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Growing in Our Relationship with Christ

READ MATTHEW 13:1–9; 18–23

1. What are the four types of soil described in this parable?


a. What is characteristic of the hard ground of the path? What happens to the
Word of God when it lands there?
Soil alongside a road would likely be hard-packed, like the road itself over which the
regular traffic passes. This hard surface condition would not let the seeds sown sink
in but would make them lie exposed where the wild hungry birds could see them and
pick them up. The seed never takes root or shoots up even a blade. For the seed of
the Kingdom truth to take root in us and bear fruit it must sink into our hearts or
minds, for it is with the heart that a person exercises faith for righteousness.
Growing in Our Relationship with Christ

READ MATTHEW 13:1–9; 18–23

b. What is characteristic of the rocky soil? What happens to the Word of God
when it lands there?
The people of the rocky-soil kind do “accept it with joy”. Because of its own
goodness the “word of the kingdom” ought to be accepted with joy, and that joy
ought to be a strength to us to go through whatever may follow. But the rocky-soil
persons let their joy quickly evaporate. At first they overflow with joy and manifest
a great zeal both to gain knowledge and to share it with others yet in ignorance. And
then something happens! This Word sets before them the supreme issue of God’s
universal sovereignty, an issue upon which both angels and men are obliged to
decide each for himself. To be right they are obliged to line up on the side of
Jehovah’s rightful sovereignty by his kingdom. To do this by associating with
Jehovah’s witnesses and by publishing the Kingdom message exposes the rocky-soil
persons to reproach, tribulation and persecution. Thus that “season of testing” comes
upon them.

c. What is characteristic of the thorny soil? What happens to the Word of God
when it lands there?

People today who are like the thorn-infested soil receive the seed of the Word and
could be just as fruitful as others. But they do not rid themselves of the thorns and
thistles. They are too concerned about tomorrow and its needs and so do not uproot
such thorny things by fully trusting Jehovah according to his promises. Then, too,
they are deeply enmeshed in this present system, making themselves slaves of it, and
they seek to preserve their souls according to present standards of living. What they
lack is godly devotion with contentment. Hence what they do is seek to be rich in
this world’s goods, thus stabbing themselves all over with many pains. Somehow
they never get undeceived. So their selfishness never allows them proper time to be
rich in good works or to bring forth fruit in God’s service. Their selfish anxiety does
not let them give attention to this. And if they do have time, they must spend it in the
“pleasures of this life”.
Growing in Our Relationship with Christ

READ MATTHEW 13:1–9; 18–23

d. What is characteristic of the good soil? What happens to the Word of God
when it lands there?

With the heart of the “good soil” person receives the seed of the Word and believes
it for righteousness, but it is with the mouth that he fearlessly makes public
declaration for salvation. It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth is
bound to speak. So, when we receive the seed and it takes root in us because we
retain it and get the sense of God’s Word, we have thus lodged with us a
commission to preach, and we must fully accomplish it in order for others to hear
the Kingdom tidings. That seed of God’s Word is not dead, but is a living force. It
has power to bring preaching abilities and activities to the surface, so causing a crop
of Kingdom proclamation to be reaped by the great Sower.

READ ACTS 2:42–46

2. What did the first Christians do after they came to know the Lord?

A Mark of True Christianity. Genuine hospitality, from the heart, is a mark of true
Christianity. After the outpouring of the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost, 33 C.E.,
many newly converted Christians remained in Jerusalem to learn more about the
good news of the Kingdom before leaving for their homes in various parts of the
earth. Hospitality was shown them by the Christians living in Jerusalem, who
entertained them in their homes and even sold their possessions and considered all
things to be held in common. Then after Jesus Christ resurrection he commissioned
his followers to make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them all the things he
had commanded.
Growing in Our Relationship with Christ


READ PSALM 119:105; JOSHUA 1:8

4. What do these verses tell us about God’s Word?

The Bible is like such a flashlight. As we considered in the preceding articles, God’s
Word can help us deal with what is immediately in front of us​—the day-to-day
problems that we all face in this uncertain world. But the Bible does more. It also
provides an illuminating view of the future, enabling us to see and follow a path that
leads to lasting happiness and contentment. God’s statements and reminders are
found in the Bible, and they can help us to overcome obstacles that we may
encounter on our path. Indeed, when we read the Bible and let it guide us, we are
experiencing firsthand what is described at Isaiah 30:21: “Your own ears will hear a
word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people." Jehovah does not
want his servants to rush through a reading of his Word. He told Joshua of ancient
times: “This book of the law should not depart from your mouth, and you must in an
undertone read in it day and night.”

Reference photo:
Growing in Our Relationship with Christ


14:23 AND LUKE 5:15–16

5. How would you characterize Jesus’ life and ministry? How did He respond to
the demands on Him?

Matthew 14:23 states: “Eventually, having sent the crowds away, he went up into
the mountain by himself to pray. Though it became late, he was there alone.” Jesus
sought solitude on these and other occasions, not because he was a recluse or hated
the company of others, but because he wanted to be alone with Jehovah, to speak
freely with his Father in prayer. Jesus also kept his love for Jehovah strong by
praying regularly. Although he was a friendly, gregarious man, it is striking to note
that he valued solitude. For example, Luke 5:16 says: “He continued in retirement in
the deserts and praying.”

HEBREWS 10:24–25

6. What do these verses instruct believers to do?

To “consider one another” means “to take into account the needs of others, to think
about them.” Just as family bonds are strengthened when family members spend
time together, so bonds of love between those who want to serve God are
strengthened when Christians meet together for worship.
Growing in Our Relationship with Christ

ACTS. 1:8
7. What did Jesus tell His disciples they would receive and become? What does
a witness do?
JESUS knew that his disciples in their own strength were not capable of observing
all that he had commanded. Considering the scope of their preaching commission,
the strength of their opponents, and the frailty of the human flesh, it was clear that
they needed superhuman power. Thus, just before his ascension to heaven, Jesus
assured his disciples: “You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you,
and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and
to the most distant part of the earth.”​—Acts 1:8.

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