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…Using DSE on Full HD, UHD or 4K

DesignSpark Electrical
4 years ago · Updated

You can disable DPI scaling by doing the following in Windows 10 or 8.1 versions.

1. You need a shortcut link to DesignSpark on the desktop if you don't have one drag
one from the start menu.
2. Right click on the shortcut and go to properties.
3. Go to the Compatibility Tab.
4. Check " Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".

Note: In Windows 10 Version 1703 and later version of Windows, the text of the Disable
display scaling on high DPI settings options changed to Override high DPI scaling
behaviour, scaling performed by the application.

5. Select "System" from the "Scaling performed by" pull down.

6. Click on OK to save the setting.
7. Now launch the program and the icons should be normal size.

If you are a Windows 10 user, please update to version 1703 (Creators update) or newer for
better application awareness to display scaling. In general, all users are advised to run the
latest Windows build with security updates especially in light of recent exposure of Intel chip

The GUI icons in DesignSpark Electrical are currently raster based which do not automatically
adjust to high resolution displays. Vector-based icons are being examined for a future release
which will allow them to return to normal size on 4K or UHD displays.

1 di 1 22/08/2022, 15:01

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