, Homo quidem, G.10.838, Boe 760 omitia tn lua, Yn principio erat verbum, Goxa.415, M63 543 homiba in “ilads Amcendit _domiaus, 198, M1739. (ule! Gxt0.794e~ Bust. Mulch. av.) hommiia in ill, Quomodo seit literas, 367, M.99.643, opal de on judicantefrosimo, 9.849, 0.703 omslia tilbud, Colligerunt Jude, G8 43, Migo.525, homalia in id, Non quod volo, 6.8%.188, Bi 59.663 omilin in illud, Suficit ti, G84.24, deride 0 lege naterae et Sancto Spiritu, Gis s5, M8 x08 4 fit thauae, 6.10.848, M.61.789 te fugienda “simulate specie, G1 815, wiaeso73 contra ariticos, G.9 829, M.60.743 ‘omiia in mediam etdomadam ejunio- rm, G 82220, M.s9.708 ae" peniteniia tt in Herodem, G.8.287, 9.757 homilias ""guacdam spuriae, G.13-201, Moan mila in dud, Hic est fins, Mt. 17:5, Grasse, ieg spur. Ant bap 2.3 homitiaa in prasdicationsm jejuni, G "793, 60.740 homilia de dermocyna, M.64.4332 60 pilstion trom jeleom. 4 and Bs. AL omilis ad eos qui magn aestimant opes, 264.453) omilia de precatione, M.64,40t hhomitia de virtue int. M04. 473 in incarnation, G-82213, Ms9.657 im principivom tnditionts, C8494, M59 3752 088.298, M.59.073, in Hovodem tt infantts,C10.750, M.E.699 fin ingreseu jejuniorum, G-it-799, Mee pay G11 B17, Moa735 ae jbienio damiinten faints jejuniorsen Prawdicata, Gott 803, M.62.738 in Jordanem fiutiuom, G.40.778, M61.735 de Jourph et de castiaie, G.6.b04. M50 587 in foansiem thealogum, “G88130, M39, ‘009: G.t0.771, 772: M6710, contra Jutacis, ‘goniiles a hasreticas, Gur Bio, Bg8 1075, cout ude, srpenem enewm, Guto.bst, Mor in Tatrontms et in proditorem, ©.84.247, ‘Ms9.719 in Lacarum, G21 840, M2770; Gate 852, M.63.777 in Tazarum, Gar 830, M0275; see titipp2 de Lazaro et divite, G.88.123, M.59.591 {de Legislatore, 6-403, 3. 50.3077 ade mansuetudine, C.13.423, 03.549 fe memoriam maytyyuon,G-3 811, Mig2.827 in 'Martham, ‘Mariam ef Lasarvs, C10. 753, MLon.70% in meretricon et pharisacum, G.82.49,§.$9 3321 Gt0.702, M.CL.700' G.tor780, ¥ ben? AUTHORS AND WORKS Chnysostomvs, Joanes (cont) open. frat. Obra, 2 nat, Jo. Bap. tm. dor dom. sain. 2 span, Mace. 3 fpaws 2 ek 57 dpa 2,2 Ppa fi Zonswmn pope PPear te ppt: ot Pou toner. Epoonit. 1-4 peznit, con spraccurs. 3,2 prec prod. Jud. Eprod. ers: sprodlig. 3, 2 proe. 7-6 Spsewa. Sonal, 2 Heck eae. 7 eae. {sale Herodiad. pSamarit.3, 2 Samar. para sor, jeje 1-4 ser. pasch HSpir fSteph a3, 4SWph. pritomart ys hea, {Thea Wheoph. 1,2 ix median Penticosten, G.10.705,E60-748 in tate Chris, C.x0.7oe, MOL T3T cto Sra, r965 fn naiateJoaneis Baptiste, 20.83, wongs7 de nogalone Petri et de Jeph, 6.88.36, siSao05 de ocoureu Christi, Ga.812, oe Srtlone, Crt bo, Me 97 Snarpretalto ations: dominic, 8.049, Mis0.607 sn ramos palmarum, G23, 9.597033 G.10.767, M.61.715 ({palm. 1 = {Meth. a eer in Maceaboos,G.2.631.M.50- os in pacha, 6.251, M594723 So paseke, Be Nantin 30 27 (950), GE Beat so 733 de paionta, C2606, M.60.728 ie pattented ef te consuinmatione sacl, Chebt7, Mes.o97 sn pntceoion, G3 747, M.s2.803 In Beteocton, 622843, 085.935 in Pat ef Etiam, oa. 790, 30-725 Eh Penn et Pauon, G7, MEQ9 408 & proviso Simone’ G..410, 39 580 ‘te foontntia, Cryo, M 80.941; 60.980, $603.699;° 9.786, Moor7o5, Case, Mao.7e3 canons poonitentiales, SS 4 p. 46 cf TA boom, cn in" pacers Christi, Ga.805, M50. 