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Viewing a news report: Dying to get through the US-Mexico border (00:00-05.52)

1. What are the characteristics ot the desert in northern Mexico:

2. What is the post between Mexico and the USA called the report is about?

3. What is the post used for and why?

4. What are the smugglers called:

5. Tick the correct answer and correct the wrong statements.

a) Martha – one of the illegal immigrants – has already payed her smuggler in Mexico (will pay off
her debts when she is delivered to her work)
□ right □ wrong: __________________________

b) The reporter compares that to bonded slavery

□ right □ wrong: __________________________

6. What is the desert also called?

7. How many people have already died in crossing the desert?

8. How many people try to cross the desert every year:

9. What happens near the border?

10. How are the illegal immigrants going to continue their journey from there and how many
miles are ahead of them?

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