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Agustin Cuevas

The Treasure of Monte Cristo Chapters 7 and 8

Chapter 7:  Monsieur de Villefort visits the King to warn him of a plot to restore Napoleon as
Emperor. He tells the King of his meeting with Dante’s, who landed on the Island of Elba to
meet with the usurper. The Minister of Police brings news of Napoleon arrival in France just as
Villefort is meeting with the king. The former emperor is now advancing towards Paris. He
commends Villefort for his warning, and gives him his cross of the Legion of Honor. Villefort is
happy with himself to have gained royal favor.

Chapter 8: Dantes is in prison, Napoleon returns to power but only temporarily. Louis XVIII re
obtains the throne once more. M. Morrel pleads on Dantes' behalf during Napoleon's empire.
When Napoleon returns to power, Danglars worries that Dantes will return. Thus, fearing
revenge, he quits his post with M. Morrel and flees for Madrid. Dantes' father dies and M.
Morrel clears the old man's remaining debts.

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