1s Gir, Mesos precationee dariae, Gen2.709, M6393 ‘Sp Zuchol-p sh, Maogscox in Prodittonsin Pat, Get0.738, M687 in proditonaye vervetorts, C342, Mss. de filo protigo, 6.84.33, Mso.si5: G.88.150, Masaz de jain ef providentia,G.2.75%, M-50.749 ae orudoprophets, 6.83.72, M.S0.593, ie publicana ot Pharisaeo, G.88120, BLs9, $95; Gart.796, 02.733 de trbus puerts, G.6.042, M5503 fie Rachelene ef infanies, G.t0.749, Mx. or ae remissions peccatorum, G.9.845, M60. 730 sn hecwrrectionem Christi, Gat 827, M2 733 tient Uber sepimets, G.805, MB. 007 = Eph 32 de Sacrifo’ Cain of de fae, G.2¥-792, Wea ti0 in satationem Herodiadis, 6.82.30, M30. at in Senartanam, 6.8.53, Ms9.s35: C0 in baabetant Stmaritan, G-x0 8:0, M61 Fag: Getuan, Noa 755 soVhiones im aseansionort, Pradtio 9 Newt York 1985 pp. 116-24 conninss do jpn, G10.846, M.63.787 Ceso4, Mon ygx: Gare e3t, Mba 757) Gireash Moe teo sorma in pasche, Praditio 9 New York 1953 p. 108 de sicitate, G.10.775, M6172, fe Sanclo Spirit, €-3.797, M-52.813 {in Stephaniem protemariyvem, 12-509, M.03.020, in Stephanume protomartyrom, G8EX7, Migaigor, G8 om M39 69 de Stsarma, 6.6.67, 56-389, fi synauin archangelorum, ©.38.285, M59, 758 quid mon sit accodendum ad theatrum ef de “Abraham, G.6.557, 56.531 Iadatio Theclae marigris, 2.749, M50. 745 in eancta theophania, G.a.809, M.50.805; Ghose, Mor76t Cenwess Romanus "Clem 2 Clem Cummins, Clem. contest. Glen Glom th: Per lem: it Gm SB 2. lm, coe ct cid Hon idm, 1-20 a Sp Oak Tie (Call). pr (Columb) ”. Concrtsa Copsx Caxonvm Eccurstar AvkicANAr Coupypus Arricanvs | fThom. 1,2 iw Thamam apostohi, G..14, M59497 Gio7 Meso car Thom. 3 énsnovem Uomicam tin Thomam apesto- Tn Gc 804. Mog or7 pronsp in oaisfiguvatonam, Go-7T4, MOLT Sonche Th pestifwattonen, Save Pp, 339 fo. 1 oduanany reaurrectionen Chrich, G2. oy Mgosar {Trin de Tinntde, Got 832, M.48.1087 fale in parabolan ela init, G.10.843, stor 8s feirg. corrupt, contra egonum conor, G.9.826, BLO. Bt ti. paret. tn YBarabolam cirginum et de teemosyne, ior ea four. cait de vie cara, 9.861, M.60.773 Vi fa virtue fds Gin Soy, 00-707 Se ape Fe Shine Spek Ga858: Moony [ial 2 Sn Zacchachm publconion, 6.820, 59. Soi Casorbes, Moe 767 Zach. ae Meanie’ Zoharine vette, C.a.790 wiser Cuavoius Avoutisanios see t ‘Gaa) Srepaseh, ‘fragmenta de paschate, Ms.1297 Cia AuexaNDminus ob. ante 25 Gea) g cctoga ex scriptaris prophticis, 0. Stabin E53 from) bay, Ma coy exe. Thdot, ——_erarpa'Theadah, GES § 9105, M9.653 fin Sragheus, CCS $ p. tos. arty Mo.740 " pontsgoans, GCS x (1995) p. 89, M3247 | peed: ayn Some ap, Clam. food di te GOST | Papi, Miser rot prlvcpticus sve cokortaio ad gents, Gogi yt Ma.a9 ads. gus dvedabseep BCS 3 p. 159. M.9.604 te Gromateis 1-6, C08 2 gue) pg MS (85,81 9.9; 0-7-8, GCS 3 p- 3) 9.40 epistule Clementis ad Covinthios, “Ushl- ‘meyer p. 35, M1201 homilia sve ¢piviula secunda Clementis fad Coriuthios, Biblmeyer p. 73, ML 5329 [spurious} Basically varly Uhicd-contury materia, a sta present form probably eatly fauria ontetatio. pro sis qui bru ascii, Mas spistuia Glomentis ad Jacobun, M.2.32 pistate Peo ad cabnom, Meas ‘pilone de gests Petri, Mea. 469 bite de gests Petri, Ao Re. Dressel Clomentinoram ptomae dat Lapel SSaypets supplonution ad recognitiones. Clemes Phras, Mts ap: Or phil 33. 