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To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without 'to'

1. get rid of that cat!

2. close the window!

3. clean your room!

b. Larangan ( imperative to use giving a warning/prohibition

1. T ini ! Friends, please don't smoke in this room!

2. don't come home later than 10 pm

3. Don't give up if you fail, try again!

4. Don't get used to sleeping at night , it's not good for your health

c. Nasihat (use giving a advice)

1. Take a bath 2 times a day

2. don’t be rude

3. don’t date with him

4. Dont be shy

d. Petunjuk (intruction)

1. turn of the fire

2. Before eating the food, please wash your hand first

3. before taking medicine, please eat first

e. Meminta (a request)

1. stay with me, please!

2. please, never let me

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