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Patient : Della Puspita Sari (702021044)

Doctor : Rifqi Bagus Setiawan (702021009)

Patient : assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Doctor: waalaikumsalam wr. Wb, please sit down miss.

Patient : ok doctor, thank you.

Doctor : : let me introduce my self, my name is doctor rifqi, the doctor on duty today, may I know
your identity, what’s your name miss?

Patient : My name is della, doc.

Doctor : How old are you and where do you live miss?

Patient : I am eighteen years old and i live in km 9 doctor.

Doctor: May I know what kind of complaint do you have, miss?

Patient : I feel tired all day and have trouble sleeping doctor.

Doctor: have you taken medication or have been to a doctor before??

Patient : no doctor.

Doctor: ok miss, have you been doing a lot of activities lately?

Patient : yes doctor, lately I've been sad, I have a lot of activities and rarely rest.

Doctor: yes miss, you is tired of doing a lot of activities plus she doesn't get enough rest.

Patient : yes doctor, then what should i do doctor, I am okay?

Doctor: miss, you don't need to worry miss, you just need to eat healthy food and get enough rest

Patient : oh yeah ok doctor.

Doctor : ok miss, there's something else you want to ask?

Patient : no doctor, maybe that's all.

Doctor: okay then, maybe that's all we have for today's consultation.

Patient : ok doctor, thank you doctor.

Doctor: ok, your welcome miss.

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