22, Mu.n472 homitiae Clementinas, M.2.57 Wr86r Copnx Tuzonostaxvs oe Thas. Trap. cod ace. vi fragmenta varia, ap. Doct. Pate. 48 p. 3133 ‘pC Later. ait. 5, H.3.800-7 Pistale ad Theodor Papen, ia. opp. thd Papa, MPL? Se ‘Tho numbering of the actiones in HL is Yollowerl, Only the page and column cn which the aciones begin are-given be- Tow, not the pages and columns ca which they continue after interruption. Epistles, Mba, suppiicationss, eter, a= “dressed to a council ant signed by @ C Ales * fe. (324) aon ae Kee. 1358) anit ey pm, co Rnes (343) can 235 Kat. (365) Ree as) a Ant. (8) Asi. ue Seon. pcon € nary a Cart. c cate act, Caro. act, Phot. cam, 3-27 can 28 fa. 29-30 cB 60) cB issn 8.6 yam 7 Jean. Tar cB ison ecb) at ep. But ob. Et 2 cP (449) act CCP (518) act, 2. CP 336), act CEP ges) ‘onsii t-35 AUTHORS AND WORKS ody of people, are not listed below, ‘Thoy ro! cited thus, og. Libell. ap. C Chale. act r CCreeds promulgated by Councils are listed under Symbota. Coneiliuas Alesandriaum anno 338 pistida, ap. Ath. apol. see. 3-39 Concitnn Ancyraaum anno 314 ‘amones, Lavchert p29 ‘Concitiim Ancyranum anno 358 ‘anathesiniay ap. EDpipl, haer. 73. 10-11 ‘pistuda syrodica, ap. pip, hier 73. 2-9 Gone Ansocthnm aan 345, eanones, Lauchert p43 longing ‘Toa somewhat earlier orthodox councils soo Ballerini Leowis opera 3 pp. xxv Lt W. Teller HTH 43 (Jam. 1950). D. 55 epistida, H2.589 Conciivnn Antiockenum anno 363 eplstuda, ap, Sotr, he. 3. 25. 10-18 Gonetiim Antiochenam anne 445. facts ap. ¢ Chale. ach. 14, CO 03 p. 69, Hh 580 Conciliem Antiochenum anno 448 factio, ap. Chal. act. 70, ACO 2-3. 21, 533 Conelitia Ariminense ano 359 dderetura, ape Ath. syn. 1 epistate a Constantin, ap. Ath. sym. 10 epistnla ‘ad Constantin, ap. Ath. sy 5524-7 Contitiuta Terytense anno 449 acti, ap. © Chale, act. 10, ACO 2.2.3 p.29, Wegia Concilinm Cartheginente anno 256 sett, H-r59. For later C Carth, see Cod Concitinm Chaleedonense anno 451, occa: ‘menioam quareum actionss, ACO 21.1 9. 55, 1.2.53, (Note ‘at. 14 Suppl, ACO 2013p. 83, at. Opp. Teo. Mag, SLPL.54-1250) actions Carsiaet Dent, 800 2.1.3 2-09, ee acto id Photio Tyris, ACO 2436 canonel, ACO 2.2.2 p. 258, Lauchect p.89 4C0'S.45 p. 88, Lach’ p96 Lsnenert pe 97 pistan varias, ACO 2, Ha orci” Constantinopolitenam ange om ‘That. h 8 epists, ap. That. has 2 Gioctim’ Constantiagpaltangm ange ‘ir, oscumenicom secundute canons, Laver p. ‘anon spline, Laer p80 cancer CH Tamer 7S 45 rong BraG4. (Ne team t-, 19-20'™ Ba ch sty cam 74 pili anh Ne. 5.9 (acim Constantingpoltanam anno “04 aati, Measa.8ox Coneiium “Constantinopolitansm anao 13 p. 101, 4 acdfiap. Chale ac. 1, 4CO2.4.1p. 100, Wate plata id Eutychom, ap. © Chale, act. PO goa eee : afta ad Euiyhemn, ap. C°Chale, act. 2, PACH stp tao, Haags Ccongitien Constantinopelitanum anno “2 