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QUICK FACTS © J0R6: Aerospece Erne 1947 NAME: Lil Arristrang “aval Aviator nthe Kerean War OCCUPATION Astronaut, Explorer, Blot Toied te orgarisann cr became wasn 13 BIRTH DAT E:dugust OS, 1530 at lparafestn wason WAC? Garin petgravin= DEATH DATE Auzusi 25, 2012 Fistragi ceerioon gut the agoTu 12 fusion EDUCATION. Purdue Unlversiy, (ly eh L965) wide Ue 3 — Becere 9 deputy recor InAs then ein 132 Js maceorniri wapsonett Sh ~ eae cieg groom eres GA PAREOR DEATH Oren, St + sought aterm inrapakere, Oho Neil Armstrong was bon inwapaconets, Ohio, on gist 8, 1930. After serving inthe Korean War andthen finishing callege be Joined the organization thar would become MASA, He Joined the astronaut pragram in 1962 and was commend pilot for his first mission, Gernini VIIL, in 1966, He was spacecraft commander for Apoilo 77, the first ratnedhinar mission, and bacamathe frst man towalk onthe moon, He dod in Cincinnat, Ono, an 202 MILITARY SERVICE ‘astronaut Well armstrong developed 2 fascination wth fight at an early age and earned his cudent plotslicanse whem he W256. In 11047, Armstrong began isctudiasin seroncutica engineering at Purdue University on 9 U.S. Hay scholarship, Hisstudies, however, were interrupted in 1848 when he was called to strve inthe Korean War. A US. Wary pilot, Armstrong flew 70 combat missions curing this itary canflics. He lett the service in 1962, and returned ta college a few years ter, Armstrang Jone the National Advisory Cormmittes for Aeronautics (NACA), which later became the Nation al Aeronautics and Spare Adminstration (NASA). For thisgovernrient agency he worked in a number of diferent canacttes, cluding serving 3s atest pilot and an engneer. He tested rrany high-speed aire, including the X15, which could reach toa speed of 4,000 miles per hour. ASTRONAUT PROGRAM Inhis personal life, Armstrong started to setle dav. He married Janet shearcn 09 Januery 26, 2556. The couple scon added to their family Son Enc arived in 1957, Followed daughter Karen in 1959, Sacly, Karen died of complications related te an inoperable brain tu ror in Jarwary 1862. The following year, the Armstrangs welcomed the third child, en Mark That sore year, Armstrangivined the astronaut program. He and his family moved te Houston, Texas and Armstrong served asthe canunand pilat fer hisfrst mission, Germ VII Ha ane fella astronaut David Sect: were launched! inta the earth's orbit an March 16, 41966. While in orbit they weve able to briefly dcck their space capsule with the Gemini Agena target vehicle. This was the first time two vehicles had successtuly docked in space. buringthismaneuer, however, they experienced sarve problems and hac to cucthalr mis en short Thay landed inthe Pacific Ocean nearly 11 hours ater the missir's start, and were later rescued by the US. Mason MOON LANDING ‘Armstrong faced an even bigger challenge in 2363. Along with Iichae! Colins and Edwin €, "buss" Alen, he was part oF NASA's first rahned mizzion te the moon. The trio ware launched into space on Jly 16, 1969. Serving the mieien's commander, Armstrong = lotedthe Lunar Module te the moon's surface on July 20, 1963, with Guz Aldrin aboard. Colinsrerained on the Command Module. At 11035 FO, Armstrong ekted the Lunar Wocule. He cd, "That's one small step for man, ane glantleap for merknd,” as he rade his Famousfirst step on the mean. Fer about two and shalt hours, Armstrong and Aldrin callacted samples and conducted experiments LATER CONTRIBUTIONS Armctrong remained ith NASA, serving ae deputy aecaciate acrinitrator for seronautice until 2971. After leaving NASA, he joined the faculy af the University of Oncinnai es aprafessar of eeraspace engineering. Armstrong remained atthe uriversty for eight years, Staying actve in his eld he served asthe chairman of Computng Technologies fr Aviation, In. from 1982 to 1982. Helping outst 3 dificult time, Armstrong served asvice chairman af the Presidential Comission on the spare shuttle Challenger accident in 1986. The commission investigated te explosion ofthe Challenger on Jaruary Z®, 1886, which tock the Ives of itscrew, including schoo! teacher Chiista Meal, Even in isfina years, Armtrong remained committed o space exalorstion, The preas shy astronautretumed tothe spotlight in 2010 to express hiscancarns aver changes made to the LIS. spate program. He tested in Congress aganst Present Barack CGhama's decision te cancel the Conctellation progravy, which included enather vision to the rroen. Armstrong underwent a heart

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