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1. I
2. D
3. G
4. A
5. H
6. C
7. B
8. J
9. E
10. F

Missing Words

1. Natural resources, natural resources scarcity, wants

2. Decisions
3. Occupationally, immobile
4. Net investment
5. Wages, profit
6. Increasing, decrease
7. Production, productivity
8. High uncertain
9. Opportunity
10. Two, technology


1. A
2. AC
3. DC
4. B
5. BD
6. D
7. AB
8. A
9. CD
10. A


1. They both are associated with labour

3. They are both land
4. They are natural resources EXAMPLES OF FREE GOODS
5. They’re both related to opportunity cost DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING

1. Capital goods are used by a business to help produce consumer goods. Consumer goods are
used to satisfy consumer’s needs and wants
2. Economic goods are goods that are products with a price that can be sold, and free goods
are goods given free
3. Capital are human made resources while land are natural resources
4. Geographical immobility is when someone cannot move to a different job pertaining to
where they live, and occupational immobility is when someone cannot move due to their
certain skills in their workforce.
5. Opportunity cost is when you give up something in order to gain something else, financial
cost is when you pay something financially

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