alin, ACO 2.1.1 9.148, Haare Eoncatioms Coawlantinopitarsm acne 318 sui, ap. CCP (536) act. 5, ACO 3 p. 67, sti iy ACO 9 60 8 fist iby ACO 39.62, Haasan Grito” Consedctinopeiterm sano 330 ub Mona aiones, ACO 3 p. a5, Ha.1185 Sel Constastepelannt anno 543 ‘nathemata, Hahn p- 227,103.54 CCP (553) at. 3 act. 8 anath, 1-14 cep (638), EP (030) cc osx) act eb Agath. or. imp, cP (754), deer. C Eph. (431) ace fan. 1-6 © Eph. Orient. oe C Eph. (440) © Gangr. Bs Hier. (333) &: ths (30 c He, 536) eC ntye, c Yoo. eon. 1-60 cfater a Neceaes, can. 1-35, Nic. (325) . Mic. (87) act o re. © Quere. Sara poder. eb. cath esa, : coy at °. xxi Consliom Constantinopoitanem sno 3, oecumenieum quiatum actions tata fragmento, ap. C Tater. act. 5, 3.856 : actions ociauae fragment, ap. Tag thes 4. 8B, 188, MB6.3776-7 cviatcmats,itabn p. 268, mote flly in HHigro3ice Justa, con. anath, 4. Conlin Constaniénopoltanu a O38 actin ap. C Later, act. 5, 3.797 Conciitem Constantaopeitaninn ou acid, ap. C Later. act 3, 8.3-780 Gonvilthm. Constantinopeitaaaen anaia ‘et 884, oecwmenici sexta actions, Ha1096 Spusaa aa sigathonem Papas, MPLS? na47 raid a operator, 3.846 Gone’ Comtantinopsltarm anno 754 conociastun aietemn dette aC Nic. (787) at 6, Hg. 338 Goncitmn Tpesinaa anno 43 osu ‘menicum tertium achones, ACO 14 2p. 3, 11.1334 Eanones, ACO 1.1.3 p. 27, Lauchect p. 87 splshaiae verge, ACO L032, 3 5. 7 Hora Conc‘ orientatiams Ephesi habitum anno 43 actiones, ACO nas p. 119, Hott449 Spistuiat caries OD 1233, 5, H33, ‘taeaion jo. Ane um Epicsisum anno 449, latco- ‘aia disturn aca, ap C Chale act. 2, ACO 2.0. p77, Hats ‘conclu Gangrense anno 342 Gonenes, Laochert p60 eplotada, Heeegs9 Goo HiSrovtyeitanum anno 335 ‘Pisada, ap. Sth sym 22 iat teadyratanum anne 350 fplstde, ap. Ath spol see. 57 Conca Heroselymitanutn anno 536 stg, ACO 3 pp. T2535, DP 285-9. 2 2409 Contes Iiysicom anno 374 Spistata, ap. That han yo Ginette taodicenom kino inccrto inter sag e€ 587 habit catdnes, Lauchert p. 7 Conetioey Latersnende anno 649 Setones, 3st fanones, Hyak Conettisn Neocacsssiense anno incerto inter 341 ot 335 habitor canons, Lauchier p. 35 Conctiim Nieaenta anno 325, oc menicum primam canonen, Lace B. 37 piste, Opite a pea? ap Seer. hee 2.9 Geneve Nickewutm Aa80 787," eee momen septa, actionss, Hig enone, Laer x39 Mjattiones 4torun synods iconotatas, Hig3zs (ap. act. 0) Cconrlitea aif Quercum anno 403, et. ap. Phot. cols 55 Consiiisn Safdicenso anno ccea 343 Ssmnonce, Lanchert . 32 Spiele ad Atecantrios, ap. At, apo. see. 37H4 epistadacatoticn, frst pact ib. 42-47, second part ap. Tht. hes 2. 8. 37-9 CConeilsns Selesente anne 350 eplsuda, ape Epigh her. 7325-26 (i ‘corporating Syd. Se.) Coneiiam Spriam annis 318-19 fetio, ap. CCP (598) ach $y ACO 3 9. ea Fos pisida #, ACO 3 p. 99, 2.2300 xadi Coneuuta (cont) ¢ Trill AUTHORS AND WORKS Concitiam in Trullo anno 692, quink ‘sexturn dicta fan. T-102—_canones, Lanchert p. 97 or imp. foratio ad imperatovem, H3.1652 etn Gi Conciive Tysium ano $18 a fehio, ap. CCP (530) act. 5, ACO 3p. Bs Watas3 Coxstaxs TL IMPERATOR 0, 668 (Const) bp. typus, ap. C Tater. act 4, 13.824 Coxsraxmisus Diaconts (Const. Disc) Tout. Constawnives T Tarzrarox (Const) v2 Consraxensus IL Durenaror ‘Conse. TT Tp.) 6. Constantinus IV Tupreazox Poconarus (Conse. Pogen.) edict fier 3 sacr 4 Consrawrneus VI Invsaaror (Const. VI Imp.) Constants (Constantius Ant) rs Consrarivs 1 Iurznaron (Constantius Imp.) Constitutions Cont App. Const. ABP. pit Const. Cap. Const Stud: Axniocneus| daualo oman martyr, 88.480 ‘ob. 337 istulae vorne, cited fcom Athanasius eer ecclesiastical historians ovata ad sactorra cost, opp. Eas, Ges ps4 Moos ob. 340 pista ad Alesandines 9p. Tht he.2.2 ob. 685 dicta, 9. OCP (91) at 28, H.2448 Sole a 8 Se tse phate sce, ap, COE GO, 3.32049 Plena, 3 96.987 ‘pata Sora, MCPL96.304 ob. 797 este sera, 99. © Ni. 987) ach ire apis ints opp. Chrys. rh. 237-46 MS i ob. sor cit op. Ath. Set, Som, Tht. constitutionee apostotorum, Funk 1p. 3 Coxrmapierie Diasoxs Jusu Cunisto ‘Conivad. 2,2 Convicts Para (corn) Cosas Hiexosorvarranus Meopes {Cosm. Mel) can. dorm femisis Lop, 1B dyn. 8 ind. od, 1-18 cohol Cosueas Ixoicorneesras “(Cosm. Ind.) tp. Cxpwanus Canter (CxpF) pe fer fra epitome comstituonum apostoloram 8, Funk 2 p.72 ex conshtulionibus apostetorum capitila, Funk 2p. 137 conatitutionee Studitanae, int. opp. Tha ‘Stud, N.99.2708 Vaasiliov pe ob. 253 fragmenta ex epistuia ad Fabius, ap. Bus. he 6.43. 5-29 anon in dormiticnen BMY, AGC p. 389 Aron” Meigeondy” Bo-stsi aoe ‘or-80, bp. 183-205, aymnius in sathato sancto’ AHS 2 p. 165, rly in M98 485 ines Rtordaran' oe carminitus Gregori Nasiansems, M.38.660 dae, M98 513 ‘Scholia Gregor Nasiansont carmina, M8300 fopographia christiana, B. 0, Winstedt ‘Cambriaige 2000, MBS.49, ABMS ob, 258 epistuta septuagesioa, HLL54 Sragmontum ex epustila ad Fidonem, K. Foil TO 20: (1899) p. 245, ap. fo. D. paral, 996.519 Sragmeniion de rleemosyna, 2p, © Eph. (430 act x, ACO L2 p42, Ht-1g04 evntacas oo) omens 4 Lazarum, X__ Keumbacher SBBAW sgt p76, AS tp. 24 Cranius Auexasoaiss ob. 444 2 A. = J. Aubert Cyritli Opera 1-6 Paris. {o3h, Ts edition ts wood whore pos. itil in preference to Sts which repro- Stes the Aubert pages in thine pasoy hae Pris Bey, Cyril oe C0 “Propheias ty 3, Oxtond 1968 Piney es ada Comin I “Eenelion accedwnt frgmenta 3 Sutera 1353 Pabey 6 Corll epettae tes, ib “Sinn Neston ter Oxtord 1873, Piney’ 7 = id Cyril de recta fi ete, Onlota 187) Nove: Pusey’ kext is use only for works Mot im CO. Tew lted where possible by the Aubert page in the mardi de tadvatone tn spite erat At, Monigy uoecim capt defomsio adersus ore Males "pistopor, ACO 11-7 Be 38, AGY tap, M70 ste epuieticns a imperatorem Theodosio, ACO csp. 75, Aeeags, Me-453 apologeticas’ Ponta Thaotoreton, PCO inp tob, Aio-aoy, M7302 de" yee fe ad Arcadian ef Marina, 460 iis pu oa, st Oeas, Mepota0 vod uns A Chriss Posty 7p. 394. Aistaes Mystass collages i Vetus Testament x operibas Crit. taxi, et pram Sohn, Nowe Merge adierats nagonts ofcenduo esse ro dex Gancts,pagmenta Pussy 5 34309676. dor. ‘pol orient pol. Tha apol. That Avcad, Ch sn tool. VT ofunct. ra quod Bat sit deipara, ACO x7 p. 19, M.76.256 diatipus com Nestori, M76.249 ae Temata diahogls Asi 38 sc). M75. 57 dip. BMV ial, Newt. Gal, Tr 2-7 Died. fraitenta contra Diodorum Tarsenser ‘Eincy'5 ps 49s, partly ih M7or4306 oem. te dapat “olutioney Pusey’ 4B. 54. Aegina 7o.toyy (Na AC ana: ihe chapters are’ Confused. with Whose ot resp. bei) * epbale R0N, Mars Note: those extant in. Greck are listed iio ith hoe om wi they recited; epp. a8y are numbered. 8 Mivutct im“ico, tbat or Amber, {he Bt reference therefore not lated Delow save where the eplstte is omitted meaner eps ACO 1.1 p10, Agha Be PEE 3, Agtt9 oe boas, Ageas es B tog, Rese 0 Bo, Spinks Aga Bt Bitte, Agee oa AGB 13.5. tov Astat ott Gomomcitibrtemn Possionto datim, ACO Typ 178 M74 a Aco eae Rents ee oR 8 Ang ue Re, Age.d§ eT TPR AgO ok pies eatgs Sto ACB ung p 1278 st80 oe Boo t3 pi ti, gtonee thas gp un Agiess aay ACB eas per Ast ig Og ACO tia poy, Reedy os Bnd Ress ae BG, Ast Sn oe Bigs, ASS go es BS Rose &p. 31 Be 72, A5*.95 32 De Je. frac. om. 1 Cor. acu. Ga. bunts He. Sr Jae. AUTHORS AND WORKS ACO 1.2.7 p.137 5 peta B13, A.g20.152 ACO 11-4 B15, ASHE LO mnt Bao, Alsat 09 Dogo, AgeGlaaz ichwarts ABAW 32° (:027) p. 10, ‘Mrpaat E. Maral ACOT C4 p. 35, Ast 352 ACO 1X8 pit, Ath as Bilan, ASMO LE, (Note: the sicond quart of po 46, Ags.46-5r Seep 45, AgH.345 90), AC a3 Asis me 468 to. p98, ASS M77. 285, agent on ACB ip 164, M7 288 ACO 4p. 400 Asi aTy ABAW sihpty, Ag30) 100 BRE Agta no pao, Meagan pias Mp3 ACO "Lrg p37, ASH 104 AbAW sab p ts, wesst.297 me Bet, ASLO pin Rie 23, Reason foi 3 8 ‘66, As30.208 AGeha0) 3.77.65 = Ras. ¢p. 60. 2-6 4.¥1] ‘ap. juistn, Or. ACO 3 p. 201. 23, M77. ‘72 ADA 334 p. 20, Marsi6 Augers 7) 860137. 40 Garey o RB pista ad Calosyrium, Posey 5 p. 603, ‘A.63.363, M76.1003 phate ad Buopitwm, ACO 1. ‘A.ot200, 76.385, 6p. 110, alaphyra in Pentateucivem, 8.3%, M69.23, 1273-6 fragmenta in Numeros, M.69.042 fragmenta commentarts in bros Regu, ‘S65.681, 3276 explanatio ty Pes. M.60.727 fragmentun tn iiad, Domias ereavit me, Mioo.c277 fragmenta #8 Cant., 60.1277 Commentartus im Tan, Ad, M70 Jpagmenta in Jer., M7014 ‘ragmentun in Bar, M70-8457 fragmenta in Exech. Mq0.%457 Jragmenta in Dan. M.o.r40 Commentarius in duodecim frophetas, ‘Pusey 12,43, M71, 72 ragoenta in MEG 305, some fer. also 1 Doct. Par. fragmenta commentarit in Le., M.72.476: Ye Sickenberger TU 34% (3910) P- 76: Pasey 5 pp. 470-4 conmntartison fo. Pusey 3-5, 4,073, 4 fragmenta commentarii in Ac., Pusey 5 Batts Ma7s7 exhiansti in Rome, Pasey 5 por Mrs 73 explanatioin x Cor, Pusey 5 p-240, M24 so eaplaatio i 2 Cor Pusey 5 p. 320, M74 oie fragmenta i Gat, M.74.952 Sragmantin tn tia, Soro vester, ¥6.74, 352 Hragmenta explanationon in Heb, Pusey 5 DP. 362-423, PP 4028, M 74.953 pagina i Jan Bey 9.48, B74 fr Peo, fi 2 Pat, ft Jo fr Judas exp sit cap. fr som. die, hom, div. x fom div. 2 om, aie. 3 Jom, ain 4 dom, dies 5 om, dio. © hom. div. 7 om. dv. 9 thom, div. x0 thom. die. 14 Thom. dio. 1 (thom. aie. 13 thom. div. 14 rom. din. 15 hom, dv. 16 hom, div. 17 om: aio 18 hom. div. 19 fom: dio. 20 hom. div. 24 hom, iv. 22 fom. pasch. 1, 2, Jat, Fain. 12-29 fr. bat ect Pubes. resp. wos ragnaiain xP, Pusey 59-44 Mh fragmenta in 2 Petr., Pusey 5D. 449, M.74. tory ramtnta in x Joy Posey 59-490, M24 Jraguentun in epsulam Judat, Posey 5 ist 4 tong expt toda capinom, ACO 22.5 Bats, Asvi4s SL. 7e393 ragntiia varie Pandy $9. 452-8; 8.76 say spe Dees Bobo sonia Soertae, Si 350, 977.991 Tumbered in At tae i ia CO a ‘uber the Me. relerence i therefore aot lat below ave where the homily omitted in anbere plist practical ACO BARS pian in die J 2 can te dia Joannie ange "ACO tot 94s Ag aga ee Pen Emcee BES TLR. 14 Ai age ae iteriatipara in Nestor, ACO aap. tos Arsh sgs plas Prachata defeat Netero, ACO aap om Astga sn Joanne datschnion, ACO 2.44 p98, feats Epic praedictefrinapuam a comite com (eh ACO A urationem, A.$3 366, prope ‘he lont commentary outer in mystica ctonamy, Repth apo ascibed by: M. Richard, Reis d'hnoive eres gee Lowrains937 pea fo Toph ay nn p. 96, in arian. deiparam, A.sit379 a later ‘expanded vernon sf hom. di sn ocbursum oh euoncisions, A381 385, ‘properly part of the leet Commentary nba Cs sab M78 1496-1595 in ramos palmeren, A.40.361 = Ealog. alm ae! il anni, A.58).404, pethaps by ‘Thphl. AL, cf. Apophit. Bair Mbs.200 te incarnations, i Sehwarte ABAW 33 (927) p33, 81772088 de concordia eles, ACO 147 B.¥73, M77.2096 in parabolam vineae, M.77.2096 Tragmionta de tramsiaivone religuiarum ‘martyr Cori Joannis, M77.1100 contra euruchos, M77. 3105 tne dewsn encarnatn, Pusey 5 p. 450, M77. ni09 4 fide fragmenta, Pasey 3 p. 338, 8.77. ad Alesanérinas, Pusey 5p. 400,M.77.1116 Romiliae paschales, A'ss0)2, B77 40% de incarnations, ACO 1.2559. 5, AS'BO1, Mystai9 de ntamaone, M:5.x420; see That) 4 Rearing Pee 7 racer M751 189 ey sma Bo Tie bate conra Jatiansrm, A641, 976.504 Sregmchia“Tororame "conte yeklanwen, re.057 nats sp Bp 430) at 4, ACO 2.3 1 aor Ha xqsos written fm wich iomion contra Nestoriwn, ACO 4.2.6 .13, 4.012, Min69 Srsgonte. de obitu snctorim tine ‘Fecroran ef Danis, WoAT7 ae rc fide ad Patchoria ot doco, ACO fins p26, A ghtah M0996 responsio af Tiboium, Pussy $3. 370, Resse ak poory” (Note ia Sad Bh clapton ar Cohfuned with those a éegm. above) xxiv Cymtius ALEXANDRENDS (Cont) eng de incarnations, ACO 15.2 7p-280~ — BAG TTO IER ee én eincenlae WSR spirits capita ‘epteor, Ne 7s-ia4,« woning Over of Hie iow om. de Syren fect, M421 a Seabee Pasty So a6 Mie itops: — Srogmont“ente Phebe "Mtopue- “Sone, Besy spate This ge ei peed PRS, ACO un weer thes. shesatrus ie Trista Ase, 759 Be 5, amit es etn, 35.98 ih Leet, bee Sey Po cc. vit egies Hierosovranrtanvs ob. 386 ‘ey SH as caches duminandorim 4-1, W. K. ch ye apa nlc v9.25 Bas Io cack Toad Rape Cri mea hati Mop! 3 ME catech 19-23 collec toupee "i Ru Op ct Buoehs Masteos acaba some Bilt SRS AESymiantes ob) t-Con «Pid a consti ding i cprsep agi aega te Jul. epletuta a Jutsu pope, 33.1208 Ea Fagneian Sage ope bec ‘Berns pat 0h pe 3s ga? Pee baa bat ie gE Sige. ioe som seis Barbican a png i opp on ele Pt 33192 texos in ta Lin: BES Falck, Praca, WE RAR op, ct. 3, Saease Cymuaes Sevrvorouranes ob. 558 oes) hie vita brooms, E. Scwnate TU 4989899) a v.cyiec, si Puc 1p. 208 Eat, Ves ation Jo. Hes. ‘ta Joamats Hlerpchats, , p. 08 hs Site Sar, 99g Ph, Sh hess 2538. ans oie. oie Rope’ ge Cxnus Atexanonstes ove ‘Corus al) _ ores capita 9p, CCE (681) at 1, Hog. a340 ms Peel oa Son Cosine titan ‘hum, ea ape Later. act. 3, 3-804: op, 3ap- CCP (68) act 15. 34330 10 Ceaus Tyawensis (one : fragment epistulae ad ulianum ef "Stverom, ape Doct Paty 49.33 Darwartos AREHIANDRITA 0b. 436 almat) aol apoiogia, ACO 1.2.2 p. 68; 955.180 ep. Eph. x ‘Piste ad synod Bphesinan, ACO 12.7 % MS5.1707 op. Eph plats ad symodum E’phesinam, ACO 3.2.3 P. 14, MB3 3800 Damasus sce, vit {Dam} troph trophaca, G. Bardy PO 15 (1920) p18 Damasus Para ob. 384 ‘Dara. Papa) walk anatiemats, ap. That. he, 5.1 op lly. ‘pists ad. Tyrices, ap. That he. 2. 2. ¢p. orient bisa a2 episcopes orientaes, ap. That. hen 5.10 Dante Ratruexus sce, vil? (Dan, Raith) tr Je, Clim. vila Joasnis Climaci, M.88 396 Daneraius ALaxanoniwes sce. (bem) he Sragmentin ex oratione de terrae moti, AS 2B. 345 AUTHORS AND WORKS Dianocnus Puoricensis ace. v (Diad) jar. sere cova Avanos, MiGs 149 ‘atcene homitia te ascenstons Domine, M.65.1142 ber de” perfectione "spirituals, J. By Wels lebersdort Tad. 2912 Diaot "Dial. Ath. ot dialogus Athavasii et Zazchael, F.C. Zach Conybeare Ontord 2898 p. 1, ¢. 300 Dial. Christ et dialogs Christians et Judaci (Papiscd ct Fad ‘Pilons), °C. “MeGiters Marburg 1889 e700 Dial Christo dialel Cvstind t Dudes fragmention, Nic 87 ak 5, Hepa vitlifenn et didbpss Moviastaae “tt Orhotosi, G. Ona Ticker ZK 26 (1908) Pua? suse. SW Dia Tim. diatygus Fimothet f dpuiats Conybeare “oui ‘pit. p83 Dipacwn XII Arosrotontx, saee. i ‘Dia. Bihlmeyer p. « Dinascacia Didass- fac. 4 Didascalia Jacobi, F. Naw PO 8 (2912) P-745 ‘ace. vb Didase, Jas, 2-5 Didaseaita Jacobi, G. Ne Bonwetoch "AGW 123 (ote) pad Didase, pair, Didascalia ceesviit pairaon, P, Batitiot ‘Paris 18870 jth, syna. Dinyavs Auexanpnines ob. 398 ily.) ‘ sn 3 omtra Eunomivm lin 4 a8. opp. Bas Cita79, M0072 exegeticn Gon fragmenta in Gen., M.39.0082 Ee frckmenta te is ihe Jragmenta im 2 eg. 3 fragmenta in Job, Si.3p tea0 fees Sragmenta in Pose dk 30.8617 Exposition Das, Msbsin50 oe Srdgmanta nr M3o. 268 jp fragmenta i Jo.) 39.1045 ae Fragmenta i Ai M3969) Ra Sraznunti in tim Staab pt 2 Cor. Sresmenta n't Copy Staab ge 6 2 Gor ragmeata in 2 Coby Staab pe Ad, Mo. bo 0 Jfragierta in Heb. Staab p. 44 WE, Srogmenta in episulas catotcas, M39 fais. 1149 j Lita & Sragmenta dgmatica, M.39.1109 ‘ian. ontratanichaess, 330.2085 Tro ‘te Primal, M.99-209 Drovonus Tansinsts ob. ante 394 (Died) Sxegettca Gon. fragmenta im Gor, M.93.2358 & Ipagmeta nL a his fragmenta im DE” M33 2385 fe ‘pace fuk BN 8 pa fragmenta tn Bes proem. Bss. ‘Brosnan in Pass ‘Stiones Religivuce 9 Paris 1919 D. 82 room. Ps. 128° procmiwn im Ps. 128, he p. 60 ated temo ts ea Sn ss Digyraes AcexANpRIns ob. 264, pista cancmica, C. L. Veltoe The Letters ‘and oiler’ Rersains of Dionysias of Alexandria Cambridge 1994 P98 Miuronay2 epistula ad Paxium Samosatenuon, By Schieartz SBBAW x997 p. {fragnienta, cited from Peltoe exept those ep. Paul, Sam fr.

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